Papers by Carlos Sanz Simón

Foro de Educación, 2024
ES. La educación de las mujeres es uno de los ámbitos que más atención ha recibido desde la inves... more ES. La educación de las mujeres es uno de los ámbitos que más atención ha recibido desde la investigación histórico-educativa a nivel global y, particularmente, en España. Su vigencia se ha mostrado constante desde su instauración —en los años sesenta del pasado siglo— siendo una vía de estudio prioritaria y especialmente fructífera en la actualidad. Con el presente estudio se pretende reivindicar la trayectoria de esta disciplina y su proyección en la enseñanza superior, con particular énfasis en el giro biográfico. Para ello, se enuncian una serie de argumentos que evidencian su necesidad en nuestro contexto; se revisa la historiografía educativa de este ámbito en el contexto español; y, por último, se analiza su vigencia en los planes de estudio actuales en las universidades públicas del Estado. La metodología empleada se ha basado, por un lado, en la revisión bibliográfica de los estudios de género aplicados a la Historia de la Educación, así como un análisis de las guías docentes de las universidades públicas españolas. Los resultados revelan que la Herstory de la educación ha tenido un gran impacto en el ámbito de la investigación en España, a juzgar por la producción historiográfica, si bien no se ha evidenciado una correspondencia directa en la docencia universitaria. En conclusión, todavía estamos lejos de cumplir uno de los objetivos que reclaman las agendas internacionales, lo que nos invita necesariamente a repensar esta disciplina en los futuros planes de estudios de educación que requieren las sociedades democráticas del siglo XXI. EN. Women’s education is one of the areas that has received most attention from historical-educational research at a global level and, particularly, in Spain. Its relevance has been constant since its establishment —in the sixties of the last century— being a priority and particularly fruitful area of study at present. This study aims to vindicate the trajectory of this discipline and its projection in higher education. To this end, a series of arguments are set out which demonstrate its necessity in our context; the educational historiography with a gender focus carried out in recent years in the Spanish context is reviewed; and, finally, its validity in the current study plans in the state’s public universities is analyzed. The methodology used was based, on the one hand, on a bibliographical review of gender studies applied to the History of Education, as well as an analysis of the teaching guides of Spanish public universities. The results reveal that the Herstory of Education has had a great impact on the field of research in Spain, judging by the historiographical production, although there is no evidence of a direct correspondence in university teaching. In conclusion, we are still far from fulfilling one of the objectives demanded by international agendas, which necessarily invites us to rethink this discipline in the future curricula of educators required by the democratic societies of the twenty-first century.

Gender Studies, 2023
EN. The advent of the Enlightenment and the cultural shift from the France of the Bourbons result... more EN. The advent of the Enlightenment and the cultural shift from the France of the Bourbons resulted in significant changes for Spanish women. The changes in their ways of life turned Enlightenment women into subjects who were conscious of the new ideas and of their own capacities, which they asserted in various spaces. This study centres on Josefa Amar y Borbón, a highly educated woman and a pioneer in joining cultural societies, who created a body of work related to the education and worth of women. Based on the historical-educational method, we analyse its impact and reception in the Spanish press from the end of the 18 th century to the first third of the 20 th century. We point to Josefa Amar y Borbón's qualities as a translator and to the vindication of her figure as a feminist in Spain, starting in the mid-19 th century.
ES. La llegada de la Ilustración y la reorientación cultural hacia la Francia de los Borbones trajo consigo un cambio notable en las mujeres españolas. Las transformaciones en los modos de vida hicieron de la mujer ilustrada un sujeto consciente de las nuevas ideas y de sus capacidades, las cuales reivindicaron en varios espacios. El presente estudio se centra en Josefa Amar y Borbón, una mujer instruida y pionera en el ingreso en sociedades culturales, la cual redactó y difundió sus ideales sobre la educación de las mujeres. Basado en el método histórico-educativo, analizamos su impacto y recepción en la prensa española desde finales del siglo XVIII hasta el primer tercio del siglo XX. En ella se puede observar el énfasis en su labor como traductora y en la vindicación de su figura como feminista en España, desde mediados del siglo XIX.

Hispania Nova, 2023
ES. La provincia de Ávila fue una de las primeras en adherirse al golpe de Estado de 1936 en Espa... more ES. La provincia de Ávila fue una de las primeras en adherirse al golpe de Estado de 1936 en España. Como consecuencia, en ella se iniciaron rápidamente los procesos sancionadores contra el magisterio por cuestiones ideológicas, religiosas y morales, con consecuencias que truncaron la trayectoria profesional —e incluso la vida— de multitud de profesionales dedicados a la enseñanza pública. En el marco del presente artículo nos proponemos indagar sobre cómo se vivió este proceso entre el magisterio femenino y también cuáles fueron los resultados de las sanciones, con especial interés en los procesos exiliares para aquellas maestras condenadas a permanecer en la provincia o el país. Situaciones de señalamiento público, distanciamiento, disoluciones familiares o presión social dan cuenta de las múltiples vicisitudes y de la dureza de este fenómeno en un cuerpo profesional que mostró un compromiso firme con la labor de educar en una España democrática. EN. The province of Ávila was one of the first to join the 1936 coup d'état in Spain. As a result, sanctioning processes against the teaching profession for ideological, religious and moral reasons quickly began there, with consequences that cut short the professional careers - and even the lives - of a multitude of professionals dedicated to public education. In the framework of this article, we propose to investigate not only how this process was experienced among female teachers, but also what the results of these sanctions were, with special interest in the exile processes for those teachers condemned to remain in the province or country. Situations of public accusations, family distancing or dissolution, or social pressure, give an account of the multiple vicissitudes and the harshness of this phenomenon in a professional body that showed a firm commitment to the task of educating in a democratic Spain.

Soñar grande es soñar juntas. En busca de una educación crítica e inclusiva, 2023
ES. La investigación explora uno de los fenómenos menos conocidos en la depuración franquista: el... more ES. La investigación explora uno de los fenómenos menos conocidos en la depuración franquista: el exilio interior al que se vieron sometidas algunas educadoras tras las sanciones recibidas en el periodo de la Guerra Civil. El estudio se contextualiza en la provincia de Segovia (1936-1950) y tiene como objetivo analizar las consecuencias personales y profesionales que supuso esta realidad para las maestras que ejercían en Segovia en 1936. Asentada en el método histórico-educativo, la investigación explora a través de documentos de archivo la trayectoria de más de una treintena de maestras que vivieron el exilio interior en sus biografías, como consecuencia de las resoluciones finales de sus expedientes depuradores. Entre las conclusiones que se derivan del estudio destacamos el aislamiento social, la soledad, el rechazo y el desamparo a los que tuvieron que enfrentarse estas profesionales en los primeros años de la dictadura; y la pérdida de estatus social y laboral que supuso el exilio interior para las maestras que lo sufrieron.

Historia y Memoria de la Educación, 2022
ES. Acercarse al conocimiento de la Inspección de Primera Enseñanza en el primer tercio del siglo... more ES. Acercarse al conocimiento de la Inspección de Primera Enseñanza en el primer tercio del siglo XX es una labor necesaria para conocer la educación en este periodo. Hacerlo desde una perspectiva de género resulta una tarea obligatoria para visibilizar los sesgos a los que se enfrentó este cuerpo profesional y conocer las posibilidades de actuación de quienes formaron parte del mismo. Son estas premisas sobre las que se asienta el estudio que aquí se presenta. Contextualizado en la actual Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León, su objetivo es analizar las sanciones que sufrieron las inspectoras de primera enseñanza de esta región en el periodo de la Guerra Civil y las repercusiones inmediatas que tuvieron estos castigos en las trayectorias de las protagonistas. Para ello, se examinan expedientes profesionales y de depuración mostrando las dificultades que presenta una línea de investigación prolífica, pero a la vez sujeta a múltiples condicionantes que favorecen interpretaciones diversas. Los resultados dan cuenta de cómo las profesionales de la inspección padecieron procesos punitivos diferentes a los de sus homólogos masculinos, siendo para ellas la separación del cargo y el exilio interior dos de las sanciones más repetidas. El periodo histórico en el que fueron formadas, las provincias en las que ejercieron, su implicación política y las relaciones que establecieron con cargos masculinos significados fueron aspectos determinantes para mantener su puesto de trabajo tras el conflicto bélico o ser condenadas al ostracismo.
EN. A knowledge of the Inspectorate of Primary Education in the first third of the twentieth century is necessary if we are to know about education during this period. It is crucial that we approach this study from a gender perspective in order to make visible the biases faced by this professional body and to understand the possibilities of action of those who formed part of it. These are the premises on which this study is based. Contextualized in the current Autonomous Community of Castile and León, our aim is to analyse the punishments suffered by female primary school inspectors in this region during the period of the Civil War and the immediate repercussions that these punishments had on the careers of the protagonists. To this end, we examine professional and purification files, whose difficulties point to a prolific line of research, one subject to multiple conditioning factors as well as different interpretations. The results show how female professional inspectors suffered different punitive processes from their male counterparts, with removal from office and internal exile being two of the most common sanctions. The historical period in which they were trained, the provinces in which they worked, their political involvement and the relationships they established with significant male officials were determining factors in whether they kept their jobs after the war or were further ostracised.

