Papers by Stephen Adetunji
International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health, Mar 27, 2020
The focus of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of rifampicin resistant tuberculosis in Oyo... more The focus of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of rifampicin resistant tuberculosis in Oyo State, Nigeria.

International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health, 2020
Background: HBV infection is a serious ailment which damages the liver yet not well known and hen... more Background: HBV infection is a serious ailment which damages the liver yet not well known and hence not given adequate attention. Many are infected but are not aware because they do not manifest any sign and symptom. Aim: The purpose of this study was therefore to evaluate the prevalence of HBsAg among asymptomatic hospital attendees. Study Design: A cross sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: St Mary’s Catholic Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, between November 2017 and August 2018. Methodology: 1328 consecutive patients who attended the hospital were enrolled into this study after obtaining their consent. Their blood samples were aseptically collected and assayed for HBsAg using conventional method. Results: A total of 1,328 participants were enrolled, out of which 421 (31.7%) were male and 907 (68.3%) were female with a gender ratio of 1:2.2 - male to female. 5.9% (25/421) of the males tested positive to HBsAg while 5.4% (49/907) of the females tested positive to HBsAg (p=0.692)...

Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry
ABSTRACT Hepatitis B infection has continued to be a growing global health concern in spite of th... more ABSTRACT Hepatitis B infection has continued to be a growing global health concern in spite of the discovery and administration of hepatitis B vaccines over the years. The focus of this study was to evaluate the burden of this infection among asymptomatic pediatric population. Children, who visited the hospital between March and August 2018, were recruited into this study. Blood samples were collected after obtaining informed consent. The samples were processed and screened for HBsAg. Data were analyzed using chi-square statistic. Six (2.9%) of the 206 children in the study were positive for HBsAg. A hundred (48.5%) of the children were males and 106 (51.5%) were females in the ratio 1:1.1 (male to female). More male tested positive (4%) (4/96) than their female counterparts (1.9%) (2/104)(x2 = 0.813; p = .367). Age group 13–18 years had the highest infection rate 6.6% (4/57), followed by age group 5–12 years with 3.8% (2/50). No HBV detection was recorded among those below the age of 5 years. Patients with no vaccination history had a higher HBV infection rate (4.2%) compared with those who had been vaccinated (1.1%) (x2 = 1.164; p = .281). The study showed that HBV infection is of intermediate endemicity among the study population, a reflection of the endemic status of the infection in Nigeria. Vaccination effort among children should be sustained and intensified. We advocate for a more intensive public enlightenment on the infection especially among women of marriageable age.

Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry
A major opportunistic infection among HIV-infected people is tuberculosis (TB). It accelerates th... more A major opportunistic infection among HIV-infected people is tuberculosis (TB). It accelerates the deadly progression of HIV which results in further decline in the patient’s immune status and early death. More than 9 million people suffer from this debilitating coinfection worldwide. More worrisome is the fact that some patients now develop resistance to rifampicin, a first-line drug against TB. This study therefore aimed at determining the rifampicin-resistant TB prevalence rate among known HIV-positive patients in Oyo State. This cross-sectional study was performed by collecting suitable sputum samples from 397 known HIV patients who attended ART Clinic between January and December 2017. The samples were analyzed using the GeneXpert machine, a realtime polymerase chain reaction-based equipment. Of the total 397 tested, 172 (43.3%) were malewhile 225 (56.7%) werefemales. Fifty (12.6%) of the 397 known HIV patients tested positive to TB and 6 (12%) of the 50 were resistant to rifampicin. Four (2.3%) of the 172 males had rifampicin-resistant TBand2(0.9%)ofthe225females were resistant to rifampicin. Age group 31–40 years was the most affected with pulmonary TB while age group 10–20 years was the most affected with rifampicin-resistant TB. Six (1.5%) of the total 397 were rifampicin resistant. In conclusion, strict compliance with the infection control measures is strongly advocated for to prevent further transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to people living with HIV most of whom have their immune system already weakened.

Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been rated 10th among the killer diseases. Occult HBV infec... more Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been rated 10th among the killer diseases. Occult HBV infection goes undetected with the widely used HBsAg screening in most hospital thereby encouraging progression into complications such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. This work therefore aimed at evaluating HBV serological profiles among the population of apparently healthy hospital attendees and their proportion of susceptibility to HBV infection. 239 participants were recruited for this study. Their blood samples were screened for the HBV markers HBsAg, anti-HBs, HBeAg, anti-HBe, and anti-HBc. In conclusion, this work depicted various serological patterns of HBV infection among apparently healthy hospital attendees suggesting there are occult HBV infection and immune escape mutant in our population. It also showed that a huge number of the study population were susceptible to HBV infection.

Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry, 2020
Hepatitis B infection has continued to be a growing global health concern in spite o... more Hepatitis B infection has continued to be a growing global health concern in spite of the discovery and administration of hepatitis B vaccines over the years. The focus of this study was to evaluate the burden of this infection among asymptomatic pediatric population. Children, who visited the hospital between March and August 2018, were recruited into this study. Blood samples were collected after obtaining informed consent. The samples were processed and screened for HBsAg. Data were analyzed using chi-square statistic. Six (2.9%) of the 206 children in the study were positive for HBsAg. A hundred 2 (48.5%) of the children were males and 106 (51.5%) were females in the ratio 1:1.1 (male to female). More male tested positive (4%) (4/96) than their female counterparts (1.9%) (2/ 104)(x = 0.813; p = .367). Age group 13–18 years had the highest infection rate 6.6% (4/57), followed by age group 5–12 years with 3.8% (2/50). No HBV detection was recorded among those below the age of 5 years. Patients with no vaccination history had a higher HBV infection rate (4.2%) compared with those who had been vaccinated (1.1%) (x 2 = 1.164; p = .281). The study showed that HBV infection is of intermediate endemicity among the study population, a reflection of the endemic status of the infection in Nigeria. Vaccination effort among children should be sustained and intensified. We advocate for a more intensive public enlightenment on the infection especially among women of marriageable age.

International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health, 2020
Background: HBV infection is a serious ailment which damages the liver yet not well known and hen... more Background: HBV infection is a serious ailment which damages the liver yet not well known and hence not given adequate attention. Many are infected but are not aware because they do not manifest any sign and symptom. Aim: The purpose of this study was therefore to evaluate the prevalence of HBsAg among asymptomatic hospital attendees. Methodology: 1328 consecutive patients who attended the hospital were enrolled into this study after obtaining their consent. Their blood samples were aseptically collected and assayed for HBsAg using conventional method. Results: A total of 1,328 participants were enrolled, out of which 421 (31.7%) were male and 907 (68.3%) were female with a gender ratio of 1:2.2-male to female. 5.9% (25/421) of the males tested positive to HBsAg while 5.4% (49/907) of the females tested positive to HBsAg (p=0.692). Of the overall 1328 individuals screened, 5.6% tested positive to HBsAg. The age group with the highest prevalence of HBsAg were those between 51 and 60 years with 13.1% followed by 41-50 years (7.2%) while > 70 years had the lowest prevalence. Conclusion: This study showed that HBsAg infection is high among asymptomatic hospital attendees in Ibadan, Nigeria. More public sensitization and awareness programmes are strongly advocated for.

Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry, 2019
A major opportunistic infection among HIV-infected people is tuberculosis (TB). It accelerates th... more A major opportunistic infection among HIV-infected people is tuberculosis (TB). It accelerates the deadly progression of HIV which results in further decline in the patient’s immune status and early death. More than 9 million people suffer from this debilitating coinfection worldwide. More worrisome is the fact that some patients now develop resistance to rifampicin, a first-line drug against TB. This study therefore aimed at determining the rifampicin-resistant TB prevalence rate among known HIV-positive patients in Oyo State. This cross-sectional study was performed by collecting suitable sputum samples from 397 known HIV patients who attended ART Clinic between January and December 2017. The samples were analyzed using the GeneXpert machine, a realtime polymerase chain reaction-based equipment. Of the total 397 tested, 172 (43.3%) were malewhile 225 (56.7%) werefemales. Fifty (12.6%) of the 397 known HIV patients tested positive to TB and 6 (12%) of the 50 were resistant to rifampicin. Four (2.3%) of the 172 males had rifampicin-resistant TBand2(0.9%)ofthe225females were resistant to rifampicin. Age group 31–40 years was the most affected with pulmonary TB while age group 10–20 years was the most affected with rifampicin-resistant TB. Six (1.5%) of the total 397 were rifampicin resistant. In conclusion, strict compliance with the infection control measures is strongly advocated for to prevent further transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to people living with HIV most of whom have their immune system already weakened.

