? ?
Journal created:
on 4 April 2005 (#6683574)
on 15 December 2010
University of Central Florida Fall 2005 Freshman
Orlando, Florida, United States
Posting Access:
All Members
Welcome to UCF! I'm an entering freshman there in the Fall of 2005, and while searching through communities for UCF, I found absolutely nothing that I was looking for in the community. I noticed a Fall 2004 Freshman journal and decided why not create a Fall 2005 Freshman journal.

So, if possible, when you join the community, please tell us a bit about yourself with these questions:

Where you live (before UCF)
Where you will live for Fall 2005-Spring 2006 school year
Intended Major
Class Schedule (if you've already attended orientation)
Activities you're interested in

And anything else that you feel you should share!

Posts regarding roommate searches or housing searches are welcomed; however, please keep information to a minimum and include contact information if someone is interested. If these posts appear more than once from a person with the basic same information, the newer post will be removed.

Posts regarding class schedule, housing, food recipes, great stories, or anything of that nature are welcomed AND encouraged to help the incoming freshman as well as incoming transfer students.

Thanks for posting, and hope to someday meet you on campus.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at [email protected] or to instant messenge me on AIM: ThatLilJewGirl16.
