Papers by Franco Pauletto

Forum Italicum, 2024
In recent years, feminist linguistic research in Italy has focused on the use of feminine forms o... more In recent years, feminist linguistic research in Italy has focused on the use of feminine forms of names designating professions and titles. Historically, professional terminology was exclusively masculine, a fact that reflected women's limited access to the job market. However, the increased presence of women in the labour market has highlighted the inadequacy and sexist nature of this language, underscoring the need for an appropriate definition of women's roles. The aim of this study is to look at the presence of feminine agentives in L2/LS Italian textbooks published from the 1970s to the present to ascertain whether there has been any development that linguistically reflects the increased presence and relevance of women in the workforce. The results indicate a continued underrepresentation of women and a tendency for female characters to be associated with humble and less specialized occupations. In textbooks published since the 2010s, women seem to occupy more relevant job roles, but the tendency is to do so by resorting to the unmarked masculine. More recent textbooks published in the 2020s, on the other hand, show a clear trend toward the use of feminine forms even for jobs traditionally dominated by male figures (“avvocata”, “giardiniera”, “controllora”, etc.). Overall, while these educational resources until recently did not seem to reflect either Italian social reality or linguistic guidelines – which require the use of feminine names of professions in accordance with the rules of the Italian language – more recent developments show an emerging awareness of gender issues that bodes well for the future.
![Research paper thumbnail of Histoire d'öh. Alcuni usi conversazionali di 'öh' ([ø]) nel parlato italo-romanzo.](
Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, 2023
This qualitative study aims to describe some interactional uses of öh [ø], a commonly used partic... more This qualitative study aims to describe some interactional uses of öh [ø], a commonly used particle both in Italian and in other Italian-Romance varieties, from the perspective of conversation analysis (Schegloff, 2007). The research is based on a corpus of 59 instances from informal phone calls between friends, face-to-face conversations, and interviews in standard and regional Italian. The analysis shows that öh appears in responsive turns both as a free-standing turn-constructional unit and as a turn preface, either alone or in combination with other words. In the sequential context analyzed here
- the response to a polar question, a B-event statement (i.e., a statement that indicate privileged, first-hand knowledge to a topic by the interlocutor, and which is usually treated as request for confirmation; cf. Labov and Fanshel, 1977: 100) or other types of informational turns - öh is used by participants to confirm from an epistemically qualified position. Finally, öh can take on distinct prosodic contours, lending itself to remarkable modulations that can emphasize the participant’s stance (cf. Gardner 2001).

Revue Romane, 2023
This conversation analytic study aims to describe the actions performed by speakers of Italian an... more This conversation analytic study aims to describe the actions performed by speakers of Italian and Trevigiano – a northern Italian dialect – by using the particle dai in everyday conversations. Our analyses draw on a corpus of formal and informal phone calls, where dai appears as preface and at the end of turns that initiate new courses of action, at the end of some respon- sive turns (or Turn-Constructional Units) and in post-expansions (that is, turns in third position). The actions embodied by these turns – requests, proposals and assessments – have in common the momentary deontic imbalance in favor of the speaker, who tells, asks or proposes to the copar- ticipant to do something. The particle also accompanies assessments of events to which the speaker has no direct experience (thus from an epistem- ically subordinate position). This study highlights the fuzziness of the boundaries between deontic and epistemic rights in everyday talk.

Moderna Språk, 2020
This conversation-analytic study investigates the use of code switching (henceforth CS) in three ... more This conversation-analytic study investigates the use of code switching (henceforth CS) in three Italian L2 classrooms in Sweden. Specifically, when and why do teachers code switch in their questions? Is the language choice pedagogically motivated? Does the teachers' language choice have an influence over the students' language choice in their answers? The data were collected from three beginner-level Italian lessons in two Swedish High Schools. Transcripts of questions in which CS occurred were analyzed using a conversation analytic approach with a focus on sequentiality in relation to the organization of turn allocation, to understand when and why the CS occurs in both questions and answers. In our data teachers use CS when posing questions to the class in two major occasions, namely when the question is followed by a significant silence but also when no discernible silence follows a question. Furthermore, regardless of the language used by the teacher, the students answer in Italian when the questions are taskbased, and in Swedish when the questions are off-task.