Investigaciones históricas, 2022
ES. En la década de 1910, las inspectoras que lograron llegar a las primeras plazas tenían una ex... more ES. En la década de 1910, las inspectoras que lograron llegar a las primeras plazas tenían una excelente formación y una amplia experiencia profesional. Sin embargo, tuvieron que demostrar su valía ante la desconfianza de un cuerpo profesional eminentemente masculinizado. Cien años más tarde, muchas de ellas permanecen aún en el olvido. La presente investigación pretende analizar las trayectorias personales y profesionales de las pioneras de la inspección educativa en la provincia de Segovia. A través de un discurso interpretativo y hermenéutico, descubrimos que demostraron un fuerte compromiso hacia la mejora de la educación femenina, colaboraron con entusiasmo en reformas educativas llevadas a cabo en la República y sufrieron las consecuencias de la depuración en la Guerra Civil.
EN. In the 1910s, the female inspectors who made it to the first posts had excellent training and extensive professional experience. However, they had to prove their worth in the face of the distrust of an eminently masculinised professional body. One hundred years later, many of them are still forgotten. This research aims to analyse the personal and professional trajectories of the pioneering female educational inspectors in the province of Segovia. Through an interpretative and hermeneutic discourse, we discover that they demonstrated a strong commitment to the improvement of female education, collaborated enthusiastically in educational reforms carried out during the Republic and suffered the consequences of the purge during the Civil War.

Cuadernos de Historia, 2022
ES. En el seno de la Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios, el Centro de Estudios Históricos llevó... more ES. En el seno de la Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios, el Centro de Estudios Históricos llevó a cabo una prolífica trayectoria de internacionalización de una élite académica de investigadores e investigadoras en España durante el primer tercio del siglo XX. Dirigido por Ramón Menéndez Pidal, esta institución supuso una alternativa a las instituciones clásicas en el área y ejerció un papel protagonista en la formación de múltiples profesionales más allá de las fronteras nacionales. En el caso del presente estudio, nos centramos en estudiar las líneas temáticas desarrolladas por aquellos profesionales de la disciplina histórica que, desde la región de Castilla y León, obtuvieron una o varias pensiones de la Junta durante la trayectoria de esta. Los resultados muestran, principalmente, el interés identitario de los estudios de vocación nacional sobre la influencia y aportaciones de España en contextos internacionales y, por otro lado, la predominante masculinización de este sector.
EN. Within the Junta de Ampliación de Estudios, the Centre for Historical Studies carried out a prolific trajectory of internationalization of an academic elite of researchers in Spain during the first third of the 20th century. Directed by Ramón Menéndez Pidal, this institution was an alternative to the classic institutions in the area and played a leading role in the training of multiple professionals beyond national borders. In the case of this study, we focus on studying the thematic lines developed by those professionals in the historical discipline who, from the region of Castilla y León, obtained one or several pensions from the Regional Government during their careers. The results show, mainly, the identity interest of national studies on the influence and contributions of Spain in international contexts and, on the other hand, the predominant masculinization of this sector.

Aportes, 2022
ES. En la España de 1936 las docentes renovadoras sufrieron una persecución claramente diferencia... more ES. En la España de 1936 las docentes renovadoras sufrieron una persecución claramente diferenciada a la de sus compañeros varones. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo avanzar en el conocimiento de la depuración docente femenina en la provincia de Segovia (1936-1945). A través del análisis del número de profesionales femeninas que fueron acusadas en este periodo por no representar el modelo de maestra nacionalcatólica propuesto por el Régimen, los cargos a los que tuvieron que enfrentarse y las sanciones a las que fueron sometidas, advertimos que las docentes segovianas del nivel elemental no fueron especialmente comprometidas con la renovación pedagógica que se promulgó en España en el primer tercio del siglo XX. Sin embargo, aquellas profesionales que decidieron romper con el modelo femenino tradicional y conservador decimonónico y unirse al proyecto educativo republicano sufrieron una fuerte represión política y social que destruyó en muchos casos sus carreras y aspiraciones profesionales. EN. In Spain in 1936, progressive female teachers suffered persecution that was clearly differentiated from that of their male colleagues. The present study aims to advance in the knowledge of female teachers in the province of Segovia (1936-1945). Through the analysis of the number of female professionals who were accused during this period for not representing the model of the nationalcatholic teacher proposed by the Regime, the charges they had to face and the sanctions to which they were subjected, we warn that Segovian teachers of the elementary level were not particularly committed to the pedagogical renovation that was promulgated in Spain in the first third of the 20th century. However, those professionals who decided to break with the traditional, conservative 19th century female model and join the Republican educational project suffered strong political and social repression that destroyed their careers and professional aspirations in many cases.
Devenir, 2021
ES. Entrevista sobre inclusión social y educativa a Mel Ainscow, profesor emérito de la Universid... more ES. Entrevista sobre inclusión social y educativa a Mel Ainscow, profesor emérito de la Universidad de Mánchester, profesor de educación en la Universidad de Glasgow, profesor adjunto en la Universidad de Tecnología de Queensland y consultor permanente de la UNESCO.
EN. Interview on social and educational inclusion with Mel Ainscow, Emeritus Professor at the University of Manchester, Professor of Education at the University of Glasgow, Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology and permanent consultant to UNESCO.

Devenir, 2021
ES. La transexualidad y el transgenerismo han estado presentes en la sociedad a lo largo de la hi... more ES. La transexualidad y el transgenerismo han estado presentes en la sociedad a lo largo de la historia. Sin embargo, estas realidades han sido frecuentemente invisibilizadas. La presente investigación, de corte cualitativo, tiene como objetivo conocer cómo en nuestros días se da respuesta a este colectivo desde el ámbito educativo. A través del testimonio de dos maestras de Educación Infantil, debatimos sobre la formación en educación sexual recibida al comienzo de sus carreras profesionales, las vivencias que han experimentado en los centros donde han ejercido su labor ante casos de menores transexuales y las prácticas educativas que desarrollan en el aula para trabajar la diversidad sexual. Los resultados evidencian no solo que es posible visibilizar, despatologizar y desarrollar procesos educativos respetuosos con la transexualidad infantil, sino que resulta necesario apostar por una educación alejada de modelos heteronormativos para proteger los derechos del colectivo LGTBI y fomentar una igualdad social efectiva.
EN. Transexuality and transgenderism have been present in society throughout history. However, these realities have often been made invisible. The present research, of a qualitative nature,
aims to know how this group is being responded to in our days from an educational point of view. Through the testimony of two teachers of Early Childhood Education, we discuss the training in
sex education received at the beginning of their professional careers, the experiences they have experienced in the centers where they have worked with cases of transgendered children and the
educational practices they develop in the classroom to work with sexual diversity. The results show not only that it is possible to make visible, depathologize and develop educational processes that respect transsexual children, but also that it is necessary to bet on an education that is far from heteronormative models in order to protect the rights of the LGTBI collective and promote effective social equality.

Investigaciones históricas, 2020
ES. La Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas fue un organismo caract... more ES. La Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas fue un organismo caracterizado por su impulso en el desarrollo de la formación de profesionales de múltiples disciplinas académicas y profesionales, donde hay que destacar su labor en el ámbito educativo con respecto al propio profesorado. En este estudio nos planteamos el análisis de los pensionados en este campo, en la región de Castilla y León, y las ayudas que les fueron concedidas durante la dictadura de Primo de Rivera (1923-1930). En él, se descubre cómo los pensionados siguieron tres líneas de trabajo principales: la organización educativa y los métodos de enseñanza; el estado y funcionamiento de la inspección educativa; y las escuelas normales y las disciplinas específicas. El disfrute de sus pensiones fue clave para la consolidación de sus trayectorias profesionales durante el periodo franquista, para aquellos que se negaron a difundir la renovación; o para sufrir la represión y el olvido en los casos de aquellos profesionales que constituyeron la vanguardia educativa durante el periodo republicano.
EN. The Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas was an organization characterized by its drive to develop the training of professionals in multiple academic and professional disciplines, where its work in the educational field, in the region of Castilla y León, and the teaching staff itself must be highlighted. In this study we consider the analysis of the pensioners in this field and the aids that were granted to them during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923- 1930). In it, we discover how pensioners followed three main lines of work: educational organization and teaching methods, the state and functioning of the educational inspectorate and normal schools, and specific disciplines. The enjoyment of their pensions was key to the consolidation of their professional careers during the Francoist period, for those who refused to spread renewal; or to suffer repression and oblivion in the cases of those professionals who constituted the educational vanguard during the Republican period.

