Papers by Raquel Rubio González
The present chapter focuses on the iconographic study of the five-pointed crown, an original figu... more The present chapter focuses on the iconographic study of the five-pointed crown, an original figurative motif that is observed exclusively in the mosaics preserved in North Africa. This element comes to identify as emblem of the 'Pentasi', a sodalitas or group in charge of organizing diverse playful and economic activities. The main contribution of this work is the exposition, after a careful compilation, of the different types of five-point crown registered in Roman mosaic floors, as well as its iconographic and symbolic meaning. Finally, some reflections are exposed, being the mosaic a valuable documentary source that comes to contribute knowledge about the owners of the domus and the North African Roman society.

RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene como objetivo el estudio monográfico de una de las principale... more RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene como objetivo el estudio monográfico de una de las principales sodalitates o asociaciones que jugaron un rol importante en el Norte de África: los Telegenii. Por una parte, se exponen cuestiones relativas a la terminología, a las principales actividades organizadas, así como al contexto espacial y geográfico. Por otra parte, se presenta un análisis iconográfico del emblema que representa a dicha sodalidad: el creciente sobre asta. Este símbolo, el cual se observa principalmente en ejemplares musivarios en el Norte de África, aparece representado en diversas variantes. Para ello, se recopilan los diferentes tipos y se establecen algunas hipótesis sobre su origen iconográfico y su simbolismo. Finalmente, se exponen algunas reflexiones sobre esta atrayente sodal africana, siendo el mosaico un soporte documental y propagandístico a favor de estas asociaciones que gozaron de gran popularidad entre la sociedad romana norteafricana. ABSTRACT: This article aims at the monographic study of one of the main sodalitates or associations that played an important role in North Africa: the Telegenii. On the one hand, some considerations are presented in terms of terminology, the type of activities organized by these groups and the spatial as well as the geographical context. On the other hand, an iconographic analysis of the emblem representing these sodalitates is exposed: crescent-on-stick. This symbol, which is mainly observed in the North Africa mosaic floors, is represented in several variations. For that, the different types are compiled and some hypotheses about their iconographic origin and symbolism are exposed. Finally, some reflections of this African sodal are presented, being the mosaic a documentary and propagandistic support in favor of these associations that enjoyed popularity among the North African Roman society.
Papers by Raquel Rubio González