Papers by Giorgio De Marchis

Creativity Research Journal, 2022
Creativity represents a young and promising academic field of research. Over the last 20 years, c... more Creativity represents a young and promising academic field of research. Over the last 20 years, creativity publications have been steadily increasing in number. Of the 20 most all-time prolific creativity scholars in the European Union (EU), only one has retired. The present paper aims at mapping the EU creativity research. We analyzed over 12,000 Web of Science records dated back to 1968 until December 2020, using two bibliometric tools, SciMAT and VOSviewer. The descriptive analysis lists the most prolific authors and journals on the creativity area, the most cited articles, as well as the authors’, institutions’, countries’, and research areas’ bibliometric networks. Moreover, this study presents a thematic analysis and an evolution map of the themes based on keywords. The EU scholars were found to establish collaborations based on geographical, cultural, and, maybe, idiomatic proximity. Engineering, computer science, and education & educational research are the most interconnected areas of research. Innovation, performance, creative cities, the neuroscientific study of creativity, and emotions are relevant topics in the area. A broader concept of the creative and collaborative economy, the impact of technology on developing creativity, and the study of the brain with neuroscientific tools may become promising lines for future research.
Estudios sobre Innovaciones Educativas, 2019
Este capítulo explica el Efecto Sísifo, aquí definido por primera vez como "la situación indesead... more Este capítulo explica el Efecto Sísifo, aquí definido por primera vez como "la situación indeseada que ocurre cuando hay que repetir aprendizajes que ya se habían dado" en una organización.
This chapter (written in Spanish) defines the Sysyphus Effect for the first time.
Trial and Error in Journalism and Communication Education: Between the Classroom and Industry, 2022
This chapter concerns client-based student organization projects at University and the case of a ... more This chapter concerns client-based student organization projects at University and the case of a junior communication agency. We describe the structure, organization, and processes of a successful organization with the hope of offering useful insights for the replication and development of similar projects and the improvement of existing ones.

Computers in Human Behavior, 2013
It is implicitly assumed that data obtained from different modalities in response time research a... more It is implicitly assumed that data obtained from different modalities in response time research are comparable. However, this assumption has not been tested and verified, and scholars do not really know whether their choice has any effect on data, and consequently, whether they have lost experimental control. This research compares three modes (key-press, voice and mouse) in three of the most commonly used low conflict asks (simple reaction, lexical decision and semantic categorization) to confirm the above assumption. To gain more precision, linguistic and semantic gradients have been tested. Results show that there are no functional differences in the simple reaction task. In the lexical decision task a frequency effect for all modes has been found. Specific S–R mapping rules do not need to be reversed when using a button-press or a mouse mode, but they have effects on the oice mode. In the semantic categorization task, a gradient and a frequency effect have been found in all modes. However, word frequency can affect the data. It is recommended to reverse S–R mapping rules in the voice mode in order to avoid differences with the manual modes. In conclusion, differences in low conflict tasks exist and must be taken into consideration when comparing studies in which different devices have been used.

Measuring Business Excellence, 2018
Purpose – This research aims to provide data and insights about the perception of commercial logo... more Purpose – This research aims to provide data and insights about the perception of commercial logos and to offer practical benchmark data useful to business organizations.
Design/methodology/approach – The first study uses a pencil-and-paper survey to gather perceptual data about familiarity, subjective and objective visual complexity, aesthetic attraction, emotionality, number of colors and symbolic-social-status function of 142 brand logos. The second study uses a response time methodology to measure variables related to memory (i.e., cued recall and types of nonresponse).
Findings – The paper offers insights into the relationship of relevant symbol-related variables. Emotional arousal correlates positively to aesthetic attraction and cued recall, and negatively to symbol knowledge. Emotional arousal and social reputation correlate weakly. Business organizations should be interested in knowing how users rate the emotions of their own and other organizations’ isotypes. Familiarity correlates negatively to response times, and positively to proper cued recall, aesthetic attraction and selfassessment manikin emotional scale. The subjective measure of complexity and the measures related to emotions correlate. Surprisingly, no correlation exists for the objective measure of complexity with emotion. The results could indicate that an unknown effect of mere exposure of complexity exists. The study found no correlation between visual complexity and variables related tomemory.
Practical implications – Values of performance are needed to interpret business excellence. Data presented as supplementary file can be used for benchmark brand-logo relevant aspects. Also, the study suggests measuring the emotional value of logos, especially strength, as it is a predictor of recall. Moreover, companies with a socially reputed logo should try to create an emotional link to it. Repetition and likeness are two ways to improve emotional ratings. Therefore, the study suggests organizations to assure that their target likes their logo. As more complex logos are considered more attractive, the authors would recommend organizations to test logos with different degrees of complexity.
Originality/value – This study is the first that offers normative logo data that can be used by practitioners as a benchmark of logo performance. Moreover, it promotes future research as it confirms and disconfirms previous findings and offers some new insight on brand research.

