Papers by Cristian Araneda
Journal of Agricultural Sciences Resarch, May 30, 2023
All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attributio... more All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Frontiers in Marine Science, Dec 12, 2019
The red cusk-eel (Genypterus chilensis, Guichenot, 1848) is an iconic species in Chilean gastrono... more The red cusk-eel (Genypterus chilensis, Guichenot, 1848) is an iconic species in Chilean gastronomy, with a cultural significance that extends beyond its economic value, worthy of conservation. Despite the decline in fishery productivity across most of the distribution range for this species, little effort has been devoted to assessing stock management. In the present study, seven heterologous microsatellite loci (cmrGb3.8.1, cmrGb5.2B, cmrGb4.2A, cmrGb4.2B, cmrGb5.9, cmrGb4.11, and cmrGb2.6.1) were genotyped in a total of 153 individuals from four locations in central and southern Chile (30.5-37.6 • S), comprising ∼1,000 km of coastline. Five microsatellite loci were consistently amplified with a low frequency of null alleles (<2.5%). These markers showed high average heterozygosity (H O = 0.886 and H E = 0.884) and PIC (0.869). Significant genetic differentiation among locations (global F ST = 0.043, global D Jost = 0.252) suggested the presence of at least two genetic groups along the Chilean coast, with moderate levels of admixture between the two central populations (0.168 < Q mean < 0.822). The southern population showed no admixture with the central populations (Q mean = 0.985), less allelic richness and a small effective population size, indicating that urgent management measures must be developed for this fishery. The present study provides baseline information to assist fishery and aquaculture management and contribute to the recovery of declining populations.

IntechOpen eBooks, Jan 7, 2022
The sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar is a multifactorial process in which fish ac... more The sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar is a multifactorial process in which fish acquire somatic characteristics to reproduce. In salmon farming has been described a high variability in the trait age at maturation derived from wild reproductive strategies. Early maturation is a phenotype that generates serious economic repercussions on both, sea cage and on land-based aquaculture systems. In view of the challenges of this problem for the global salmon farming industry, it is essential to thoroughly understand the influencing factors of early and late maturation to find efficient alternatives for managing the phenomenon. This review briefly describes sexual maturation in S. salar, its variability in cultures, and the factors influencing the maturation age trait at the physiological, genetic and environmental levels. The control of early maturity through changes to the natural photoperiod and through the use of genetic markers are discussed.

Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2012
Spawning time in salmonids is a sex-limited quantitative trait that can be modified by selection.... more Spawning time in salmonids is a sex-limited quantitative trait that can be modified by selection. In rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), various quantitative trait loci (QTL) that affect the expression of this trait have been discovered. In this study, we describe four microsatellite loci associated with two possible spawning time QTL regions in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). The four loci were identified in females from two populations (early and late spawners) produced by divergent selection from the same base population. Three of the loci (OmyFGT34TUF, One2ASC and One19ASC) that were strongly associated with spawning time in coho salmon (p < 0.0002) were previously associated with QTL for the same trait in rainbow trout; a fourth loci (Oki10) with a suggestive association (p = 0.00035) mapped 10 cM from locus OmyFGT34TUF in rainbow trout. The changes in allelic frequency observed after three generations of selection were greater than expected because of genetic drift. This work shows that comparing information from closely-related species is a valid strategy for identifying QTLs for marker-assisted selection in species whose genomes are poorly characterized or lack a saturated genetic map.

Aquaculture, Jun 1, 2005
Flesh colour in salmonids is a very important commercial trait that shows additive genetic varian... more Flesh colour in salmonids is a very important commercial trait that shows additive genetic variance with significant environmental influence. Selective breeding for this trait is difficult, since phenotypic evaluation requires individuals to be sacrificed for scoring. We have identified a RAPD marker that co-segregates with colour traits scored as breeding values based on visual evaluations of flesh colour in Coho salmon. The experimental approach included RAPD screening with 440 primers and selective DNA pooling. Individuals used to make pools were selected according to their high and low breeding values as predicted using a DFREML algorithm. A single RAPD polymorphism segregating for flesh colour was used to derive a molecular single locus SCAR marker (Oki206, GeneBank accession AY661427) associated with muscle colour traits (v 2 = 21.208, P b 0.0001) that has potential for use in marker assisted selection.

Heredity, Jun 1, 1995
Bottleneck effects in three local populations of the fossorial rodent Ctenomys maulinus brunneus ... more Bottleneck effects in three local populations of the fossorial rodent Ctenomys maulinus brunneus as caused by the recent eruption of the Lonquimay volcano in the Andes of Southcentral Chile are presented. Comparative census estimates in RIo Colorado indicated a 91.3 per cent decrease in the breeding population size after the catastrophe. All parameters of genetic diversity were drastically affected and surpassed neutral expectations in each population. The proportion of polymorphic loci decreased by 57 per cent, 100 per cent and 83.2 per cent in the bottleneck populations of Rio Colorado, Las RaIces and Alto BIo BIo, respectively. The source populations were estimated to have 2.2, 1.5 and 1.4 alleles per locus whereas the three derived populations had estimated values of 1.4, 1.0 and 1.1, respectively. Average heterozygosity dropped by 71 per cent, 100 per cent, and 57 per cent in the same populations, respectively. The spatial genetic structuring observed before the eruption indicated a high degree of population subdivision (Wahiund effect), consistent with an isolation-by-distance model. After the eruption, excessive microspatial genetic differentiation and larger-scale homogeneity indicated drastic disruption of the breeding or social units. Low levels of genetic variation in Andean Ctenomys, claimed to be an adaptive response to the stable subterranean niche, can be attained by the recurrent catastrophe-induced effects of genetic drift.
Supplementary material for Another way to teach the concept of mutation: Myostatin case analysis, May 27, 2022
Conservation Genetics Resources, 2021

