Books by Santiago Martínez Hernández
La nobleza española y sus espacios de poder (1480-1715), 2021
No ay arte como el mio en toda España Ni lleua nadie, quando a caça salgo Mejor rocin, ni mas lig... more No ay arte como el mio en toda España Ni lleua nadie, quando a caça salgo Mejor rocin, ni mas ligero galgo, Ni tiene igual solar en la montaña. Con nadie mi sombrero se acompaña. Por mas que medio Cauallero valgo: Como en mi casa singular hidalgo, Sin ser bufon, ni pescador de caña. Sè mucho de linages, y en el mio Soy por mis grandes partes el primero, Aunque en nobleza al tiempo desafio. Subo al Retiro en coche por Enero, Y en el baxo tambien por Iulio al rio; Y sobre todo soy gran majadero Principe di Squillace 1 Il tema cardine che forma l'asse centrale di questo volume è quello delle modalità in cui prese forma e si modulò l'identità nobiliare, nell'interazione tra l'aristocrazia di sangue e la nobiltà di più recente istituzione, in quello spazio interconnesso che legò la monarchia ispanica e l'Italia durante i secoli XVI, XVII e XVIII 2. Nei sedici lavori qui raccolti, l'ana

El marqués de Osera (Madrid, 1658) Reconocía divertido el afable y mundano príncipe de Ligne que ... more El marqués de Osera (Madrid, 1658) Reconocía divertido el afable y mundano príncipe de Ligne que «si pudiera acordarme de cuanto he escrito en mi vida, y tener en la cabeza conjuntamente cuanto de ella ha salido, sería sabio por demás» 1 . A buen seguro que el marqués de Osera, de haber coincidido con el aristócrata belga un siglo más tarde, hubiera compartido tan afectado aforismo, pues a su condición de poeta y dramaturgo amateur, de «entendimiento famoso» como diría el almirante de Castilla, unía una singular escritofilia. El noble aragonés, que «manchava los cartapacios» de sus «liciones» de juventud «con los borrones» de sus versos, había heredado de su padre una notable vocación literaria que fue la que, a la postre, le empujó a escribir un extenso diario personal, iniciado en septiembre de 1657 y concluido en de junio de 1659. Aquella ingente empresa, principiada al tiempo de su llegada a la corte de Madrid, excede, por sus dimensiones (supera ampliamente el millar de folios), cualquier ejemplo de escritura autobiográfica nobiliaria del que se tenga noticia, al menos en el panorama ibérico altomoderno. Ejercitado en el gobierno de su Casa y, por lo tanto, acostumbrado al despacho de la documentación que generaba la administración de sus estados y rentas, el marqués atendió desde el principio el oficio de escritura más obligado que gustoso, responsabilizándose además personalmente del correo ordinario al 3
Papers by Santiago Martínez Hernández

Renaissance and Reformation, 2021
In May 1561, King Philip II informed the town hall of Madrid that he had chosen their town as the... more In May 1561, King Philip II informed the town hall of Madrid that he had chosen their town as the site for his royal residence and court. That year, the city was swiftly transformed into the Catholic king’s court and the heart of his vast monarchy. It also became the principal political and cultural space for the nobility. Yet the greatest noble houses, particularly those in Castile, were initially resistant to the establishment of a sedentary royal court and continued to exercise and represent their status at their own traditional courts. Increasingly, however, they were obliged to reside in Madrid in order to ensure direct access to the king’s grace and favour. Throughout the seventeenth century, the Spanish aristocracy became courtiers through necessity rather than conviction. In response to this situation, and without neglecting their noble estates and interests, they created their own spaces at court, and over time were able to colonize the royal capital and convert it into the...
Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 2016

Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 2019
La nobleza continúa siendo para el historiador de la alta Edad Moderna un magnífico observatorio ... more La nobleza continúa siendo para el historiador de la alta Edad Moderna un magnífico observatorio para el estudio de numerosos aspectos de la cultura europea. Polémicas historiográficas aparte, la república de las letras y la revolución científica, así como la renovación artística, pueden ser leídas en clave nobiliaria. El protagonismo de la nobleza en estos ámbitos no solo atendió a su relevante participación como promotores, protectores o mecenas, sino a la expresión autorial. Estas páginas se plantean, pues, con el único objetivo de proponer un acercamiento al fenómeno de la autoría y el genio nobiliarios en los siglos XVI y XVII. Los nobles fueron capaces de generar modelos propios de mecenazgo –distintos a los regios–, y de expresarse como autores en ámbitos tan diversos como la poesía, la arquitectura, la pintura, la anticuaria, el dibujo o la música.
Identità nobiliare tra monarchia ispanica e Italia. Lignaggi, potere e istituzioni (secoli XVI-XVIII), 2019

Calambur, 2023
ambición explícita de imponerse como un actor clave en la república ibérica de las letras de su g... more ambición explícita de imponerse como un actor clave en la república ibérica de las letras de su generación. ¿Pluma emblemática de su época? Lo fue sin duda, a pesar de su marginalidad, porque, nacido del distrito de Oporto y criado en el seno de las letras portuguesas, compuso la mayor parte de su obra en castellano y la publicó casi toda en Madrid, participando así del plurilingüismo y de las circulaciones autoriales características de la península. Lo fue, asimismo, porque su recorrido social lo llevó de secretario de varios nobles lusos al servicio de la monarquía hispánica al rango de autor con todos los títulos: historiógrafo fecundo, poeta lírico prolijo e inventivo, erudito comentarista de un Camões venerado. Según resaltó su admirado Lope de Vega, «su intento fue mostrarse capaz de escribir en todos estilos: y consiguiolo». Con estas estrategias de escritura múltiple, persiguió un doble y obsesivo propósito: fomentar la fama de su nación, Portugal, actuando ante el público de habla hispana como passeur, barquero de ideas hacia la corte de la monarquía compuesta; desarrollar en vida unas rebuscadas y aplastantes estrategias de autopromoción destinadas a elevar su obra propia al rango de monumento para la posteridad. Nos ofrece, por ello mismo, un observatorio inusitado de la toma de consciencia del estatuto autorial en aquella primera modernidad. Lo exploramos en esta monografía coral y bilingüe, como fue la obra de Faria e Sousa.

