Papers by Rebeca Rubio Rivera
Ciudades Romanas de Hispania I / Cities of Roman Hispania, 2021

Sensorium, 2021
Ancient mystery cults embraced a complex and varied ritual structure, integrating multiple sensor... more Ancient mystery cults embraced a complex and varied ritual structure, integrating multiple sensory experiences. The inherently secret nature of these mysteries constitutes a barrier to learning more about, and verifying the details of, the rites in which initiation was the main point of focus. Even so, relatively explicit literary sources make it possible to confirm that one of the frequent elements of religious mysteries was the simulated death and resurrection of the neophytes, a passage that transformed them from simple followers into mystai. Thus, through transcendent experiences, the devotee attained the revelation of the mysteries revelation, achieved an ineffable proximity to the divine, and won the promise of immortality. We know very little about the practices that were performed in the Mithraic initiation rituals. Nevertheless, the complex hierarchy of the seven grades that followers of Mithras could progressively undertake provides some evidence for a differentiated set of initiatory efforts that needed to be overcome in turn as the devotee ascended from one grade to the next. As this paper tries to show, it is likely that this process encompassed a varied series of multisensory experiences for each stage of the initiate’s transitus.
The analysis of religiosity in the rural areas of the northern Conventus Carthaginiensis
region ... more The analysis of religiosity in the rural areas of the northern Conventus Carthaginiensis
region (south-west Carpetania) in Roman times allows a glimpse of the
worship features and cultic heterogeneity given in this context. Thus, despite the lack
of epigraphic and archaeological evidence, the approach to the question shows the
complex dynamics created by the convergence of Roman cults, different forms of
syncretism and indigenous traditions, all forming part of a renewed polytheism,
perfectly integrated in the plural Roman religious system.

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Summary The Mithraic evidence in Etruria and Umbria – VII and VI Regiones – presents some particu... more Summary The Mithraic evidence in Etruria and Umbria – VII and VI Regiones – presents some particular features of great interest, not only because they contribute to enlarging our knowledge regarding the extent of the diffusion of Mithraism in these regions, but also as regards the general study of the cult itself and the comprehension of certain facets of the cultic implantation patterns within the religious communities. The epigraphic corpus of Mithraism in Umbria provides valuable information concerning some grades of initiation and Mithraic priesthood, highlighting the specificity of this religion. The importance of such information transcends what we know about the local level, by revealing details about the functioning of the cult in general, especially regarding the degree of Leo and some variants of the priesthood, which are poorly documented elsewhere in the Roman Empire. In addition, the discovery of Mithraea, Mithraic images and other archaeological evidence in Etruria and...
Vínculos de Historia, 2 (2013), pp. 169-183
“The Origins and Municipalization of Ercávica in the Context of Southern Celtiberian Romanization... more “The Origins and Municipalization of Ercávica in the Context of Southern Celtiberian Romanization”
The establishment and development of the Roman town of Ercavica provides some relevant keys to study the mechanisms deployed by Rome in the consolidation of its power and in the process of integration and Romanization of inland Hispania.
The analysis of the city origins features, of the elements that converge in granting the status of municipium and of the typically Roman characteristics of its public and private buildings, testified by archaeological research, make possible a closer approach to the changing processes occured in Southern Celtiberia, revealing an intense degree of Romanization, that was quicker than what had generally been considered.
Dialéctica histórica y compromiso social. Homenaje a Domingo Plácido, 2, Zaragoza, 2010, 1029-1044
1 Los resultados de la investigación que se sintetizan en este trabajo se deben a las intervencio... more 1 Los resultados de la investigación que se sintetizan en este trabajo se deben a las intervenciones arqueológicas realizas en sucesivas campañas en el yacimiento de ercávica con la financiación de la consejería de cultura de la Junta de comunidades de castilla-La Mancha. asimismo, la universidad de castilla-La Mancha, desde su vinculación con el yacimiento en 1999, ha contribuido proporcionando diversas ayudas económicas y medios técnicos.
el circo romano de toledo y la vega baja en época romana RUBIO RIVERA, R., "El circo romano de To... more el circo romano de toledo y la vega baja en época romana RUBIO RIVERA, R., "El circo romano de Toledo y la Vega Baja en época romana", en AA.VV., La Vega Baja. Investigación, documentación y hallazgos, Cuenca, 2011, pp. 35-56.
