Papers by Žana Mihaljević

Herman and Chomsky's Propaganda Model (PM) has emphasized how the various 'filters' can lead to n... more Herman and Chomsky's Propaganda Model (PM) has emphasized how the various 'filters' can lead to news reports misrepresenting the vested political and economic interests that underpin US foreign policy. However, there has been relatively little attention paid to the implications of the PM for media operations in another key dimension of capitalism: financial markets. Traders require timely and accurate information about changing market conditions. However, financial news announcements influence investor perceptions and sometimes trigger trading activity that reflexively changes the market conditions being reported. The interdependency of financial reporters, traders and analysts means that financial news production cannot be adequately understood in terms of how the PM filters distort media representations of markets. This article aims to critically analyse how financial news/information does not merely represent financial reality but reflexively constitutes it. The analysis will also highlight which aspects of financial news production are consistent with the PM as well as those that contradict it.
1 APSTRAKT PIFC (Interna finansijska kontrola u javnom sektoru) razvijena je od strane Evropske k... more 1 APSTRAKT PIFC (Interna finansijska kontrola u javnom sektoru) razvijena je od strane Evropske komisije.
electronic form only:: NE, Jan 1, 2007
Sažetak -Iako danas postoji visok stupanj suglasja među teoretičarima oko osnovnoga sadržaja defi... more Sažetak -Iako danas postoji visok stupanj suglasja među teoretičarima oko osnovnoga sadržaja defi nicije komunikacijske kompetencije, u literaturi se često navodi kako je pri koncipiranju istraživanja komunikacijske kompetencije potrebno razmotriti i jasno odrediti pojam komunikacijske kompetencije, tj. oblikovati takvu defi niciju koja će omogućiti jednostavnu operacionalizaciju toga konstrukta. U ovom se radu ukratko prikazuje proces defi niranja komunikacijske kompetencije koji je započeo još u 60-im godinama prošloga stoljeća. U okviru dva zasebna poglavlja predstavlja se nekoliko važnijih defi nicija i modela komunikacijske kompetencije, na temelju kojih se u završnom poglavlju izvode zaključci o načinu defi niranja komunikacijske kompetencije relevantnom za projekt «Engleski jezik u Hrvatskoj».
Economy and Society, Jan 1, 2001
American Journal of Sociology, Jan 1, 1998, Jan 1, 1998
The American Economic Review, Jan 1, 1991
Papers by Žana Mihaljević