Conference Presentations by Andreea Catalina Brabete

Los resultados de este estudio confirman los resultados de otros estudios que han analizado la co... more Los resultados de este estudio confirman los resultados de otros estudios que han analizado la conformidad con las normas de género y la salud (por ejemplo, Cuéllar-Flores y Sánchez-López, 2011). Dado que los comportamientos modificables relacionados con la salud explican hasta un 50% de la varianza de mortalidad y morbilidad (Mokdad et al., 2004), estas conclusiones tienen mucha relevancia para las acciones sobre la salud. Señalan que hay diferentes factores que influyen sobre la salud y que el género tiene múltiples dimensiones puesto que, cada norma de género (masculino/femenino) tiene un riesgo o un costo asociado de tal forma que algunas de las normas de género protegen a las mujeres de conductas de riesgo tales como el consumir alcohol o fumar, y, en el caso de los hombres, pasa todo lo contrario.
Estos conocimientos subrayan la importancia de introducir la perspectiva de género en los estudios realizados sobre la migración y la salud; se pueden aplicar a la hora de diseñar programas psicosociales para migrantes y guiar el desarrollo de políticas para mejorar la calidad de vida de esta población.
Tal como se ha señalado en otros trabajos realizados con población autóctona (Sánchez-López, Apar... more Tal como se ha señalado en otros trabajos realizados con población autóctona (Sánchez-López, Aparicio y Dresch, 2006), la salud física de las mujeres más que la de los hombres está íntimamente relacionada con la salud psicológica. Tanto en el caso de los hombres como en el caso de las mujeres hay una relación entre la salud mental y la salud física medida a través de un índice objetivo (el número de dolencias físicas). Mientras que lo sana que la persona se siente (índice subjetivo) sólo guarda relación con la salud mental en el caso de las mujeres. El hecho de tener preocupaciones y malestares psicológicos puede ser la causa del empeoramiento de la salud autopercibida (Informe Salud y Género, 2006).

The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between the acculturative stress... more Objectives
The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between the acculturative stress and psychological health in a sample of Romanian immigrants living in Spain.
Participants: in this study have participated a total of 59 Romanian immigrants living in Spain, with ages from 23 to 59 years old, with a mean age of 39.07 (D.T. = 10.47). Instruments: Social, Attitudinal, Familial, and Environmental acculturative stress scale (SAFE) (Mena, Padilla and Maldonado, 1987) measures stress in four domains: familial, attitudinal, social and environmental. The 26 items are rated on a scale ranging from 1 (not stressful) to 5 (very stressful). General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) (Goldberg and Williams, 1988) consists of 12 items, each one assessing the severity of a mental problem over the past few weeks using a 4-point Likert-type scale (from 0 to 3). Procedure: The instruments have been translated from English to Romanian language following the recommendations of international regulations and national ones (ITC, 2011; Muñiz & Hambleton, 1996). It was used the “snowballing” technique. All participants signed voluntarily a written informed consent about the research and the confidentiality of their data.
Pearson correlations have been calculated, in order to analyse the relationship between the variables of this study. There is a significant direct correlation between the mental health and acculturative stress so that people who score high on GHQ-12, also score high on SAFE. That means people who score high on the acculturative stress scale have poorer mental health.
These results have important implications for action on mental health, since they show how important congruent cultural values and practices, language difficulties, and discrimination are for mental health. This knowledge has potentially practical use in health programmes and in social health activities with immigrants.

There are different ways of becoming ill because of being male or female and this is due not only... more There are different ways of becoming ill because of being male or female and this is due not only to biological differences but also to gender inequalities. Different studies show that men and women’s health behaviors are significantly related to their conformity to traditional masculine/feminine norms (Cuellar-Flores & Sánchez-López, 2011).
The aim of this study is to determine if adapting to gender norms (assed with the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (CMNI-Mahalik et al. 2003) and Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI-Mahalik et al., 2005) is related to some health variables. To achieve this aim we will analyze different researches realized by the research group EPSY (Psychological Styles, Gender and Health) about gender and general health in men and women, gender and mental health, gender and health in immigrants, gender and health in feminized professions as nursing and gender and addictions.
