Papers by Magdalena Kacaniova

Journal of Education Culture and Society
Aim. The study aims to explore the current state of digital game-based learning to reflect the ex... more Aim. The study aims to explore the current state of digital game-based learning to reflect the extent, possibilities, opportunities, and limitations of its implementation in the specific field of education as visual art, especially photography. Method. The explorative study employed the method of theoretical analysis of available literature and other secondary sources related to the issue, and subsequently applied the method of an illustrative (descriptive) case study. Results. Photo modes of commercially available digital games, originally intended to increase the players’ retention and participation, have led to the birth of a new art form, virtual photography. The technology of photo modes in a larger variety of recent games has made virtual photography available to significantly more players. Photo modes provide artistic control and creative options alongside a whole catalogue of lenses, camera parameters, and other features, reducing the financial burden associated with the pur...
AD ALTA: 11/02
The multidisciplinary character of game studies enables the implementation of knowledge from vari... more The multidisciplinary character of game studies enables the implementation of knowledge from various study fields, and so explores games in different terms. However, not all approaches have so far gained sufficient attention. This study introduces the meaning of evolutionary psychology as well as points out its significance and certain neglect in relation to present digital games research. The exploratory study aims to contribute to the creation of a theoretical framework for the research of digital games from the perspective of evolutionary psychology. Partial goals include summarization, characteristics, and applications within the gaming discourse illustrating far-reaching ways in which evolutionary theory could potentially advance digital games research and hence enrich the game studies in general.
Magdaléna Balážiková focuses her academic interests mainly on the psychological aspects of market... more Magdaléna Balážiková focuses her academic interests mainly on the psychological aspects of marketing communication, consumer behaviour and digital games, especially related aspects of cognitive psychology. She is also fond of behavioural economics and neuromarketing as an application of fi ndings and techniques from neuroscience into research on consumers. In 2014 she obtained her doctorate in Mass Media Studies at Constantine the
Marketing Identity, 2018
Our evaluations saturate our decisions. Presented paper seeks to contribute to the fruitful topic... more Our evaluations saturate our decisions. Presented paper seeks to contribute to the fruitful topic of Dunning-Kruger effect and for the first time points to its implications within the field of marketing communication. Dunning-Kruger effect stems from the differences between self-assessment and actual performance (across various domains) with low performers overestimating their scores and top performers largely underestimating themselves. Paper discusses possible influencing variables and presents a related research of 880 undergraduate students looking for differences between estimated (perceived) and actual exam performance. We suggest it is important to be aware of students´ self-evaluation of exam performances because it affects not only their self-perceptions, but perceptions of teachers, courses and university.
Megatrendy a médiá 2012 - Nové diskurzy mediálnych štúdií, 2012
Polakevičová, I. - Kačániová, M. 2012.Spoločenské konštruovanie homosexuality a homosexuálny disk... more Polakevičová, I. - Kačániová, M. 2012.Spoločenské konštruovanie homosexuality a homosexuálny diskurz v tanečnej súťaži Let´s dance. In: Megatrendy a médiá 2012 - Nové diskurzy mediálnych štúdií. Trnava : UCM, 2012. ISBN 978-80-8105-391-7, s. 108-125.

Social networks have contributed to the deviation from communication model represented by traditi... more Social networks have contributed to the deviation from communication model represented by traditional media channels. Within web 2.0 paradigm, social networks enable users not only to passively receive information, but also to actively participate and provide useful feedback. Activity of social network users can be assessed from different perspectives-affective, cognitive or behavioural. The aim of presented paper is to evaluate affective aspects of communication in relation to commercial messages within the scope of sentiment analysis. The incentive for this area of interest lies in recent adjoining of new features to emotional scale on Facebook social network. In the research of Facebook posts from four monitored brands of non-alcoholic beverages we are applying sentiment analysis and extraction of sentiment from recently introduced Facebook Reaction scales in order to investigate similarity or dissimilarity of information obtained from these two social network communication tools with the emphasis on the detection of affective content in examined communication.
In an influx of advertising and its variety of forms children are a vulnerable target group. The ... more In an influx of advertising and its variety of forms children are a vulnerable target group. The evaluation of advertising effects on children focuses mainly on negative aspects and potential risks. Paper inspects a role of brands´ online communication forms (banner, display and textual advertising) present on Czech and Slovak websites for children and their parents in terms of possible educational factors affecting children. Most commonly used educational factor was perception followed by thinking, independence and creativity.
The aim of this publication is to offer the readers with deeper interest in advertising, a view o... more The aim of this publication is to offer the readers with deeper interest in advertising, a view of the state of the art of advertising theory. As it turned out, however, this is rather disproportionate. The publication has almost 1,200 pages of the text, but it still covers only part of the theory of advertising as a whole.
Presented paper is introducing Repertory Grid Method as an objectification of Kelly s Theory of P... more Presented paper is introducing Repertory Grid Method as an objectification of Kelly s Theory of Personal Constructs. The main goal is to introduce Repertory Grid as a psychosemantic research method with all of its potential and possible obstacles and point towards the application potential of Repertory Grid in the domain of marketing communication, as well as present a research of the perception of web pages as a medium for current and potential online promotion by the means of group administration of Repertory Grid Technique.
