U. C. College, Aluva
The vigor of indole 3-butyric acid (IBA) induced rooting of stem cuttings and its suitable sprouting/rooting medium can be evaluated using sprouting value index, which is developed in Pongamia pinnata, a nitrogen fixing, avenue and... more
Present study was conducted to compare the morphological, anatomical and histochemical features of exotic species Costus pictus with its related C. speciosus, introduced in Peninsular India during the recent past. Identifying features of... more
Rooting of Saraca asoca stem cuttings using three IBA (Indole 3-butyric acid) concentrations 300 ppm, 500 ppm and 1000 ppm IBA, have been carried out and the data obtained was evaluated with SVI (sprouting value index) method in order to... more
Rooting ability in IBA induced rooting experiments largely depends on the medium used for rooting this has been established using SVI (sprouting value index), which, is a mathematical approach. Terminalia arjuna is a medicinal and avenue... more
Rooting of golden shower (Cassia fistula) stem cuttings using three IBA (Indole 3-butyric acid) concentrations 300 ppm, 500 ppm and 1000 ppm IBA, have been carried out and the data obtained were evaluated with SVI (sprouting value index)... more
Rooting of Saraca asoca stem cuttings using three IBA (Indole 3-butyric acid) concentrations 300 ppm, 500 ppm and 1000 ppm IBA, have been carried out and the data obtained was evaluated with SVI (sprouting value index) method in order to... more
In order to study the germination pattern and root trainer technology for Terminalia arjuna, its seeds were procured from two places of central Kerala and their germination studies were conducted in six different sowing media using fresh,... more
Rooting ability in IBA induced stem cuttings in vegetative regeneration experiments largely depends on various parameters, which has been established using SVI (sprouting value index), a mathematical approach. Marathi-moggu the Bombax... more
Rooting ability of indole 3-butyric acid (IBA)-induced stem cuttings in vegetative regeneration experiments depends on various parameters, which can be entrenched using sprouting value index (SVI), a mathematical approach. In this study,... more
The nutritional value of food can be altered by the presence of antinutrients such as oxalates present abundantly in plants as ergastic crystals. High oxalate content in plant-based raw food can lead to oxalonephropathy, nephrolithiasis... more
Phytochemical constituents are distributed in various parts of plants and their localization is indicative of their therapeutic properties. Ergastic crystals such as calcium oxalate crystals are also found in almost all plant parts, which... more
Sacred groves of tropics are treasure houses of biodiversity are part of tradition, with minimal human interaction in homesteads and hence it is known to be rich in biodiversity from historic time. Taxonomical and ecological studies on... more
In order to study the germination pattern and root trainer technology for Mimusops elengi L.(the bullet wood tree), its seeds were procured from two places of central Kerala and their germination studies were conducted in six different... more
Rooting ability in IBA induced rooting experiments largely depends on the medium used for rooting this has been established using SVI (sprouting value index), which, is a mathematical approach. Lemon plant Citrus lemon an fruit yielding... more
Present study was conducted to compare the morphological, anatomical and histochemical features of exotic species Costus pictus with its related C. speciosus, introduced in Peninsular India during the recent past. Identifying features of... more
In an age where students display competency in diverse fields of activities, selecting qualified candidates from an assorted group for a service-learning exchange program demands a multidimensional approach. The framework for student... more
Phytochemical constituents are distributed in various parts of plants and their localization is indicative of their therapeutic properties. Ergastic crystals such as calcium oxalate crystals are also found in almost all plant parts, which... more