Our findings show that some gender norms are directly while other norms are inversely related to certain health indexes. We consider that investigating the connection between health and gender requires a multidimensional approach that furthers our understanding of the health costs and benefits of gender roles. These results have important implications for action on health, since they show how important masculine/feminine gender identity is, in regard to health behaviour, the use of medicines and presence or recognition of these same illnesses.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to confirm if the Millon Index of Personality (MIPS), which... more Purpose: The purpose of this study is to confirm if the Millon Index of Personality (MIPS), which is an extension of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory to “normal people (based on T. Millon’s biopsychosocial taxonomic theory of personality and personality pathology) can be used as a measurement of personality in the Romanian people. After translating and adapting from the original English instrument to Romanian, the instrument has been adapted, attempting to respect all standards of the International Tests Commission (ITC). Methods: Participants: A sample of 782 people, ages between 18 and 72 years was employed. Instrument: MIPS (Millon, 2001) consists of 180 true-false items. Scores on the MIPS are obtained on 3 pairs of Motivating Aims Scales, 4 pairs of Cognitive Modes Scales, and 5 pairs of Interpersonal Behaviors scales. Results and Conclusions: The psychometric characteristics of the MIPS and its theoretical model make it a good instrument to measure normal personality in Romanians.

Introduction: Social support is an important variable involved in the process of health/disease. ... more Introduction: Social support is an important variable involved in the process of health/disease. In the particular case of immigrants, social support is also related to the success of their life project and the integration in the society that received them.
Objetive: Although Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire is one of the most used with immigrants (e.g. National Health Survey), it has never been adapted to this population. In this research, Duke-UNC was adapted to Romanian immigrants in order to analyze the relationship between social support and mental health. Aim: Verify the factorial structure and the psychometric properties and analyze the relationship between social support and mental health. Method: We administered Duke-UNC and GHQ-12 to a sample of Romanian immigrants (N = 116), and conducted an exploratory factor analysis. Results: In the case of Duke-UNC, the results showed a structure of one factor that accounts for 51.46% of the variance. Cronbach's alpha value was .90. A significant negative correlation was found between the social support and the mental health (r = -0.34, p < .000). This shows that people who have more social support also enjoy better health state.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that Duke-UNC is a practical instrument that can be used to assess Romanian immigrants’social support. This variable has to be taken into account when therapeutic interventions and health programs are created for immigrants because of its relationship with mental health.
![Research paper thumbnail of La medición del género y el consumo de tabaco y alcohol en rumanos. [Gender measurement and consumption of tobacco and alcohol by Romanians].](
Introducción: El patrón de salud/enfermedad, diferente en hombres y mujeres, no se debe solamente... more Introducción: El patrón de salud/enfermedad, diferente en hombres y mujeres, no se debe solamente a las diferencias biológicas, sino también a factores asociados a los estilos de vida y el riesgo derivado del género. Es bien conocido el consumo diferencial de tabaco y alcohol de los hombres y las mujeres. Pero hay pocas investigaciones que relacionan las normas de género con el consumo de sustancias en mujeres.
Analizar las características psicométricas del Inventario de Conformidad con las Normas de Género Femenino (CFNI), una vez traducido al rumano. Analizar el impacto de la conformidad con las normas femeninas de género en los comportamientos relacionados con el consumo de alcohol y tabaco.
Participantes: 489 mujeres rumanas.
- 2 preguntas extraídas de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (INE, 2006) sobre el consumo de alcohol y tabaco.
- Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI): Es un inventario de 84 ítems. Los ítems miden actitudes, creencias y conductas asociadas a las normas de género femenino.
Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio y la fiabilidad de este instrumento indican que este instrumento es adecuado para utilizarlo en la población rumana. Con respecto al consumo de alcohol y tabaco, las normas de género Cuidado de niños, Fidelidad sexual y Modestia correlacionan inversamente con estos comportamientos. Sólo las puntuaciones altas en Inversión en apariencia se relacionan con el consumo de tabaco.
El test tiene características psicométricas similares a las versiones estadounidense y española. El menor consumo de alcohol y tabaco en las mujeres rumanas se debe a que estos comportamientos no son consistentes con las normas tradicionales de género. Por lo tanto, la introducción del concepto género (y no sólo el sexo de las personas) en el estudio del consumo de sustancias tales como el alcohol y tabaco puede aportar información relevante.
