Welcome to the community journal for UC Berkeley. All are encouraged to join — students, prospective students, alumni, and faculty. This is a fairly large community, so in order to keep things running smoothly, all members should abide by the following rules:
Use LJSeek (LiveJournal search engine) to search through entries in the journal ucberkeley (Be sure to read the FAQ). Most of the answers to questions asked can usually be found easily online. Do a comprehensive search before asking a question here. This journal and the vast wealth of knowledge of its members is no excuse for laziness. If the other resources are exhausted and prove fruitless, then feel free to ask away!
If a question is asked, subscribe to some level of netiquette — be polite and don't start flamewars. Tedious questions are bound to come up, but that's partially what the community is for, and we're here to help. Efforts have been made to weed out the questions with obvious answers, so be patient. We were all clueless freshman or transfers at one point or another. If you're annoyed, just scroll down and refrain from being an asshole, plzkthx.
If possible, list what websites and/or resources you have consulted when asking a question. Also, if you know the answer to the question, list what websites and/or resources it came from. This will be immensely helpful for the FAQ section we're working on creating.
Are you selling textbooks, furniture, concert tickets, subletting an apartment, looking for roommates, or trying to find a ride somewhere? Unless you're giving stuff away for free or your sublet is substantially below market value, it's most likely useless posting it here. Trust us, you're much better off with ComeGetUsed (for textbooks) or Craigslist (everything else). Learn it, love it, embrace it. If all else fails, you may post in this community as a last resort provided that your ad has been up for a week and you use an LJ-cut to provide a link to your already-existing Craigslist ad.
Are you a high school student or prospective transfer and you're really interested in coming to Berkeley? Great! We're excited to have you join the Cal community! Unfortunately, we are not the admission committee (nor do we know anybody who is) and we have no idea what kind of chances you have of getting in. As such, do not post statistics and ask hypotheticals. Take a look at the previous statistics of undergraduates & incoming freshman and guesstimate your chances from that. It's all a shot in the dark, and your guess is as good as ours.
All posts and comments are subject to deletion by the moderators if the rules are violated. We aren't fascists, so if something is deleted, then we had a reason for doing so.
If you have something interesting to say, a question to ask, a link to share, or whatthefuckever, then please do! Bear in mind that Berkeley students have strong opinions that you shouldn't take personally. Intellectuals seldom censor themselves, so don't be shy and just say something!