Papers Cultural Heritage Conservation by Ana Galán-Pérez

Italian Sociological Review, 2025
This study focuses on the communication of intangible cultural heritage (ICH), defined to include... more This study focuses on the communication of intangible cultural heritage (ICH), defined to include the scientific production of researchers across both the hard sciences and the humanistic and social realms. Considering museums as institutions of memory undergoing transformation due to new technologies, we analyse institutional definitions of ICH and museums from a global perspective. We also examine the languages, technologies, and contexts suitable for communicating ICH in museums. Our analysis is based on an empirical study conducted in Germany, exploring the use of digital technologies to transmit and valorize ICH through museum initiatives, with a focus on the emotional aspect. In addition to its theoretical background, this study reflects on the roles of law, human rights, and emotions in defining cultural identity, concluding with a provocative proposal on enhancing cultural communication.

Frontiers in sociology, 2024
The following considerations adopt a critical conservation approach to understanding scientific h... more The following considerations adopt a critical conservation approach to understanding scientific heritage, particularly its intangible aspects. This heritage includes the intellectual and research legacy, encompassing various forms of communication, with a focus on digital technologies. Conservation methods now play a crucial role in transmitting this intangible heritage, shifting from traditional substance-based care to communication systems and enhancement facilitated by digital humanities. These advancements enable novel experiences and foster new academic and social practices. Interestingly, sociology features prominently in this context. It appears twice: first as a discipline that produces intangible heritage worthy of preservation and communication, and second as a theory for communicating this heritage. Our exploration begins by recognizing the university's role as a cultural agent engaged in producing and transmitting knowledge. We then delve into the concept of scientific heritage, particularly how the Humanities and Social Sciences preserve their heritage compared to the so-called hard sciences. While we acknowledge the importance of the real impact of these disciplines, our focus is on the formal recognition of their scientific production as cultural heritage. Ultimately, we focus on specific heritage worth preserving and reflect on ways to enhance it in the future.
Prospettive di sociologia del diritto e della cultura. Collana Diritti, Scienze e Tecnologie, 2024
La museologia critica, caleidoscopica e in continua revisione, accompagna la filosofia del museo ... more La museologia critica, caleidoscopica e in continua revisione, accompagna la filosofia del museo come metateoria ed etica normativa con l’incitamento al pensiero critico di fronte alle teorie dominanti al fine di correggerne gli errori e valorizzare le buone prassi (Deloche 2001; Lorente 2006, 31). Così, nella convinzione che la critica sia l’unica strada da percorrere, la nuova definizione di museo approvata nella conferenza di Praga del 2022, pone particolare enfasi sul peso delle comunità.
EPoCH 2024: Emerging Perspectives on Conservation and Heritage, 2024
Documentation is a fundamental process in the scientific method, based on the search for data, th... more Documentation is a fundamental process in the scientific method, based on the search for data, the processing of which helps professionals to know the object of restoration in depth and to understand our starting point. It also helps to learn from past experience and to implement innovations in conservation and restoration practice in the future. It is the basis of argumentation for critical thinking to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the cultural property in the act of conservation-restoration, in order to enhance the attentional instance of the objects in their social and cultural context.
Ante la emergencia de un legado cultural procedente de la memoria dramática, se hace necesario es... more Ante la emergencia de un legado cultural procedente de la memoria dramática, se hace necesario estudiar los procesos sociales que subyacen a su transformación en patrimonio, que en este caso se torna complejo por los aspectos sensibles que involucra.
La autenticidad, la pátina y las reconstrucciones son los elementos sensibles que cabe someter al debate profesional para abordar la conservación de este tipo de colecciones.