Márgenes. Revista de Educación de la Universidad de Málaga, 2020
ES. Los docentes tienen un papel protagonista en la transmisión de la historia y la construcción ... more ES. Los docentes tienen un papel protagonista en la transmisión de la historia y la construcción de una ciudadanía democrática. Los actuales planes de estudio de Magisterio no ofrecen a los futuros maestros una formación histórica sólida que les permita situarse como profesionales críticos ante el conocimiento pretérito. Esta ausencia responde a un modelo educativo neoliberal que apuesta por la productividad en detrimento de la justicia social. El presente trabajo trata de dar a conocer la trayectoria del Proyecto de Innovación Docente "Memoria de la escuela contemporánea: fuentes orales, iconográficas y otros recursos pedagógicos para la formación docente" de la Universidad de Valladolid. Este Proyecto, en el que participan varias asignaturas de los Grados de Magisterio, trata de enseñar a nuestros estudiantes la historia de la escuela contemporánea a través del testimonio de colectivos que tradicionalmente han sido excluidos del relato histórico oficial. Esta propuesta de recuperar el pasado a través de las relaciones intergeneracionales y la historia oral ha llevado, hasta el momento, a más de 350 estudiantes a tomar conciencia sobre la importancia de la historia en su formación como profesionales de la Educación. El contacto con el testimonio de antiguos alumnos y maestros de la escuela de nuestro inmediato pasado y el desarrollo de habilidades reflexivas y de investigación ha permitido que nuestros estudiantes se cuestionen la imposición hegemónica del saber y la existencia de un relato único. El valor de este tipo de aprendizajes resulta fundamental para formar profesionales críticos y comprometidos con un modelo educativo democrático.
EN. Teachers have a leading role in the transmission of history and in building a democratic citizenship. Current teacher training curricula do not offer future teachers a solid historical background that would allow them to position themselves as critical professionals facing past knowledge. This deficiency responds to a neoliberal educational model that favors productivity to the detriment of social justice. The present work tries to make known the trajectory of the Teaching Innovation Project “Memory of the contemporary school: oral and iconographic sources and other pedagogical resources for teacher training” of the University of Valladolid. The goal of this Project, in which several subjects of the Teaching Degrees are involved, is to teach our students the history of the contemporary school through the testimony of groups traditionally excluded from the official historical narrative. This commitment to recover the past through intergenerational relations and oral history has led, up to now, to more than 350 students becoming aware of the importance of history in their training as education professionals. Contact with testimonies from former students and teachers of the school from our immediate past and the development of reflective and research skills, has allowed our students to question the hegemonic imposition of knowledge and the existence of a unique story. The value of this sort of learning is crucial to the formation of critical professionals committed to a democratic educational model.

Futuro del Pasado. Revista electrónica de Historia, 2020
ES. La depuración del magisterio durante la Guerra Civil ha sido objeto de interés para muchos hi... more ES. La depuración del magisterio durante la Guerra Civil ha sido objeto de interés para muchos historiadores, que han tratado de cuantificar este proceso depurador atendiendo a variables regionales y han dejado al margen los perfiles individuales de aquellos docentes que vivieron la purga. Profundizar en sus biografías es hoy una tarea necesaria para avanzar en esta línea de investigación. El objetivo de este artículo es conocer cómo se llevó a cabo el proceso depurador del magisterio en la ciudad de Segovia (1936-1939) atendiendo a variables biográficas y de género. A través del análisis de los cargos que les fueron imputados a los treinta y siete maestros y las maestras que trabajaban en las escuelas públicas de la capital y las sanciones que recibieron, llegaremos a conocer el perfil del magisterio segoviano en el franquismo. Partimos de una metodología histórico-educativa que se sustenta en tres fuentes fundamentales: los expedientes de depuración de los docentes, sus expedientes profesionales e información biográfica de cada uno de ellos recogida en diversos archivos segovianos. Los resultados revelan cómo un grupo de maestros y maestras con un espíritu renovador, que fueron reconocidos por la administración educativa por su labor al frente de las escuelas y por sus inquietudes pedagógicas antes de la guerra, sufrieron la separación del cargo y en algunos casos la muerte. Su destino fue distinto al de aquellos docentes que cumplieron con un modelo educativo tradicional y que fueron premiados tras la depuración por su incondicional apoyo a la patria y el catolicismo.
EN. The purge of the primary school teachers during the Spanish civil war has been an object of interest for many historians, who have tried to quantify this purifying process based on regional variables and have left out the individual profiles of those teachers who experienced the purge. Digging deeper into their biographies is today a necessary task to advance this line of research. The objective of this article is to know how the purification process of the teaching profession was carried out in the city of Segovia (1936-1939) taking into account biographical and gender variables. Through the analysis of the charges that were imputed to the thirty-seven teachers and the teachers who worked in the public schools of the capital and the sanctions that they received. We will get to know the profile of the Segovian magisterium in the Franco regime. We start from a historical-educational methodology that is based on three fundamental sources: the records of the purification of teachers, their professional records and biographical information on each one of them collected in various Segovian files. The results reveal how a group of teachers with a renovating spirit, who were recognized by the educational administration for their work at the head of the schools and for their pedagogical concerns before the war, suffered the separation from office and in some cases the death. Their fate was different from that of those teachers who fulfilled a traditional educational model and who were awarded after the purge for their unconditional support for the homeland and Catholicism.

Historia y Memoria de la Educación, 2020
ES. La Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939) fue un campo de batalla que, si bien se desarrolló en el... more ES. La Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939) fue un campo de batalla que, si bien se desarrolló en el territorio nacional, tuvo un alcance y participación que traspasó las fronteras del país. El bando sublevado contó con la ayuda principal de dos potencias extranjeras para acabar con la Segunda República: la Alemania nazi y la Italia fascista. Sería precisamente esta última la que invirtiera un mayor esfuerzo económico y logístico, pues Mussolini vería en España un posible aliado mediterráneo, afín a su modelo del fascismo italiano. La presente investigación se propone conocer cuál fue la representación del enemigo, en este caso el bando republicano, en los textos escolares de los últimos años de la dictadura del Duce en Italia. Los textos han sido consultados en el Centro di documentazione e ricerca sulla storia del libro scolastico e della letteratura per l’infanza – Museo Paolo e Ornella Ricca de la Università degli Studi di Macerata (Italia). Los resultados muestran cómo los manuales escolares de la época, de materias como historia, lecturas, geografía o enseñanzas patrióticas, reflejaban una imagen del bando republicano asociada a la tiranía, demonizando su intervención en el conflicto bélico con narraciones que exaltan la violencia, el anticatolicismo y la vinculación con el comunismo soviético o la anarquía.
EN. The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a battlefield that, although it developed nationally, had a scope and participation that crossed the borders of Spain. The rebel side asked for help of two foreign powers in challenging the Second Republic: Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. It would be precisely the latter that would invest a greater economic and logistical effort, due to how Mussolini saw in Spain a possible Mediterranean ally, one akin to his model of Italian fascism. The present research attempts to discover how the enemy – in this case the Republican side – was represented in the school textbooks of the last years of the Duce's dictatorship in Italy. The texts were consulted in the Centro di documentazione e ricerca sulla storia del libro scolastico e della letteratura per l’infanza at the University of Macerata (Italy). The results show how the school manuals of that time, in subjects such as history, readings, geography or patriotic teachings, reflected an image of the republican side associated with tyranny, demonizing their intervention in the warlike conflict with narratives that exalt violence and anti-Catholicism and identifying them with Soviet communism and anarchy.

Revista de Educación, 2020
ES. La enseñanza personalizada es una corriente pedagógica que se originó en Francia durante el c... more ES. La enseñanza personalizada es una corriente pedagógica que se originó en Francia durante el contexto post bélico y se extendió a los países más cercanos como Italia y España. Surgió como una respuesta a la crisis de la identidad del sujeto que provocaron los totalitarismos europeos. La recepción y apropiación de este sistema de enseñanza en España es introducido por la Institución Teresiana, que lo integra e implementa en dos centros escolares madrileños: un centro público, el Grupo Escolar Padre Poveda, situado en un barrio de clase obrera, y una institución privada, el Instituto Veritas, ubicado en una zona residencial de clase alta (Somosaguas). Este artículo trata de reconstruir cómo se aplicó un modelo educativo innovador, inspirado en el jesuita francés Pierre Faure, generado en contextos democráticos y que fue introducido en España por las teresianas durante el régimen franquista. La metodología utilizada es el método histórico-educativo, que nos ha permitido acudir a la búsqueda y revisión de diversas fuentes manuscritas, bibliográficas, hemerográficas, iconográficas y orales. La riqueza documental ha hecho posible una triangulación de todas las fuentes para proceder al análisis crítico de la documentación manejada. Los resultados logrados nos han permitido comprobar que el modelo pedagógico introducido en la década de los sesenta en Madrid por la Institución Teresiana fue muy innovador, a pesar de que entraba en colisión con la política educativa de la dictadura franquista, sus prácticas y símbolos. Basado en el personalismo cristiano, incorporaba algunas metodologías novedosas introducidas por el Movimiento de la Escuela Nueva (Freinet, Montessori, Plan Dalton, Decroly, etc.).
EN. Personalized teaching is a pedagogical approach that originated in France during the post-war period and spread to neighbouring countries such as Italy and Spain. It emerged in response to the crisis of identity of the subject that European totalitarianism had caused. This teaching system was introduced to Spain by the Teresian Association, which adopted it and implemented it in two educational centres in Madrid: the Padre Poveda School Group, a public centre located in a working-class neighbourhood, and the Veritas Institute, a private high school located in an upper-middle class residential area (Somosaguas). This article attempts to reconstruct how this innovative educational model, inspired by the French Jesuit Pierre Faure and developed in democratic contexts, was introduced in Spain by the Teresians during Franco’s regime. The article uses the historical–educational method, which has allowed us to find and review various handwritten, bibliographic, periodical, pictorial, and oral sources. The wealth of documentation has made it possible to triangulate all the sources before critically analysing the documents used. The results have allowed us to establish that the pedagogical model introduced in the 1960s in Madrid by the Teresian Association was very innovative, despite clashing with the educational policy, practices, and symbols of Franco’s dictatorship. Based on Christian personalism, it incorporated novel methodologies introduced by the New School movement (Freinet, Montessori, Dalton Plan, Decroly, etc.).

