Jesús Salas Alvarez
Doctor en Historia por la Universidad de Sevilla (11.04.2005) con la tesis titulada La Recuperación del Patrimonio Arqueológico de Andalucía durante la Ilustración: 1736-1808, dirigida por el Dr. D. José Beltrán Fortes, Catedrático de Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla, y por la que obtuve el Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado del Curso Académico 2004-2005.
En Octubre de 2020 obtuve por oposición la plaza de Profesor Titular de Universidad. Actualmente estoy vinculado a la Unidad Docente de Arqueología del Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología de la UCM.
Address: Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología
Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Avda. Profesor Aranguren s/n. 28040 Madrid (Spain)
En Octubre de 2020 obtuve por oposición la plaza de Profesor Titular de Universidad. Actualmente estoy vinculado a la Unidad Docente de Arqueología del Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología de la UCM.
Address: Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología
Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Avda. Profesor Aranguren s/n. 28040 Madrid (Spain)
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Capítulos de Libros by Jesús Salas Alvarez
Central Area has concentrated the main efforts. A domestic complex developed around a natural granite outcrop has been discovered there, with spaces for habitat, storage and service. Three cisterns have
been detected, two carved out of living rock, and a third built as a reservoir, as well as various evacuation channels carved into the rock, which indicates the attention paid to the collection and evacuation
of water.
In the South Area, another open-air cistern carved into the rock is documented, interpreted as a cattle trough, as well as a room with beaten earth floors and earthen wall.
We are facing a village with scattered constructions that emerged around a rural monastic center at the beginning of the 7th century, which presents two phases of Visigothic occupation, and whose life lasted until the middle of the 9th century, in the Emirate period.
Although this work is partially known, an analysis of ir shows rhar sorne quesrions may be novel, because rhey have nor been
raken into account so far in the srudies on ceramics by Emerita Augusta.
This paper analyses, from a historiographical point of view, the interpretation that different authors have made on the issue, in search of a possible guideline that will allow us to trace an evolution in their knowledge from philological-based archaeology to field archaeology.
Related to this topic is the excavation carried out in 1903 by Pierre Paris and Arthur Engel in the so-called “Olivar de Postigo” (Osuna, Seville), in which came to light a series of Roman defensive and militaria structures, related to this war conflict.
To study this episode, account should be taken of the correspondence between Pierre Paris and Arthur Engel with Leon Heuzey, Curator of the Louvre Museum, which to date has not been taken into account by the numerous publications made on this archaeological intervention.
Maria Tubino Oliva to the spanish archeology and heritage through his publications in the Museo Español de Antigüedades Magazine. The aim of this publication was to publish the monographs of the main objects of the National Archaeological, Painting and Sculpture museums, as well as those that exist in the Academy of History, Academy of San Fernando, and including several other notable, private properties.
We will focus this work on studying the bibliographic production carried out by
Francisco Maria Tubino, analyzing the weight that the publications in this journal had on the whole of his work, as well as analyzing the intellectual and research interests of this author, and the possibility of an evolution in the topic of study and / or the theoretical approaches of the publications, product of his travels and stays abroad.
Nevertheless, there has not been until now either a wide revision ora historiographical analysis of the interventions made in the si te. This essay is an attempt of fulfilling this absence.
However, after the archaeological excavations carried out here since 2010 by the research team of the Spanish Society for the History of Archaeology (SEHA), the latest materials findings and different analytical practiced in this area of metallurgical production, has been expand the horizon of occupation of the site almost in 12 centuries, ranging from the sixth century BC until the sixth century after Christ.
Central Area has concentrated the main efforts. A domestic complex developed around a natural granite outcrop has been discovered there, with spaces for habitat, storage and service. Three cisterns have
been detected, two carved out of living rock, and a third built as a reservoir, as well as various evacuation channels carved into the rock, which indicates the attention paid to the collection and evacuation
of water.
In the South Area, another open-air cistern carved into the rock is documented, interpreted as a cattle trough, as well as a room with beaten earth floors and earthen wall.
We are facing a village with scattered constructions that emerged around a rural monastic center at the beginning of the 7th century, which presents two phases of Visigothic occupation, and whose life lasted until the middle of the 9th century, in the Emirate period.
Although this work is partially known, an analysis of ir shows rhar sorne quesrions may be novel, because rhey have nor been
raken into account so far in the srudies on ceramics by Emerita Augusta.
This paper analyses, from a historiographical point of view, the interpretation that different authors have made on the issue, in search of a possible guideline that will allow us to trace an evolution in their knowledge from philological-based archaeology to field archaeology.
Related to this topic is the excavation carried out in 1903 by Pierre Paris and Arthur Engel in the so-called “Olivar de Postigo” (Osuna, Seville), in which came to light a series of Roman defensive and militaria structures, related to this war conflict.
