Books by Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez
El periodismo emprendedor es el fenómeno observado en la industria periodística después de 2008. ... more El periodismo emprendedor es el fenómeno observado en la industria periodística después de 2008. Consiste en el conjunto de iniciativas lideradas por periodistas para la creación de nuevos medios promovidos por ellos mismos. Están alejados del modelo industrial cuyo accionariado corresponde a grandes grupos de comunicación o a empresas ajenas al sector. Se caracterizan por la primacía del ámbito digital (contenidos, aplicaciones) en detrimento de la estructura analógica (papel). Por último, se emplea intensamente la marca personal del periodista como motor de la promoción a través de las redes sociales. El fenómeno es mundial.
La transparencia informativa es un derecho fundamental para la ciudadanía, porque mediante la pro... more La transparencia informativa es un derecho fundamental para la ciudadanía, porque mediante la provisión de información el ciudadano decide, elige y vota a sus representantes políticos. En España la democratización de la política exterior ha
conducido a un incremento del interés de la opinión pública, aunque está lejos de la media europea. El informe documenta que el sistema legal español vigente es insuficiente para el suministro de esta información y, antes al contrario, favorece la pasividad y el oscurantismo. El trabajo aboga por una reforma legal en profundidad que sitúe al ciudadano en el centro de la gestión de la información pública, que actualice el estatus de las Consejerías de Información y que emplee las ventajas de Internet y los nuevos medios para ayudar a los ciudadanos a fiscalizar la acción gubernamental.
The book states the public service television in Spain, France, Germany, UK and USA.
It also incl... more The book states the public service television in Spain, France, Germany, UK and USA.
It also includes specific chapters related to the mission and vision of the public service, as well as its future in the digital scenario.
Tags: Media Structure and Economics, Public Service, Television
My chapter is intitled "The Internet Challenge to Public Service Brodcasters" (p.80-94).
Papers by Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 2017
The effects of transparency in diplomacy are analysed. Three levels of information management in ... more The effects of transparency in diplomacy are analysed. Three levels of information management in professional diplomacy are considered, and thereafter how the demand of transparency affects its development and achievement. A descriptive analysis assesses the level of transparency based on the Open Government Partnership (OGP) principles. The article features the tensions delivered to diplomatic activity and shows evidences of wide range of international actors. The results indicate no single model can be validated to assess transparency in diplomatic professional activity because it is linked to values, uses and political culture of each actor involved. Transparency is not only a legal paradigm, but a culture that allows accountability adapted to the characteristics of global affairs.
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social , 2017
The effects of transparency in diplomacy are analysed. Three levels of information management in ... more The effects of transparency in diplomacy are analysed. Three levels of information management in professional diplomacy are considered, and thereafter how the demand of transparency affects its development and achievement. A descriptive analysis assesses the level of transparency based on the Open Government Partnership (OGP) principles. The article features the tensions delivered to diplomatic activity and shows evidences of wide range of international actors. The results indicate no single model can be validated to assess transparency in diplomatic professional activity because it is linked to values, uses and political culture of each actor involved. Transparency is not only a legal paradigm, but a culture that allows accountability adapted to the characteristics of global affairs.

Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 2017
Social movements of a political nature have innovated in the field of international political com... more Social movements of a political nature have innovated in the field of international political communication. Non-state actors have occupied the sphere of public diplomacy, previously limited to the nation state. The study is based on the analysis of the social media campaigns, actors, messages, and political activities of Catalan and Scottish pro-independence movements in relation to the referendum. The Catalan pro-independence movement has based its results on the defence of the Catalan identity and the epistemic community. Scottish movements that promote the creation of a new state oriented their strategy of protest to parliamentary politics. The article examines mobilising diplomacy, as well as the use of social networks in the international promotion of political messages and the reinforcement of a nation's language and culture. Conclusions. Mobilising diplomacy is still in an expansive phase. More actors are incorporated into the international arena through the production and dissemination of messages in social networks.