Diversidade e Educação, 2020
ES. El franquismo supuso un periodo de reconfiguración del papel de la mujer en la sociedad. Bajo... more ES. El franquismo supuso un periodo de reconfiguración del papel de la mujer en la sociedad. Bajo el amparo del nacional catolicismo, España se sumió en una dictadura de cuarenta años que devolvió a la mujer al modelo tradicional y conservador –y por ende católico– contrario al republicano. Un cambio paradigmático especialmente palpable en las escuelas, entendidas como el principal medio para la difusión del planteamiento social del Régimen, y uno de los principales espacios laborales tradicionalmente femeninos. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer cuál es el recuerdo de la maestra del franquismo en el alumnado femenino de la época a través de las fuentes orales, entendiendo estas como el principal medio para el estudio de las emociones y las representaciones humanas. Para ello, se hace énfasis en las características de la maestra, su práctica docente y su relación con otros agentes socioeducativos, como la familia y la comunidad social.
EN. Franco's dictatorship was a period of reconfiguration of the role of women in society. Under the protection of National Catholicism, Spain plunged into a dictatorship of forty years that returned women to the traditional and conservative model - and therefore Catholic - contrary to the Republican. A paradigmatic change especially palpable in schools, understood as the main means for the dissemination of the social approach of the Regime, and one of the main traditionally feminine work spaces. The objective of this research is to know what is the memory of the Francoist teacher in female students of the time through oral sources, understanding these as the main means for the study of emotions and human representations. For this, emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the teacher, her teaching practice and her relationship with other socioeducational agents, such as the family and the social community.
PT. A ditadura de Franco foi um período de reconfiguração do papel da mulher na sociedade. Sob a proteção do nacionalcatolicismo, a Espanha mergulhou em uma ditadura de quarenta anos que devolveu as mulheres ao modelo tradicional e conservador-e, portanto, católico– contrário ao republicano. Uma mudança paradigmática especialmente palpável nas escolas, entendida como o principal meio de disseminação da abordagem social do Regime, e um dos principais espaços de trabalho tradicionalmente femininos. O objetivo desta pesquisa é conhecer a memória da professora franquista em alunas da época através de fontes orais, entendendo-as como os principais meios para o estudo de emoções e representações humanas. Para isso, enfatiza-se ases características do professora, sua prática docente e seu relacionamento com outros agentes socioeducativos, como a família e a comunidade social.

Educació i Història. Revista d'Història de l'Educació, 2020
ES. El presente trabajo se propone mostrar la práctica educativa de la enseñanza primaria del Paí... more ES. El presente trabajo se propone mostrar la práctica educativa de la enseñanza primaria del País Vasco y Navarra entre los años 1950 y 1959, haciendo hincapié en la cuestión lingüística desde la óptica franquista de la imposición del castellano. Para
ello, se hace uso del fondo de memorias de prácticas «Romero Marín», ubicado en el Museo-Laboratorio de Historia de la Educación «Manuel Bartolomé Cossío» de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, las cuales fueron redactadas por las primeras generaciones de pedagogos instruidas en el franquismo. De ellas, se analizan un conjunto de doce ejemplares dedicados a la primera enseñanza en Euskadi y Navarra en torno a dos ejes temáticos o categorías de análisis principales. El primero de ellos versa sobre el uso de ambas lenguas en el plano social, mientras el segundo se centra propiamente en la realidad educativa, considerando tanto la perspectiva del profesorado como la del alumnado. Asimismo, se contemplan las diferencias geográficas dentro del propio contexto vasco-navarro y la perspectiva de género como líneas transversales del estudio.
EN. The main aim of this article is to show the educational practice of primary education in the Basque Country and Navarre between 1950 and 1959, emphasizing the linguistic issue from the fascist standpoint which imposed the official use of
Castilian. In order to do this, the «Romero Marín» practice reports collection of the Complutense University of Madrid has been used; they were written by the first generations of pedagogues trained during Franco’s regime. Among them, a set of
thirteen copies devoted to primary education in the Basque Country and Navarre are analyzed from two thematic viewpoints or main analysis categories. The first one deals with the use of both languages in the social sphere, while the second focuses
specifically on the educational reality, considering both the perspective of teachers and students. Likewise, the geographical differences within the Basque-Navarre context and the gender perspective are considered as transversal lines of the study

Paedagogica Historica, 2019
EN. In the framework of European educational convergence, university teaching must respond to the... more EN. In the framework of European educational convergence, university teaching must respond to the new challenges posed by the European System of Transfer Credits (ECTS) while encouraging improvement and innovation in didactical aspects of formation. In Spain, the field of the History of Education has assumed an active role in the advancement of teaching quality by promoting projects for innovation and reform through different institutions and organisms. In this article we will describe a project for teaching innovation, supported by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid’s Vice-rectory of quality, which is based on the pedagogy of Freinet. The aim of the project is to apply the Freinet methodology to the teaching of the History of Education to undergraduate students of primary education, pre-school education and pedagogy. The reasons for introducing the Freinet techniques in the university classroom have to do above all with the versatility of its methodology. The method’s didactic potential in forming teachers – owing principally to its way of integrating and unifying diverse innovative methodologies from the Progressive Education movement – has been amply demonstrated. On the fiftieth anniversary of his death, the pedagogy of the French educator has been shown to be as relevant as ever.

Educación, Política y Sociedad, 2020
ES. El artículo parte de un proyecto llevado a cabo en la Facultad de Educación de Segovia que tr... more ES. El artículo parte de un proyecto llevado a cabo en la Facultad de Educación de Segovia que trata de acercar a los estudiantes de Grado de Educación Infantil a la historia de la Guerra Civil española a través de relatos de vida. El objetivo del estudio es analizar las experiencias infantiles de mujeres segovianas nacidas en el contexto rural de finales de 1920 y principios de 1930 y que vivieron su escolaridad durante la contienda. El análisis de los testimonios revela la represión a la que fue sometida la mujer durante este periodo y cómo la educación fue el arma de la ideología dominante para que las menores asumieran el papel subordinado que les fue asignado por su condición de clase y de género.
EN. This paper is based on an innovation project carried out at the Segovia Faculty of Education that tries to bring the students of the early childhood Education Degree of the University of Valladolid to the history of the Spanish Civil War through life stories. The objective of the study is to analyze the biographies of segovian women born in a rural context of the late 1920s and early 1930s who lived their schooling during the war. The analysis of the testimonies reveals the repression suffered by women during this period and how education was the weapon for the minors to assume the subordinate role assigned to them by their class and gender status.

