Papers by Mehmet Yesilbas

Bilgi toplumuna gecis ve kuresellesme, yeni yuzyilda temel politika stratejilerini belirleyen iki... more Bilgi toplumuna gecis ve kuresellesme, yeni yuzyilda temel politika stratejilerini belirleyen iki temel fenomendir. Buna paralel olarak iletisim ve enformasyondaki hizli degisim devletin hizmet sunumunun degistirilmesini zorunlu kilmis, geleneksel devlet aygitinin bu buyuk degisimle birlikte vatandaslarin ihtiyac ve beklentilerini karsilamadaki yetersizligi ve bu yuku goguslemedeki basarisizligi genel anlamda devletin rollerinde onemli degisimleri de beraberinde getirmistir. Geleneksel burokratik yapinin yazili ve kâgida dayali patolojik sistemi birim maliyetlerinin artmasinin yani sira kirtasiyeciligin artmasinin da temel etkenlerindendir. Genel yaklasima kosut olarak kamunun cari harcama kalemlerinin azaltilmasi dusuncesi de elektronik devlete gecis icin onemli bir parametre olmustur. Devletteki sozu edilen degisim ve donusum paralelinde elektronik devlet de gundemimize girmeye baslamistir. Bilgi ve iletisim teknolojileri her gecen gun iktisadi ve sosyal yasamin olmazsa olmaz unsu...
International Journal of Public Policy, 2015

Local economic development is a wide ranging concept that has many and varied meanings. This proc... more Local economic development is a wide ranging concept that has many and varied meanings. This process through which a certain number of institutions and local people mobilize themselves in a given locality in order to create, reinforce and stabilize activities using as best as possible the resources of the region. The promotion of local economic development signals the drive for empowering uniqueness and competitiveness of sub-national levels by building on the comparative advantages and characteristics of localities. Recently, the concept of local economic development becomes more trend discussion in both developed and developing parts of the world. Turkey's economic performance as the one of the most dynamic economies in the world have attracted a lot of attention on global and regional scope. This raises demand for analytical work explaining the factors behind this success story. Due to its successful achievement, Turkey's local development system is praised to be unique in the region and many developing countries see the Turkish experience as source of inspiration for economic, political and administrative development. The government has been taken a major role in the economic development of Turkey, with the coherency in national and sub-national system on their respective levels. Since several years ago, under the impact of the European integration process, Turkey has opted for adoption of the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) concept and turned into implementation as a tool for fostering, coordinating and administering various regional economy strategies and efforts. Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), which Turkey has imported from the European experience, were established with objective of becoming active actors in the enhancing socioeconomic structures and with them the development in Turkey towards a new shape. These agencies have been established with the objective to promote potential regional development and reducing regional disparities. In this way, RDAs are considered an example for local economic development promotion in the regions. Turkey as the country who have adopted RDAs, bring the valuable experience for other countries and beyond. Furthermore, many developing countries should learn and procure as much as possible from Turkey in the form of promoting and empowering their regional diversity. Nevertheless, RDAs as a model are being questioned in some of the countries of the European Union (EU) where they originally has been come. Also the experience of Turkish RDAs is questioned as it did not produce the expected result in all areas. The paper seeks to address and investigate the potential of the local economic experience of Turkey, with specific focus on Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and their impact on the economic development. The paper formulated as guidance and give general overview. It build upon the advantage and disadvantage outcomes of RDA experience of Turkey through literature review and SWOT analysis in order to draw best lesson.
This study is to determine whether stress and mobbing are directly related to burnout; and whethe... more This study is to determine whether stress and mobbing are directly related to burnout; and whether burnout adversely affects the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of Turkish territorial state representatives (TSRs). The results established that stress was positively and significantly associated with the burnout of TSRs, while mobbing was positively and significantly related to the burnout. HRQoL was negatively associated with the burnout. The findings showed that propositions of the theoretical frameworks of the study and literature were consistent with one another.