La Ciencia y el Arte VIII. Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio. Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte., 2022
Resumen: El proyecto de investigación Conservación preventiva y la identificación de riesgos en c... more Resumen: El proyecto de investigación Conservación preventiva y la identificación de riesgos en colecciones de la memoria. Estrategias sostenibles y tecnología digital se estructura en dos ejes principales: el patrimonio sensible procedente de hechos trágicos y su conservación preventiva en una exposición temporal itinerante. Todo ello abordado desde una filosofía de sostenibilidad social, económica y medioambiental. Conocer en profundidad las colecciones de objetos sensibles, tanto por su significancia como por sus materiales constitutivos, requiere de una reflexión previa para la construcción de criterios de planificación y métodos de ejecución, acordes también con los nuevos avances en conservación preventiva y consideraciones generales del tratamiento del patrimonio cultural, como es la perspectiva holística en su relación al concepto de sostenibilidad. Este artículo tiene el objetivo de presentar el avance del trabajo de investigación, especialmente en sus últimas fases en las que está prevista la elaboración y diseño de un software informático para interconectar a todos los agentes involucrados en la manipulación de las colecciones de la memoria. Especialmente las comunidades y museos a las que pertenecen los objetos tendrán participación activa en este método para recoger la información y prevenir riesgos en su tránsito.

Revista PH (105), 2022
El patrimonio cultural procedente de hechos históricos trágicos requiere profesionales de todas l... more El patrimonio cultural procedente de hechos históricos trágicos requiere profesionales de todas las áreas de gestión que comprendan sus retos y dificultades y que consigan además un equilibrio entre significancia, conservación y accesibilidad social. Una de las herramientas museológicas puestas en funcionamiento desde 2011 es la Carta internacional de Principios de los museos memoriales de la red de ICOM IC-MEMO, cuyas recomendaciones sirven de guía ética para la gestión de patrimonios disonantes. Dichos museos generalmente se emplazan en los lugares históricos donde ocurrieron los hechos trágicos, convirtiéndose dichos espacios en elemento patrimonial en si mismo, y en los que los museos se apoyan para conducir su tarea educativa y cívica a la sociedad. Así, espacio, legado intangible y el legado tangible se salvaguardan para defender la memoria de las víctimas y procurar que el mensaje de paz sea un valor inherente a la visita.
Seminário de Estudos do Holocausto — Museus e Exposições, Instituto de História Contemporânea (Portugal), 2021
Revista PH 105 (febrero, 2022), 2022
El patrimonio cultural procedente de hechos históricos trágicos requiere profesionales de todas l... more El patrimonio cultural procedente de hechos históricos trágicos requiere profesionales de todas las áreas de gestión que comprendan sus retos y dificultades y que consigan además un equilibrio entre significancia, conservación y accesibilidad social. Una de las herramientas museológicas puestas en funcionamiento desde 2011 es la International Memorial Museums Charter de la red de ICOM IC-MEMO, una carta internacional de principios de los museos conmemorativos cuyas recomendaciones sirven de guía ética para la gestión de patrimonios disonantes. DOI:

The study of the significance and anthropic risk indicators for the preservation of collections o... more The study of the significance and anthropic risk indicators for the preservation of collections of tragic memory in a temporary exhibition
Abstract: Collections that were generated through a historical fact in a war context such as nazi concentration camp during 2nd World War, have a relevant cultural and social value as material testimony of facts. The main challenge that face Memorial museums is to achieve an equal balance between its social accessibility and its conservation. Also, it is necessary to take into account those all added risks when those collections are on loan for a traveling exhibition, especially the intentional or casual anthropic factors. The critical analysis of the risks will allow us to recognize the possible emergency issues and the consequential damage on the collection of tragical memory when is in transit and address their conservation for a sustainable approach.
