Helen Lewis
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Books by Helen Lewis
Editors: Lewis, Helen, Bodina, Olga. English edition: 79 pages. Mikrokyklos Books, Limassol, Cyprus 20 Aug 2021 (Edited Book)
This volume focuses substantially on topics under the broad themes of archaeology and heritage, material culture, environmental archaeology, osteoarchaeology, historic and prehistoric archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, and long-distance contact, trade and exchange.
This volume focuses substantially on topics under the broad themes of archaeology and art history, epigraphy, philology, historic archaeology, ethnography, ethnoarchaeology, ethnomusicology, materials studies, and long-distance trade and exchange.
Papers by Helen Lewis
Preliminary study of a thick speleothem layer at Tabon Cave, Palawan, demonstrates the potential such layers hold for dating and for interpretation of local and regional climatic asriations during archaeological periods. A layer of gypsum speleothem, previously suggested to be travertine, has produced uranium series dates correlating
with bracketing radiocarbon dates on charcoal, confirming an increase in moisture around the time of the Last Glacial Maximum. Dating and study of additional speleothems in Tabon and other caves in lsland Southeast Asia is recommended as an approach with great potential for archaeological studies and for reconstructing regional climate history in the Pleistocene and Holocene.
Lewis, H. (2015) 'Soil micromorphology of post-hole fills from Dunragit' In: Thomas, J (eds).A Neolithic Ceremonial Complex in Galloway: Excavations at Dunragit and Droughduil, 1999-2002. Oxford: Oxbow Books. , pp.132-139
Editors: Lewis, Helen, Bodina, Olga. English edition: 79 pages. Mikrokyklos Books, Limassol, Cyprus 20 Aug 2021 (Edited Book)
This volume focuses substantially on topics under the broad themes of archaeology and heritage, material culture, environmental archaeology, osteoarchaeology, historic and prehistoric archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, and long-distance contact, trade and exchange.
This volume focuses substantially on topics under the broad themes of archaeology and art history, epigraphy, philology, historic archaeology, ethnography, ethnoarchaeology, ethnomusicology, materials studies, and long-distance trade and exchange.
Preliminary study of a thick speleothem layer at Tabon Cave, Palawan, demonstrates the potential such layers hold for dating and for interpretation of local and regional climatic asriations during archaeological periods. A layer of gypsum speleothem, previously suggested to be travertine, has produced uranium series dates correlating
with bracketing radiocarbon dates on charcoal, confirming an increase in moisture around the time of the Last Glacial Maximum. Dating and study of additional speleothems in Tabon and other caves in lsland Southeast Asia is recommended as an approach with great potential for archaeological studies and for reconstructing regional climate history in the Pleistocene and Holocene.
Lewis, H. (2015) 'Soil micromorphology of post-hole fills from Dunragit' In: Thomas, J (eds).A Neolithic Ceremonial Complex in Galloway: Excavations at Dunragit and Droughduil, 1999-2002. Oxford: Oxbow Books. , pp.132-139
5 May 2019University of the Philippines Archaeological Studies Program
Co-authorsPaz V, Lewis H, Carlos J, Lara M, De Castro L, Claravall F, Matthews D, Mespin I, Xhauflair H, Cosalan A, Pineda A, Manipon D
Presented at: 2021 NCKU-EFEO Taiwan Philippines Burial Jars Conference
Middle Mekong Archaeological Project: Overview and New Data
17 Apr 2021, presented at Society of American Archaeologists 86th Annual Meeting
A Neolithic Ceremonial Complex in Galloway: Excavations at Dunragit and Droughduil, 1999–2002 by Julian Thomas
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In this article we reflect on how the Palawan Island Palaeohistory Research Project has been working with local communities in El Nido, Palawan, Philippines over two decades on sustainable eco- and heritage tourism, expanding out from and incorporating our archaeological research-driven projects into community heritage, local education and
outreach, training, and economic and social support. Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a foil, we assess where we see resilience—and not—in light of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic travel bans and lockdowns.
Carlos JB, Escobin RP, Conda J, Ramos MDR, Lewis H, Paz VJ
Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology (for 2018) 12(2):62-69 29 Mar 2019