SHS Web of Conferences, 2022
Dans cette contribution, en nous inscrivant dans l'approche de l'analyse conversationnelle, nous ... more Dans cette contribution, en nous inscrivant dans l'approche de l'analyse conversationnelle, nous étudions le petit mot "ciò" comme préface utilisée par les locuteurs du dialecte et de la variété d'italien parlés dans la province de Trévise. En particulier, nous focalisons notre attention sur les occurrences de "ciò" en début d'unité de construction du tour (Turn-Constructional Unit) dans des tours de parole multi-unités. Pour les préfaces présentant ce petit mot, une double caractérisation émerge en termes de jonctions explicatives ("perché ciò") et adversatives ("ma ciò"). Cette étude fait suite à des recherches antérieures que nous avons menées sur le même corpus de conversations téléphoniques informelles et de repas en famille. Les analyses présentées dans cette contribution nous permettent d'élargir la description des utilisations de "ciò" et de souligner le rôle joué par cette ressource sur le plan épistémique dans la langue parlée en interaction.

E-JournALL, EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages, 2022
This case study adopts the theory and method of conversation analysis to examine recorded dialogu... more This case study adopts the theory and method of conversation analysis to examine recorded dialogues in three textbooks for Spanish as a Foreign Language used in Swedish secondary education. The analyses of these conversations reveal some problematic patterns regarding the sequence of actions, the systematic presence of gaps between turns at talk, and a frequent lack of coordination between co-participants. Other phenomena that are typical of spontaneous interactions, such as overlaps between turns, repair sequences or co-constructions, are completely missing in the analyzed materials. From the perspective of communicative and action-oriented language teaching, the article maintains that in the preparation of this type of pedagogical supports, the authors should consider the close relationship between spoken language and social action.

Journal of Pragmatics, 2022
This conversation analytic study describes the interactional uses of ciò [ʧɔ], a pragmatic partic... more This conversation analytic study describes the interactional uses of ciò [ʧɔ], a pragmatic particle that is used both in the regional Italian spoken in Veneto (a region of northeastern Italy) and in Trevigiano (Trevixàn [trevi’zaŋ]), an Italo-Romance variety widely used in the Treviso area. Preliminary results show that ciò (derived from the imperative form of the verb ciór/tòr ([ʧor]/[tɔr] ‘to take’) is mostly used as a preface in responsive position and is frequently preceded by the particle eh. In our data, the (eh) ciò-prefaced turns are designed as general, objective, obvious contributions through which participants provide a wider perspective on the topic while treating the preceding talk as defective or not dealing with relevant aspects of the subject under discussion. This study contributes to the documentation of linguistic forms that are used by speakers of an Italo-Romance variety as conversational resources in talk-in-interaction.

Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 2021
Basato sui principi teorici e metodologici dell’analisi della conversazione, questo studio de-scr... more Basato sui principi teorici e metodologici dell’analisi della conversazione, questo studio de-scrive gli usi in interazione di ciò ([ʧɔ]), un segnale discorsivo presente in diverse varietà italo-romanze ancora ampiamente diffuse in Veneto, ma frequente anche nell’italiano regionale parlato in quest’area. I dati provengono da telefonate informali e da conversazioni in famiglia, in italiano e in dialetto trevigiano ([trevi’zaŋ]). I risultati preliminari mostrano che ciò (dalla forma imperativa del verbo veneto ciór / tór / tòr ([ʧor] / [tor] / [tɔr], ‘prendere’) è usato principalmente all’inizio del turno di parola, spesso preceduto da altre particelle. Tuttavia ciò si trova spesso all’interno e, in un numero limitato di casi, anche alla fine del turno. Dal punto di vista sequenziale, nei nostri dati la presenza di ciò è riscontrabile in maniera pressoché esclusiva in turni di risposta. Questo studio dimostra che un approccio metodologico di tipo analitico conversazionale può dare un utile contributo alla comprensione non solo di strutture e fenomeni caratteristici del parlato ma anche delle complesse relazioni esistenti tra varietà linguistiche diverse in Italia.

Italiano LinguaDue, 2021
This article applies a conversational approach to the analysis of the video courses from four L2/... more This article applies a conversational approach to the analysis of the video courses from four L2/FL Italian textbooks currently on the market in order to explore their interactional characteristics. The qualitative analysis shows that these teaching materials share many traits with the so-called 'parlato filmico' (virtual absence of all the phenomena characterizing spontaneous conversations, syntactically complete utterances etc.). In addition, some problematic aspects concerning the temporality and sequentiality of actions have been identified which make these interactions qualitatively different from natural ones. In general, comprehensibility seems to be privileged at the expense of plausibility in the production of these sit-coms. The results of this study show that these interactions are only partially similar to spontaneous ones, and thus not entirely suitable for educational use aimed at supporting the development of the learners’ interactional competence.
La competenza discorsiva e interazionale. A lezione di lingua straniera, 2020
Questo studio pilota adotta la metodologia dell’Analisi della Conver- sazione per esplorare il ti... more Questo studio pilota adotta la metodologia dell’Analisi della Conver- sazione per esplorare il tipo e la funzione dei segnali di risposta (cfr. Gardner, 2001) usati da studenti svedesi di italiano LS impegnati in un’attività didattica in classe. L’interesse nei confronti di queste risorse linguistiche risiede nel fatto che esse sono una delle componenti centrali di ciò che definiamo competenza intera- zionale, ovvero l’abilità da parte del parlante di produrre attraverso i propri turni delle azioni socialmente riconoscibili, che rispondano in modo adeguato e in tempo reale a quelle prodotte dai copartecipanti all’interazione.