RIDPHE_R. Revista iberoamericana do Patrimônio Histórico-Educativo, 2018
ES. Los testimonios orales son una de las principales fuentes primarias dentro de la investigació... more ES. Los testimonios orales son una de las principales fuentes primarias dentro de la investigación histórico-educativa. Su interacción con el patrimonio de la escuela supone una experiencia ampliamente documentada que ayuda a conocer mejor elementos del pasado educativo, como las emociones y los olvidos. El presente artículo trata de exponer un taller llevado a cabo en el Museo/Laboratorio de Historia de la Educación "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid, España) en colaboración con el Proyecto de Innovación Docente "Tejiendo historia: la fotografía y el relato escolar como recursos para la formación histórico-educativa del alumnado de Magisterio" de la Universidad de Valladolid (Castilla y León, España), así como reflexionar sobre las posibilidades que ofrece esta experienciaen el ámbito de la didáctica universitaria. Palabras clave: Historia oral. Patrimonio. Historia de la educación.
EN. Oral testimonies are one of the main primary sources of historical-educational research. Its interaction with the heritage of the school is a widely documented experience that helps to better understand elements of the educational past such as emotions and forgetfulness. This article aims to present an activity carried out in the Museum/Laboratory of History of Education "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" of the Complutense University of Madrid (Community of Madrid, Spain) in collaboration with the teaching innovation project "Tejiendo historia: la fotografía y el relato escolar como recursos para la formación histórico-educativa del alumnado de Magisterio" (Weaving stories: photography and the school story as resources for the educational-historical training of the teaching students) of the University of Valladolid (Castile and León, Spain), as well as reflecting on the possibilities it offers in the field of university didactics.
FR. Les témoignages oraux sont l’une des principales sources de recherche historique et pédagogique. Son interaction avec le patrimoine de l’école est une expérience largement documentée qui aide à mieux comprendre les éléments du passé éducatif tels que les émotions et l’oubli. Cet article a pour but de présenter une activité réalisée au Musée/Laboratoire d'histoire de l'Éducation "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" de l'Université Complutense de Madrid (Communauté de Madrid, Espagne) en collaboration avec le projet d'innovation pédagogique "Tejiendo historia: la fotografía y el relato escolar como recursos para la formación históricoeducativa del alumnado de Magisterio” (Tisser de histoire: la photographie et l'histoire de l'école comme ressources pour la formation pédagogique et historique des étudiants) de l'Université de Valladolid (Castille-et-León, Espagne), ainsi qu'une réflexion sur les possibilités offertes par la didactique universitaire.
PT. Testemunhos orais são uma das principais fontes primárias da pesquisa histórico-educacional. Sua interação com o patrimônio da escola é uma experiência amplamente documentada que ajuda a entender melhor os elementos do passado educacional, como emoções e esquecimentos. O presente artigo propõe apresentar um workshop realizado no Museu/Laboratório de História da Educação "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" da Universidade Complutense de Madrid (Comunidade de Madri, Espanha) em colaboração com o projeto de inovação pedagógica "Tejiendo historia: la fotografía y el relato escolar como recursos para la formación históricoeducativa del alumnado de Magisterio" (Tecendo história: a fotografia e a história da escola como recursos para a formação histórico-pedagógica dos alunos docentes) da Universidade de Valladolid (Castela e Leão, Espanha) bem como refletir sobre as possibilidades que oferece no campo da didática universitária.
Papers by Carlos Sanz Simón
ES. La llegada de la Ilustración y la reorientación cultural hacia la Francia de los Borbones trajo consigo un cambio notable en las mujeres españolas. Las transformaciones en los modos de vida hicieron de la mujer ilustrada un sujeto consciente de las nuevas ideas y de sus capacidades, las cuales reivindicaron en varios espacios. El presente estudio se centra en Josefa Amar y Borbón, una mujer instruida y pionera en el ingreso en sociedades culturales, la cual redactó y difundió sus ideales sobre la educación de las mujeres. Basado en el método histórico-educativo, analizamos su impacto y recepción en la prensa española desde finales del siglo XVIII hasta el primer tercio del siglo XX. En ella se puede observar el énfasis en su labor como traductora y en la vindicación de su figura como feminista en España, desde mediados del siglo XIX.
EN. A knowledge of the Inspectorate of Primary Education in the first third of the twentieth century is necessary if we are to know about education during this period. It is crucial that we approach this study from a gender perspective in order to make visible the biases faced by this professional body and to understand the possibilities of action of those who formed part of it. These are the premises on which this study is based. Contextualized in the current Autonomous Community of Castile and León, our aim is to analyse the punishments suffered by female primary school inspectors in this region during the period of the Civil War and the immediate repercussions that these punishments had on the careers of the protagonists. To this end, we examine professional and purification files, whose difficulties point to a prolific line of research, one subject to multiple conditioning factors as well as different interpretations. The results show how female professional inspectors suffered different punitive processes from their male counterparts, with removal from office and internal exile being two of the most common sanctions. The historical period in which they were trained, the provinces in which they worked, their political involvement and the relationships they established with significant male officials were determining factors in whether they kept their jobs after the war or were further ostracised.
EN. In the 1910s, the female inspectors who made it to the first posts had excellent training and extensive professional experience. However, they had to prove their worth in the face of the distrust of an eminently masculinised professional body. One hundred years later, many of them are still forgotten. This research aims to analyse the personal and professional trajectories of the pioneering female educational inspectors in the province of Segovia. Through an interpretative and hermeneutic discourse, we discover that they demonstrated a strong commitment to the improvement of female education, collaborated enthusiastically in educational reforms carried out during the Republic and suffered the consequences of the purge during the Civil War.
EN. Within the Junta de Ampliación de Estudios, the Centre for Historical Studies carried out a prolific trajectory of internationalization of an academic elite of researchers in Spain during the first third of the 20th century. Directed by Ramón Menéndez Pidal, this institution was an alternative to the classic institutions in the area and played a leading role in the training of multiple professionals beyond national borders. In the case of this study, we focus on studying the thematic lines developed by those professionals in the historical discipline who, from the region of Castilla y León, obtained one or several pensions from the Regional Government during their careers. The results show, mainly, the identity interest of national studies on the influence and contributions of Spain in international contexts and, on the other hand, the predominant masculinization of this sector.
EN. Interview on social and educational inclusion with Mel Ainscow, Emeritus Professor at the University of Manchester, Professor of Education at the University of Glasgow, Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology and permanent consultant to UNESCO.
EN. Transexuality and transgenderism have been present in society throughout history. However, these realities have often been made invisible. The present research, of a qualitative nature,
aims to know how this group is being responded to in our days from an educational point of view. Through the testimony of two teachers of Early Childhood Education, we discuss the training in
sex education received at the beginning of their professional careers, the experiences they have experienced in the centers where they have worked with cases of transgendered children and the
educational practices they develop in the classroom to work with sexual diversity. The results show not only that it is possible to make visible, depathologize and develop educational processes that respect transsexual children, but also that it is necessary to bet on an education that is far from heteronormative models in order to protect the rights of the LGTBI collective and promote effective social equality.
EN. The Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas was an organization characterized by its drive to develop the training of professionals in multiple academic and professional disciplines, where its work in the educational field, in the region of Castilla y León, and the teaching staff itself must be highlighted. In this study we consider the analysis of the pensioners in this field and the aids that were granted to them during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923- 1930). In it, we discover how pensioners followed three main lines of work: educational organization and teaching methods, the state and functioning of the educational inspectorate and normal schools, and specific disciplines. The enjoyment of their pensions was key to the consolidation of their professional careers during the Francoist period, for those who refused to spread renewal; or to suffer repression and oblivion in the cases of those professionals who constituted the educational vanguard during the Republican period.
EN. Teachers have a leading role in the transmission of history and in building a democratic citizenship. Current teacher training curricula do not offer future teachers a solid historical background that would allow them to position themselves as critical professionals facing past knowledge. This deficiency responds to a neoliberal educational model that favors productivity to the detriment of social justice. The present work tries to make known the trajectory of the Teaching Innovation Project “Memory of the contemporary school: oral and iconographic sources and other pedagogical resources for teacher training” of the University of Valladolid. The goal of this Project, in which several subjects of the Teaching Degrees are involved, is to teach our students the history of the contemporary school through the testimony of groups traditionally excluded from the official historical narrative. This commitment to recover the past through intergenerational relations and oral history has led, up to now, to more than 350 students becoming aware of the importance of history in their training as education professionals. Contact with testimonies from former students and teachers of the school from our immediate past and the development of reflective and research skills, has allowed our students to question the hegemonic imposition of knowledge and the existence of a unique story. The value of this sort of learning is crucial to the formation of critical professionals committed to a democratic educational model.
