Papers by Francisco Jose Martin Valentin
Revista de arqueología, 1983
La Aventura de la historia, 2001
La Aventura de la historia, 2000
Revista de arqueología, 1986
From the Delta to the Cataract, 2015
Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence, Italy 23-30 August 2015, 2017
Abstract Since 2009 the Instituto de Estudios del Antiguo Egipto (Madrid) has been working on the... more Abstract Since 2009 the Instituto de Estudios del Antiguo Egipto (Madrid) has been working on the ‘Vizier Amenhotep Huy Project, Tomb 28’ in Asasif. During the excavation works it became apparent that the tomb was unfinished. The works were interrupted suddenly, at an unknown moment, between years 30 and 35 of Amenhotep III’s reign. We have found many fragments from the original decoration of the ‘Chapel’, and a series of remains of shafts belonging to four columns (closed papyriform style), with the names of Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV inside their respective cartouches. These columns are consecutive (two by two). The excavation of the chapel tomb was undertaken in six seasons, from 2009 to 2014.
Informes Y Trabajos, 2012
Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie II, Historia Antigua, 2011
Documents related to the Vizier Amen-Hotep, Huy, owner of the tomb no.-28-at Asasif.
Examen comparado de las evidencias documentales y arqueológicas existentes en varias tumbas teban... more Examen comparado de las evidencias documentales y arqueológicas existentes en varias tumbas tebanas acerca de la corregencia entre Amen-Hotep III y Amen-Hotep IV (TT48; TT55; TT57 y TT192
La Aventura De La Historia, 2006
The present study is aimed at extending this thematic issue through heat transport experiments an... more The present study is aimed at extending this thematic issue through heat transport experiments and their interpretation at laboratory scale. An experimental study to evaluate the dynamics of forced convection heat transfer in a thermally isolated column filled with porous medium has been carried out. The behavior of two porous media with different grain sizes and specific surfaces has been observed. The experimental data have been compared with an analytical solution for one-dimensional heat transport for local nonthermal equilibrium condition. The interpretation of the experimental data shows that the heterogeneity of the porous medium affects heat transport dynamics, causing a channeling effect which has consequences on thermal dispersion phenomena and heat transfer between fluid and solid phases, limiting the capacity to store or dissipate heat in the porous medium.
The present study is aimed at extending this thematic issue through heat transport experiments an... more The present study is aimed at extending this thematic issue through heat transport experiments and their interpretation at laboratory scale. An experimental study to evaluate the dynamics of forced convection heat transfer in a thermally isolated column filled with porous medium has been carried out. The behavior of two porous media with different grain sizes and specific surfaces has been observed. The experimental data have been compared with an analytical solution for one-dimensional heat transport for local nonthermal equilibrium condition. The interpretation of the experimental data shows that the heterogeneity of the porous medium affects heat transport dynamics, causing a channeling effect which has consequences on thermal dispersion phenomena and heat transfer between fluid and solid phases, limiting the capacity to store or dissipate heat in the porous medium.
Boletin De La Asociacion Espanola De Egiptologia, 1996
Examen comparado de las evidencias documentales y arqueológicas existentes en varias tumbas teban... more Examen comparado de las evidencias documentales y arqueológicas existentes en varias tumbas tebanas acerca de la corregencia entre Amen-Hotep III y Amen-Hotep IV (TT48; TT55; TT57 y TT192
Culturas Del Valle Del Nilo I Su Historia Relaciones Externas E Investigacion Espanola 2002 Isbn 8493200727 Pags 205 213, 2002

Gerión. Revista de Historia …, 1999
In this paper vanous aspects of the «funerary endowed institutions» or «founding» in the Ancient ... more In this paper vanous aspects of the «funerary endowed institutions» or «founding» in the Ancient Kingdom are analyzed in view of three inscriptions from the y dynasty. It is set the idea of the fact that those institutions had a very similar nature to our current Foundations, therefore it must be attributed the creation of these ones to the egyptian people in Ancient Kingdom. Es sabido que, durante el Imperio Antiguo (hacia 2700-2200 a. de C.), se produjo el nacimiento 2 de la concepción jurídica abstracta de la «Fundación Funeraria» llamada en los textos is d.t • o «concesión perpetua» ¾ 1 Este artículo se ha gestado como consecuencia de conversaciones habidas con el Profesor Schafik Allam, de la universidad de Tilbingen durante su visita a Madrid a principios del mes de octubre de 1998. Los autores quieren agradecerle sus valiosas opiniones e información bibliográfica a propósito del tema abordado en este trabajo. También agradecen al Dr. D. José M. Galán Allué sus observaciones en la lectura de la traducción de los textos realizada por los autores en este artículo.
Papers by Francisco Jose Martin Valentin
Francisco J. Martin Valentin & Teresa Bedman Eds.