E-JournALL, 2020
IT Questo studio di caso ispirato ai principi dell'analisi della conversazione prende in consider... more IT Questo studio di caso ispirato ai principi dell'analisi della conversazione prende in considerazione due conversazioni registrate tratte da un manuale per l'insegnamento dell'italiano L2 per analizzarne alcune caratteristiche salienti sulla base di quanto sappiamo sul parlato spontaneo a partire dagli studi dell'analisi della conversazione (Schegloff, 2007). L'analisi dettagliata delle registrazioni ne mette in luce il carattere a tratti problematico, soprattutto per ciò che concerne la sequenzialità dell'azione, fatto che si traduce nella frequente assenza di coordinamento tra i turni di parola dei parlanti. Altri fenomeni tipici dell'interazione verbale spontanea, quali sovrapposizioni e riparazioni, sono spesso assenti. In sostanza si tratta di conversazioni poco adatte ad un uso didattico che abbia tra i propri obiettivi anche quello di far riflettere gli apprendenti sulle specificità che caratterizzano il parlato in interazione. L'articolo vuole proporre un modello di analisi di questi supporti audio che prenda in considerazione la stretta relazione esistente tra lingua, struttura sequenziale del parlato e azione sociale.

Rivista Italiana di Psicolinguistica Applicata, 2015
INTRODUZIONE. L'analisi delle pratiche conversazionali proprie del parlato-in-interazione ci cons... more INTRODUZIONE. L'analisi delle pratiche conversazionali proprie del parlato-in-interazione ci consente di aprire una finestra sulla socialità umana a partire da fenomeni apparentemente periferici (Sacks 1984: 24). È questo il caso dell'oggetto linguistico di cui si occupa il presente studio: l'espressione dai, usata in sequenze direttive, in associazione a verbi imperativi o singolarmente. Ghezzi e Molinelli (2014) descrivono dai all'interno della categoria dei marcatori pragmatici derivanti da verbo (VPM: verb-based pragmatic marker), token svuotati del proprio significato originario attraverso un processo di pragmaticalizzazione (Diewald, 2011) che li ha portati ad assumere valore eminentemente procedurale (Sperber e Wilson, 1995), ritualizzato e proprio del registro informale. Secondo le autrici, le funzioni di dai sarebbero strettamente legate alla semantica del verbo di origine: trattandosi di un verbo indirizzato verso l'ascoltatore, il marcatore avrebbe nel tempo sviluppato un significato ortativo nei contesti di tipo direttivo, riferendosi al senso di "dare l'azione richiesta" al parlante (Fedriani e Ghezzi, 2014), e di appello alla cooperazione (Ghezzi e Molinelli, 2014). Per tale motivo gli autori parlano di un significato intersoggettivo del marcatore, che incorpora da un lato l'autorità del parlante di richiedere, dall'altro segnala di questi la "subordinazione" al destinatario perché conceda. Nel loro studio sui direttivi tra genitori e figli, Craven e Potter (2010), eseguono un rapido accenno all'espressione inglese come on che compare nei loro dati, identificandolo come prompt (sollecitazione) e cajoling token (strumento di persuasione), ed indicando come esso faccia riferimento alla necessità di "completare qualcosa da