Resumen: Las colecciones procedentes de los hechos históricos en un contexto bélico como fueron los campos de concentración nazi de la II Guerra Mundial, poseen un valor cultural y social relevante como testimonio material de los hechos. Conseguir el equilibrio a partes iguales entre su accesibilidad social y su conservación es el principal reto al que se enfrentan los museos memoriales como el Museo Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau, al que hay que sumar todos los riesgos añadidos que suponen su cesión en una exposición temporal, especialmente aquellos riesgos con origen antrópico, sean fortuitos o intencionados. El análisis crítico de estos indicadores nos ayudará a reconocer las posibles emergencias y consiguientes daños en las colecciones de la memoria en tránsito y abordar su conservación desde la perspectiva de la sostenibilidad. Palabras clave: colecciones de memoria trágica, riesgo antrópico, exposición temporal, sostenibilidad, Museo Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau
Resumo: As coleções provenientes de acontecimentos históricos num contexto bélico, como os campos de concentração nazistas da Segunda Guerra Mundial, têm um valor cultural e social relevante como testemunho material dos factos. Alcançar um equilíbrio igual entre sua acessibilidade social e sua conservação é o principal desafio enfrentado por museus memoriais como o Museu Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau, ao qual se somam todos os riscos que uma transferência para uma exposição temporária implica, especialmente aqueles riscos de origem antrópica, seja fortuitos ou intencionais. A análise crítica destes indicadores irá ajudar-nos a reconhecer as possíveis emergências e consequentes danos nas coleções de memória em trânsito e a abordar a sua conservação na perspetiva da sustentabilidade.
Palavras-chave: coleções de memória trágica, risco antrópico, exposição temporária, sustentabilidade, Museu Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau O estudo da significância e dos indicadores de risco antrópicos para a preservação de coleções de memória trágica numa exposição temporária
Rambla Zaragozá, W. (2021). Konzentrationslager. Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume, 2021
La fotografia és, en un mateix instant, el reconeixement simultani de la significació d'un fet i ... more La fotografia és, en un mateix instant, el reconeixement simultani de la significació d'un fet i de l'organització rigorosa de les formes percebudes visualment que expressen i signifiquen aquest fet.

III Congreso Iberoamericano. Investigações em Conservação do Património. IBSM 978-989-8944-32-0, 2020
This proposal is based on the current research on going in the context of the Preventive Conserva... more This proposal is based on the current research on going in the context of the Preventive Conservation. Started on December 2019 at CITAR and based on the background of three years managing the collections of a traveling exhibition in Europe (Madrid) and the United States (New York).
The main subject study of this research is about the Collections of Memory and their preventive conservation while they are in transit (traveling Exhibition). From the perspective of a reflexive approach to the Memorial Museum, that preserves and conserves a group of heterogeneous Heritage collections, their significance and materiality. A new type of collections that are requiring a specific knowledge and skills by the side of the Heritage professionals. A critical debate about how are the values are acquired by the artifacts of memory and the establishment of recommendations about how to develop the proper criteria of preventive conservation. Are we prepared enough?
III Congresso Ibero-Americano Investigações em Conservação do Património (ICP), que irá decorrer entre 24 a 26 de setembro de 2020. Linhas Temáticas
I - Teoria, Legislação, Ética e Deontologia em Conservação
II - Conservação Preventiva e Salvaguarda Museológica
III - Sistemas de Documentação e Registo do Património
IV – Sustentabilidade na Conservação do Património
V - Conservação de Património Científico
VI - Conservação de Jardins Históricos
VII - Conservação de Património Imóvel
VIII - Conservação de Património Móvel e Integrado
IX - Conservação de Arte Contemporânea

Magazine ECR - Estudos de Conservação e Restauro, Nº 11, 2020
This paper aims to present the complexity of the preventive conservation and sustainability of th... more This paper aims to present the complexity of the preventive conservation and sustainability of the collections that are included in the temporary exhibition 'Auschwitz. Not Long Ago. Not Far Away', opened in Madrid in December 2017 and scheduled to travel to new destinations over the next 7 years. It was produced in cooperation with the State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Poland. The exhibit objects belong to more than twenty international collections concerned with the Heritage of the Holocaust. The methodology to analyze the sustainability of a traveling exhibition has been introduced, in the stage of the preparation, production, assembly, operation, disassembly, and transportation to the next venue, in order to take into consideration the whole Life Cycle of the exhibition. The indicators to consider its impact in the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic and social has been proposed.

