Annick Lepot
Université catholique de Louvain, Histoire de l'Art, Archéologie et Musicologie, Scientific collaborator
Today : Curator at Musée Archéologique de Namur (Ville de Namur)
2016-2018 : Scientific, Educational & Touristic Manager at Archéoparc de Rochefort - Malagne.
2013-2015 : Research assistant PAI 7/09 "Comparing regionality and sustainability in Pisidia, Boeotia, Picenum and NW Gaul between Iron and Middle Ages (1,000 BC - AD 1,000)"
Centre de Recherches d'Archéologie Nationale
2007-2011: PhD Thesis - Research Fellow F.R.S.-FNRS - Centre de recherches d'archéologie nationale - Institut des civilisations Art et Lettres. « Food and Pottery as Evidences of Romanisation process in Northern Gaul. Production and Trade Exchange Patterns”.
This research take part of the project Interuniversity Attraction Pôles (IUAP) 2007-2011 focusing on the "The Transition from Republic to Empire : The Impact of Romanisation on Cities and Countryside in Italy and The Provinces (2nd/1st century BC - 2nd/3rd century AD)"(Etat belge - Politique scientifique fédérale - PAI6/22, 2007-2011)
Our studies focus on geographic areas that correspond to the thirty kilometers of countryside surrounding three cities: Tongeren, Bavay and Tournai. This unusual geographic framework provides a new interpretation of spaces and allows for detailed studies. The zones cover sections of four civitates territory; the civitas Tungrorum, the civitas Nerviorum, the civitas Menapiorum and a small part of the civitas Atrebatum. Borders of the mapped areas were defined on the base of Belgian communes and French Cantons.
This study forms part of the debate about the diversity behind the unity of the Empire and further explores the evidence for the cultural multiplicity behind the Roman/native dichotomy.
Interdisciplinary researches with archaeozoologists relate to subsistance and potential changes in production and consumption of food (workpackage 9).
Scientific Research Worker of the Centre de Recherche archéologique en Italie (CRAI) dans le cadre d'études et recherches archéologiques en Italie (Ostia Antica, IT). Analysis of terra sigillata from the excavations 2004-2006.
Supervisors: Raymond Brulet and Laurent Verslype
Phone: +3281248727
Address: rue Saintraint 7
5000 Namur
2016-2018 : Scientific, Educational & Touristic Manager at Archéoparc de Rochefort - Malagne.
2013-2015 : Research assistant PAI 7/09 "Comparing regionality and sustainability in Pisidia, Boeotia, Picenum and NW Gaul between Iron and Middle Ages (1,000 BC - AD 1,000)"
Centre de Recherches d'Archéologie Nationale
2007-2011: PhD Thesis - Research Fellow F.R.S.-FNRS - Centre de recherches d'archéologie nationale - Institut des civilisations Art et Lettres. « Food and Pottery as Evidences of Romanisation process in Northern Gaul. Production and Trade Exchange Patterns”.
This research take part of the project Interuniversity Attraction Pôles (IUAP) 2007-2011 focusing on the "The Transition from Republic to Empire : The Impact of Romanisation on Cities and Countryside in Italy and The Provinces (2nd/1st century BC - 2nd/3rd century AD)"(Etat belge - Politique scientifique fédérale - PAI6/22, 2007-2011)
Our studies focus on geographic areas that correspond to the thirty kilometers of countryside surrounding three cities: Tongeren, Bavay and Tournai. This unusual geographic framework provides a new interpretation of spaces and allows for detailed studies. The zones cover sections of four civitates territory; the civitas Tungrorum, the civitas Nerviorum, the civitas Menapiorum and a small part of the civitas Atrebatum. Borders of the mapped areas were defined on the base of Belgian communes and French Cantons.
This study forms part of the debate about the diversity behind the unity of the Empire and further explores the evidence for the cultural multiplicity behind the Roman/native dichotomy.