EN. The purge of the primary school teachers during the Spanish civil war has been an object of interest for many historians, who have tried to quantify this purifying process based on regional variables and have left out the individual profiles of those teachers who experienced the purge. Digging deeper into their biographies is today a necessary task to advance this line of research. The objective of this article is to know how the purification process of the teaching profession was carried out in the city of Segovia (1936-1939) taking into account biographical and gender variables. Through the analysis of the charges that were imputed to the thirty-seven teachers and the teachers who worked in the public schools of the capital and the sanctions that they received. We will get to know the profile of the Segovian magisterium in the Franco regime. We start from a historical-educational methodology that is based on three fundamental sources: the records of the purification of teachers, their professional records and biographical information on each one of them collected in various Segovian files. The results reveal how a group of teachers with a renovating spirit, who were recognized by the educational administration for their work at the head of the schools and for their pedagogical concerns before the war, suffered the separation from office and in some cases the death. Their fate was different from that of those teachers who fulfilled a traditional educational model and who were awarded after the purge for their unconditional support for the homeland and Catholicism.
EN. The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a battlefield that, although it developed nationally, had a scope and participation that crossed the borders of Spain. The rebel side asked for help of two foreign powers in challenging the Second Republic: Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. It would be precisely the latter that would invest a greater economic and logistical effort, due to how Mussolini saw in Spain a possible Mediterranean ally, one akin to his model of Italian fascism. The present research attempts to discover how the enemy – in this case the Republican side – was represented in the school textbooks of the last years of the Duce's dictatorship in Italy. The texts were consulted in the Centro di documentazione e ricerca sulla storia del libro scolastico e della letteratura per l’infanza at the University of Macerata (Italy). The results show how the school manuals of that time, in subjects such as history, readings, geography or patriotic teachings, reflected an image of the republican side associated with tyranny, demonizing their intervention in the warlike conflict with narratives that exalt violence and anti-Catholicism and identifying them with Soviet communism and anarchy.
EN. Personalized teaching is a pedagogical approach that originated in France during the post-war period and spread to neighbouring countries such as Italy and Spain. It emerged in response to the crisis of identity of the subject that European totalitarianism had caused. This teaching system was introduced to Spain by the Teresian Association, which adopted it and implemented it in two educational centres in Madrid: the Padre Poveda School Group, a public centre located in a working-class neighbourhood, and the Veritas Institute, a private high school located in an upper-middle class residential area (Somosaguas). This article attempts to reconstruct how this innovative educational model, inspired by the French Jesuit Pierre Faure and developed in democratic contexts, was introduced in Spain by the Teresians during Franco’s regime. The article uses the historical–educational method, which has allowed us to find and review various handwritten, bibliographic, periodical, pictorial, and oral sources. The wealth of documentation has made it possible to triangulate all the sources before critically analysing the documents used. The results have allowed us to establish that the pedagogical model introduced in the 1960s in Madrid by the Teresian Association was very innovative, despite clashing with the educational policy, practices, and symbols of Franco’s dictatorship. Based on Christian personalism, it incorporated novel methodologies introduced by the New School movement (Freinet, Montessori, Dalton Plan, Decroly, etc.).
EN. Franco's dictatorship was a period of reconfiguration of the role of women in society. Under the protection of National Catholicism, Spain plunged into a dictatorship of forty years that returned women to the traditional and conservative model - and therefore Catholic - contrary to the Republican. A paradigmatic change especially palpable in schools, understood as the main means for the dissemination of the social approach of the Regime, and one of the main traditionally feminine work spaces. The objective of this research is to know what is the memory of the Francoist teacher in female students of the time through oral sources, understanding these as the main means for the study of emotions and human representations. For this, emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the teacher, her teaching practice and her relationship with other socioeducational agents, such as the family and the social community.
PT. A ditadura de Franco foi um período de reconfiguração do papel da mulher na sociedade. Sob a proteção do nacionalcatolicismo, a Espanha mergulhou em uma ditadura de quarenta anos que devolveu as mulheres ao modelo tradicional e conservador-e, portanto, católico– contrário ao republicano. Uma mudança paradigmática especialmente palpável nas escolas, entendida como o principal meio de disseminação da abordagem social do Regime, e um dos principais espaços de trabalho tradicionalmente femininos. O objetivo desta pesquisa é conhecer a memória da professora franquista em alunas da época através de fontes orais, entendendo-as como os principais meios para o estudo de emoções e representações humanas. Para isso, enfatiza-se ases características do professora, sua prática docente e seu relacionamento com outros agentes socioeducativos, como a família e a comunidade social.
ello, se hace uso del fondo de memorias de prácticas «Romero Marín», ubicado en el Museo-Laboratorio de Historia de la Educación «Manuel Bartolomé Cossío» de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, las cuales fueron redactadas por las primeras generaciones de pedagogos instruidas en el franquismo. De ellas, se analizan un conjunto de doce ejemplares dedicados a la primera enseñanza en Euskadi y Navarra en torno a dos ejes temáticos o categorías de análisis principales. El primero de ellos versa sobre el uso de ambas lenguas en el plano social, mientras el segundo se centra propiamente en la realidad educativa, considerando tanto la perspectiva del profesorado como la del alumnado. Asimismo, se contemplan las diferencias geográficas dentro del propio contexto vasco-navarro y la perspectiva de género como líneas transversales del estudio.
EN. The main aim of this article is to show the educational practice of primary education in the Basque Country and Navarre between 1950 and 1959, emphasizing the linguistic issue from the fascist standpoint which imposed the official use of
Castilian. In order to do this, the «Romero Marín» practice reports collection of the Complutense University of Madrid has been used; they were written by the first generations of pedagogues trained during Franco’s regime. Among them, a set of
thirteen copies devoted to primary education in the Basque Country and Navarre are analyzed from two thematic viewpoints or main analysis categories. The first one deals with the use of both languages in the social sphere, while the second focuses
specifically on the educational reality, considering both the perspective of teachers and students. Likewise, the geographical differences within the Basque-Navarre context and the gender perspective are considered as transversal lines of the study
EN. This paper is based on an innovation project carried out at the Segovia Faculty of Education that tries to bring the students of the early childhood Education Degree of the University of Valladolid to the history of the Spanish Civil War through life stories. The objective of the study is to analyze the biographies of segovian women born in a rural context of the late 1920s and early 1930s who lived their schooling during the war. The analysis of the testimonies reveals the repression suffered by women during this period and how education was the weapon for the minors to assume the subordinate role assigned to them by their class and gender status.
EN. Oral testimonies are one of the main primary sources of historical-educational research. Its interaction with the heritage of the school is a widely documented experience that helps to better understand elements of the educational past such as emotions and forgetfulness. This article aims to present an activity carried out in the Museum/Laboratory of History of Education "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" of the Complutense University of Madrid (Community of Madrid, Spain) in collaboration with the teaching innovation project "Tejiendo historia: la fotografía y el relato escolar como recursos para la formación histórico-educativa del alumnado de Magisterio" (Weaving stories: photography and the school story as resources for the educational-historical training of the teaching students) of the University of Valladolid (Castile and León, Spain), as well as reflecting on the possibilities it offers in the field of university didactics.
FR. Les témoignages oraux sont l’une des principales sources de recherche historique et pédagogique. Son interaction avec le patrimoine de l’école est une expérience largement documentée qui aide à mieux comprendre les éléments du passé éducatif tels que les émotions et l’oubli. Cet article a pour but de présenter une activité réalisée au Musée/Laboratoire d'histoire de l'Éducation "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" de l'Université Complutense de Madrid (Communauté de Madrid, Espagne) en collaboration avec le projet d'innovation pédagogique "Tejiendo historia: la fotografía y el relato escolar como recursos para la formación históricoeducativa del alumnado de Magisterio” (Tisser de histoire: la photographie et l'histoire de l'école comme ressources pour la formation pédagogique et historique des étudiants) de l'Université de Valladolid (Castille-et-León, Espagne), ainsi qu'une réflexion sur les possibilités offertes par la didactique universitaire.
PT. Testemunhos orais são uma das principais fontes primárias da pesquisa histórico-educacional. Sua interação com o patrimônio da escola é uma experiência amplamente documentada que ajuda a entender melhor os elementos do passado educacional, como emoções e esquecimentos. O presente artigo propõe apresentar um workshop realizado no Museu/Laboratório de História da Educação "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" da Universidade Complutense de Madrid (Comunidade de Madri, Espanha) em colaboração com o projeto de inovação pedagógica "Tejiendo historia: la fotografía y el relato escolar como recursos para la formación históricoeducativa del alumnado de Magisterio" (Tecendo história: a fotografia e a história da escola como recursos para a formação histórico-pedagógica dos alunos docentes) da Universidade de Valladolid (Castela e Leão, Espanha) bem como refletir sobre as possibilidades que oferece no campo da didática universitária.
ES. La llegada de la Ilustración y la reorientación cultural hacia la Francia de los Borbones trajo consigo un cambio notable en las mujeres españolas. Las transformaciones en los modos de vida hicieron de la mujer ilustrada un sujeto consciente de las nuevas ideas y de sus capacidades, las cuales reivindicaron en varios espacios. El presente estudio se centra en Josefa Amar y Borbón, una mujer instruida y pionera en el ingreso en sociedades culturales, la cual redactó y difundió sus ideales sobre la educación de las mujeres. Basado en el método histórico-educativo, analizamos su impacto y recepción en la prensa española desde finales del siglo XVIII hasta el primer tercio del siglo XX. En ella se puede observar el énfasis en su labor como traductora y en la vindicación de su figura como feminista en España, desde mediados del siglo XIX.
