Books by Federico Palomo

Dispor de uma análise dos quadros jurídico-políticos e administrativos das duas monarquias ibéric... more Dispor de uma análise dos quadros jurídico-políticos e administrativos das duas monarquias ibéricas na época moderna é fundamental para o investigador que pretende estudar os processos históricos nos quais estas foram protagonistas, bem como os agentes neles envolvidos. O livro Monarquias Ibéricas em Perspectiva Comparada. Dinâmicas Imperiais e Circulação de Modelos Administrativos (séculos XVI-XVIII) procura dar resposta a esta necessidade, propondo, a partir de perspectivas novas, uma visão panorâmica, e ao mesmo tempo comparada e integrada, dos mecanismos de administração de ambas as monarquias. Privilegia-se, assim, a sua organização territorial, as jurisdições políticas e religiosas, a estruturação das administrações civis - e a participação nela de instituições «indígenas» -, bem como a organização militar e eclesiástica. A este respeito, como o título indica, interessa particularmente a circulação de modelos, em sentidos diversos, entre metrópole e territórios imperiais. A inter-acção e interdependência entre as instituições metropolitanas e as instituições estabelecidas nestes espaços, a circulação de agentes entre umas e outras, atravessam assim o livro, com o objectivo de proporcionar, uma leitura mais complexa, porque interligada, dos vários territórios sobre os quais o domínio político destas duas monarquias incidiu.

HTML PDF XML [en] Ascetic tropics: Franciscans, missionary knowledge and visions of Empire in the... more HTML PDF XML [en] Ascetic tropics: Franciscans, missionary knowledge and visions of Empire in the Portuguese Atlantic at the turn of the eighteenth century Federico Palomo e013 Abstract HTML PDF XML [en] The Temporal Politics of Spiritual Conquest: History, Geography and Franciscan Orientalism in the Conquista Espiritual do Oriente of Friar Paulo da Trindade Zoltán Biedermann e014 Abstract HTML PDF XML [en] Conquests of Memory: Franciscan Chronicles of the East Asian Church in the Early Modern Period Liam Matthew Brockey e015 Abstract HTML PDF XML [en] In search of "Franciscan" Brazil: memory and territorialization in Friar António Maria Jaboatão's Orbe Seraphico Brasilico (1761) Zulmira C. Santos e016 Abstract HTML PDF XML Articles [es] "Guanchinescan Antiquities". Commerce and collecting of archeological remains from the Canary Islands Carmen Ortiz García e017 Abstract HTML PDF XML [en] Sofía Casanova and the First World War. Changing the Public Sphere Pedro Ochoa Crespo e018 Abstract HTML PDF XML [en] The Impossible Performance of Mass Commodity. George Maciunas, Herman Fine and Robert Watts' Implosions Inc. (ca. 1967) Iñaki Estella Noriega e019 Abstract HTML PDF XML [es] Political caricature from a XXIth iberoamerican century. A cultural history of present time Frédérique Langue e020 Abstract HTML PDF XML Writing on History [es] In memory of Michael Heyd (19432014) José Luis Peset e021 Abstract HTML PDF XML
Cuad. Hist. Mod. 2014, Anejo XIII Los Anejos de Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, con ISSN: 1579-382... more Cuad. Hist. Mod. 2014, Anejo XIII Los Anejos de Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, con ISSN: 1579-3826, se iniciaron en el año 2002 como una colección complementaria de la revista. Tiene una periodicidad anual y un formato de 17x24 cm similar al del volumen misceláneo y su objetivo es tratar con carácter monográfico cuestiones de especial interés, temático o historiográfico, relacionadas con la Historia Moderna. Tienen un coordinador, propuesto por el Consejo de Redacción y sus artículos están sometidos a un doble proceso de evaluación externa.
Papers by Federico Palomo

Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 77/3, p. 427-461, 2022
This article focuses on the production and circulation of knowledge in the early modern Iberian w... more This article focuses on the production and circulation of knowledge in the early modern Iberian world. More specifically, it looks beyond political and commercial ties to analyze the intellectual and scholarly connections between the different African, Asian, and American spaces in which the Portuguese were present during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In so doing, it seeks to shed light on some of the less explored circulations of knowledge within this polycentric monarchy. This allows us to observe how certain places became centers for the accumulation, (re)production, and dissemination of knowledge produced within the framework of the Iberian empires, and especially throughout the Indian and Atlantic oceans. Above all, these circulations reveal dynamics which, beyond communication with the metropolitan centers, made it possible to forge direct connections between different colonial spaces.
Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie IV: Historia Moderna, 35, pp. 97-128, 2022
This article aims to examine some aspects concerning the way in which catalogues and inventories ... more This article aims to examine some aspects concerning the way in which catalogues and inventories of religious libraries were conceived and produced in the Portuguese context of the Early Modern period. To this end, we will focus our analysis on one of the 18th century catalogues of the library of the Professed House of São Roque in Lisbon: The Index Bibliothecae D. Rochi. Considering the essentially apostolic (non-academic) functions that this establishment of the Jesuit Order carried out, our analysis will not focus so much on the content of the library and the thousands of volumes it contained, but rather on the materiality of the catalogue and the unique characteristics that shaped its internal organisation, making it essentially an instrument –as a sort of workshop– for the practice of writing.
In Giuseppe Capriotti, Pierre-Antoine Fabre & Sabina Pavone, eds., Eloquent images: Evangelization, Conversion and Propaganda in the Global World of the Early Modern Period, Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 275-297, 2022
In Pilar Ponce Leiva y Marta Torres Santo Domingo (eds.), Catálogo de Fondos Americanos de la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid: Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla, pp. 33-51, 2021
![Research paper thumbnail of Religious Identities in the Iberian Worlds (1500-1700) [en coautoría con Ronnie Po-chia Hsia]](
en F. Bouza, P. Cardim y A. Feros, eds. The Iberian World, 1450-1820. Abingdon: Routlegde, pp. 77-105, 2020
In the setting of religious confrontations that marked the European world of the sixteenth and se... more In the setting of religious confrontations that marked the European world of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and in support of the imperial undertaking that justified itself by its proselytising, the Iberian monarchies made adherence to the Roman Catholic faith a central element of their identities as realms composed of disparate territories. For which reasons it became one of their main political goals the establishment of confessional uniformity in their peninsular and European territories, while at the same time, the promotion of religious conversion among the peoples encountered in the Americas, Asia, and Africa. Based on some interpretations in recent historiography on the character of modern Catholicism and its global spread, this chapter analyses the manner in which, within the Iberian peninsula, in the Atlantic world and in Asia, societies were characterised by their adherence to the Roman Catholic faith. Their members ended up identifying themselves as Catholics, despite the margins of “creativity” that are expressed in the ways of indoctrination, and their various expressions of a religiosity that did not always conform to the models defined by orthodoxy, and by their innumerable daily transgressions of norms. In this sense, his analysis shows the configuration of multiple cultural Catholic identities within the different Iberian worlds; or, if you prefer, of diverse expressions of a modern Catholicism, that, despite its undeniable intolerance and violence, was also characterised by a certain flexibility.
In José J. García Bernal y Clara Bejarano Pellicer (eds.), Memoria de los orígenes: el discurso histórico-eclesiástico en el mundo moderno, Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, pp. 265-292, 2019

en Ines G. Zupanov, ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Jesuits. Oxford: OUP, pp. 105-127., 2019
This chapter examines the way in which Early Modern Jesuits understood the practice of confession... more This chapter examines the way in which Early Modern Jesuits understood the practice of confession. As leading actors in the apostolic field, they often promoted a vision of the sacrament of penance, which, in stark contrast to its connotations as a means of punishment, turned it into an effective tool oriented toward inner reform of the individual. Based on analysis of the Iberian interior missions, a range of practices is considered-including examination of conscience, general confession, and spiritual direction-that imbued the act of confession with a strong introspective dimension in the Society's missionary contexts. Thus, this chapter highlights the role of such instruments in the development of forms of subjectivity, which contributed to individuals "entering into themselves," exploring inner spaces of their soul. The particular geography of this space had to be known to conquer it and to thus lead the penitent toward a devoted life and Christian perfection.
en A. Barreto Xavier, F. Palomo y R. Stumpf, eds., Monarquias ibéricas em perspectiva comparada (sécs. XVI-XVIII). Dinâmicas imperiais e circulaçao de modelos administrativos. Lisboa: ICS, pp. 543-590., 2018
In: Eliseo Serrano Martín y Jesús Gascón Pérez, eds., Poder, sociedad, religión y tolerancia en el mundo hispánico de Fernando el católico al siglo XVIII, Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico, 2018, pp. 193-217.
P er, sociedad. religión y to erancia en e ndo hispánico, de rnando el Catól ico al siglo XVIII E... more P er, sociedad. religión y to erancia en e ndo hispánico, de rnando el Catól ico al siglo XVIII El n eds.
In: Juan José Iglesias Rodríguez, José Jaime García Bernal y Juan Manuel Díaz Blanco (eds.), Andalucía en el mundo atlántico moderno. Ciudades y redes, Madrid: Sílex, 2018, pp. 715-738.
In: José Luis Betrán, Bernat Hernández y Doris Moreno (eds), Identidades y fronteras culturales en el mundo ibérico de la Edad Moderna, Bellaterra: UAB, 2016, pp. 69-89