Interdisciplinary researches with archaeozoologists relate to subsistance and potential changes in production and consumption of food (workpackage 9).
Scientific Research Worker of the Centre de Recherche archéologique en Italie (CRAI) dans le cadre d'études et recherches archéologiques en Italie (Ostia Antica, IT). Analysis of terra sigillata from the excavations 2004-2006.
Supervisors: Raymond Brulet and Laurent Verslype
Phone: +3281248727
Address: rue Saintraint 7
5000 Namur
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Durham University
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University of Exeter
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University of Oxford
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Stanford University
InterestsView All (41)
Papers by Annick Lepot
L’hypothèse d’une origine pré-romaine ne peut être retenue à ce jour pour le site qui doit son développement à la chaussée romaine dont la construction est planifiée vraisemblablement lors du second séjour d’Agrippa en Gaule (20-19/18 av. J.-C.). La large ceinture de loess que traverse cette liaison routière entre le territoire de trois civitates, Nerviorum (avec Bavay comme chef-lieu), Tungrorum (avec Tongres) et Ubiorum (avec Cologne), incite à entrevoir, dès sa conception, non seulement des objectifs stratégiques militaires et administratifs mais aussi des ambitions économiques.
‘consumer’ sites in order to document the network of the supply of animal products.
Through an interdisciplinary study of common ceramics and archaeozoological
data the study stresses that it is possible to give information about the exchange
relationships between a city and its countryside and about the surplus produced
at rural sites. This approach has been illustrated with the case study of the Caput
Civitatis of Tongeren, the small town of Braives and the rural sites located within
a radius of 30 kilometres. Indeed, the study of the supply of culinary ceramics
at these sites has made it possible to document local exchange networks. These
common ceramics were bought at the local market, where the peasants possibly
sold their surplus products. Within this framework, it has been possible to examine
and to compare the production, acquisition and consumption of animal products
of Tongeren, Braives and seven villae. Cattle played an important role in the mass
supply of meat and craft products to the town of Tongeren and the small town of
Braives during the Early Roman period. Preliminary evidence has been gathered
indicating that both sites relied on rural production for their cattle provisioning.
In addition, the diversity in the animal production of the rural sites located around
Tongeren has been examined within the framework of the complexity of local
exchange networks.""
Talks by Annick Lepot
L’hypothèse d’une origine pré-romaine ne peut être retenue à ce jour pour le site qui doit son développement à la chaussée romaine dont la construction est planifiée vraisemblablement lors du second séjour d’Agrippa en Gaule (20-19/18 av. J.-C.). La large ceinture de loess que traverse cette liaison routière entre le territoire de trois civitates, Nerviorum (avec Bavay comme chef-lieu), Tungrorum (avec Tongres) et Ubiorum (avec Cologne), incite à entrevoir, dès sa conception, non seulement des objectifs stratégiques militaires et administratifs mais aussi des ambitions économiques.
‘consumer’ sites in order to document the network of the supply of animal products.
Through an interdisciplinary study of common ceramics and archaeozoological
data the study stresses that it is possible to give information about the exchange
relationships between a city and its countryside and about the surplus produced
at rural sites. This approach has been illustrated with the case study of the Caput
Civitatis of Tongeren, the small town of Braives and the rural sites located within
a radius of 30 kilometres. Indeed, the study of the supply of culinary ceramics
at these sites has made it possible to document local exchange networks. These
common ceramics were bought at the local market, where the peasants possibly
sold their surplus products. Within this framework, it has been possible to examine
and to compare the production, acquisition and consumption of animal products
of Tongeren, Braives and seven villae. Cattle played an important role in the mass
supply of meat and craft products to the town of Tongeren and the small town of
Braives during the Early Roman period. Preliminary evidence has been gathered
indicating that both sites relied on rural production for their cattle provisioning.
In addition, the diversity in the animal production of the rural sites located around
Tongeren has been examined within the framework of the complexity of local
exchange networks.""