The 20th century was an era of intensive change, leading to unprecedented shifts. The first half ... more The 20th century was an era of intensive change, leading to unprecedented shifts. The first half of the century witnessed two world wars that gave rise to a huge devastation and turn all balances upside down. Taking lessons from the two devastating wars, the Western world formed the biggest economic and political alliance project, the EU, and the biggest defense alliance, NATO. The classical colonialism mindset, ended by the Second World War, was transformed to the new forms during the cold war period of the bipolar world. As this column previously discussed (the Impact of the Postmodern Condition on the Administrative Transformation of Developing Countries., several movements and ideologies have emerged from this debate to find explanations to the political dilemmas. Owing to the argument that policy and democracy suffer in developing countries, compounded with the fact that current policy doctrines cannot provide reasonable solutions to the contemporary issues, new strategies have been proposed. In this new period, countries have been categorized as the developed, developing; capitalist- socialist; north-south countries. The demolition of Berlin Wall in 1989 ended the cold war period, leading to several fundamental political transformations in the Eastern bloc related to the liberalization of the Eastern Bloc’s totalitarian regimes and the erosion of political power in the pro-Soviet governments.
Improvements in the last quarter of the 20th century toward marketization and the provision of pu... more Improvements in the last quarter of the 20th century toward marketization and the provision of publicly funded services via third parties mandated a transformation in the role of the government agencies. This shift provides for several important techniques of public service delivery for governments. Contracting out is probably one of the most prevalent technique. The conventional government model cannot be effective alone to provide a solution to modern complex problems and does not meet the demands of today’s rapidly changing and complex world. These intricacies and restrictions led to a shift from a government to governance paradigm that is a network-based, flexible and more collaborated system. Governance represents the elimination of strict hierarchies and governing jointly with public and third party actors who may be private, nonprofit or civil society entities.
The United States has felt the impact of climate change. Six climate change-related events in the... more The United States has felt the impact of climate change. Six climate change-related events in the United States have accounted for about $14 billion in lost lives and health costs. Climate change occurs when the surface of the earth’s environment changes and has the potential to reduce the quality of life on earth. This column defines climate change and explains how it affects human health and health costs. It is based upon the 2011 Union of Concerned Scientists’ report that identifies who is responsible for climate change.
Complex externalities like globalization, economic instability or political conflicts may endange... more Complex externalities like globalization, economic instability or political conflicts may endanger the capability and efficiency of today’s governments. Public-private partnerships offer an alternative for addressing government’s lack of capacity or to help maximize economies of scale. The private sector provides a tempting alternative to direct government, however many factors should be considered.

One of the challenging issues in the USA is health coverage system.
The issue generally constitut... more One of the challenging issues in the USA is health coverage system.
The issue generally constitutes the major discussion topic of most presidential
selection process. The paper analyses casual relationships of the issue and
explains the cost benefit relationships between two policies, which are with the
mandate and without mandate. One of the targets of the paper is to predict the
effects of policy intervention on well being of the population regarding the
health issue. By this way, the paper will generate a new approach on how to
improve healthcare policy decisions. One of the most significant purposes of
the study is to focus on policy alternatives regarding the health coverage system
of the USA. The paper will study policy alternatives to decline the figures of
people having no insurance. In order to decrease this amount, the paper will
examine the cost-benefit of the system for the 20-year period.

Using the partnership of the Disney World and Reedy Creek Improvement District (RCID) as an examp... more Using the partnership of the Disney World and Reedy Creek Improvement District (RCID) as an example, the aim of this article is to better understand this unique collaboration. The article outlines the characteristics of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), including their fundamental elements and advantages over other traditional governmental delivery mechanisms. Next, Walt Disney World and RCID’s public private partnership is described from a historical and legal standpoint, with particularly close attention paid to how Walt Disney World’s parent corporation exploited the use of a special district to gain an unprecedented amount of governmental power for a private a corporation. The article continues with a discussion of the unique features of this partnership and deliberates whether something similar could happen again in the future.
Key words: Public-Private Partnership, Walt Disney World, Reedy Creek Improvement District, Special Purpose District
The Southeastern Conference for Public Administration, American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) and Clark Atlanta University, Sep 19, 2014
My previous article, 'Postmodern Politics: An Evaluation on Administrative Transformation,' empha... more My previous article, 'Postmodern Politics: An Evaluation on Administrative Transformation,' emphasized that the 20th century was an era of intensive analysis of democracy and policy. From this debate, several ideologies have arisen to find solutions to the political dilemma. Owing to the argument that policy and democracy suffer in developing countries, compounded with the fact that existing doctrines may not offer rational solutions to contemporary problems, new approaches are suggested. Postmodern politics is one of them.