Sacra loca toletana: los espacios sagrados en …, Jan 1, 2008
Los espacios religiosos del Toledo romano apenas se pueden vislumbrar desde una perspectiva casi ... more Los espacios religiosos del Toledo romano apenas se pueden vislumbrar desde una perspectiva casi «virtual»: hoy por hoy, no conocemos ningún vestigio arqueológico, atribuible, con seguridad, a templo o santuario alguno. Pero, igualmente resulta exiguo el conjunto de inscripciones de carácter religioso halladas en Toledo o su entorno. De este modo, el habitual recurso de la investigación a las fuentes epigráficas para recomponer el conjunto de deidades que integraban el panteón singular de cada ciudad romana, también se presenta restringido, limitando las posibilidades de profundizar en la especificidad de la religiosidad pagana de Toletum. Con todo, al menos en parte, el análisis comparativo puede servir para restituir alguno de los elementos religiosos propios de un municipio del Imperio romano.
Rubio Rivera, R., Valero Tévar, M.A., Molina Cañadas, M. y Arcos Domínguez, M.C., " La villa romana de la Fábrica de Armas (Toledo)” en La Vega Baja. Investigación, documentación y hallazgos, Cuenca, 2010, 57-83. La villa romana de la Fábrica de Armas (Toledo) RUBIO RIVERA, R., VALERO TÉVAR, M.A., MOLINA CAÑA... more La villa romana de la Fábrica de Armas (Toledo) RUBIO RIVERA, R., VALERO TÉVAR, M.A., MOLINA CAÑADAS, M. y ARCOS DOMÍNGUEZ, M.C., "La villa romana de la Fábrica de Armas (Toledo)" en La Vega Baja. Investigación, documentación y hallazgos, Cuenca, 2011, pp. 57-83. 52 LA VEGA BAJA. INVESTIGACIÓN, DOCUMENTACIÓN Y HALLAZGOS.

. in F. Cadiou, M. Navarro, La guerre et ses traces. Conflits et société en Hispanie à l'époque d... more . in F. Cadiou, M. Navarro, La guerre et ses traces. Conflits et société en Hispanie à l'époque de la conquête romaine (IIIe-Ier s. aC), Bordeaux, Ausonius, 2014, pp.99-132.
Infography Fl. Comte
Since the beginnings of the 20th cent and Marquès of Cerralbo's excavations , La Cerca de Aguilar de Anguita (Guadalajara, Spain) is interpreted as a Republican Roman military camp. This interpretation is based on the morphology of the fortification enclosing the 12 ha of the flat hilltop where lies this settlement. But informations about the actual discoveries were really scarce: even the datation relied in inferences based on textual evidences, not in stratigraphy. As part of an Agence Nationale de la Recherche funded program (GuerraHispania), a Franco-Spanish team, led by the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne (UMR 5607 Ausonius) and the University of Castilla-la Mancha (sede de Toledo) made new excavations that were limited in their extension but really innovative as for their results. This paper present these results and the interpretations they allow to sustain.
Homenaje a José María Blázquez, III, 1996
… Antigüedad: religiones y …, Jan 1, 2002
Miembros del Proyecto de Investigación «Los cultos mistéricos en la parte occidental del Imperio ... more Miembros del Proyecto de Investigación «Los cultos mistéricos en la parte occidental del Imperio Romano» (PB 90-238), financiado por la DGICYT desarrollado posteriormente como "Ideologías y cambio religioso en el Mediterráneo antiguo" (PB 97-0437). 102 J. ALVAR · R. RUBIO · P. LÓPEZ BARJA DE QUIROGA ARYS, 5, 2002, 99-122 ISSN 1575-166X
Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional Girea-ARYS, 2004
Ritual y conciencia cívica en el Mundo Antiguo:[ …, Jan 1, 1995
... | Ayuda. La iniciación mitraica y la supuesta subversión del orden social. Autores: Rebeca Ru... more ... | Ayuda. La iniciación mitraica y la supuesta subversión del orden social. Autores: Rebeca Rubio Rivera; Localización: Ritual y conciencia cívica en el Mundo Antiguo : [homenaje a F. Gascó], 1995, ISBN 84-7882-184-8 , pags. 215-226. ...
Gerión 11
Collegium dendrophorum: Corporación profesional y cofradía metróaca ¡ REBECA RUBIO RIVERA Univ. C... more Collegium dendrophorum: Corporación profesional y cofradía metróaca ¡ REBECA RUBIO RIVERA Univ. Castilla-La Mancha. Campus de Toledo RESUMEN.-La singular dualidad que distingue a los co//egia dendropitorum, por su equivalente entidad religiosa y profesional, ha propiciado, con cierta frecuencia, la formación de una serie de generalidades y ambigiledades, que se plasman, fundamentalmente, en la interpretación religiosa del material epigráfico. En el presente artículo se lleva a cabo una revisión de los aspectos más significativos de la asociación y se proponen nuevos planteamientos, que permiten esclarecer algunos aspectos equívocos sobre el origen de la ambivalencia de estos collegia y sobre la valoración religiosa de las inscripciones de la corporación de los dendróforos.

