Books by Rafael Palomino Lozano

For some years now, religious symbols have been a conflictive issue in Western countries. Legal a... more For some years now, religious symbols have been a conflictive issue in Western countries. Legal and social issues concerning religious symbols were in the past but an anecdote. However, with the beginning of the XXI century they have become quite frequent and demand the attention of politicians and lawyers. The Law has faced with a vein of practical problems at the national, regional and international levels. The complexity of the matter, the disparity of cases that have been raised, the importance of Comparative law in this subject, etc. evidence that the legal study of religious symbols has become an specific field. This work is based on three basic elements of analysis. The first is the concept and morphology of religious symbol. The other two elements of study focus on the context in which the symbol is presented: the physical or immaterial "space" and the "people" carrying religious symbols. From these two elements -spaces and people- various situations with unique characteristics determine the specialty of each issue.

Religión y creencias se manifiestan de una forma renovada en el mundo occidental post-secularizad... more Religión y creencias se manifiestan de una forma renovada en el mundo occidental post-secularizado. La globalización también ha supuesto un nuevo escenario para las religiones, como han demostrado la Ciencia política y la Sociología. A partir de estos importantes cambios, el Derecho de los países democráticos occidentales debe replantearse su actitud de base ante la religión, es decir, el significado y el alcance la neutralidad del Estado. El presente trabajo analiza el principio de neutralidad estatal y sus principales implicaciones respecto de la presencia de la religión en la esfera pública, presencia que -como es sabido- plantea en nuestros días nuevos retos que se repiten, una y otra vez, en diversos ordenamientos jurídicos de nuestro entorno: la simbología religiosa, el vestuario religioso, los argumentos morales en el debate democrático y un largo etcétera.
Religion and beliefs emerge in a new fashion in the post-secularized Western world. Globalization has also brought a new scenario for religions, as Political science and Sociology have shown. From these major changes, the Law of Western democratic countries should rethink its basic attitude towards religion, that is, the meaning and scope of state neutrality. This paper analyzes the principle of State neutrality and its major implications for the presence of religion in the public sphere, which poses new challenges: religious symbols, religious attire, moral arguments in democratic debate, etc.
... el llamado «fundamentalismo de la purificación social», que si en el día a día tiende a ... q... more ... el llamado «fundamentalismo de la purificación social», que si en el día a día tiende a ... que la configuración de la sociedad civil ha recorrido en estos dos mil años un ... Estado que ne-cesariamente pasa por la libertad religiosa todavía se dan retrocesos y ambigüedades ...
... Derecho a la intimidad y religión: la protección jurídica del secreto religioso. Información ... more ... Derecho a la intimidad y religión: la protección jurídica del secreto religioso. Información General. Autores: Rafael Palomino Lozano; Editores: Comares; Año de publicación: 1999; País: España; Idioma: Español; ISBN : 84-8151-868-9. Otros catálogos. ...
Book Chapters by Rafael Palomino Lozano
Estado y Religión. Comentarios a la Ley de libertad religiosa, 2018
España Constitucional (1978-2018). Trayectorias y perspectivas, 2018
Between Cultural Diversity and Common Heritage: Legal and Religious Perspectives on the Sacred Places of the Mediterranean, 2014
Tensiones entre libertad de expresión y libertad religiosa, 2014
The Library of Essays on Law and Religion, Vol. II, 2013
Law, Religion, Constitution: Freedom of Religion, Equal Treatment, and the Law, 2013
Diccionario General de Derecho Canónico, Dec 2012
El Opus Dei ante el derecho estatal: materiales para un estudio de derecho comparado, Jan 1, 2007
... La personalidad jurídica de la prelatura del Opus Dei en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. ... more ... La personalidad jurídica de la prelatura del Opus Dei en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Autores: Rafael Palomino Lozano; Localización: Entidades eclesiásticas y derecho de losestados: Actas del II Simposio Internacional de Derecho Concordatario. ...
Thesis Chapters by Rafael Palomino Lozano
Papers by Rafael Palomino Lozano
Ephemerides Iuris Canonici, 2021
This research analyzes the religious communications privilege as a legal rule that protects the s... more This research analyzes the religious communications privilege as a legal rule that protects the seal of confession in Spanish law. Two facets of the same issue are studied in preparation for this, namely the religious side (seal of confession)and the secular legal side (the religious communications privilege). To address the first, history and regulations in canon law are synthesized. To investigate the second, the religious communications privilege, the legal values underlying this phenomenon will be explained. Finally, the legal regulation of religious communications privilege in Spanish law will be critically analyzed.
... Qué definición de estética y divertimento ... En materia de cinematografía, fue sin duda tamb... more ... Qué definición de estética y divertimento ... En materia de cinematografía, fue sin duda también importante el revuelo provocado por La última tentación de Cristo de Martin Scorsese, quizá un ejemplo típico de obra mediocre elevada a pieza maestra del séptimo arte en virtud ...
Books by Rafael Palomino Lozano
Religion and beliefs emerge in a new fashion in the post-secularized Western world. Globalization has also brought a new scenario for religions, as Political science and Sociology have shown. From these major changes, the Law of Western democratic countries should rethink its basic attitude towards religion, that is, the meaning and scope of state neutrality. This paper analyzes the principle of State neutrality and its major implications for the presence of religion in the public sphere, which poses new challenges: religious symbols, religious attire, moral arguments in democratic debate, etc.
Book Chapters by Rafael Palomino Lozano
Thesis Chapters by Rafael Palomino Lozano
Papers by Rafael Palomino Lozano
Religion and beliefs emerge in a new fashion in the post-secularized Western world. Globalization has also brought a new scenario for religions, as Political science and Sociology have shown. From these major changes, the Law of Western democratic countries should rethink its basic attitude towards religion, that is, the meaning and scope of state neutrality. This paper analyzes the principle of State neutrality and its major implications for the presence of religion in the public sphere, which poses new challenges: religious symbols, religious attire, moral arguments in democratic debate, etc.