El Profesional de la Información, 2017
La legislación española recoge la obligación de difundir información entre los administrados, de ... more La legislación española recoge la obligación de difundir información entre los administrados, de modo que se mejore la gestión y la administración de las instituciones públicas. Sin embargo, la elaboración y la producción de información no se rigen con criterios periodísticos, sino que se mantiene un cierto control político sobre la naturaleza y el alcance de las noticias. El estudio de las noticias publicadas por seis ayuntamientos en sus webs entre 2011 y 2016 demuestra que la legislación actual ha mejorado el número de items de información pública (no elaborada), pero no su calidad. También destaca la ausencia de innovación en el uso de redes sociales para la promoción de la participación ciudadana en materia informativa.
Spanish legislation includes the obligation to publish information, making it available to citizens, in order to improve public management. However, such information is not created using journalistic criteria, but rather political control. This study of news published by six city councils on their websites between 2011 and 2016 shows that the current legislation has improved the number of public information items (raw data material), but not the quality of the news. It also highlights the lack of innovation in the use of social networks to promote citizen participation with information.

Introducción. Se analiza el periodismo emprendedor como un fenómeno observado en la ind... more Resumen:
Introducción. Se analiza el periodismo emprendedor como un fenómeno observado en la industria periodística y su desarrollo en el ámbito de la información deportiva. Metodología. Se identifican los proyectos lanzados por profesionales y se realiza un estudio comparado. Se emplean datos publicados en el Informe de la Profesión Periodística en 2013. Resultados. Es un área propicia para la innovación y creación de proyectos diferenciados. Hay dos tendencias: la apuesta por lo hiperlocal y la especialización temática. Discusión. Se examina la aportación de estos proyectos al mapa periodístico actual, su viabilidad y modelos de negocio. Existen ciertos patrones comunes. Conclusiones. Estamos ante una fase expansiva. Se alumbran nuevas formas de gestionar las empresas orientadas a internet y cada vez más vinculadas a la marca personal del periodista, así como nuevas temáticas, narrativas y formas de presentar los contenidos.
Introduction. This article analyses entrepreneurial journalism as a phenomenon that has emerged in Spain’s news media industry and has developed strongly in the sports news. Method. The analysis is based on the identification and analysis of the media startups launched since 2008 and on the results of the 2013 Report of the Journalistic Profession published by the Press Association of Madrid. Results. Sports journalism is a field that favours innovation and the creation of a diversity of projects. Two tendencies stand out: hyperlocal start-ups and niche information products. Discussion. The article examines the contribution of these projects to the current structure of the journalism industry, as well as their viability, characteristic business models, and common patterns. Conclusions. Sports journalism is still at an expansive phase and involves new ways of managing internet-based businesses that rely heavily on the personal brand of journalists, as well as new thematic areas and contents.

Introduction. This article analyses entrepreneurial journalism as a phenomenon that has... more Abstract
Introduction. This article analyses entrepreneurial journalism as a phenomenon that has emerged in Spain‟s
news media industry and has developed strongly in the sports news. Method. The analysis is based on the identification and analysis of the media startups launched since 2008 and on the results of the 2013 Report of the Journalistic Profession published by the Press Association of Madrid. Results. Sports journalism is a field that favours innovation and the creation of a diversity of projects. Two tendencies stand out: hyperlocal start-ups and niche information products. Discussion. The article examines the
contribution of these projects to the current structure of the journalism industry, as well as their viability, characteristic business models, and common patterns. Conclusions. Sports journalism is still at an expansive phase and involves new ways of managing internet based businesses that rely heavily on the personal brand of journalists, as well as new thematic areas and contents.
Servicio público y calidad en la televisión pública 1.1. ¿Qué es el servicio público de televisión?