World Journal of Medical Sciences, 2018
HIV and TB are two infectious diseases with high mortality and morbidity rates globally. HIV infe... more HIV and TB are two infectious diseases with high mortality and morbidity rates globally. HIV infection among patients with rifampicin resistant tuberculosis is now being accounted for in some parts of Nigeria. However, the southwestern part of the country appears to be lagging behind with a huge gap in available data. All patients with TB suspects` case definition who presented at the DOTS Centre between October and December, 2017 were counseled and sputum & blood samples of those who consented were tested for TB using GeneXpert technology and for HIV antibodies with the use of HIV 1/2 Determine , Unigold and TM TM Stat-Pak rapid test kits in a serial algorithm respectively. Results showed that 35 (12.8%) of the 273 tested TM positive to TB. 136 (49.6%) of the 273 were positive to HIV. 17 (48.6%) of the 35 who tested positive to TB also tested positive to HIV. 9 (25.7%) of the 35 TB positive patients were rifampicin resistant. 6 (66.7%) out of the 9 rifampicin resistant were positive to HIV. Out of the 273 samples tested using the GeneXpert machine, 3.3% were resistant to rifampicin. 2.2% of those negative to HIV were resistant to rifampicin while 4.4% of those positive to HIV were rifampicin resistant. In conclusion this work demonstrated a direct association between HIV infection and the relative incidence of rifampicin resistant tuberculosis (P<0.05). This study also showed that HIV in rifampicin resistant TB cases in Oyo state is remarkably high begging for quick and decisive action from the policymakers.

World Journal of Medical Sciences, 2019
Mother to child HBV transmission has been a prominent cause of ailment among children which progr... more Mother to child HBV transmission has been a prominent cause of ailment among children which progresses to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma. About a million die annually as a result of these complications. This study focused on the evaluation of HBsAg prevalence among pregnant women in a secondary health institution in Ibadan, Oyo State. Seven hundred and ninety nine(799) pregnant women who attended antenatal between March and December, 2017 were recruited into this cross sectional study. Blood samples were aseptically withdrawn from each of the women after informed consent was obtained. Samples were centrifuged, sera separated and kept at-20°C. Analysis was thereafter carried out following the manufacturers' guideline using conventional method. Out of the 799 pregnant women tested in total, 54 (6.8%) were HBsAg positive. The age groups with the highest prevalence rate were 35-39 (31.5%) and 30-34 years (24.1%). The least educated had the lowest prevalence of 14.8%(p>0.05).Free hospital screening and vaccination of all pregnant women together with their babies should be included in the antenatal and postnatal programmes of hospitals to prevent mother to child transmission. Other serological markers like anti-HBs, anti-HBe and anti-HBc are advocated for to be also included in the antenatal programme nationwide for pregnant women and those negative should be vaccinated to confer protection against HBV infection.

Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry, 2018
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been rated 10th among the killer diseases. Occult HBV infec... more Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been rated 10th among the killer diseases. Occult HBV infection goes undetected with the widely used HBsAg screening in most hospital thereby encouraging progression into complications such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. This work therefore aimed at evaluating HBV serological profiles among the population of apparently healthy hospital attendees and their proportion of susceptibility to HBV infection. 239 participants were recruited for this study. Their blood samples were screened for the HBV markers HBsAg, anti-HBs, HBeAg, anti-HBe, and anti-HBc. In conclusion, this work depicted various serological patterns of HBV infection among apparently healthy hospital attendees suggesting there are occult HBV infection and immune escape mutant in our population. It also showed that a huge number of the study population were susceptible to HBV infection.

International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health , 2020
Aim: The focus of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of rifampicin resistant tuberculosis i... more Aim: The focus of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of rifampicin resistant tuberculosis in Oyo State, Nigeria. Study Design: A cross sectional retrospective study Place and Duration of Study: St Mary's Catholic Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, between October 2016 and March 2018 Methodology: In this study, 1044 patients diagnosed in the GeneXpert laboratory was conducted using the laboratory register. The age, gender, HIV Status, MTB analysis results and resistance to rifampicin were collected and analyzed. Results: Of the 1044 tested, 177 (17%) tested positive for TB while 19 (10.7%) of the 177 were resistant to rifampicin. Fourteen (73.7%) of the 19 were male and 5 (26.3%) were female. Fourteen (73.7%) of the 19 fell between 21-40 years of age. Seven (36.8%) of the 19 resistant to rifampicin were HIV positive. Of the total 1044 patients tested, 601 (57.6%) were females and 443 (44.4%) were male. Conclusion: This study showed that rifampicin resistant tuberculosis is high in Nigeria especially among the economically productive age group in the country. More attention should be committed to quick accessibility of diagnosis, treatment and monitoring by the policymakers.
Papers by Stephen Adetunji