EN. A knowledge of the Inspectorate of Primary Education in the first third of the twentieth century is necessary if we are to know about education during this period. It is crucial that we approach this study from a gender perspective in order to make visible the biases faced by this professional body and to understand the possibilities of action of those who formed part of it. These are the premises on which this study is based. Contextualized in the current Autonomous Community of Castile and León, our aim is to analyse the punishments suffered by female primary school inspectors in this region during the period of the Civil War and the immediate repercussions that these punishments had on the careers of the protagonists. To this end, we examine professional and purification files, whose difficulties point to a prolific line of research, one subject to multiple conditioning factors as well as different interpretations. The results show how female professional inspectors suffered different punitive processes from their male counterparts, with removal from office and internal exile being two of the most common sanctions. The historical period in which they were trained, the provinces in which they worked, their political involvement and the relationships they established with significant male officials were determining factors in whether they kept their jobs after the war or were further ostracised.
EN. In the 1910s, the female inspectors who made it to the first posts had excellent training and extensive professional experience. However, they had to prove their worth in the face of the distrust of an eminently masculinised professional body. One hundred years later, many of them are still forgotten. This research aims to analyse the personal and professional trajectories of the pioneering female educational inspectors in the province of Segovia. Through an interpretative and hermeneutic discourse, we discover that they demonstrated a strong commitment to the improvement of female education, collaborated enthusiastically in educational reforms carried out during the Republic and suffered the consequences of the purge during the Civil War.
EN. Within the Junta de Ampliación de Estudios, the Centre for Historical Studies carried out a prolific trajectory of internationalization of an academic elite of researchers in Spain during the first third of the 20th century. Directed by Ramón Menéndez Pidal, this institution was an alternative to the classic institutions in the area and played a leading role in the training of multiple professionals beyond national borders. In the case of this study, we focus on studying the thematic lines developed by those professionals in the historical discipline who, from the region of Castilla y León, obtained one or several pensions from the Regional Government during their careers. The results show, mainly, the identity interest of national studies on the influence and contributions of Spain in international contexts and, on the other hand, the predominant masculinization of this sector.
EN. Interview on social and educational inclusion with Mel Ainscow, Emeritus Professor at the University of Manchester, Professor of Education at the University of Glasgow, Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology and permanent consultant to UNESCO.
EN. Transexuality and transgenderism have been present in society throughout history. However, these realities have often been made invisible. The present research, of a qualitative nature,
aims to know how this group is being responded to in our days from an educational point of view. Through the testimony of two teachers of Early Childhood Education, we discuss the training in
sex education received at the beginning of their professional careers, the experiences they have experienced in the centers where they have worked with cases of transgendered children and the
educational practices they develop in the classroom to work with sexual diversity. The results show not only that it is possible to make visible, depathologize and develop educational processes that respect transsexual children, but also that it is necessary to bet on an education that is far from heteronormative models in order to protect the rights of the LGTBI collective and promote effective social equality.
EN. The Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas was an organization characterized by its drive to develop the training of professionals in multiple academic and professional disciplines, where its work in the educational field, in the region of Castilla y León, and the teaching staff itself must be highlighted. In this study we consider the analysis of the pensioners in this field and the aids that were granted to them during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923- 1930). In it, we discover how pensioners followed three main lines of work: educational organization and teaching methods, the state and functioning of the educational inspectorate and normal schools, and specific disciplines. The enjoyment of their pensions was key to the consolidation of their professional careers during the Francoist period, for those who refused to spread renewal; or to suffer repression and oblivion in the cases of those professionals who constituted the educational vanguard during the Republican period.
EN. Teachers have a leading role in the transmission of history and in building a democratic citizenship. Current teacher training curricula do not offer future teachers a solid historical background that would allow them to position themselves as critical professionals facing past knowledge. This deficiency responds to a neoliberal educational model that favors productivity to the detriment of social justice. The present work tries to make known the trajectory of the Teaching Innovation Project “Memory of the contemporary school: oral and iconographic sources and other pedagogical resources for teacher training” of the University of Valladolid. The goal of this Project, in which several subjects of the Teaching Degrees are involved, is to teach our students the history of the contemporary school through the testimony of groups traditionally excluded from the official historical narrative. This commitment to recover the past through intergenerational relations and oral history has led, up to now, to more than 350 students becoming aware of the importance of history in their training as education professionals. Contact with testimonies from former students and teachers of the school from our immediate past and the development of reflective and research skills, has allowed our students to question the hegemonic imposition of knowledge and the existence of a unique story. The value of this sort of learning is crucial to the formation of critical professionals committed to a democratic educational model.
EN. The purge of the primary school teachers during the Spanish civil war has been an object of interest for many historians, who have tried to quantify this purifying process based on regional variables and have left out the individual profiles of those teachers who experienced the purge. Digging deeper into their biographies is today a necessary task to advance this line of research. The objective of this article is to know how the purification process of the teaching profession was carried out in the city of Segovia (1936-1939) taking into account biographical and gender variables. Through the analysis of the charges that were imputed to the thirty-seven teachers and the teachers who worked in the public schools of the capital and the sanctions that they received. We will get to know the profile of the Segovian magisterium in the Franco regime. We start from a historical-educational methodology that is based on three fundamental sources: the records of the purification of teachers, their professional records and biographical information on each one of them collected in various Segovian files. The results reveal how a group of teachers with a renovating spirit, who were recognized by the educational administration for their work at the head of the schools and for their pedagogical concerns before the war, suffered the separation from office and in some cases the death. Their fate was different from that of those teachers who fulfilled a traditional educational model and who were awarded after the purge for their unconditional support for the homeland and Catholicism.
EN. The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a battlefield that, although it developed nationally, had a scope and participation that crossed the borders of Spain. The rebel side asked for help of two foreign powers in challenging the Second Republic: Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. It would be precisely the latter that would invest a greater economic and logistical effort, due to how Mussolini saw in Spain a possible Mediterranean ally, one akin to his model of Italian fascism. The present research attempts to discover how the enemy – in this case the Republican side – was represented in the school textbooks of the last years of the Duce's dictatorship in Italy. The texts were consulted in the Centro di documentazione e ricerca sulla storia del libro scolastico e della letteratura per l’infanza at the University of Macerata (Italy). The results show how the school manuals of that time, in subjects such as history, readings, geography or patriotic teachings, reflected an image of the republican side associated with tyranny, demonizing their intervention in the warlike conflict with narratives that exalt violence and anti-Catholicism and identifying them with Soviet communism and anarchy.
EN. Personalized teaching is a pedagogical approach that originated in France during the post-war period and spread to neighbouring countries such as Italy and Spain. It emerged in response to the crisis of identity of the subject that European totalitarianism had caused. This teaching system was introduced to Spain by the Teresian Association, which adopted it and implemented it in two educational centres in Madrid: the Padre Poveda School Group, a public centre located in a working-class neighbourhood, and the Veritas Institute, a private high school located in an upper-middle class residential area (Somosaguas). This article attempts to reconstruct how this innovative educational model, inspired by the French Jesuit Pierre Faure and developed in democratic contexts, was introduced in Spain by the Teresians during Franco’s regime. The article uses the historical–educational method, which has allowed us to find and review various handwritten, bibliographic, periodical, pictorial, and oral sources. The wealth of documentation has made it possible to triangulate all the sources before critically analysing the documents used. The results have allowed us to establish that the pedagogical model introduced in the 1960s in Madrid by the Teresian Association was very innovative, despite clashing with the educational policy, practices, and symbols of Franco’s dictatorship. Based on Christian personalism, it incorporated novel methodologies introduced by the New School movement (Freinet, Montessori, Dalton Plan, Decroly, etc.).
EN. Franco's dictatorship was a period of reconfiguration of the role of women in society. Under the protection of National Catholicism, Spain plunged into a dictatorship of forty years that returned women to the traditional and conservative model - and therefore Catholic - contrary to the Republican. A paradigmatic change especially palpable in schools, understood as the main means for the dissemination of the social approach of the Regime, and one of the main traditionally feminine work spaces. The objective of this research is to know what is the memory of the Francoist teacher in female students of the time through oral sources, understanding these as the main means for the study of emotions and human representations. For this, emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the teacher, her teaching practice and her relationship with other socioeducational agents, such as the family and the social community.