Entra en: E infórmate de las actividades y descuentos que te esperan por ser socio de ACOP
Ninguna parte ni la totalidad de este documento puede ser reproducida, grabada o transmitida en f... more Ninguna parte ni la totalidad de este documento puede ser reproducida, grabada o transmitida en forma alguna ni por cualquier procedimiento, ya sea electrónico, mecánico, reprográfico, magnético o cualquier otro, sin autorización previa y por escrito de la Fundación Alternativas © Fundación Alternativas Abstract 5
Economía exterior: estudios de la revista …, Jan 1, 2010
… Successful Ict Strategies: Competitive Advantages in …, Jan 1, 2007
The expansion of the social influence of the Internet have led both general interest and national... more The expansion of the social influence of the Internet have led both general interest and national public broadcasters to a structural challenge. The new on line paradigm demands a full version of the public enterprise, which include all the available tools to achieve its mission. The ...
Cuadernos de Periodistas, Jan 1, 2010
Título: Periodismo y trasnparencia informativa Autores: Manfredi Sánchez, Juan Luis Revista: Cuad... more Título: Periodismo y trasnparencia informativa Autores: Manfredi Sánchez, Juan Luis Revista: Cuadernos de Periodistas, 2010 MAR; (19) Página(s): 113-123 ISSN: 18892922 Resumen: La transparencia informativa y las leyes de acceso, que requieren rigor a la ...
Ámbitos: Revista internacional de …, Jan 1, 2009
Ambitos: Revista internacional de …, Jan 1, 2006
Books by Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez
conducido a un incremento del interés de la opinión pública, aunque está lejos de la media europea. El informe documenta que el sistema legal español vigente es insuficiente para el suministro de esta información y, antes al contrario, favorece la pasividad y el oscurantismo. El trabajo aboga por una reforma legal en profundidad que sitúe al ciudadano en el centro de la gestión de la información pública, que actualice el estatus de las Consejerías de Información y que emplee las ventajas de Internet y los nuevos medios para ayudar a los ciudadanos a fiscalizar la acción gubernamental.
It also includes specific chapters related to the mission and vision of the public service, as well as its future in the digital scenario.
Tags: Media Structure and Economics, Public Service, Television
Papers by Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez
Spanish legislation includes the obligation to publish information, making it available to citizens, in order to improve public management. However, such information is not created using journalistic criteria, but rather political control. This study of news published by six city councils on their websites between 2011 and 2016 shows that the current legislation has improved the number of public information items (raw data material), but not the quality of the news. It also highlights the lack of innovation in the use of social networks to promote citizen participation with information.
Introducción. Se analiza el periodismo emprendedor como un fenómeno observado en la industria periodística y su desarrollo en el ámbito de la información deportiva. Metodología. Se identifican los proyectos lanzados por profesionales y se realiza un estudio comparado. Se emplean datos publicados en el Informe de la Profesión Periodística en 2013. Resultados. Es un área propicia para la innovación y creación de proyectos diferenciados. Hay dos tendencias: la apuesta por lo hiperlocal y la especialización temática. Discusión. Se examina la aportación de estos proyectos al mapa periodístico actual, su viabilidad y modelos de negocio. Existen ciertos patrones comunes. Conclusiones. Estamos ante una fase expansiva. Se alumbran nuevas formas de gestionar las empresas orientadas a internet y cada vez más vinculadas a la marca personal del periodista, así como nuevas temáticas, narrativas y formas de presentar los contenidos.
Introduction. This article analyses entrepreneurial journalism as a phenomenon that has emerged in Spain’s news media industry and has developed strongly in the sports news. Method. The analysis is based on the identification and analysis of the media startups launched since 2008 and on the results of the 2013 Report of the Journalistic Profession published by the Press Association of Madrid. Results. Sports journalism is a field that favours innovation and the creation of a diversity of projects. Two tendencies stand out: hyperlocal start-ups and niche information products. Discussion. The article examines the contribution of these projects to the current structure of the journalism industry, as well as their viability, characteristic business models, and common patterns. Conclusions. Sports journalism is still at an expansive phase and involves new ways of managing internet-based businesses that rely heavily on the personal brand of journalists, as well as new thematic areas and contents.
