Papers by Alex Gonzalez Garcia

The April 4, 2010 "Easter Sunday" earthquake on the US-Mexico border was the largest event to str... more The April 4, 2010 "Easter Sunday" earthquake on the US-Mexico border was the largest event to strike Southern California in the last 18 years. The earthquake occurred on a northwest trending fault close to, but not coincident with the identified 1892 Laguna Salada rupture. We investigate coseismic deformation due to the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery form ENVISAT and ALOS satellites, optical imagery from SPOT-5 satellite, and continuous and campaign GPS data. The earliest campaign postseismic GPS survey was conducted within days after the earthquake, and provided the near-field cosesmic offsets. Along-track SAR interferograms and amplitude cross-correlation of optical images reveal a relatively simple continuous fault trace with maximum offsets of the order of 3 meters. This is in contrast to the results of geological mapping that portrayed a complex broad zone of distributed faulting. Also, SAR data indicate that the rupture propagated bi-laterally from the epicenter near the town of Durango both to the North-West into the Cucapah mountains and to the South-East into the Mexically valley. The inferred South-East part of the rupture was subsequently field-checked and associated with several fresh scarps, although overall the earthquake fault does not have a conspicuous surface trace South-East of the hypocenter. It is worth noting that the 2010 earthquake propagated into stress shadows of prior events - the Laguna Salada earthquake that ruptured the North-West part of the fault in 1892, and several M6+ earthquakes that ruptured the South-East part of the fault over the last century. Analysis of the coseismic displacement field at the Earth's surface (in particular, the full 3-component displacement field retrieved from SAR and optical imagery) shows a pronounced asymmetry in horizontal displacements across both nodal planes. The maximum displacements are observed in the North-Eastern and South-Western quadrants. This pattern cannot be explained by oblique slip on a quasi-planar fault. Multi-parametric inversions of the space geodetic data suggest that the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake occurred on a helix-shaped rupture, with Eastward dip in the Northern section and Westward dip in the Southern section. This interpretation is consistent with field observations of the surface rupture and aftershock data, and provides an explanation for a strong non-double-couple component suggested by the seismic moment tensor solution. The total geodetic moment of our best-fitting model is in a good agreement with the seismic moment. We will also discuss effects of the elastic structure on the inferred static rupture model, and observations of early postseismic deformation.
Papers by Alex Gonzalez Garcia