Papers by Geoffrey F Chew

C L T O E, 2019
The term 'quc' is shorthand here for a cosmological-not a physical-'quantum-universe constitu... more The term 'quc' is shorthand here for a cosmological-not a physical-'quantum-universe constituent'. Although self-adjoint Hilbert-space angular-momentum and momentum operators unitarily generate quc rotations and spatial displacements, no single-quc is a physical 'thing'. Photons, 3 generations of fermions, plus massive vector and scalar bosons- all physicist-deemed 'elementary'-as well as dark matter, galaxies and black holes, within an evolving universe are, we propose, each a temporary 'quc family' that aggregates 8 Noether-conserved quc attributes. No 'thing' is elementary. Here proposed is a thing-devoid 'von-Neumann big bang'-that established a huge but finite and permanent set of speed- c chiral qucs, with 'masses' M h /2τc 2 , where M = 1, 2,... M max and τ is 'universe age'. ('Quc-mass', although not physically-meaningful, has the same dimensionality as any thing 's 'mass'.) Quc- aggregate (thing) creations and disappearances-i.e., 'evolution'-are symmetry- governed by an 8- parameter 'centered-Lorentz' (CL) Lie group. CL's 6-parameter SL (2, c) Riemann-geometric 'exterior' of quc rotations and hyperbolic spatial displacements, has a conserved algebra of quc angular-momentum together with quc momentum times τ. A 2-parameter non-geometric CL- central algebra comprises a pair of discrete coupled and conserved quc attributes-electric charge and 'chirality'. Chirality- without any physics counterpart-renders CL a supersymmetry and provides our present universe with nuclear forces-'strong interactions'. Aggregate evolution, with a fixed and finite set of qucs, proceeds via a Schrödinger equation whose CL-invariant self-adjoint non-diagonalizable hamiltonian has potential-energies dependent on correlated quc electric-charges and 'masses'. Hamiltonian expectation specifies total universe energy. Gravitational and electromagnetic quc- pair retarded-potentials have (we propose) led without ' uncertainty', from a purely 'bachelor-quc' big-bang at τ 0 = G ½ (if h = c = 1) starting-age (~10-43 sec), to the currently-evolving thing-assortment (that includes the reader). Bachelor-quc population continues presently to far-exceed that within things, but the hamiltonian momentarily is binding certain low kinetic-energy quc subsets into 'families'-e.g., chiral quc- pair vector bosons and semi-chiral quc- pair neutrinos. Physical masses, for 3 generations of quc- trio charged leptons and quarks, relate to 'Higgs-cores' that each pairs qucs of zero chirality but nonzero opposite-sign electric charges-of equal 3-valued magnitudes. 1 Introduction Hamiltonian- evolving Gelfand- Dirac-Riemann big-bang quantum cosmology differs profoundly from Einstein's 'general relativity', whose gravity emphasis ignored both electromagnetism and geometrical quantum-universe evolution from a beginning. Pursuing Milne's thinking rather than Einstein's, we here spatio-temporally locate our universe inside a forward Lorentz-Minkowski light-cone. The latter (cosmological, not physical) notion-a geometrically- curved, hyperbolically-unbounded universe-associates to a remarkable Lie group that first received physicist attention in Faraday-Maxwell (classical) electromagnetic theory. 'Special-relativistic' quantum- field-theoretic (QFT) physics-association of 'boosts' to this group, as well as to its SL (2, c) semi-simple counterpart, employs (Feynman) 4-vector momenta-not 4-vector Dirac- coordinates. Cosmological Riemann-geometric (quc- not field) 'boostable 4-vectors' comprise a set of Dirac's coordinates- not of his momenta. This paper recognizes two different meanings for the term 'momentum'. Dirac meaning ( hamiltonian- accompanying) is the Hilbert-space self-adjoint 'canonical-conjugate' of a 'Dirac coordinate'; Riemann meaning is an algebra member of a geometrical Lie group. For the physics-employed (6-parameter) Euclid-geometrical group the two meanings coincide; for the here-employed (6-parameter) geometrical SL (2, c), they do not-due to Riemannian curvature of Milne's cosmologically-geometrical unbounded hyperbolic 'base' 3-space. A Lie-group contraction as universe age passes to infinity relates cosmological (Milne-Riemann) to physical (Euclidian) geometrical groups. But present universe age, although huge, is finite-our universe's present character being, still, far from that of its distant future. 'Age' of any spacetime location- not Hubble's photon-redshift-based age, although roughly-relatable thereto via the local-rapidity detected in cosmic background radiation (CBR)-is here (following Milne's thinking) defined to be the SL (2, c)-invariant 'Minkowski distance'- not a geometric distance-from the light-cone vertex. Common- age spatial locations occupy a hyperbolic 'base' 3-space with curved Riemann geodesics. This curvature is proportional to the inverse of (positive, cosmological) universe age-which here will be denoted by the symbol τ. According to this paper, universe- birth-age, τ 0 , was G
Found Phys, 1988
We formulate a discrete quantum-mechanical precursor to spacetime geometry. The objective is to p... more We formulate a discrete quantum-mechanical precursor to spacetime geometry. The objective is to provide the foundation for a quantum mechanics that is rooted exclusively in quantum-mechanical concepts, with all classical features, including the three-dimensional spatial continuum, emerging dynamically.