The last quarter of the 20th century was an era of intensive analysis of democracy and policy. Fr... more The last quarter of the 20th century was an era of intensive analysis of democracy and policy. From this debate, several movements and ideologies have emerged to find solutions to the political dilemma. Owing to the argument that policy and democracy suffer in developing countries, compounded with the fact that current policy doctrines cannot provide reasonable solutions to the contemporary issues, new strategies have been proposed. Finding a way out through enlightenment ideals lying at the back of the transformation ideas of the society in the twilight zone of the 20th century is becoming an increasingly questionable issue. As C. Mouffe states in his 1989 book, Radical Democracy: Modern or Postmodern?, it is obvious that today's rapidly changing world has suffered a crisis of Jacobin envisagement, which has identified the revolutionary politics of the past two centuries with different perspectives. The political balance started to change along with the collapse of the socialist block at the end of the 1980s, leading to new period of political discourse and structure. Under the leadership of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the socialist block is the most obvious and striking factor of this era. As G. Saylan emphasizes in his 1995 book, Change, Globalization and the New Role of the State, the collapse of the Soviet Union eliminated the threat of a viable Western capitalist system thus leading to a new, more homogenous political epoch.
The new models and approaches emerging within public administration are focused on effectiveness ... more The new models and approaches emerging within public administration are focused on effectiveness and efficiency. The main functions of such approaches include quick decision-making and effective troubleshooting. Within this context, the necessity to struggle with the problem of development and to develop enduring policies has appeared.
Turkish Journal of Administration , May 2011
Economy and Political Science Journal , Sep 2011
Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences , Jun 2011
Journal of “Voice of Administrator , May 2010
Papers by Mehmet Yesilbas
The issue generally constitutes the major discussion topic of most presidential
selection process. The paper analyses casual relationships of the issue and
explains the cost benefit relationships between two policies, which are with the
mandate and without mandate. One of the targets of the paper is to predict the
effects of policy intervention on well being of the population regarding the
health issue. By this way, the paper will generate a new approach on how to
improve healthcare policy decisions. One of the most significant purposes of
the study is to focus on policy alternatives regarding the health coverage system
of the USA. The paper will study policy alternatives to decline the figures of
people having no insurance. In order to decrease this amount, the paper will
examine the cost-benefit of the system for the 20-year period.
Key words: Public-Private Partnership, Walt Disney World, Reedy Creek Improvement District, Special Purpose District
The issue generally constitutes the major discussion topic of most presidential
selection process. The paper analyses casual relationships of the issue and
explains the cost benefit relationships between two policies, which are with the
mandate and without mandate. One of the targets of the paper is to predict the
effects of policy intervention on well being of the population regarding the
health issue. By this way, the paper will generate a new approach on how to
improve healthcare policy decisions. One of the most significant purposes of
the study is to focus on policy alternatives regarding the health coverage system
of the USA. The paper will study policy alternatives to decline the figures of
people having no insurance. In order to decrease this amount, the paper will
examine the cost-benefit of the system for the 20-year period.
Key words: Public-Private Partnership, Walt Disney World, Reedy Creek Improvement District, Special Purpose District
The study further examines central attraction program, which have been intensively used by Turkish governments.
This study examines the centrals for attraction program regarding contracting tool.The Centers of Attraction Program is based on the Growth Pole Theory. The Growth Pole Theory: The theory refers to a point within an area that has a high concentration of highly innovative and technically advanced industries that stimulate economic development in linked businesses and industries.
Complex structure of many public programs was the source of many of the problems causing public programs to fall short of their promise.
Three major problems:
Excessive administrative discretion
Special interest capture
We are burdened with what they call ‘the wrong kind of governments’ at the present time, industrial era governments ‘with centralized bureaucratic structures, their preoccupation with rules and regulations, and their hierarchical chains of commands (Osborne, Gaebler)
Thus, it requires a revolution.
The hearth of the revolution has been fundamental transformation not just in the scope and scale of government action, but also in its basic forms –in the tools of public action, the instruments or means (tools) used to address public problems.
1. What are the distinguishing features of the
partnership between Disney World and Reedy Creek
Improvement District?
Ø Methods:
Ø Qualitative Analysis: A Case study
Ø Review of relevant, and relatively scant, academic
literature on the subject as well as newspaper articles and
legal documents.