RESUMEN Frente a la idea de que los misterios se difunden a trav?s de un proceso cada ve z m?s am... more RESUMEN Frente a la idea de que los misterios se difunden a trav?s de un proceso cada ve z m?s amplio de conversiones, los autores sostienen que la familia es la base soci al en la que se alimentan demogr?ficamente los cultos mist?ricos. El an?lisis de las insc ripciones, de las im?genes y de los restos arqueol?gicos ofrece argumentos para defend er la participaci?n familiar en los cultos mist?ricos. ABSTRACT In opposition to the idea that the mystery cults expanded basically by conversio n, the authors state that the family is the social base that feeds -demographically speaking-these cults. The analyse of inscriptions, images, and archaeological remai ns offers enough arguments to defend the idea that the family ins an inportant part in mys tery cults. Es, tal vez, frecuente la idea de que la iniciaci?n mist?rica constituye un acto religioso asumido con plenitud de consciencia por la persona que, habiendo decidido transformar o profundizar su experiencia religiosa, relega en parte los cultos que son propios de su grupo sociocultural para integrarse en un ?mbito de relativa marginalidad con respecto al aprendizaje adquirido en el seno de su familial.
Papers by Rebeca Rubio Rivera
region (south-west Carpetania) in Roman times allows a glimpse of the
worship features and cultic heterogeneity given in this context. Thus, despite the lack
of epigraphic and archaeological evidence, the approach to the question shows the
complex dynamics created by the convergence of Roman cults, different forms of
syncretism and indigenous traditions, all forming part of a renewed polytheism,
perfectly integrated in the plural Roman religious system.
The establishment and development of the Roman town of Ercavica provides some relevant keys to study the mechanisms deployed by Rome in the consolidation of its power and in the process of integration and Romanization of inland Hispania.
The analysis of the city origins features, of the elements that converge in granting the status of municipium and of the typically Roman characteristics of its public and private buildings, testified by archaeological research, make possible a closer approach to the changing processes occured in Southern Celtiberia, revealing an intense degree of Romanization, that was quicker than what had generally been considered.
Infography Fl. Comte
Since the beginnings of the 20th cent and Marquès of Cerralbo's excavations , La Cerca de Aguilar de Anguita (Guadalajara, Spain) is interpreted as a Republican Roman military camp. This interpretation is based on the morphology of the fortification enclosing the 12 ha of the flat hilltop where lies this settlement. But informations about the actual discoveries were really scarce: even the datation relied in inferences based on textual evidences, not in stratigraphy. As part of an Agence Nationale de la Recherche funded program (GuerraHispania), a Franco-Spanish team, led by the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne (UMR 5607 Ausonius) and the University of Castilla-la Mancha (sede de Toledo) made new excavations that were limited in their extension but really innovative as for their results. This paper present these results and the interpretations they allow to sustain.
region (south-west Carpetania) in Roman times allows a glimpse of the
worship features and cultic heterogeneity given in this context. Thus, despite the lack
of epigraphic and archaeological evidence, the approach to the question shows the
complex dynamics created by the convergence of Roman cults, different forms of
syncretism and indigenous traditions, all forming part of a renewed polytheism,
perfectly integrated in the plural Roman religious system.
The establishment and development of the Roman town of Ercavica provides some relevant keys to study the mechanisms deployed by Rome in the consolidation of its power and in the process of integration and Romanization of inland Hispania.
The analysis of the city origins features, of the elements that converge in granting the status of municipium and of the typically Roman characteristics of its public and private buildings, testified by archaeological research, make possible a closer approach to the changing processes occured in Southern Celtiberia, revealing an intense degree of Romanization, that was quicker than what had generally been considered.
Infography Fl. Comte
Since the beginnings of the 20th cent and Marquès of Cerralbo's excavations , La Cerca de Aguilar de Anguita (Guadalajara, Spain) is interpreted as a Republican Roman military camp. This interpretation is based on the morphology of the fortification enclosing the 12 ha of the flat hilltop where lies this settlement. But informations about the actual discoveries were really scarce: even the datation relied in inferences based on textual evidences, not in stratigraphy. As part of an Agence Nationale de la Recherche funded program (GuerraHispania), a Franco-Spanish team, led by the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne (UMR 5607 Ausonius) and the University of Castilla-la Mancha (sede de Toledo) made new excavations that were limited in their extension but really innovative as for their results. This paper present these results and the interpretations they allow to sustain.