Phys Rev D, 1972
An experimentally measurable distribution function which serves to define double as well as singl... more An experimentally measurable distribution function which serves to define double as well as single diffractive dissociation and yet avoids problems with multiple counting is defined and discussed.
A 6-component "wave function" (not field, but S-matrix interpretable) for a massive spin-1 partic... more A 6-component "wave function" (not field, but S-matrix interpretable) for a massive spin-1 particle parallels the Dirac "chirality-doubled" 4-component wave function for a spin-1/2 particle, by pairing two wave functions for same spin but opposite "handedness". The correlated "opposite-parity" pair of complex 3-vectors defines a fluctuating spin-correlated lightlike ``internal velocity" as well as an independent "external rapidity". Extension from fermions to vector bosons of the velocity-fluctuation ("zitterbewegung") interpretation of rest mass weakens theoretical motivation for elementary scalar bosons.
Physical Review, Oct 30, 1951
A phenomenological treatment of charged and neutral photomeson production from deuterons is prese... more A phenomenological treatment of charged and neutral photomeson production from deuterons is presented which is independent of the details of the meson theory. It is shown that an experimental comparison of the deuteron and proton cross sections can be used to determine the nucleon spin flip probability.
Sci Amer, 1964
MEV) 1,41)0 I .. ) 1. hi J I 100 © 1964 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC of spin than their ground states... more MEV) 1,41)0 I .. ) 1. hi J I 100 © 1964 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC of spin than their ground states (occurrences) of lowest mass. Spins for AO,815, 5/2 ) and f>. (l,920, 7/2 ) are uncertain, but they probably satisfy this requirement. Slanting black lines show the probable Regge trajectories for other baryons. Circled symbols indicate parity ;
Physical Review, 1967
Title: Kinematics of Production Processes and the Multi-Regge-Pole Hypothesis. Authors: Bali, NF;... more Title: Kinematics of Production Processes and the Multi-Regge-Pole Hypothesis. Authors: Bali, NF; Chew, Geoffrey F.; Pignott, Alberto. Affiliation: AA(Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California ...
Multiperipheral models are used to show how the Regge expansion, while lacking threshold branch p... more Multiperipheral models are used to show how the Regge expansion, while lacking threshold branch points, may nevertheless approximate the localized physical effects of "peripheral" thresholds. Examples are given to demonstrate that a single pair of complex poles is capable of representing even the lowest inelastic thresholds in both total and singleparticle inclusive cross sections. The Regge mechanism that allows the position of a threshold to depend sensibly on the masses of incoming and outgoing particles is elucidated.
Physical Review Letters, 1968
An extension to multiperipheralism is made of the Dolen-Horn-Schmid duality argument relating Reg... more An extension to multiperipheralism is made of the Dolen-Horn-Schmid duality argument relating Regge poles to low-energy resonances. The Deck model is thereby interpreted as predicting the existence of the A1, rather than as undermining experimental evidence for this resonance. It is shown in general that Dolen-Horn-Schmid duality permits a vast simplification in the calculation of multiple-production processes.
Physical Review Letters, 1967
Multiple-Production Theory Via Toller Variables. Naren F. Bali Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Uni... more Multiple-Production Theory Via Toller Variables. Naren F. Bali Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California. Geoffrey F. Chew Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California. ...
Phys Rev X, 1967
By an explicit mapping procedure, a meaning is given to approximate zero-momentum-transfer symmet... more By an explicit mapping procedure, a meaning is given to approximate zero-momentum-transfer symmetry for analytic S-matrix elements containing a sufficiently large number of particles. The difficulty in formulating the symmetry for 2-particle-to-2-particle reactions is elucidated.
Physical Review, 1968
... Rev. Letters 20, 1078 (1968) . Chan Hong-Mo, J. Łoskiewicz, and WWM Allison, Nuovo Cimento 57... more ... Rev. Letters 20, 1078 (1968) . Chan Hong-Mo, J. Łoskiewicz, and WWM Allison, Nuovo Cimento 57, 93 (1968). NF Bali, GF Chew, and A. Pignotti, Phys. Rev. Letters 19, 614 (1967) [CAS]. ... BNL 11980 (unpublished). G. Alexander, O. Benary, and U. Maor, Nucl. Phys. ...
Physical Review, 1958
Nucleon-Antinucleon Interaction at Intermediate Energies. James S. Ball and Geoffrey F. Chew Radi... more Nucleon-Antinucleon Interaction at Intermediate Energies. James S. Ball and Geoffrey F. Chew Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California. Received 18 October 1957 The Yukawa interaction between ...
Physics Letters B, 1974
The observed persistence of threshold effects into the Regge asymptotic region of single-particle... more The observed persistence of threshold effects into the Regge asymptotic region of single-particle inclusive cross sections can be accommodated in a natural fashion by complex Regge poles which, if factorizable, will produce asymptotic damped oscillations in a wide variety of other observable quantities. It is shown that a single pair of such poles, the imaginary part of whose position in the complex J plane is of the order +/- 1, can qualitatively explain various anomalies that have been observed in high energy phenomena. Predictions are made for future measurements.
Papers by Geoffrey F Chew