Diferents. Revista De Museus Num 5. Universitat Jaume I , 2020
El presente ensayo parte de la reflexión sobre los museos memoriales como museos diferentes que c... more El presente ensayo parte de la reflexión sobre los museos memoriales como museos diferentes que custodian un tipo de objetos sensibles por su origen y heterogéneos en cuanto a sus valores (tangibles e intangibles), materialidad y significancia, que requieren una nueva perspectiva por parte de los profesionales de la conservación del patrimonio. A lo largo del artículo abordaremos varias cuestiones para identificar y comprender mejor los fines y las fórmulas que adoptan estos museos: cómo es la institución, cuál es el peso del lugar patrimonial donde se ubican y cómo se construye la significancia de las colecciones. Para ello nuestro punto de partida será el marco de construcción de la nueva definición de museos del ICOM, International Council of Museums, y la carta de Museos memoriales de ICMEMO, el Comité Internacional para Museos en Memoria de las Víctimas de Crímenes Públicos.
UNICUM, Revista de la Escola Superior de Conservació i Restauració de Béns Culturals de Catalunya (ESCRBCC), 2020
Ante la significación de un nuevo patrimonio procedente de la memoria dramática, la profesión ... more Ante la significación de un nuevo patrimonio procedente de la memoria dramática, la profesión de Conservación-Restauración necesita dotarse de nuevas herramientas para abordar su conservación preventiva en las fases de análisis y significancia y en las de la determinación de criterios para su intervención. Para ello, proponemos en el presente artículo un análisis de objetos individuales que coincidieron en el campo de concentración de Auschwitz-Birkenau, en base a dos ejes, espacio y tiempo -dispersión y encuentro- y el seguimiento de un nuevo paradigma holístico para su identificación y preservación.
Book of Abstracts. 3rd International Conference in Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Universidade Católica Portuguesa Porto, Portugal, October 10-12, 2019
Sustainability in the conservation practice: case studies
'Preventive conservation and sustainabi... more Sustainability in the conservation practice: case studies
'Preventive conservation and sustainability of heritage collections in transit'
Ana Galán Pérez, Anna Biedermann, Francisco Javier Galán Pérez and Luis Ferreiro

Professionalism in the Built Heritage Sector. Reflections on Cultural Heritage Theories and Practices- Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, 2019
For the first time in the European Work Plan for Culture, a group of National Experts are working... more For the first time in the European Work Plan for Culture, a group of National Experts are working on the skills, training and knowledge transfer in the heritage professions in Europe, under the Open Method of Coordination (OMC). The awareness about traditional professions at risk, the digital shift, and the development of new professions and competences in both intangible and tangible heritage (mobile and built), have been the main subjects examined by the group during 2017. A final recommendations report will be presented at the end of the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage.
Professionalism in the Built Heritage Sector contains reports on the lectures of the international conference organized by the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (Leuven, Belgium, February 5th-8th, 2018). The contributions in this volume meet the increasing demand for shared information to support the transition towards a more sustainable conservation process. The volume consists of three main parts that deal with practice-led research or scientific research: "Profiles and capacities", "Education, training and quality labels", and "Obstacles and changes".
Exhibition Catalogue New York , 2019
This exhibition brings the musical objects together for the first time, allowing them to take on ... more This exhibition brings the musical objects together for the first time, allowing them to take on a new meaning and transmit the message of oppression by and survival through music. Their management is conducted with custom software developed for Musealia that provides full control of every detail of the conservation and handling of this special collection.
Papers Cultural Heritage Conservation by Ana Galán-Pérez
La autenticidad, la pátina y las reconstrucciones son los elementos sensibles que cabe someter al debate profesional para abordar la conservación de este tipo de colecciones.
/ Kansas City Star. The first touring exhibition dedicated to the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp drew 200,000 visitors at its first North American stop, New York City. It goes to only one other North American city before returning to Europe.
Abstract: Collections that were generated through a historical fact in a war context such as nazi concentration camp during 2nd World War, have a relevant cultural and social value as material testimony of facts. The main challenge that face Memorial museums is to achieve an equal balance between its social accessibility and its conservation. Also, it is necessary to take into account those all added risks when those collections are on loan for a traveling exhibition, especially the intentional or casual anthropic factors. The critical analysis of the risks will allow us to recognize the possible emergency issues and the consequential damage on the collection of tragical memory when is in transit and address their conservation for a sustainable approach.