Ø Semi-structure interviews were conducted with an expert
from the field, familiar with this partnership, as well as
representatives of neighboring counties who had
interaction with the RCID and Walt Disney World.
Ø A total of four in-depth interviews were conducted.
The study utilized two statistical analyses, which were descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) which allows for the assessment of the relationships specified in the hypotheses and the SEM was used to validate the theoretically driven model.
The findings of the study supported the hypotheses of the study, which asserted that there were correlations between job-related stress and burnout, mobbing and burnout, and burnout and HRQoL. The CFA results established that job-related stress was positively and significantly associated with the burnout of TSRs, while perceived mobbing was positively and significantly related to the burnout of TSRs. Moreover, perceived HRQoL of TSRs was negatively associated with the burnout of TSRs. Further, the findings indicated that the relationship between job-related stress and burnout and the relationship between burnout and HRQoL of TSRs were statistically significant. Thus the variable had a positive effect on burnout and a negative effect on the HRQoL of TSRs. In summary, the findings of the study showed that results and propositions of the theoretical frameworks of the study and literature were consistent with one another.
Özellikle demokratik kültürün yaygınlaşmasına koşut olarak, refah düzeyindeki artış, nüfus vb. alanlardaki değişimler, gereksinim ve beklentilerin farklılaşmasına ve artmasına neden olmuştur. Bu durumun doğal sonucu olarak da alternatif yönetimler, yerel ortak gereksinimleri karşılayabilmek için ortaya çıkan yeni yapılar olarak dikkat çekmektedir ki Bölge Kalkınma Ajansları da (BKA) böyle bir ihtiyacın giderilmesi için ortaya çıkmış kurumlardandır.
Tez, yukarıda verilen genel çerçeve ışığında ajansların Türkiye’nin kalkınma perspektifi itibariyle alternatif bir kalkınma modeli olup olmadığına ilişkin olarak mülki idare amirleri ve ajans çalışanlarının algılarını ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
The new models and approaches emerging within the framework of public administration are based upon a ground focusing on effectiveness and efficiency. The main functions of such approaches include quick decision-making and effective troubleshooting. Within this context, the necessity to struggle with the problem of development and develop enduring policies, as well as to grant units organized aside from the central administration with more competence a responsibility and to change the traditional structure of competence-resource range between the central and local administrations has also emerged.
Especially, in line with proliferation of democratic culture, changes in the field of increase in the level of welfare and of population etc. have resulted in the difference and increase in terms of necessities and expectancies. As a natural consequence of this, new structures set forth in order to fulfill the local common necessities have become so noteworthy that Regional Development Agencies (RDA) have developed as the institutions targeting to satisfy such a need.
This thesis makes a field research as to whether the Regional Development Agencies being established recently in the light of the above-mentioned common framework suggest an alternative development model in terms of Turkey’s development perspective and examines the RDA in this direction.
In this study, consortiums for providing services to the villages, being the most widespread local administration units, as well as the KÖYDES Project, which has been implemented by the aforementioned consortiums for the rural infrastructure since 2005, have been examined. This study scrutinizes the development experience of Turkey, rural development praxis since the establishment of the Republic and the rural development approaches in the development plans. Whether the KÖYDES Project and Consortiums for Providing Services for the Villages may compose a model for the rural infrastructure practices has also been discussed. After adoption of Law Number 5355, vital divergence from the purpose of the consortiums occurred, such that the expenditures of the consortiums have been taken out of the public procurement procedures, the tender legislations and audit of the Court of Auditors have been by-passed, regulations which are contradictory to the objectives of the consortiums have been adopted by the High Council of Planning (YPK). Although the KÖYDES Project appears to be successful quantity-wise, in literature and in public opinion, it has been constantly cited that the project was subjected to attempts for high politicization and for political gains. Particularly, the fact that the members of the Provincial General Assembly, with no organic link with the consortiums, have been integrated into the system and that they have been part of the decision-making bodies such as the tender commissions-, poses as a striking divergence, especially in the context of the fact that the procurement procedures of the consortiums have been taken out of the tender legislation. In addition to the inclusion of the political people to the decision-making bodies of the consortiums, the matters such as the appointment of the public administration managers as the by-default president have diminished the democratic attribute of the consortiums and diverged these institutions from the local autonomy. During the field work conducted, crucial differences among participants were observed to exist in terms of their approaches to this topic.