Université catholique de Louvain
Langues et lettres anciennes et modernes
La médecine vétérinaire dans le Proche-Orient antique est peu documentée par nos sources. Outre quelques textes akkadiens, quatre tablettes en langue ougaritique témoignent d’un bref traité vétérinaire en circulation à Ougarit (Ras... more
For the contrast between Apollo and the Erinyes in the Orestea, Aeschylus makes use of so-called "musical rhetoric", a system of rhetorical figures connected to the world of sounds, instruments and musical forms, and referring to the... more
many authors have drawn inspiration from nature and, particularly, from the world of birds. According to ancient philosophers and poets, at the world's beginning, human beings had a special connection with these creatures of the air,... more
In the Alcaeus fragment 359 Voigt, the philological problems are linked not only with an unclear textual tradition, but also with the interesting and unexpected association between the lepa, j (a type of shellfish) and the tortoise (ce,... more
This paper originates from a more general reflection on the way in which the archaic Greeks perceived, elaborated and imagined the sounds in their everyday life and during performance. Approaching the material from an oralistic... more
Gli autori antichi, fissando nel testo il ricordo – e talvolta la descrizione simultanea – dell’esperienza estetico-religiosa, si mostrano affascinati dalla presenza dell’incenso che, contestualmente all’esecuzione di canti e preghiere,... more
In seguito alla diffusione e allo sviluppo dell’alfabeto, l’oggetto-testo e la sua esecuzione orale entrano di diritto nell’immaginario comune della Grecia arcaica e tardo-arcaica. In tale contesto, fra VI e V secolo a.C. la familiarità... more
Sonus in Metaphora
Colloque international autour de la rhétorique sonore et musicale dans l’Antiquité
jeudi 25 et vendredi 26 octobre 2018
Colloque international autour de la rhétorique sonore et musicale dans l’Antiquité
jeudi 25 et vendredi 26 octobre 2018
Sonus in Metaphora
Colloque international autour de la rhétorique sonore et musicale dans l’Antiquité
jeudi 25 et vendredi 26 octobre 2018
Colloque international autour de la rhétorique sonore et musicale dans l’Antiquité
jeudi 25 et vendredi 26 octobre 2018
In this article, the author investigates the richness of a synaesthetical association recurrent in the Pindar’s First Olympian Ode: the brightness of ΚΛΕΟΣ. Despite the numerous studies on the light and on synaesthesia in ancient... more
Cette conférence vise à éclairer les relations entre la poésie de Pindare, son horizon sonore - aussi performatif qu’environnemental -, et le champ lexical de l’art visuel. On montrera que la métaphore sonoro-architecturale, dans le... more
Journée d'Études Byzantines
Société Belge des Études Byzantines
Bruxelles 24.05.2019
Société Belge des Études Byzantines
Bruxelles 24.05.2019
In seguito allo sviluppo e alla diffusione dell’alfabeto, l’oggetto-testo e la sua esecuzione orale entrano di diritto nell’immaginario comune della Grecia tardo-arcaica e classica. A partire dal V secolo a.C., infatti, la consuetudine di... more
Le présent volume s’insère dans le panorama d’études sur le monde sonore de l’Antiquité en mettant en avant un point moins développé ailleurs : l’univers des sons (musicaux et non) qui enrichissent le niveau figuratif des textes antiques.... more
Historically, philosophy conceived the activity of thinking through a series of visual metaphors. This paper aims at uncovering an alternative image for the very act that defines philosophy, that of sound, and will try to bring to light... more
Although the etymology of mystērion is not entirely clear, scholars have traditionally thought it to be derived from the Greek muō, meaning "to close" or "to shut." The word may thus refer to shutting not only the eyes (during the... more
For over 40 years, Andrew Barker has been studying the ways in which ancient Greek philosophers, scientists and others analysed and discussed the structures underlying musical compositions; he has focused, in particular, on their... more