Cognitive Processing, 2013
Several sources of interference may simultaneously affect the onset of the well-known &am... more Several sources of interference may simultaneously affect the onset of the well-known "Stroop effect." Among them is the semantic component, which is reflected in the gradient or semantic effect. This effect consists of an increase in the amount of interference as the semantic distance between the word and the color concept decreases. Shepard (Science 237:1317-1323, 1987) relates psychological space, measured through multidimensional scaling, to mean response times. The present investigation aims to study the function relating the semantic gradient with the psychological distance between the word and the color in a Stroop task. After measuring the gradient, we obtained the subjective rating of the degree of dissimilarity of the gradient words with the concept of "color." In our work, we show that the amount of interference in a Stroop task increases when the semantic distance from the word to the color concept decreases, and it does so exponentially. We replicated the study with different stimuli to test the robustness of the results.
Acceso de usuarios registrados. Acceso de usuarios registrados Usuario Contraseña. ...
Los heurísticos se pueden considerar como unos procesos cognitivos simples que permiten evaluacio... more Los heurísticos se pueden considerar como unos procesos cognitivos simples que permiten evaluaciones, predicciones y tomas de decisiones rápidas y eficientes. En ocasiones, especialmente cuando hay poca información o alta incertidumbre, llevan a sesgos cognitivos. El campo de la Comunicación, exceptuando la Publicidad, ha prestado poca atención al estudio de los heurísticos. Hay una especial escasez de trabajos en español. Esta revisión analiza la literatura aparecida en Comunicación entre el año 2000 y el 2012, y propone una clasificación de los heurísticos según se usen por necesidad de equilibrio psíquico, capacidades cognitivas limitadas, generalización o emociones.
Revista ICONO14. Revista científica de Comunicación y Tecnologías emergentes, 2013
Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2012
Es cada vez más frecuente que se lleven a cabo encuestas para la investigación y para el análisis... more Es cada vez más frecuente que se lleven a cabo encuestas para la investigación y para el análisis de la docencia a través de la Web. Sin embargo, no conocemos artículos que delimiten la validez externa de los datos así obtenidos. Ésta se refiere a la capacidad de la investigación para generar resultados que se pueden generalizar. Proponemos analizar la literatura sobre la validez externa de encuestas hechas a tra vés de internet, estableciendo cuáles son las amenazas potenciales, y sugerimos cómo controlarlas. Palabras clave: validez, encuestas, internet, Web, cuestionarios
Revista ICONO14. Revista científica de Comunicación y Tecnologías emergentes, 2013
Innovar en el EEES a Través de la Investigación, 2012
Books by Giorgio De Marchis

