Ulrike Sommer
Phone: 0044 020 7679 1493
Address: Institute of Archaeology
31-34 Gordon Square
WC1H 0PY London
Address: Institute of Archaeology
31-34 Gordon Square
WC1H 0PY London
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Papers by Ulrike Sommer
o săpătură arheologică în situl neolitic timpuriu de la Tășnad-Sere în colaborare cu Ciprian Astaloș și
Cristian Virag (Muzeul Județean Satu Mare). Săpăturile s-au încheiat în 2019 după opt campanii de săpături a câte șase săptămâni. Cu cca. 17000 obiecte descoperite și înregistrate tridimensional, evaluarea finală a cercetărilor va mai lua timp. În prezentul articol sunt raportate complexele descoperite și oferim o scurtă descriere a obiectivelor cercetării și a metodelor de săpătură.
understanding the extent of the interaction between humans and broken pots. Results from morphometric tests show the reliability of the computational technique and shape descriptors for identifying different conditions of alteration of potsherds. The analysis of the Romanian assemblages provide insight into (post)depositional processes, showing downslope movement as the main mechanism behind the infilling of the pit at Călineşti-Oaş-Dâmbul Sfintei Mării. In addition, the potsherds possessed a high level of erosion and fragmentation, highlighting a long span of human interaction with broken materials at this site during Early Neolithic times.
document the exact threedimensional location of every find in order to understand the taphonomic processes responsible for the formation of occupational layers and pit assemblages.
Starting from the different defnitions of a village, theories about early villages from the Near East and South-East/Central Europe are presented. The excavations in Tăşnad are, in this context, an occasion for a contribution to the theoretical debates about early villages and houses at the beginning of the Neolithic way of life.
o săpătură arheologică în situl neolitic timpuriu de la Tășnad-Sere în colaborare cu Ciprian Astaloș și
Cristian Virag (Muzeul Județean Satu Mare). Săpăturile s-au încheiat în 2019 după opt campanii de săpături a câte șase săptămâni. Cu cca. 17000 obiecte descoperite și înregistrate tridimensional, evaluarea finală a cercetărilor va mai lua timp. În prezentul articol sunt raportate complexele descoperite și oferim o scurtă descriere a obiectivelor cercetării și a metodelor de săpătură.
understanding the extent of the interaction between humans and broken pots. Results from morphometric tests show the reliability of the computational technique and shape descriptors for identifying different conditions of alteration of potsherds. The analysis of the Romanian assemblages provide insight into (post)depositional processes, showing downslope movement as the main mechanism behind the infilling of the pit at Călineşti-Oaş-Dâmbul Sfintei Mării. In addition, the potsherds possessed a high level of erosion and fragmentation, highlighting a long span of human interaction with broken materials at this site during Early Neolithic times.
document the exact threedimensional location of every find in order to understand the taphonomic processes responsible for the formation of occupational layers and pit assemblages.
Starting from the different defnitions of a village, theories about early villages from the Near East and South-East/Central Europe are presented. The excavations in Tăşnad are, in this context, an occasion for a contribution to the theoretical debates about early villages and houses at the beginning of the Neolithic way of life.