European Journal of Science and Theology, 2017
This paper is dedicated to the application of electroencephalography (EEG) as a brain
research to... more This paper is dedicated to the application of electroencephalography (EEG) as a brain
research tool into the domain of audio-visual advertising effects as a future possible
direction of marketing research in Slovakia. After a brief introduction to this rarely used
and challenging method of a new field examining consumer perception and decision
making called neuromarketing, we are presenting a research of ten audio-visual
commercials carried out in 2016 by the means of electroencephalography and
questionnaire based on MAC model as a model of memory, affect and cognition
introduced by T. Ambler and T. Burne (1999).

Dot.comm, 2017
In marketing research of recent years we could have observed an increased interest in measuring u... more In marketing research of recent years we could have observed an increased interest in measuring unconscious instances.
The Implicit Association Test, although introduced nearly twenty years ago and being commonly used as an indirect measure
of non-conscious implicit cognitive processes in decision making and evaluation concerning various areas, has not been well
known in our geographical area and is not so popular in the domain of consumer research as one would expect based
on its advantages such as flexibility and short amount of time needed for testing. This paper presents a brief introduction
to the topic of the IAT with the emphasis on application in marketing research as well as a research application of a Standard
Picture IAT as a way of detecting implicit preferences of consumers using 8 types of pictorial stimuli regarding two most popular
competitive brands of non-alcoholic Cola-like beverages in Slovakia. Results are being compared to explicitly stated data collected
from a questionnaire. Aspects regarding successful utilization of the Implicit Association Test, subjects´ perception of the test,
methodology and marketing implications are being discussed.
The aim of presented research is to assess the efficiency of selected social advertising campaign... more The aim of presented research is to assess the efficiency of selected social advertising campaigns endorsed by popular Slovak celebrities. In order to determine likeability of particular campaigns, one endorsed by Lukáš Latinák (campaign „Blue butterfly“ supporting muscular dystrophy patients) and the second endorsed by Michaela Čobejová (campaign „Different country, different customs“ concerning international law protection of children and youth), we used the method of Communication Style Mapping – i.e. COMMAP model first presented by Eric DuPlessis. The perception of selected celebrity endorsers was measured by using semantic differential method. Research outcomes present the measure of social advertisement likeability within each dimension of the COMMAP model in relation to the perception of given celebrity endorsers by adolescent age group.
Analýza a výskum v marketingovej komunikácii, 2016
Štúdia sa zaoberá analýzou vplyvu socializačných vzorov a modelov na adolescentov, s dôrazom na t... more Štúdia sa zaoberá analýzou vplyvu socializačných vzorov a modelov na adolescentov, s dôrazom na teoretickú rekognoskáciu aktuálneho stavu problematiky. Prezentuje vybrané špecifické modely v teréne marketingovej komunikácie a zmeny, ktoré pod ich vplyvom v socializácii nastali.
Celebrity endorsement is today a frequently used approach across marketing channels. Paper covers... more Celebrity endorsement is today a frequently used approach across marketing channels. Paper covers the topic of celebrity marketing, celebrities as brands and perception of celebrity that can be influenced by a variety of factors with the emphasis on promotion of non-profit organizations. Presented research compares perception of celebrity concept in relation to concepts of self, commercial advertising and social advertising within a perception map consisting of bipolar attributes from semantic differential regarding the subgroup of adolescent respondents.
Marketing Identity: Digital Life - Part I., 2015
The aim of the study is to provide an insight into sentiment analysis as a social media monitorin... more The aim of the study is to provide an insight into sentiment analysis as a social media monitoring tool with its limits and potential. Practical application of this selected topic takes the form of a complex analysis of 720 Facebook posts with a total of 59 967 comments in order to determine the success of respective chain stores communication and provide an evaluation of types of marketing communication mix tools they are using and customers´attitudes towards this communication. The study offers an insight into this popular form of brand´s communication with customers in case of eight most common grocery chain stores in Slovakia.
Presented paper is introducing Repertory Grid Method as an objectification of Kelly´s Theory of P... more Presented paper is introducing Repertory Grid Method as an objectification of Kelly´s Theory of Personal Constructs. The main goal is to introduce Repertory Grid as a psychosemantic research method with all of its potential and possible obstacles and point towards the application potential of Repertory Grid in the domain of marketing communication, as well as present a research of the perception of web pages as a medium for current and potential online promotion by the means of group administration of Repertory Grid Technique.
(Ko)media: (Ko)munikacja, (ko)operacja, (ko)ntestacja, 2014
Paper is introducing Repertory grid method as an objectification of Kelly´s Theory of Personal Co... more Paper is introducing Repertory grid method as an objectification of Kelly´s Theory of Personal Constructs. The aim is to cover this topic from several angles of view: by introducing this relatively little known psychosemantic
research method - its background, versions and examples of use. From the point of methodology we will discuss its potential and possible obstacles. The main goal is to draw to the application potential of Repertory grid in the domain of marketing communication, more precisely in the area of
research regarding the perception of advertising and gender stereotypes.