Microorganisms, 2020
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the main species responsible for the process that involves ... more The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the main species responsible for the process that involves the transformation of grape must into wine, with the initial nitrogen in the grape must being vital for it. One of the main problems in the wine industry is the deficiency of nitrogen sources in the grape must, leading to stuck or sluggish fermentations, and generating economic losses. In this scenario, an alternative is the isolation or generation of yeast strains with low nitrogen requirements for fermentation. In the present study, we carry out a genetic improvement program using as a base population a group of 70 strains isolated from winemaking environments mainly in Chile and Argentina (F0), making from it a first and second filial generation (F1 and F2, respectively) based in different families and hybrids. It was found that the trait under study has a high heritability, obtaining in the F2 population strains that consume a minor proportion of the nitrogen sources present in the m...
Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2019

Scientific Reports, 2019
Mytilus mussels have been the object of much research given their sentinel role in coastal ecosys... more Mytilus mussels have been the object of much research given their sentinel role in coastal ecosystems and significant value as an aquaculture resource appreciated for both, its flavour and nutritional content. Some of the most-studied Mytilus species are M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis, M. chilensis and M. trossulus. As species identification based on morphological characteristics of Mytilus specimens is difficult, molecular markers are often used. Single-locus markers can give conflicting results when used independently; not all markers differentiate among all species, and the markers target genomic regions with different evolutionary histories. We evaluated the concordance between the PCR-RFLP markers most commonly-used for species identification in mussels within the Mytilus genus (Me15-16, ITS, mac-1, 16S rRNA and COI) when used alone (mono-locus approach) or together (multi-locus approach). In this study, multi-locus strategy outperformed the mono-locus methods, clearly identif...

Prometeica - Revista de Filosofía y Ciencias
La pandemia del SARS-CoV-2 ha creado un desafío sin precedentes para la educación. En 2020, como ... more La pandemia del SARS-CoV-2 ha creado un desafío sin precedentes para la educación. En 2020, como resultado de las medidas para reducir la propagación del SARS-CoV-2, muchas instituciones educativas pasaron del aprendizaje presencial al aprendizaje remoto. Sin embargo, este modelo educativo puede generar estrés y ansiedad adicionales a la ansiedad provocada por la pandemia. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: 1) comparar las perspectivas de estudiantes y docentes sobre el número de horas dedicadas a las clases, y 2) determinar las principales dificultades que enfrentan docentes y estudiantes, respectivamente, al pasar al sistema de educación en línea. Para realizar esta investigación se realizó una encuesta online en países de habla hispana, utilizando una muestra de 1.048 participantes anónimos. A través de los datos recopilados. Se analizaron el uso de plataformas, los tipos de equipos, los niveles de angustia y las posibles razones de esta angustia. Esta pandemia es una de ...
Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
BackgroundApproximately 30% of individuals with schizophrenia (SZ) are resistant to conventional ... more BackgroundApproximately 30% of individuals with schizophrenia (SZ) are resistant to conventional antipsychotic drug therapy (AP). Of these, one-third are also resistant to the second-line treatment, clozapine. Treatment resistance and refractoriness are associated with increased morbidity and disability, making timely detection of these issues critical. Variability in treatment responsiveness is partly genetic, but research has yet to identify variants suitable for personalizing antipsychotic prescriptions.MethodsWe evaluated potential associations between response to AP and candidate gene variants previously linked to SZ or treatment response. Two groups of patients with SZ were evaluated: one receiving clozapine (n = 135) and the other receiving another second-generation AP (n = 61). Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the genes OXT, OXTR, CNR1, DDC, and DRD2 were analyzed.ResultsSeveral SNPs were associated with response vs. resistance to AP or clozapine.ConclusionsThis is ...
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, Feb 28, 2022
A male specimen of the Aesop slipper lobster Scyllarides haanii was found in the coastal vicinity... more A male specimen of the Aesop slipper lobster Scyllarides haanii was found in the coastal vicinity of Ahu Tongariki (27°07'33"S, 109°16'37"W), Rapa Nui. Its taxonomic determination was carried out by a detailed morphological examination and a DNA barcoding identification analysis by sequencing the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COX1) gene. S. haanii has a wide geographic distribution with occasional presence from the Indo-Pacific to the Hawaiian Archipelago, including the Red Sea,
Papers by Cristian Araneda