Papers by Andreea Catalina Brabete
This article suggests an approach to the Eastern Europe young migrants and their life experiences... more This article suggests an approach to the Eastern Europe young migrants and their life experiences gathered from the stories of their parents, who are the family migration project initiators. On this basis of analysis we gather ethnic information collected using a qualitative methodology, it follows a series of links to acculturative processes and identity of the second generation. This concludes that young migrants are directed toward an integrated and satisfactory multicultural profile.
Conference Presentations by Andreea Catalina Brabete
Estos conocimientos subrayan la importancia de introducir la perspectiva de género en los estudios realizados sobre la migración y la salud; se pueden aplicar a la hora de diseñar programas psicosociales para migrantes y guiar el desarrollo de políticas para mejorar la calidad de vida de esta población.
The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between the acculturative stress and psychological health in a sample of Romanian immigrants living in Spain.
Participants: in this study have participated a total of 59 Romanian immigrants living in Spain, with ages from 23 to 59 years old, with a mean age of 39.07 (D.T. = 10.47). Instruments: Social, Attitudinal, Familial, and Environmental acculturative stress scale (SAFE) (Mena, Padilla and Maldonado, 1987) measures stress in four domains: familial, attitudinal, social and environmental. The 26 items are rated on a scale ranging from 1 (not stressful) to 5 (very stressful). General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) (Goldberg and Williams, 1988) consists of 12 items, each one assessing the severity of a mental problem over the past few weeks using a 4-point Likert-type scale (from 0 to 3). Procedure: The instruments have been translated from English to Romanian language following the recommendations of international regulations and national ones (ITC, 2011; Muñiz & Hambleton, 1996). It was used the “snowballing” technique. All participants signed voluntarily a written informed consent about the research and the confidentiality of their data.
Pearson correlations have been calculated, in order to analyse the relationship between the variables of this study. There is a significant direct correlation between the mental health and acculturative stress so that people who score high on GHQ-12, also score high on SAFE. That means people who score high on the acculturative stress scale have poorer mental health.
These results have important implications for action on mental health, since they show how important congruent cultural values and practices, language difficulties, and discrimination are for mental health. This knowledge has potentially practical use in health programmes and in social health activities with immigrants.
The aim of this study is to determine if adapting to gender norms (assed with the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (CMNI-Mahalik et al. 2003) and Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI-Mahalik et al., 2005) is related to some health variables. To achieve this aim we will analyze different researches realized by the research group EPSY (Psychological Styles, Gender and Health) about gender and general health in men and women, gender and mental health, gender and health in immigrants, gender and health in feminized professions as nursing and gender and addictions.
Our findings show that some gender norms are directly while other norms are inversely related to certain health indexes. We consider that investigating the connection between health and gender requires a multidimensional approach that furthers our understanding of the health costs and benefits of gender roles. These results have important implications for action on health, since they show how important masculine/feminine gender identity is, in regard to health behaviour, the use of medicines and presence or recognition of these same illnesses.
Objetive: Although Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire is one of the most used with immigrants (e.g. National Health Survey), it has never been adapted to this population. In this research, Duke-UNC was adapted to Romanian immigrants in order to analyze the relationship between social support and mental health. Aim: Verify the factorial structure and the psychometric properties and analyze the relationship between social support and mental health. Method: We administered Duke-UNC and GHQ-12 to a sample of Romanian immigrants (N = 116), and conducted an exploratory factor analysis. Results: In the case of Duke-UNC, the results showed a structure of one factor that accounts for 51.46% of the variance. Cronbach's alpha value was .90. A significant negative correlation was found between the social support and the mental health (r = -0.34, p < .000). This shows that people who have more social support also enjoy better health state.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that Duke-UNC is a practical instrument that can be used to assess Romanian immigrants’social support. This variable has to be taken into account when therapeutic interventions and health programs are created for immigrants because of its relationship with mental health.
Analizar las características psicométricas del Inventario de Conformidad con las Normas de Género Femenino (CFNI), una vez traducido al rumano. Analizar el impacto de la conformidad con las normas femeninas de género en los comportamientos relacionados con el consumo de alcohol y tabaco.