PT. A ditadura de Franco foi um período de reconfiguração do papel da mulher na sociedade. Sob a proteção do nacionalcatolicismo, a Espanha mergulhou em uma ditadura de quarenta anos que devolveu as mulheres ao modelo tradicional e conservador-e, portanto, católico– contrário ao republicano. Uma mudança paradigmática especialmente palpável nas escolas, entendida como o principal meio de disseminação da abordagem social do Regime, e um dos principais espaços de trabalho tradicionalmente femininos. O objetivo desta pesquisa é conhecer a memória da professora franquista em alunas da época através de fontes orais, entendendo-as como os principais meios para o estudo de emoções e representações humanas. Para isso, enfatiza-se ases características do professora, sua prática docente e seu relacionamento com outros agentes socioeducativos, como a família e a comunidade social.
ello, se hace uso del fondo de memorias de prácticas «Romero Marín», ubicado en el Museo-Laboratorio de Historia de la Educación «Manuel Bartolomé Cossío» de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, las cuales fueron redactadas por las primeras generaciones de pedagogos instruidas en el franquismo. De ellas, se analizan un conjunto de doce ejemplares dedicados a la primera enseñanza en Euskadi y Navarra en torno a dos ejes temáticos o categorías de análisis principales. El primero de ellos versa sobre el uso de ambas lenguas en el plano social, mientras el segundo se centra propiamente en la realidad educativa, considerando tanto la perspectiva del profesorado como la del alumnado. Asimismo, se contemplan las diferencias geográficas dentro del propio contexto vasco-navarro y la perspectiva de género como líneas transversales del estudio.
EN. The main aim of this article is to show the educational practice of primary education in the Basque Country and Navarre between 1950 and 1959, emphasizing the linguistic issue from the fascist standpoint which imposed the official use of
Castilian. In order to do this, the «Romero Marín» practice reports collection of the Complutense University of Madrid has been used; they were written by the first generations of pedagogues trained during Franco’s regime. Among them, a set of
thirteen copies devoted to primary education in the Basque Country and Navarre are analyzed from two thematic viewpoints or main analysis categories. The first one deals with the use of both languages in the social sphere, while the second focuses
specifically on the educational reality, considering both the perspective of teachers and students. Likewise, the geographical differences within the Basque-Navarre context and the gender perspective are considered as transversal lines of the study
EN. This paper is based on an innovation project carried out at the Segovia Faculty of Education that tries to bring the students of the early childhood Education Degree of the University of Valladolid to the history of the Spanish Civil War through life stories. The objective of the study is to analyze the biographies of segovian women born in a rural context of the late 1920s and early 1930s who lived their schooling during the war. The analysis of the testimonies reveals the repression suffered by women during this period and how education was the weapon for the minors to assume the subordinate role assigned to them by their class and gender status.
EN. Oral testimonies are one of the main primary sources of historical-educational research. Its interaction with the heritage of the school is a widely documented experience that helps to better understand elements of the educational past such as emotions and forgetfulness. This article aims to present an activity carried out in the Museum/Laboratory of History of Education "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" of the Complutense University of Madrid (Community of Madrid, Spain) in collaboration with the teaching innovation project "Tejiendo historia: la fotografía y el relato escolar como recursos para la formación histórico-educativa del alumnado de Magisterio" (Weaving stories: photography and the school story as resources for the educational-historical training of the teaching students) of the University of Valladolid (Castile and León, Spain), as well as reflecting on the possibilities it offers in the field of university didactics.
FR. Les témoignages oraux sont l’une des principales sources de recherche historique et pédagogique. Son interaction avec le patrimoine de l’école est une expérience largement documentée qui aide à mieux comprendre les éléments du passé éducatif tels que les émotions et l’oubli. Cet article a pour but de présenter une activité réalisée au Musée/Laboratoire d'histoire de l'Éducation "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" de l'Université Complutense de Madrid (Communauté de Madrid, Espagne) en collaboration avec le projet d'innovation pédagogique "Tejiendo historia: la fotografía y el relato escolar como recursos para la formación históricoeducativa del alumnado de Magisterio” (Tisser de histoire: la photographie et l'histoire de l'école comme ressources pour la formation pédagogique et historique des étudiants) de l'Université de Valladolid (Castille-et-León, Espagne), ainsi qu'une réflexion sur les possibilités offertes par la didactique universitaire.
PT. Testemunhos orais são uma das principais fontes primárias da pesquisa histórico-educacional. Sua interação com o patrimônio da escola é uma experiência amplamente documentada que ajuda a entender melhor os elementos do passado educacional, como emoções e esquecimentos. O presente artigo propõe apresentar um workshop realizado no Museu/Laboratório de História da Educação "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" da Universidade Complutense de Madrid (Comunidade de Madri, Espanha) em colaboração com o projeto de inovação pedagógica "Tejiendo historia: la fotografía y el relato escolar como recursos para la formación históricoeducativa del alumnado de Magisterio" (Tecendo história: a fotografia e a história da escola como recursos para a formação histórico-pedagógica dos alunos docentes) da Universidade de Valladolid (Castela e Leão, Espanha) bem como refletir sobre as possibilidades que oferece no campo da didática universitária.
EN. Book review of "Memorie di scuola. Contributo a una storia delle pratiche didattiche ed educative nelle scuole marchigiane attraverso le testimonianze di maestri e maestre (1945-1985)" written by prof. Lucia Paciaroni (Università degli Studi di Macerata, Italia).
IT. Ricensione di "Memorie di scuola. Contributo a una storia delle pratiche didattiche ed educative nelle scuole marchigiane attraverso le testimonianze di maestri e maestre (1945-1985)" libro scritto dalla prof.ssa Lucia Paciaroni (Università degli Studi di Macerata, Italia).
EN. Article first published in 1929 in the journal Revista de Pedagogía by Rosa Sensat, principal of the female section of the Escuela Bosque founded in 1914 in Barcelona. The text shows Sensat's reflection about her experience in the Escuela Bosque. The author highlights the school placement, in the natural environment, as a specific characteristic, but she also states that the educational activity carried out in a school, regardless of the environment, must be guided and applied. She concludes the importance of the natural environment for promoting the spirit of observation and study, and she claims for the need of understanding the classroom as a place for analysing and systematizing the information collected in the natural environment. She closes the reflection advocating for spiritual education, respect for students' learning needs and their happiness. Teresa Rabazas Romero and Carlos Sanz Simón, researchers at the Museum of History of Education "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" at the Complutense University of Madrid, have added to this reedition a brief contextualization.
EN. Article originally published in 1924 in the journal Revista de Pedagogía, then directed by Lorenzo Luzuriaga. The author reflects on the teaching of adults, specifically women. Knowing how a serious issue illiteracy was at the time in Spain, Leonor Serrano emphasizes the idea of offering an organized and distributed teaching throughout the Spanish geography, with an emphasis on rural areas. It addresses this question from a feminist perspective, arguing for the full integration of women in the educational system not only from their early years, but serving all women in need of literacy. Teresa Rabazas Romero and Carlos Sanz Simón, the Museum of History of Education "Manuel Bartolomé Cossío" at the Complutense University of Madrid, prepared this reedition with an additional critical commentary. Keywords: history of education in Spain; Leonor Serrano de Pablo; adult women education; Revista de Pedagogía.
EN. Abstract Article originally published in January 1930 as part of number 97 of the journal Revista de Pedagogía, then directed by Lorenzo Luzuriaga. The author was Leonor Serrano de Pablo, an emblematic teacher and school inspector in the Spanish history of education of the first third of the twentieth century. The article focuses on the need to promote socialization from childhood, aiming at developing communication skills of boys and girls in schools. The article stresses the importance of language as a basis for culture, democracy, and, ultimately, for the promotion of pacifism in civilized societies. Keywords: history of education in Spain; Leonor Serrano de Pablo; social pedagogy; Revista de Pedagogía.
Museo/Laboratorio de Historia de la Educación «Manuel Bartolomé Cossío» de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (en adelante UCM), quiso poner en valor la vigencia de la pedagogía freinetiana en nuestro sistema educativo, diseñando un proyecto de innovación educativa dirigido a estudiantes de la Facultad de Educación y profesionales de la educación. Este proyecto se enmarca en un plan global para convertir el Museo de Educación en una plataforma de formación continua de los estudiantes y profesionales de la educación basada en una doble modalidad: presencial y b-learning. El equipo interdisciplinar encargado de elaborarlo (profesorado, alumnado y técnicos especialistas en medios audiovisuales) ha desarrollado el diseño e implementación de un curso de b-learning para estudiantes de la asignatura Historia y Corrientes Internacionales de la Educación y la Cultura, obligatoria
en todos los grados de la Facultad de Educación, y para todos los profesionales en ejercicio interesados en la historia de la educación y la renovación pedagógica. La novedad de esta propuesta consiste en aplicar la pedagogía freinetiana en la enseñanza universitaria, por primera vez en España, dirigida a la formación de los maestros de educación primaria y futuros pedagogos/as, utilizando como laboratorio pedagógico el Museo de Historia de la Educación de la UCM.
Madrid. Desde el análisis de este centro, podemos comprobar que el proceso de promoción en la enseñanza primaria constaba de una prueba escrita estructurada en diferentes áreas instrumentales. En el caso del examen de tercero a cuarto, del curso académico 1965-66, las materias comprendidas en dicha prueba eran lectura, escritura, cálculo, conocimientos, dibujo y hábitos y destrezas. Estas actividades generalmente estaban pautadas, por lo que en ellas no cabía la creatividad. Sólo en el área de dibujo, el alumnado tenía la oportunidad de elaborar una ilustración libre. Los 35 ejemplares estudiados, elaborados por estudiantes de entre 9 y 12 años, nos permiten comprobar que, en este ejercicio, los menores plasmaban dibujos que iban desde la representación de personajes históricos como Francisco Franco y José Antonio Primo de Rivera, hasta objetos propios de la cultura española cotidiana, como los botijos o de la pintura tradicional, como los fruteros, ejemplos del adoctrinamiento en modelos sociales y políticos aprendidos en la escuela.
EN. The purpose of this communication is to analyze the elements of construction of national identity in the schools of Franco's Spain, between 1950 and 1968. Specifically, special emphasis will be placed on the comparative analysis of patriotic symbols between schools of the then denominated Madrid, Old Castile, Galicia, the Vascongadas and Catalonia. The selection of the regions responds to a criterion of national identity, comparing the peripheral nationalisms (Galician, Basque and Catalan) with the national identity Castilian (Madrid and Old Castile).