This study looks at different aspects pertaining to the circulation of texts, images, and objects... more This study looks at different aspects pertaining to the circulation of texts, images, and objects in the context of the Early Modern Iberian empires. More specifically, it examines the functions of the procurators of religious orders, who travelled to Europe from the edges of the empires and assumed a privileged role connecting Europe with the Asian, African and American territories, in terms of written, visual and material culture. To this end, the study analyzes the Jesuit António Francisco Cardim's expedition from Macau, in the furthest reaches of the Portuguese Empire, to Lisbon and Rome during the 1640s. This analysis seeks to understand the strategies through which the writings, images, and relics of the Martyrs of Japan that he carried with him served as instruments to make the realities of Japan and Japanese Christianity present in metropolitan and/or Roman environments. Resumo Este trabalho explora alguns aspectos relacionados com a circulação de textos, imagens e objectos no contexto dos impérios ibéricos da Idade Moderna. Em particular, examina o papel que, a tal efeito, desempenharam os procuradores das ordens religiosas, que se deslocavam até a Europa desde os confins imperiais, assumindo uma posição privilegiada à hora de conectar, desde o plano da cultura escrita, visual e material, o mundo europeu e os espaços asiáticos, africanos e americanos. Neste sentido, a figura do jesuíta António Francisco Cardim e a viagem que, desde Macau, na fronteira do império asiático português, fez até Lisboa e Roma durante a década de 1640, permitem observar estratégias nas quais os escritos, as imagens e as relíquias dos mártires do Japão que levou

This essay focuses on the study of Franciscan written and intellectual culture in Portuguese Amer... more This essay focuses on the study of Franciscan written and intellectual culture in Portuguese America. Specifically, it analyzes the role the Franciscans played, through their writings, in the shaping of the Portuguese-American world, of the way that world was thought about, and of contemporary understandings of the place Brazil should occupy within the Portuguese monarchy. It examines the visions of the Empire which the so-called Seraphic Order developed in the Brazilian colonial context, the written strategies they used, and the missionary and colonial knowledge which they employed when constructing their perceptions of the American world. To that end, it looks in detail at the Franciscan friar António do Rosário and his text Frutas do Brasil (Lisbon, 1702), in which he used his knowledge of the natural world to construct a complex plant-based allegory with clear political connotations about Brazil. Citation / Cómo citar este artículo: Palomo, Federico (2016) " Ascetic tropics: Franciscans, missionary knowledge and visions of Empire in the Portuguese Atlantic at the turn of the eighteenth century ". Culture & History Digital Journal, 5 (2): e013. doi: RESUMEN: Trópicos ascéticos: franciscanos, saberes misioneros y visiones de imperio en el Atlántico portugués en torno a 1700.-El presente trabajo centra su atención en el estudio de la cultura escrita e intelectual de los francis-canos en la América portuguesa. En concreto, analiza el papel que los franciscanos, a través de sus textos, desempe-ñaron en la configuración del mundo luso-americano, en el modo de pensarlo y en la forma de entender el lugar que Brasil debía ocupar dentro de la Monarquía portuguesa. Examina las visiones de imperio que la Orden seráfica cons-truyó, las estrategias escritas que empleó a tal efecto y los saberes misioneros y coloniales que movilizó a la hora de elaborar sus percepciones del mundo americano. Para ello, se centra en la figura de Fr. António do Rosário y su obra Frutas do Brasil (Lisboa, 1702), en la que el autor hizo uso de su conocimiento del mundo natural para construir una compleja alegoría hortofrutícola de claras connotaciones políticas en torno a Brasil.
Books by Federico Palomo
Papers by Federico Palomo
concreto, analiza la obra del jesuita portugués António Francisco Cardim titulada "Elogios, e ramalhete de flores borrifado com o sangue dos religiosos da Companhia de Jesu" (Roma, 1646/Lisboa, 1650). En primer lugar, toma en consideración algunos aspectos relativos a los contextos de elaboración y circulación (manuscrita e impresa) del volumen, teniendo en cuenta sus objetivos propagandísticos y edificantes. Tras situar el escrito de Cardim en el marco de la producción contemporánea sobre Japón, se considera asimismo la naturaleza de las imágenes que se incorporaron a las ediciones impresas de los Elogios, sus múltiples raíces, su relación con las narrativas que acompañaban y el modo en el que textos y grabados reflejaban una percepción sobre el martirio bien arraigada en el discurso jesuita.