Introduction. This article analyses entrepreneurial journalism as a phenomenon that has emerged in Spain‟s
news media industry and has developed strongly in the sports news. Method. The analysis is based on the identification and analysis of the media startups launched since 2008 and on the results of the 2013 Report of the Journalistic Profession published by the Press Association of Madrid. Results. Sports journalism is a field that favours innovation and the creation of a diversity of projects. Two tendencies stand out: hyperlocal start-ups and niche information products. Discussion. The article examines the
contribution of these projects to the current structure of the journalism industry, as well as their viability, characteristic business models, and common patterns. Conclusions. Sports journalism is still at an expansive phase and involves new ways of managing internet based businesses that rely heavily on the personal brand of journalists, as well as new thematic areas and contents.
conducido a un incremento del interés de la opinión pública, aunque está lejos de la media europea. El informe documenta que el sistema legal español vigente es insuficiente para el suministro de esta información y, antes al contrario, favorece la pasividad y el oscurantismo. El trabajo aboga por una reforma legal en profundidad que sitúe al ciudadano en el centro de la gestión de la información pública, que actualice el estatus de las Consejerías de Información y que emplee las ventajas de Internet y los nuevos medios para ayudar a los ciudadanos a fiscalizar la acción gubernamental.
It also includes specific chapters related to the mission and vision of the public service, as well as its future in the digital scenario.
Tags: Media Structure and Economics, Public Service, Television
Spanish legislation includes the obligation to publish information, making it available to citizens, in order to improve public management. However, such information is not created using journalistic criteria, but rather political control. This study of news published by six city councils on their websites between 2011 and 2016 shows that the current legislation has improved the number of public information items (raw data material), but not the quality of the news. It also highlights the lack of innovation in the use of social networks to promote citizen participation with information.
Introducción. Se analiza el periodismo emprendedor como un fenómeno observado en la industria periodística y su desarrollo en el ámbito de la información deportiva. Metodología. Se identifican los proyectos lanzados por profesionales y se realiza un estudio comparado. Se emplean datos publicados en el Informe de la Profesión Periodística en 2013. Resultados. Es un área propicia para la innovación y creación de proyectos diferenciados. Hay dos tendencias: la apuesta por lo hiperlocal y la especialización temática. Discusión. Se examina la aportación de estos proyectos al mapa periodístico actual, su viabilidad y modelos de negocio. Existen ciertos patrones comunes. Conclusiones. Estamos ante una fase expansiva. Se alumbran nuevas formas de gestionar las empresas orientadas a internet y cada vez más vinculadas a la marca personal del periodista, así como nuevas temáticas, narrativas y formas de presentar los contenidos.
Introduction. This article analyses entrepreneurial journalism as a phenomenon that has emerged in Spain’s news media industry and has developed strongly in the sports news. Method. The analysis is based on the identification and analysis of the media startups launched since 2008 and on the results of the 2013 Report of the Journalistic Profession published by the Press Association of Madrid. Results. Sports journalism is a field that favours innovation and the creation of a diversity of projects. Two tendencies stand out: hyperlocal start-ups and niche information products. Discussion. The article examines the contribution of these projects to the current structure of the journalism industry, as well as their viability, characteristic business models, and common patterns. Conclusions. Sports journalism is still at an expansive phase and involves new ways of managing internet-based businesses that rely heavily on the personal brand of journalists, as well as new thematic areas and contents.
Introduction. This article analyses entrepreneurial journalism as a phenomenon that has emerged in Spain‟s
news media industry and has developed strongly in the sports news. Method. The analysis is based on the identification and analysis of the media startups launched since 2008 and on the results of the 2013 Report of the Journalistic Profession published by the Press Association of Madrid. Results. Sports journalism is a field that favours innovation and the creation of a diversity of projects. Two tendencies stand out: hyperlocal start-ups and niche information products. Discussion. The article examines the
contribution of these projects to the current structure of the journalism industry, as well as their viability, characteristic business models, and common patterns. Conclusions. Sports journalism is still at an expansive phase and involves new ways of managing internet based businesses that rely heavily on the personal brand of journalists, as well as new thematic areas and contents.