QUAERE 2013: international interdisciplinary scientific conference, 2013
""When trying to influence recipients, information act as a core material for the employees in ma... more ""When trying to influence recipients, information act as a core material for the employees in marketing. It is because information processing with its crucial part - perception is a basic mantrum of cognitive processes. Knowledge of these processes and their functioning is a necessary precondition of success in marketing communication, even thought this area of interest in perception might seem at first glance a bit distant from marketing itself. However, there are many intrinsic and implicit influences of perception that underline its importance. Generally, the importance of perception in relation to communication is given by
its linkage to resultant behavior. This paper presents a theoretical base regarding a wide range of selected influences on perception of (marketing and mass media) communication and introduces a new summarized comprehensive model of these influences.
Key words: perception, marketing communication, advertising, influences on perception.""
Analýza a výskum v marketingovej komunikácii , 2012
Porozumenie spotrebiteľovi predstavuje pre marketing výzvu od samých začiatkov jeho existencie. D... more Porozumenie spotrebiteľovi predstavuje pre marketing výzvu od samých začiatkov jeho existencie. Doterajšie dostupné poznatky týkajúce sa fungovania mozgu sa snaží využiť na hlbšie preskúmanie nákupného správania, testovanie už vzniknutých komunikátov alebo zlepšenie budúcej komunikácie oblasť záujmu zvaná neuromarketing. Nasledujúci text ponúka úvodnú orientáciu v problematike tohto relatívne nového odboru kombinujúceho poznatky z kognitívnej neurovedy, psychológie, neuroekonómie a v neposlednom rade z marketingu.
Papers by Magdalena Kacaniova
research tool into the domain of audio-visual advertising effects as a future possible
direction of marketing research in Slovakia. After a brief introduction to this rarely used
and challenging method of a new field examining consumer perception and decision
making called neuromarketing, we are presenting a research of ten audio-visual
commercials carried out in 2016 by the means of electroencephalography and
questionnaire based on MAC model as a model of memory, affect and cognition
introduced by T. Ambler and T. Burne (1999).
The Implicit Association Test, although introduced nearly twenty years ago and being commonly used as an indirect measure
of non-conscious implicit cognitive processes in decision making and evaluation concerning various areas, has not been well
known in our geographical area and is not so popular in the domain of consumer research as one would expect based
on its advantages such as flexibility and short amount of time needed for testing. This paper presents a brief introduction
to the topic of the IAT with the emphasis on application in marketing research as well as a research application of a Standard
Picture IAT as a way of detecting implicit preferences of consumers using 8 types of pictorial stimuli regarding two most popular
competitive brands of non-alcoholic Cola-like beverages in Slovakia. Results are being compared to explicitly stated data collected
from a questionnaire. Aspects regarding successful utilization of the Implicit Association Test, subjects´ perception of the test,
methodology and marketing implications are being discussed.
research method - its background, versions and examples of use. From the point of methodology we will discuss its potential and possible obstacles. The main goal is to draw to the application potential of Repertory grid in the domain of marketing communication, more precisely in the area of
research regarding the perception of advertising and gender stereotypes.
its linkage to resultant behavior. This paper presents a theoretical base regarding a wide range of selected influences on perception of (marketing and mass media) communication and introduces a new summarized comprehensive model of these influences.
Key words: perception, marketing communication, advertising, influences on perception.""
research tool into the domain of audio-visual advertising effects as a future possible
direction of marketing research in Slovakia. After a brief introduction to this rarely used
and challenging method of a new field examining consumer perception and decision
making called neuromarketing, we are presenting a research of ten audio-visual
commercials carried out in 2016 by the means of electroencephalography and
questionnaire based on MAC model as a model of memory, affect and cognition
introduced by T. Ambler and T. Burne (1999).
The Implicit Association Test, although introduced nearly twenty years ago and being commonly used as an indirect measure
of non-conscious implicit cognitive processes in decision making and evaluation concerning various areas, has not been well
known in our geographical area and is not so popular in the domain of consumer research as one would expect based
on its advantages such as flexibility and short amount of time needed for testing. This paper presents a brief introduction
to the topic of the IAT with the emphasis on application in marketing research as well as a research application of a Standard
Picture IAT as a way of detecting implicit preferences of consumers using 8 types of pictorial stimuli regarding two most popular
competitive brands of non-alcoholic Cola-like beverages in Slovakia. Results are being compared to explicitly stated data collected
from a questionnaire. Aspects regarding successful utilization of the Implicit Association Test, subjects´ perception of the test,
methodology and marketing implications are being discussed.
research method - its background, versions and examples of use. From the point of methodology we will discuss its potential and possible obstacles. The main goal is to draw to the application potential of Repertory grid in the domain of marketing communication, more precisely in the area of
research regarding the perception of advertising and gender stereotypes.
its linkage to resultant behavior. This paper presents a theoretical base regarding a wide range of selected influences on perception of (marketing and mass media) communication and introduces a new summarized comprehensive model of these influences.
Key words: perception, marketing communication, advertising, influences on perception.""