Resumen: Las colecciones procedentes de los hechos históricos en un contexto bélico como fueron los campos de concentración nazi de la II Guerra Mundial, poseen un valor cultural y social relevante como testimonio material de los hechos. Conseguir el equilibrio a partes iguales entre su accesibilidad social y su conservación es el principal reto al que se enfrentan los museos memoriales como el Museo Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau, al que hay que sumar todos los riesgos añadidos que suponen su cesión en una exposición temporal, especialmente aquellos riesgos con origen antrópico, sean fortuitos o intencionados. El análisis crítico de estos indicadores nos ayudará a reconocer las posibles emergencias y consiguientes daños en las colecciones de la memoria en tránsito y abordar su conservación desde la perspectiva de la sostenibilidad. Palabras clave: colecciones de memoria trágica, riesgo antrópico, exposición temporal, sostenibilidad, Museo Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau
Resumo: As coleções provenientes de acontecimentos históricos num contexto bélico, como os campos de concentração nazistas da Segunda Guerra Mundial, têm um valor cultural e social relevante como testemunho material dos factos. Alcançar um equilíbrio igual entre sua acessibilidade social e sua conservação é o principal desafio enfrentado por museus memoriais como o Museu Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau, ao qual se somam todos os riscos que uma transferência para uma exposição temporária implica, especialmente aqueles riscos de origem antrópica, seja fortuitos ou intencionais. A análise crítica destes indicadores irá ajudar-nos a reconhecer as possíveis emergências e consequentes danos nas coleções de memória em trânsito e a abordar a sua conservação na perspetiva da sustentabilidade.
Palavras-chave: coleções de memória trágica, risco antrópico, exposição temporária, sustentabilidade, Museu Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau O estudo da significância e dos indicadores de risco antrópicos para a preservação de coleções de memória trágica numa exposição temporária
The main subject study of this research is about the Collections of Memory and their preventive conservation while they are in transit (traveling Exhibition). From the perspective of a reflexive approach to the Memorial Museum, that preserves and conserves a group of heterogeneous Heritage collections, their significance and materiality. A new type of collections that are requiring a specific knowledge and skills by the side of the Heritage professionals. A critical debate about how are the values are acquired by the artifacts of memory and the establishment of recommendations about how to develop the proper criteria of preventive conservation. Are we prepared enough?
III Congresso Ibero-Americano Investigações em Conservação do Património (ICP), que irá decorrer entre 24 a 26 de setembro de 2020. Linhas Temáticas
I - Teoria, Legislação, Ética e Deontologia em Conservação
II - Conservação Preventiva e Salvaguarda Museológica
III - Sistemas de Documentação e Registo do Património
IV – Sustentabilidade na Conservação do Património
V - Conservação de Património Científico
VI - Conservação de Jardins Históricos
VII - Conservação de Património Imóvel
VIII - Conservação de Património Móvel e Integrado
IX - Conservação de Arte Contemporânea
'Preventive conservation and sustainability of heritage collections in transit'
Ana Galán Pérez, Anna Biedermann, Francisco Javier Galán Pérez and Luis Ferreiro
Professionalism in the Built Heritage Sector contains reports on the lectures of the international conference organized by the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (Leuven, Belgium, February 5th-8th, 2018). The contributions in this volume meet the increasing demand for shared information to support the transition towards a more sustainable conservation process. The volume consists of three main parts that deal with practice-led research or scientific research: "Profiles and capacities", "Education, training and quality labels", and "Obstacles and changes".
La autenticidad, la pátina y las reconstrucciones son los elementos sensibles que cabe someter al debate profesional para abordar la conservación de este tipo de colecciones.
/ Kansas City Star. The first touring exhibition dedicated to the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp drew 200,000 visitors at its first North American stop, New York City. It goes to only one other North American city before returning to Europe.
