Papers by Sagrario Cantarino
História da Enfermagem: Revista Eletrônica (HERE), 2021

PloS one, 2016
In this article, we decided to study the representation of the Spanish pregnant and postpartum wo... more In this article, we decided to study the representation of the Spanish pregnant and postpartum women and the importance of religiosity/spirituality and the social context for them. We analyzed the influence of religion on the woman within her social context. to understand how pregnant and postpartum women experience their sexuality according to their religious beliefs and the opinion of others from a socially learned perspective. qualitative study using ethnography. This study aims at understanding reality from the women's point of view, acknowledging that the points of view are constructed through interaction with others, through cultural and historical norms that influence the lives of individuals. The findings indicate a difference in the religious beliefs and sexual behaviors of these women, which is more marked in urban than rural areas. Mothers have an influence on their daughters, conditioning their behavior. Conclusion We conclude that the process of change is underway. ...

Patient sexuality is a fundamental subject in nursing student’s education. However, beliefs about... more Patient sexuality is a fundamental subject in nursing student’s education. However, beliefs about patient sexuality can influence the care offered. The aim of this psychometric study was to describe the validation process and the psychometrics properties of the Sexuality Attitudes and Beliefs Survey (SABS) for Spanish nursing students. The convenience sample was 283 nursing students from a state university in Spain. Participants ranged from 18 to 30 years (M = 19.66; SD = 1.85). Data collection happened in 2019–2020. The translation, back translation and adaptation to Spanish was discussed and refined, ensuring the semantic, idiomatic and conceptual meaning of the items. The psychometric properties were assessed through analysis of validity and reliability. The Cronbach’s alpha for the final version of 12 items was 0.65. Although it has low reliability, the Spanish version of the SABS seems to be a valid and useful tool to measure nursing students’ beliefs about patient sexuality. I...
Gestão do Trabalho, Educação e Saúde: Desafios Agudos e Crônicos - Volume 2

Sexuality is an important issue in the university careers of nursing students to ensure that they... more Sexuality is an important issue in the university careers of nursing students to ensure that they provide comprehensive care. It is necessary according to the recommendation of the World Health Organization. However, research reveals deficiencies and the need for further development. The aim of the study is to describe the perspective of teachers and students on the content of sexuality in nursing education. The project aims to analyze the attitudes and beliefs of the students about the sexuality of their patients. Furthermore, the experience and sexual lives of the future nurses, as well the teaching of sexuality content in the curriculum, will be analyzed. As for the educators, their level of knowledge about sexuality and vision of sexuality education in undergraduate nursing education will be analyzed. This study is an exploratory and descriptive study with a quantitative-qualitative approach in a multi-center context. The sample is composed of students and professors of nursing ...

espanolEl proyecto se enmarca, en linea con la 9a convocatoria de proyectos de innovacion docente... more espanolEl proyecto se enmarca, en linea con la 9a convocatoria de proyectos de innovacion docente, en disenar acciones orientadas a la mejora tanto en calidad, planificacion y, el desarrollo del Grado en Enfermeria de la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermeria y Fisioterapia de Toledo (EUEYF). En la linea de “Desarrollo de tutorias presenciales y virtuales, asi como atencion y orientacion hacia los estudiantes, especialmente los de nuevo ingreso y los que finalizan los estudios (PAT)”. La tutoria es un derecho del estudiante, va a proporcionar calidad a la ensenanza, va a contribuir a su educacion, a su asesoramiento, a su formacion y a su desarrollo Se realizaran encuestas tanto a los/as docentes como a discentes, con el objeto de valorar el desarrollo de las tutorias y, posibles cambios que se propongan. Se cumplimentaran unas fichas de seguimiento por parte del/la docente y discente, segun corresponda, teniendo las mismas una continuidad en el tiempo, de tal manera que se finalizara ...

Healthcare, 2021
Sexuality is an important issue in the university careers of nursing students to ensure that they... more Sexuality is an important issue in the university careers of nursing students to ensure that they provide comprehensive care. It is necessary according to the recommendation of the World Health Organization. However, research reveals deficiencies and the need for further development. The aim of the study is to describe the perspective of teachers and students on the content of sexuality in nursing education. The project aims to analyze the attitudes and beliefs of the students about the sexuality of their patients. Furthermore, the experience and sexual lives of the future nurses, as well the teaching of sexuality content in the curriculum, will be analyzed. As for the educators, their level of knowledge about sexuality and vision of sexuality education in undergraduate nursing education will be analyzed. This study is an exploratory and descriptive study with a quantitative-qualitative approach in a multi-center context. The sample is composed of students and professors of nursing ...

Healthcare, 2021
Background: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is any process that injures female genitals for non-m... more Background: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is any process that injures female genitals for non-medical reasons and is a violation of women’s human rights. An important number of women from countries where FGM is performed are arriving to Western countries. Health professionals are important for detecting cases of FGM. No surveys to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices on FGM among healthcare professionals has been conducted in Castilla la Mancha (Spain) until now. Methods: The main goal of the study is assessing knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of healthcare professionals in relation to FGM. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted based on self-administered online surveys to nurses, midwives, family doctors, pediatricians, obstetrics and gynecologists. Results: In total, 1168 professionals answered the surveys. Just 13.9% indicated that they had received training in FGM, however just 10.7% correctly identified the three types of FGM, 10.7% the countries where it ...

Revista de Enfermagem Referência, 2020
Revista de Enfermagem Referência 2020, Série V, no2: e20019 DOI: 10.12707/RV20019 Abstract Backgr... more Revista de Enfermagem Referência 2020, Série V, no2: e20019 DOI: 10.12707/RV20019 Abstract Background: The health model during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939) and the care practices developed by the nursing staff transformed the health conditions of the country. During the Civil War (1936-1939), social and health care was unequal. Objective: Analyze the influence of health care during and after the Spanish Civil War. Methodology: Historical-descriptive research related to health care during the Civil War. Information collected from nursing documents, newspapers, books, laws. Interpretative analysis by dates and events of the period under study. Results: Between 1939 and 1949, the laws enacted revised the work carried out by health professionals, leading to the repression and elimination of the health professionals who were alien to the prevailing political ideas, which meant a process of purification. Conclusion: The government of the Second Republic attributed importance to...
Papers by Sagrario Cantarino