Interpersonal Argumentation in Educational and Professional Contexts, 2017
This chapter illuminates how accountability is a core aspect of the intergenerational argumentati... more This chapter illuminates how accountability is a core aspect of the intergenerational argumentation by family members during social interaction at dinnertime. First, an introduction to the concepts of social accountability and language socialization will be provided. Some prior work has focused on mutual apprenticeship (Pontecorvo, Fasulo & Sterponi, 2001), but not much work has problematized how children deploy what we will call proto-accounts (laments, multiple repeats, want-statements) on the one hand, and varied verbal accounts, on the other, in relation to age class or prior language socialization experiences. Second, we will present our study on argumentation, exploring how children’s accounts work during family dinner conversations. Argumentative resources used by parents and children will be discussed in the final part of the chapter in terms of social accountability and the relevance that these strategies have as truly interactional accomplishments
Vox Romanica, 2017
A partir de datos observados en conversaciones espontáneas, este artículo ofrece una descripcio... more A partir de datos observados en conversaciones espontáneas, este artículo ofrece una descripción de algunos usos en la interacción del marcador del discurso italiano be’, una palabra que las gramáticas descriptivas del italiano definen como interjección. La perspectiva que este trabajo adopta es la de la lingüística interaccional, cuyos métodos y planteamientos científicos derivan del análisis de la conversación. Después de una breve introducción a la investigación existente en el ámbito pragmático-funcional, en el artículo se analizarán los tur- nos de palabra introducidos por be’, tanto en posición de respuesta como en otras. El análisis llevado a cabo nos permite caracterizar el marcador discursivo be’ como un recurso utilizado por el hablante tanto para la gestión de las acciones, como de las secuencias y de los tópicos conversacionales.

Journal of Pragmatics, 2017
The focus of this study is on the use of endearment terms and affective markers (including other ... more The focus of this study is on the use of endearment terms and affective markers (including other address terms, as well as nonverbal calibration) in requests sequences in inter-generational interaction, expanding prior work on requests as social action. This study documents verbal and embodied practices in dinnertime talk (30 hours of video) deployed by both parents and children in order to get things done. The analyses show ways in which endearment terms were recurrently deployed in request sequences, marking both trouble and social intimacy. Moreover, the data show that endearment terms were exclusively deployed by the parents, but not by their children. The adults and children drew on different repertoires of affective resources: the children deployed an array of nonverbal and nonvocal means to display their affective stances. In addition, the parents resorted to endearment terms, nicknames and diminutives, as lexical devices invoking intimate bonds in a context where social solidarity might be at stake. Finally, while children’s requests target an immediate action concerning food and food-related activities rooted in the here and now of the interaction, parental requests can be often analyzed as redressive actions, prompted by the child’s (troublesome) behavior.
LIA - Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 2016
In this study, we analyze the kind of actions L1 and L2 speakers of Italian perform by prefacing ... more In this study, we analyze the kind of actions L1 and L2 speakers of Italian perform by prefacing their responsive turns with the discourse marker be'. As a baseline, the article begins with an analysis of how native speakers of Italian use be'. We then carry out quantitative and qualitative analyses of the use of be' in a number of L2 learners at different proficiency levels from three data sets of different types of interactions between students and native speakers of Italian. In the qualitative analysis, we adopt a conversation analytic perspective. The results suggest that both native speakers and L2 speakers, from intermediate to advanced level, perform a variety of social actions by be'-prefacing their responsive turns.
E-JournALL Issues by Franco Pauletto
Teaching Documents by Franco Pauletto
Blaxploitalian: Documentary screening and discussion with the director Fred Kuwornu
Meta-analisi e applicazione by Franco Pauletto
Revista de Italianística, 2023
I supportI audIo e vIdeo per l'Insegnamento dell'ItalIano l2/ls: aspettI InterazIonalI, lInguIstI... more I supportI audIo e vIdeo per l'Insegnamento dell'ItalIano l2/ls: aspettI InterazIonalI, lInguIstIcI e dIdattIcI Suportes de áudio e vídeo para o ensino de italiano L2/ LE: Aspectos interacionais, linguísticos e didáticos Audio and Video Courses for Teaching L2 / FL Italian: Interactional, Linguistic and Pedagogical Aspects roberta FerronI* Franco pauletto** "La langue n'est vivante que dans une communication des usagers au moyen du dialogue. C'est cette communication dans un dialogue qui est la sphère authentique de VIE de la langue."
Papers by Franco Pauletto
- the response to a polar question, a B-event statement (i.e., a statement that indicate privileged, first-hand knowledge to a topic by the interlocutor, and which is usually treated as request for confirmation; cf. Labov and Fanshel, 1977: 100) or other types of informational turns - öh is used by participants to confirm from an epistemically qualified position. Finally, öh can take on distinct prosodic contours, lending itself to remarkable modulations that can emphasize the participant’s stance (cf. Gardner 2001).
E-JournALL Issues by Franco Pauletto
Teaching Documents by Franco Pauletto
Meta-analisi e applicazione by Franco Pauletto
- the response to a polar question, a B-event statement (i.e., a statement that indicate privileged, first-hand knowledge to a topic by the interlocutor, and which is usually treated as request for confirmation; cf. Labov and Fanshel, 1977: 100) or other types of informational turns - öh is used by participants to confirm from an epistemically qualified position. Finally, öh can take on distinct prosodic contours, lending itself to remarkable modulations that can emphasize the participant’s stance (cf. Gardner 2001).