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Academical research. Regarding the architect' integrating skills, and their position in comtemporary society. Content: Excusatio non petita First / Some questions and a context Second / Identities: three stages:... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural TheoryArchitectural Theory and CriticismProffesional Ethics
El Cultural
Weekly cultural newspaper of El Mundo (national spanish newspaper) about art, architecture, literature, theatre and sciences (lenguage: spanish).
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      ArchitectureStudent MotivationArchitecture and Public SpacesNoruega
El Cultural. Weekly cultural newspaper of El Mundo (national spanish newspaper) about art, architecture, literature, theatre and sciences (lenguage: spanish).
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      ArchitectureArchitecture and Public SpacesLandform
El Cultural. Weekly cultural newspaper of El Mundo (national spanish newspaper) about art, architecture, literature, theatre and sciences (lenguage: spanish).
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      ArchitectureNationalism And State BuildingMuseums and Exhibition DesignA Coruña
El Cultural. Weekly cultural newspaper of El Mundo (national spanish newspaper) about art, architecture, literature, theatre and sciences (lenguage: spanish).
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      ArchitectureAbolition of SlaveryMemorials and the Memorial Art-Work in the Public Arena
El Cultural. Weekly cultural newspaper of El Mundo (national spanish newspaper) about art, architecture, literature, theatre and sciences (lenguage: spanish).
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      ArchitectureLondresOlimpic gamesEspacios Púbicos Deportivos / Estadios
El Cultural. Weekly cultural newspaper of El Mundo (national spanish newspaper) about art, architecture, literature, theatre and sciences (lenguage: spanish).
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      DesignArchitectureSpace and PlacePublic Space
El Cultural. Weekly cultural newspaper of El Mundo (national spanish newspaper) about art, architecture, literature, theatre and sciences (lenguage: spanish).
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      ArchitectureSustainable Building DesignBelgiumBuilding Refurbishment
El Cultural. Weekly cultural newspaper of El Mundo (national spanish newspaper) about art, architecture, literature, theatre and sciences (lenguage: spanish).
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      Educational TechnologyArchitectureBuilding RefurbishmentArchitecture and Public Spaces
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      ArchitectureInterior Design (Architecture)Domestic SpaceInterior Design History
El Cultural. Weekly cultural newspaper of El Mundo (national spanish newspaper) about art, architecture, literature, theatre and sciences (lenguage: spanish).
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      MuseologyMuseologiaAmsterdamConservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings and Monuments
This article examines the characteristics shared by Andy Warhol and Robert Venturi's artistic and architectural praxis during the 1962-1973 period. In addition to the biographical aspects linking the two figures, the article aims to... more
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      ArchitecturePop CultureArquitecturaUrban Design
Resumen Este texto indaga sobre las características compartidas entre las praxis artística y arquitectónica de Andy Warhol y Robert Venturi durante el periodo 1962-1973. Más allá de aspectos biográficos que relacionen ambas figuras, se... more
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      HumanitiesArtArchitecturePop Culture
ResumenEste texto pretende analizar un aspecto concreto de la idea de “convención” en la obra de Robert Venturi: la incorporación del objeto cotidiano a la arquitectura en un contexto, el del Pop, en el que parece recuperarse,... more
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      HumanitiesArchitectureGraphic DesignMarcel Duchamp
El Espacio Fundacion Telefonica en Madrid ha sido reformado. Se abre en la mitica sede de la Gran Via madrilena con tres nuevas exposiciones, cuatro plantas y 6.370 m2. Su objetivo: fusionar las vanguardias historicas y la revolucion... more
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      HumanitiesArquitecturaEstéticaExposiciones De Arte
ResumenEste texto pretende demostrar la importancia de la integración de los sistemas tipográficos en el proyecto arquitectónico a partir del análisis de la reforma del Grand’s Restaurant (Filadelfia, 1962) de Robert Venturi y William... more
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      HumanitiesArtArquitecturaCrítica De Arte
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      HumanitiesArquitecturaEconomía InternacionalTeorías Económicas
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