Participantes: 489 mujeres rumanas.
- 2 preguntas extraídas de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (INE, 2006) sobre el consumo de alcohol y tabaco.
- Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI): Es un inventario de 84 ítems. Los ítems miden actitudes, creencias y conductas asociadas a las normas de género femenino.
Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio y la fiabilidad de este instrumento indican que este instrumento es adecuado para utilizarlo en la población rumana. Con respecto al consumo de alcohol y tabaco, las normas de género Cuidado de niños, Fidelidad sexual y Modestia correlacionan inversamente con estos comportamientos. Sólo las puntuaciones altas en Inversión en apariencia se relacionan con el consumo de tabaco.
El test tiene características psicométricas similares a las versiones estadounidense y española. El menor consumo de alcohol y tabaco en las mujeres rumanas se debe a que estos comportamientos no son consistentes con las normas tradicionales de género. Por lo tanto, la introducción del concepto género (y no sólo el sexo de las personas) en el estudio del consumo de sustancias tales como el alcohol y tabaco puede aportar información relevante.
Papers by Andreea Catalina Brabete
Estos conocimientos subrayan la importancia de introducir la perspectiva de género en los estudios realizados sobre la migración y la salud; se pueden aplicar a la hora de diseñar programas psicosociales para migrantes y guiar el desarrollo de políticas para mejorar la calidad de vida de esta población.
The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between the acculturative stress and psychological health in a sample of Romanian immigrants living in Spain.
Participants: in this study have participated a total of 59 Romanian immigrants living in Spain, with ages from 23 to 59 years old, with a mean age of 39.07 (D.T. = 10.47). Instruments: Social, Attitudinal, Familial, and Environmental acculturative stress scale (SAFE) (Mena, Padilla and Maldonado, 1987) measures stress in four domains: familial, attitudinal, social and environmental. The 26 items are rated on a scale ranging from 1 (not stressful) to 5 (very stressful). General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) (Goldberg and Williams, 1988) consists of 12 items, each one assessing the severity of a mental problem over the past few weeks using a 4-point Likert-type scale (from 0 to 3). Procedure: The instruments have been translated from English to Romanian language following the recommendations of international regulations and national ones (ITC, 2011; Muñiz & Hambleton, 1996). It was used the “snowballing” technique. All participants signed voluntarily a written informed consent about the research and the confidentiality of their data.
Pearson correlations have been calculated, in order to analyse the relationship between the variables of this study. There is a significant direct correlation between the mental health and acculturative stress so that people who score high on GHQ-12, also score high on SAFE. That means people who score high on the acculturative stress scale have poorer mental health.
These results have important implications for action on mental health, since they show how important congruent cultural values and practices, language difficulties, and discrimination are for mental health. This knowledge has potentially practical use in health programmes and in social health activities with immigrants.
The aim of this study is to determine if adapting to gender norms (assed with the Conformity to Masculine Norms Inventory (CMNI-Mahalik et al. 2003) and Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI-Mahalik et al., 2005) is related to some health variables. To achieve this aim we will analyze different researches realized by the research group EPSY (Psychological Styles, Gender and Health) about gender and general health in men and women, gender and mental health, gender and health in immigrants, gender and health in feminized professions as nursing and gender and addictions.
Our findings show that some gender norms are directly while other norms are inversely related to certain health indexes. We consider that investigating the connection between health and gender requires a multidimensional approach that furthers our understanding of the health costs and benefits of gender roles. These results have important implications for action on health, since they show how important masculine/feminine gender identity is, in regard to health behaviour, the use of medicines and presence or recognition of these same illnesses.
Objetive: Although Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire is one of the most used with immigrants (e.g. National Health Survey), it has never been adapted to this population. In this research, Duke-UNC was adapted to Romanian immigrants in order to analyze the relationship between social support and mental health. Aim: Verify the factorial structure and the psychometric properties and analyze the relationship between social support and mental health. Method: We administered Duke-UNC and GHQ-12 to a sample of Romanian immigrants (N = 116), and conducted an exploratory factor analysis. Results: In the case of Duke-UNC, the results showed a structure of one factor that accounts for 51.46% of the variance. Cronbach's alpha value was .90. A significant negative correlation was found between the social support and the mental health (r = -0.34, p < .000). This shows that people who have more social support also enjoy better health state.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that Duke-UNC is a practical instrument that can be used to assess Romanian immigrants’social support. This variable has to be taken into account when therapeutic interventions and health programs are created for immigrants because of its relationship with mental health.
