Ronald G Gallimore
Ph.D. (Psychology), Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences; Center for Culture and Health; UCLA faculty member: 1971 to present; Formerly Research Psychologist, Department of Anthropology, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum; Associate Professor of Psychology & Anthropology, University of Hawaii; Chief Scientist, LessonLab Research Institute. He was co-founder of Kamehameha Elementary Education Project (KEEP) a laboratory school for Native Hawaiians, co-founder of LessonLab Research Institute an education research organization, and co-director of the TIMSS Video Study of Mathematics and Science Teaching in 7 Countries. He collaborated with Barbara Keogh, Tom Weisner, and Cindy Bernheimer on Project CHILD (1984-1999, a multi-method, longitudinal study of children with developmental delays & their families). He was Principal Investigator of the Latino Home School Project (1988-2005, longitudinal study of immigrant Latino children and their families). He is the author/coauthor of four books and 140 journal articles and chapters. He observed and published a description of the teaching practices of UCLA’s Coach John Wooden (ESPN’s Coach of the 20th Century) reported in 5 articles and the book You Haven’t Taught Until They’ve Learned. His book Rousing Minds to Life was recognized by the 1993 Grawemeyer Award, as an “outstanding educational achievement with potential for worldwide impact.” He received the University of California Presidential Award for research contributing to improvement of public schools (1992), the International Reading Association’s Harris Award for best research article (1993), & the National Staff Development Council Best Research of the Year Award (2010).
Supervisors: Graduate School advisor: Lee Sechrest
Supervisors: Graduate School advisor: Lee Sechrest
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Books by Ronald G Gallimore
Papers by Ronald G Gallimore
Caracelli 1997). We no longer have to argue, as Bronfenbrenner did a generation ago, that context matters. Nor do we have to argue that social research requires both qualitative and quantitative designs and methods. As Riggin observes, "The need to argue for the interdependence of qualitative and quantitative methods is over" (1997, 87). Our investigations and those of others contributing to this volume demonstrate that developmental pathways are more likely to be illuminated if we use a combination of empirical methods.
Caracelli 1997). We no longer have to argue, as Bronfenbrenner did a generation ago, that context matters. Nor do we have to argue that social research requires both qualitative and quantitative designs and methods. As Riggin observes, "The need to argue for the interdependence of qualitative and quantitative methods is over" (1997, 87). Our investigations and those of others contributing to this volume demonstrate that developmental pathways are more likely to be illuminated if we use a combination of empirical methods.
strategies, and technology into
the teaching cycle, rather than treating
them as separate inputs, drives teaching
and learning. Discussions about assessments
that ignore teaching are not
necessarily bad; neither
are workshops that
introduce new inputs
(such as promising
instructional practices
or emerging educational
they are insufficient for facilitating
improvement. Standards, assessments,
technology, and other inputs are best
leveraged as integrated contributors to
continuous inquiry and improvement of
both teaching and learning.