Renaissance and Reformation - Renaissance et Réforme, 2020
In May 1561, King Philip II informed the town hall of Madrid that he had chosen their town as the... more In May 1561, King Philip II informed the town hall of Madrid that he had chosen their town as the site for his royal residence and court. That year, the city was swiftly transformed into the Catholic king’s court and the heart of his vast monarchy. It also became the principal political and cultural space for the nobility. Yet the greatest noble houses, particularly those in Castile, were initially resistant to the establishment of a sedentary royal court and continued to exercise and represent their status at their own traditional courts. Increasingly, however, they were obliged to reside in Madrid in order to ensure direct access to the king’s grace and favour. Throughout the seventeenth century, the Spanish aristocracy became courtiers through necessity rather than conviction. In response to this situation, and without neglecting their noble estates and interests, they created their own spaces at court, and over time were able to colonize the royal capital and convert it into their own natural habitat.

Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 2019
For the early modern historian, the study of the aristocracy remains a magnificent field for the
... more For the early modern historian, the study of the aristocracy remains a magnificent field for the
examination of a wide variety of aspects of European culture. Leaving aside historiographical polemics,
the study of the nobility sheds light on the Republic of Letters, the Scientific Revolution and artistic
renewal and renovation. The protagonism of aristocrats in these fields not only illustrates their activities
as promotors, protectors and patrons but also tells us of their own authorship. The following pages aim
to elucidate the general phenomena of authorship and the involvement of nobles in these fields in the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Aristocrats generated models of patronage that were distinct from
those of royal patrons; they demonstrated their capacity to express themselves as authors in a wide
variety of arts such as poetry, painting, antiquarianism, drawing or music.
La Aventura de la Historia, 2018
Ruy Gómez de Silva, príncipe de Éboli. Su tiempo y su contexto, J. A. Guillén Berrendero, J. Hernández Franco y E. Alegre Carvajal (eds.), , 2018
Rafael Valladares (ed.), Hijas e hijos de validos. Familia, género y política en la España del siglo XVII, Valencia, Albatros Ediciones, 2018
Atalanta. Revista de las Letras Barrocas, 2017
Books by Santiago Martínez Hernández
Papers by Santiago Martínez Hernández
examination of a wide variety of aspects of European culture. Leaving aside historiographical polemics,
the study of the nobility sheds light on the Republic of Letters, the Scientific Revolution and artistic
renewal and renovation. The protagonism of aristocrats in these fields not only illustrates their activities
as promotors, protectors and patrons but also tells us of their own authorship. The following pages aim
to elucidate the general phenomena of authorship and the involvement of nobles in these fields in the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Aristocrats generated models of patronage that were distinct from
those of royal patrons; they demonstrated their capacity to express themselves as authors in a wide
variety of arts such as poetry, painting, antiquarianism, drawing or music.
examination of a wide variety of aspects of European culture. Leaving aside historiographical polemics,
the study of the nobility sheds light on the Republic of Letters, the Scientific Revolution and artistic
renewal and renovation. The protagonism of aristocrats in these fields not only illustrates their activities
as promotors, protectors and patrons but also tells us of their own authorship. The following pages aim
to elucidate the general phenomena of authorship and the involvement of nobles in these fields in the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Aristocrats generated models of patronage that were distinct from
those of royal patrons; they demonstrated their capacity to express themselves as authors in a wide
variety of arts such as poetry, painting, antiquarianism, drawing or music.
the eldest son of the Grand Duke of Alba, to his mistress Magdalena
de Guzmán, between 1565 and 1566, is an epistolary corpus of
exceptional value. The recovery of these documents provides a rare
opportunity for a searching analysis of highly relevant aspects of
amatory culture at the court of Philip II of Spain; above all, with regard
to how love affairs were conducted at court, as well the conflicts that
resulted from both the dynastic strategies pursued by noble families
and the regal control exerted over marriages between the nobility
The combination of an illicit love affair, a life of excess with a string of atrocities committed
in Flanders and finally a secret marriage led to a major decade long crisis (1567-1578) in the Spanish
King’s trust in the powerful Toledo family, whose titles included the Dukedom of Alba. Through the
(mis)management of their family policy the Toledo family lost the privileged status they commanded
as the most favoured and influential Spanish aristocratic family, a status they had gained in just half
a century. The trial of Don Fadrique de Toledo, son and heir of the third Duke of Alba, provided Philip
II with the opportunity to punish the excesses of his best general, who had become accustomed to
thinking he could act as he saw fit. Don Fadrique paid for his mistakes as well those committed by
his father, and in his absence nobody remained to protect the interests of the Toledo family at court
for a generation.
Museo Nacional del Prado (Madrid), December 3, 2013