Analizar las características psicométricas del Inventario de Conformidad con las Normas de Género Femenino (CFNI), una vez traducido al rumano. Analizar el impacto de la conformidad con las normas femeninas de género en los comportamientos relacionados con el consumo de alcohol y tabaco.
Participantes: 489 mujeres rumanas.
- 2 preguntas extraídas de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (INE, 2006) sobre el consumo de alcohol y tabaco.
- Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI): Es un inventario de 84 ítems. Los ítems miden actitudes, creencias y conductas asociadas a las normas de género femenino.
Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio y la fiabilidad de este instrumento indican que este instrumento es adecuado para utilizarlo en la población rumana. Con respecto al consumo de alcohol y tabaco, las normas de género Cuidado de niños, Fidelidad sexual y Modestia correlacionan inversamente con estos comportamientos. Sólo las puntuaciones altas en Inversión en apariencia se relacionan con el consumo de tabaco.
El test tiene características psicométricas similares a las versiones estadounidense y española. El menor consumo de alcohol y tabaco en las mujeres rumanas se debe a que estos comportamientos no son consistentes con las normas tradicionales de género. Por lo tanto, la introducción del concepto género (y no sólo el sexo de las personas) en el estudio del consumo de sustancias tales como el alcohol y tabaco puede aportar información relevante.
pretreatment assessments (Millon Index of Personality Styles; GHQ-12; Zarit Burden Interview), caregivers were assigned to
receive the psychoeducational treatment (10 sessions). Most of the participants were medium age (M = 55.5 years, SD =
12.94). No significant pre-postreatment differences were found. Results show that Externally focused has negative implications in mental health change. Conservation-seeking was associated with a lower change in subjective burden. Taking into account the personality can increase the effectiveness of psychological interventions with caregivers.
a sample of 97 Chilean women. The results highlighted the importance of perceived social support on the health of
women. It was concluded that living with the person responsible for the aggressions predicts better mental health than the abandonment of the relationship by either one.
collected using a qualitative methodology, it follows a series of links to acculturative processes and identity of the second generation. This concludes that young migrants are directed toward an integrated and satisfactory multicultural profile.
exploratory factor analysis extracted three factors, but the data obtained in the confirmatory factor analysis show that the unidimensional model fit better. The study results confirm that the GHQ-12 is an effective measure of screening for assessing the psychological and detecting nonpsychotic psychiatric problems in Romanian people. Validation of the questionnaire in Romanians is important due to the utility of the GHQ-12 in diverse contexts and countries. For the first time, this study assesses the dimensionality of the instrument in Romanian population, using confirmatory factor analysis.
well as the society of origin and migrants themselves. Although gender
is involved in the decision making of choosing the destination country,
the work done in that country, remittances, and decisions to stay or not,
research from a migration gender perspective is scarce. This chapter
describes how gender affects the migration of migrant women and men,
and how it affects migrants’ health. We focus on Spain because of the
fact that between 1995 and 2007, this country had a period of intensive
economic growth, leading to an unprecedented immigration flow, especially from 2000 to 2007 (Domínguez-Mujica, Guerra-Talavera, & Parreño-Castellano, 2012).
battered. The severity of the consequences of victims is related to the abuse intensity, persisting long after the abusive relationship has been terminated. Several current researches have highlighted the need to introduce the gender variable in studies, since it has been shown that gender differences influence health-related behavior. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of conformity with female gender norms in health-related behavior in battered women.
The sample of this research consists of 274 Spanish and Chilean women victims of gender violence. The following tests were applied: a semi-structured interview to victims of abuse, a
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory (CFNI) (84 items measuring attitudes, beliefs and behavior associated with female gender
norms). The results indicate that battered women are more likely to take on the traditional gender role than women in the general population; also it is found that in cases of batteredwomen the degree of conformity with traditional gender role is related to worse health indicators, far topping the charts is mental health. This concludes that the introduction of the concept of gender is as important as ones sex (being a man or woman) in predicting health status.