Excelente en docentia. Ejercicios prácticos para los grados de comunicación, 2022
You are not born a good teacher, you become one. An effective strategy for learning to be a good ... more You are not born a good teacher, you become one. An effective strategy for learning to be a good teacher is to look at those who do it well. For this reason, educators who have obtained the highest grade, “excellent”, in the Docentia University Assessment Program can be good references. This book (in Spanish) compiles nineteen award-winning teacher practices in the field of Communication for readers to include in their pedagogical toolkit. An attempt has been made to make the practices reproducible. For this reason, the authors describe the procedure, duration, materials, evaluation, measurement of effectiveness and critical analysis of their excellent teaching practice.
No se nace siendo un buen docente, se llega a serlo. Una estrategia eficaz para aprender a ser un buen docente es fijarse en aquellos que lo hacen bien. Por ello, educadores que han obtenido la nota más alta, “excelente”, en el Programa Docentia de evaluación universitaria pueden ser buenos referentes. Este libro recopila diecinueve prácticas de docentes premiados en el campo de la Comunicación para que los lectores las incluyan en su kit de herramientas pedagógicas. Se ha intentado que las prácticas sean reproducibles. Por ello, los autores cuentan el procedimiento, duración, materiales, evaluación, medición de la eficacia y análisis crítico de su práctica docente excelente.
Papers by Giorgio De Marchis
This chapter (written in Spanish) defines the Sysyphus Effect for the first time.
Design/methodology/approach – The first study uses a pencil-and-paper survey to gather perceptual data about familiarity, subjective and objective visual complexity, aesthetic attraction, emotionality, number of colors and symbolic-social-status function of 142 brand logos. The second study uses a response time methodology to measure variables related to memory (i.e., cued recall and types of nonresponse).
Findings – The paper offers insights into the relationship of relevant symbol-related variables. Emotional arousal correlates positively to aesthetic attraction and cued recall, and negatively to symbol knowledge. Emotional arousal and social reputation correlate weakly. Business organizations should be interested in knowing how users rate the emotions of their own and other organizations’ isotypes. Familiarity correlates negatively to response times, and positively to proper cued recall, aesthetic attraction and selfassessment manikin emotional scale. The subjective measure of complexity and the measures related to emotions correlate. Surprisingly, no correlation exists for the objective measure of complexity with emotion. The results could indicate that an unknown effect of mere exposure of complexity exists. The study found no correlation between visual complexity and variables related tomemory.
Practical implications – Values of performance are needed to interpret business excellence. Data presented as supplementary file can be used for benchmark brand-logo relevant aspects. Also, the study suggests measuring the emotional value of logos, especially strength, as it is a predictor of recall. Moreover, companies with a socially reputed logo should try to create an emotional link to it. Repetition and likeness are two ways to improve emotional ratings. Therefore, the study suggests organizations to assure that their target likes their logo. As more complex logos are considered more attractive, the authors would recommend organizations to test logos with different degrees of complexity.
Originality/value – This study is the first that offers normative logo data that can be used by practitioners as a benchmark of logo performance. Moreover, it promotes future research as it confirms and disconfirms previous findings and offers some new insight on brand research.
Books by Giorgio De Marchis
No se nace siendo un buen docente, se llega a serlo. Una estrategia eficaz para aprender a ser un buen docente es fijarse en aquellos que lo hacen bien. Por ello, educadores que han obtenido la nota más alta, “excelente”, en el Programa Docentia de evaluación universitaria pueden ser buenos referentes. Este libro recopila diecinueve prácticas de docentes premiados en el campo de la Comunicación para que los lectores las incluyan en su kit de herramientas pedagógicas. Se ha intentado que las prácticas sean reproducibles. Por ello, los autores cuentan el procedimiento, duración, materiales, evaluación, medición de la eficacia y análisis crítico de su práctica docente excelente.
This chapter (written in Spanish) defines the Sysyphus Effect for the first time.
Design/methodology/approach – The first study uses a pencil-and-paper survey to gather perceptual data about familiarity, subjective and objective visual complexity, aesthetic attraction, emotionality, number of colors and symbolic-social-status function of 142 brand logos. The second study uses a response time methodology to measure variables related to memory (i.e., cued recall and types of nonresponse).
Findings – The paper offers insights into the relationship of relevant symbol-related variables. Emotional arousal correlates positively to aesthetic attraction and cued recall, and negatively to symbol knowledge. Emotional arousal and social reputation correlate weakly. Business organizations should be interested in knowing how users rate the emotions of their own and other organizations’ isotypes. Familiarity correlates negatively to response times, and positively to proper cued recall, aesthetic attraction and selfassessment manikin emotional scale. The subjective measure of complexity and the measures related to emotions correlate. Surprisingly, no correlation exists for the objective measure of complexity with emotion. The results could indicate that an unknown effect of mere exposure of complexity exists. The study found no correlation between visual complexity and variables related tomemory.
Practical implications – Values of performance are needed to interpret business excellence. Data presented as supplementary file can be used for benchmark brand-logo relevant aspects. Also, the study suggests measuring the emotional value of logos, especially strength, as it is a predictor of recall. Moreover, companies with a socially reputed logo should try to create an emotional link to it. Repetition and likeness are two ways to improve emotional ratings. Therefore, the study suggests organizations to assure that their target likes their logo. As more complex logos are considered more attractive, the authors would recommend organizations to test logos with different degrees of complexity.
Originality/value – This study is the first that offers normative logo data that can be used by practitioners as a benchmark of logo performance. Moreover, it promotes future research as it confirms and disconfirms previous findings and offers some new insight on brand research.
No se nace siendo un buen docente, se llega a serlo. Una estrategia eficaz para aprender a ser un buen docente es fijarse en aquellos que lo hacen bien. Por ello, educadores que han obtenido la nota más alta, “excelente”, en el Programa Docentia de evaluación universitaria pueden ser buenos referentes. Este libro recopila diecinueve prácticas de docentes premiados en el campo de la Comunicación para que los lectores las incluyan en su kit de herramientas pedagógicas. Se ha intentado que las prácticas sean reproducibles. Por ello, los autores cuentan el procedimiento, duración, materiales, evaluación, medición de la eficacia y análisis crítico de su práctica docente excelente.