Abstract: Collections that were generated through a historical fact in a war context such as nazi concentration camp during 2nd World War, have a relevant cultural and social value as material testimony of facts. The main challenge that face Memorial museums is to achieve an equal balance between its social accessibility and its conservation. Also, it is necessary to take into account those all added risks when those collections are on loan for a traveling exhibition, especially the intentional or casual anthropic factors. The critical analysis of the risks will allow us to recognize the possible emergency issues and the consequential damage on the collection of tragical memory when is in transit and address their conservation for a sustainable approach.
Resumen: Las colecciones procedentes de los hechos históricos en un contexto bélico como fueron los campos de concentración nazi de la II Guerra Mundial, poseen un valor cultural y social relevante como testimonio material de los hechos. Conseguir el equilibrio a partes iguales entre su accesibilidad social y su conservación es el principal reto al que se enfrentan los museos memoriales como el Museo Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau, al que hay que sumar todos los riesgos añadidos que suponen su cesión en una exposición temporal, especialmente aquellos riesgos con origen antrópico, sean fortuitos o intencionados. El análisis crítico de estos indicadores nos ayudará a reconocer las posibles emergencias y consiguientes daños en las colecciones de la memoria en tránsito y abordar su conservación desde la perspectiva de la sostenibilidad. Palabras clave: colecciones de memoria trágica, riesgo antrópico, exposición temporal, sostenibilidad, Museo Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau
Resumo: As coleções provenientes de acontecimentos históricos num contexto bélico, como os campos de concentração nazistas da Segunda Guerra Mundial, têm um valor cultural e social relevante como testemunho material dos factos. Alcançar um equilíbrio igual entre sua acessibilidade social e sua conservação é o principal desafio enfrentado por museus memoriais como o Museu Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau, ao qual se somam todos os riscos que uma transferência para uma exposição temporária implica, especialmente aqueles riscos de origem antrópica, seja fortuitos ou intencionais. A análise crítica destes indicadores irá ajudar-nos a reconhecer as possíveis emergências e consequentes danos nas coleções de memória em trânsito e a abordar a sua conservação na perspetiva da sustentabilidade.
Palavras-chave: coleções de memória trágica, risco antrópico, exposição temporária, sustentabilidade, Museu Estatal de Auschwitz-Birkenau O estudo da significância e dos indicadores de risco antrópicos para a preservação de coleções de memória trágica numa exposição temporária
The main subject study of this research is about the Collections of Memory and their preventive conservation while they are in transit (traveling Exhibition). From the perspective of a reflexive approach to the Memorial Museum, that preserves and conserves a group of heterogeneous Heritage collections, their significance and materiality. A new type of collections that are requiring a specific knowledge and skills by the side of the Heritage professionals. A critical debate about how are the values are acquired by the artifacts of memory and the establishment of recommendations about how to develop the proper criteria of preventive conservation. Are we prepared enough?
III Congresso Ibero-Americano Investigações em Conservação do Património (ICP), que irá decorrer entre 24 a 26 de setembro de 2020. Linhas Temáticas
I - Teoria, Legislação, Ética e Deontologia em Conservação
II - Conservação Preventiva e Salvaguarda Museológica
III - Sistemas de Documentação e Registo do Património
IV – Sustentabilidade na Conservação do Património
V - Conservação de Património Científico
VI - Conservação de Jardins Históricos
VII - Conservação de Património Imóvel
VIII - Conservação de Património Móvel e Integrado
IX - Conservação de Arte Contemporânea
'Preventive conservation and sustainability of heritage collections in transit'
Ana Galán Pérez, Anna Biedermann, Francisco Javier Galán Pérez and Luis Ferreiro
Professionalism in the Built Heritage Sector contains reports on the lectures of the international conference organized by the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (Leuven, Belgium, February 5th-8th, 2018). The contributions in this volume meet the increasing demand for shared information to support the transition towards a more sustainable conservation process. The volume consists of three main parts that deal with practice-led research or scientific research: "Profiles and capacities", "Education, training and quality labels", and "Obstacles and changes".