To study this episode, account should be taken of the correspondence between Pierre Paris and Arthur Engel with Leon Heuzey, Curator of the Louvre Museum, which to date has not been taken into account by the numerous publications made on this archaeological intervention.
Maria Tubino Oliva to the spanish archeology and heritage through his publications in the Museo Español de Antigüedades Magazine. The aim of this publication was to publish the monographs of the main objects of the National Archaeological, Painting and Sculpture museums, as well as those that exist in the Academy of History, Academy of San Fernando, and including several other notable, private properties.
We will focus this work on studying the bibliographic production carried out by
Francisco Maria Tubino, analyzing the weight that the publications in this journal had on the whole of his work, as well as analyzing the intellectual and research interests of this author, and the possibility of an evolution in the topic of study and / or the theoretical approaches of the publications, product of his travels and stays abroad.
Nevertheless, there has not been until now either a wide revision ora historiographical analysis of the interventions made in the si te. This essay is an attempt of fulfilling this absence.
However, after the archaeological excavations carried out here since 2010 by the research team of the Spanish Society for the History of Archaeology (SEHA), the latest materials findings and different analytical practiced in this area of metallurgical production, has been expand the horizon of occupation of the site almost in 12 centuries, ranging from the sixth century BC until the sixth century after Christ.
https://www.piac.it/convegno-su-onofrio-panvinio/?preview=true&fbclid=IwAR2bXu5c42cU5WiMnNHrX9sJzPP_J1qjc2UftQsFegPCKo1vJcxsqbb_ieM https://www.goerres-gesellschaft-rom.de/it/notizie-novita/notizie-romane/3615-studientag-zu-onofrio-panvinio-am-piac-2
Presentación de las actividades que desde el 2009 viene realizando la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Arqueología (SEHA) en el lugar
sede del Museo Arqueológico Nacional, el IV Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Arqueología / III Jornadas MAN-SEHA, celebrado en Madrid, y que fue organizado conjuntamente por la SEHA y el MAN, con el título 150 años de Arqueología: teoría y método de una disciplina, donde se hizo un emotivo homenaje a Ricardo Olmos.
En la presente monografía se presentan los resultados científicos de dicho congreso, evento al que acudieron más de 50 investigadores españoles, portugueses, franceses e italianos que presentaron una serie de aportaciones, divididas en varias sesiones temáticas que abarcaban, desde distintos puntos de vistas, la Historiografía arqueológica, sobre los arqueólogos y la práctica arqueológica, sobre la arqueología y las
instituciones y sobre la arqueología y los contextos sociales y políticos en los que se ha desarrollado dicha actividad científica en los últimos 150 años.
specialized in the matter. Of all the preserved documentation, the one
corresponding to S. XXI is the largest volume of the set, and it is fundamental to know the history of the archaeology of that century.
In these pages is made a historiographic study of the finding in 1834 of the mosaic of Nilotic theme known as Mosaic of the House of the Mithreo, one of the foundational pieces of the collection of the current Museo Nacional de Arte Romano de Mérida, as well as the mural paintings that appeared next to it. It also analyzes the current validity of this documentation for the study of Augusta Emerita urban planning.
para afianzar la nueva dinastía, entre las que se encontraban la elaboración de una nueva Historia de la Nación, bajo los parámetros del
movimiento de los novatores. Para llevar a cabo estas ideas, se crearon
una serie de académicas, a las que fueron llegando descripciones
de monumentos, epígrafes y monedas, que servirían de base para los
proyectos ilustrados.
work carried out in the metallurgical mining
village of Hill of the Almadenes (Otero de Herreros,
Segovia), that it has provided important data for
the knowledge from the exploitation of copper in
this area from protohistoric times until medieval times
Diez años después de la entrada en vigor de la Ley de Patrimonio Histórico Español. la asociación cultural Contexto realiza una encuesta a los asistentes a las Jornadas sobre protección del Patrimonio Histórico Español. La mayoría de ellos profesionales de alta cualificación. Los temas de consulta son Patrimonio Histórico y sociedad, protección y conservación, rentabilidad económica, y por último el papel de la iniciativa privada. Los resultados indican la necesidad de acercar el Patrimonio Histórico a la sociedad, ésto contribuiría a su conservación. Por otra parte se valora positivamente la participación cíe la iniciativa privada pero no se apoya una posible rentabilidad económica.
Cursos de Formación en Nuevas Tecnologías1º Cuatrimestre. Curso Académico 2022-2023. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Como resultado del encuentro se publicará una obra colectiva dedicada a la recepción de Pompeya y Herculano en España y América que supondrá una aportación novedosa y singular en el ámbito de los estudios de recepción de la Antigüedad.