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Journal created:
on 23 November 2002 (#788125)
on 7 January 2018
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, California, United States
Posting Access:
All Members
A community for students, alumni, or anyone else connected to the Univeristy of California, Berkeley
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Welcome to the community journal for UC Berkeley. All are encouraged to join — students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty. This is a fairly large community, so in order to keep things running smoothly, all members should abide by the following rules:

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A big thank you to the community benefactors, john1082 and an anonymous donor, for giving us 2 years of paid account time!

Questions and comments can be directed to any of your trusty moderators: misworded, qweltor, john1082, krypticnight, vociferouspanda, y_u_r_i_k_o, or eirerince87.
academia, activism, alameda, alameda county, albany, alumni, arts, asians, assignments, basketball, bay area, bcs, bears, bechtel, berkeley, berkelium, berzerkeley, blue, boalt hall, books, bowles, bowles hall, business, cal, cal alumni, cal bears, cal golden bears, cali, california, california golden bears, california universities, californium, campbell, castro, central california, ckc, clark kerr, clouds, college, competition, cory, cutting down trees, democracy, doe library, dorms, double majors, dwinelle, east bay, el sobrante, engineering, etcheverry, evans, evans hall, fiat lux, flyers, football, foothill, foothill la loma, foreign languages, free speech, free speech movement, frisco, gay rights, go bears, gold, golden bears, grades, graduate student instructors, graduate students, haas, haas pavillion, hearst mining circle, hills, hippies, hobos, holiday bowl, homework, humanities, individuality, intelligence, international relations, international students, la loma, lawrence berkeley national laboratory, let there be light, liberalism, liberals, los alamos national laboratory, majors, mathematics, memorial stadium, minors, mission district, moffitt library, norcal, northern california, oakland, oski, overcast days, pac-10, people, peoplewatching, piercings, politics, professors, protesting, public education, rain, richmond, rose bowl, rugby, san francisco, sather gate, sather tower, school, science, sleeping, socal, social sciences, soda, southern california, sports, sproul, sproul plaza, stern, stern hall, studying, sunshine, tabling, teachers, telegraph avenue, textbooks, the axe, the big c, the big game, the campanile, top public universities, uc berkeley, uc men's octet, ucb, uniqueness, unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, unit 4, university, university of california, university of california berkeley, unnatural hair colors, wheeler

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