Papers by Javier Jorge-Vázquez
Economies, Apr 16, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Economies, Mar 4, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Ensayos de economía, Sep 12, 2023
Los países de la región del Caribe, Centroamérica y Sudamérica han irrumpido con fuerza e indiscu... more Los países de la región del Caribe, Centroamérica y Sudamérica han irrumpido con fuerza e indiscutible liderazgo en la adopción del dinero digital, ya sea apostando por las monedas digitales emitidas y respaldadas por un banco central (CBDC) o por las monedas virtuales descentralizadas (DEFI), lideradas por Bitcoin y Ether. El objetivo del artículo es identificar las razones que llevan a un país o zona monetaria a decantarse por alguno de estos sistemas. Una vez estudiadas las ventajas y desventajas del uso de las divisas virtuales centraremos el análisis en doce variables sobre el uso de dinero móvil extraídas del GFI (Global Findex Indicator) de los años 2011, 2014, 2017 y 2021 de todos estos países. El presente artículo demuestra, entre otras cuestiones, que la apuesta por un dinero digital basado en CBDC o DEFI depende más de la elección política de los dirigentes del país en cuestión que de criterios socioeconómicos.

Economics & Sociology, Nov 30, 2023
Financial inclusion is currently on the political agenda of many governments and international in... more Financial inclusion is currently on the political agenda of many governments and international institutions as an unavoidable objective of territorial cohesion and economic development programs. It is also central to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For their part, the role of credit unions as agents of local economic development and their commitment to the provision of financial services in regions subject to unfavorable demographic and economic stress has been verified by various studies. However, this article examines the contribution of credit unions to the processes of financial inclusion and economic development in Poland under a regional analysis approach. For this purpose, spatial analysis method is applied to a sample of 3,556 credit union bank branches representative of all Polish voivodeships to determine the distribution of these branches. Then, a model based on the research of Di Pietro (2016) and Coccorese and Shaffer (2018) is estimated to assess the impact of credit unions on the endogenous economic development of the territory. The obtained results suggest that credit unions have a significant influence on the local economic development of Polish voivodeships and contribute to the financial inclusion in these regions.

Cities, Jul 1, 2024
During the 20th century, European cities experimented with industrialization processes and the me... more During the 20th century, European cities experimented with industrialization processes and the mechanization of agriculture that triggered the rural-urban exodus. A primarily young population left their rural territories of origin to work in cities in the industrial and service sectors. These massive migratory movements catalyzed the depopulation and aging in many rural regions of Europe. Spain, where the great exodus occurred in the 1960s and 1970s, is one of the European countries most affected by depopulation. Significantly, the region of Castilla y Leon, in the northwest of the country, due to its orographic characteristics and the dispersion of its population in many small municipalities, has been and still is especially vulnerable to the loss of inhabitants in favor of large cities, converting a large part of its territory in an excellent example of demographic desert. The article's objective is twofold: First, to provide a methodology to identify municipalities or geographic areas at risk of digital exclusion and subject to substantial demographic imbalances. Consequently, based on the proposed methodology, to prioritize the areas of Castilla y Leon where to act to try to reverse the situation. Thus, this study goes beyond previous research. It provides a comprehensive view that integrates demographic and technological aspects. As a result, a specific methodology is proposed, which also connects the above with the European context and policies. Identifying and prioritizing areas for technological improvement in Castilla y Leon represent a valuable contribution to addressing the challenge of rural depopulation.

Journal of Public Governance
Objective: This study aims to characterise the phenomenon of depopulation in the rural environmen... more Objective: This study aims to characterise the phenomenon of depopulation in the rural environment from the point of view of the opportunities offered by technology-based rural entrepreneurship as a lever that promotes population fixation and the economic dynamisation of the most depressed territories subject to the economic and social imbalances generated by depopulation. Research Design & Methods: The research approach is based on the application of case studies as an empirical research technique. In particular, the strategy for the promotion of rural start-ups in CyL – the largest European region and one of the Spanish regions most affected by the negative consequences of depopulation – is analysed. Findings: Empirical evidence has shown that economic conditions have impacted the extent and duration of migration flows from rural areas to a more industrialised urban environment. Thus, in recent decades, the spatial distribution of the population has taken shape characterised by st...
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity
Claves para la innovación pedagógica ante los nuevos retos: respuestas en la vanguardia de la práctica educativa, 2020, ISBN 978-84-18348-22-8, págs. 2236-2244, 2020

Sustainability, 2021
The great advances produced in the field of artificial intelligence and, more specifically, in de... more The great advances produced in the field of artificial intelligence and, more specifically, in deep learning allow us to classify images automatically with a great margin of reliability. This research consists of the validation and development of a methodology that allows, through the use of convolutional neural networks and image identification, the automatic recycling of materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and organic material. The validity of the study is based on the development of a methodology capable of implementing a convolutional neural network to validate a reliability in the recycling process that is much higher than simple human interaction would have. The method used to obtain this better precision will be transfer learning through a dataset using the pre-trained networks Visual Geometric Group 16 (VGG16), Visual Geometric Group 19 (VGG19), and ResNet15V2. To implement the model, the Keras framework is used. The results conclude that by using a small set of images,...

Social Sciences, 2020
This study proposes a crime prediction model according to communes (areas or districts in which t... more This study proposes a crime prediction model according to communes (areas or districts in which the city of Buenos Aires is divided). For this, the Python programming language is used, due to its versatility and wide availability of libraries oriented to Machine Learning. The crimes reported (period 2016–2019) that occurred in the city of Buenos Aires selected to test the model are: homicides, theft, injuries, and robberies. With this, it is possible to generate a crime prediction model according to the city area based on the SEMMA (Sample, Explore, Modify, Model, and Assess) model and after data manipulation, standardization and cleaning; clustering is performed using K-means and subsequently the neural network is generated. For prediction, it is necessary to provide the model with the information corresponding to the predictive characteristics (predict); these characteristics being according to the developed neural network model: year, month, day, time zone, commune, and type of c...

Financial inclusion, which consists of having a financial system that is easily accessible to cit... more Financial inclusion, which consists of having a financial system that is easily accessible to citizens, is identified by various international organizations such as the new UN Agenda 2030, as a priority objective. This objective is particularly relevant in rural areas, where access to these services is more difficult, as citizens have to travel several kilometers to access them. In this study, we analyze the current situation of the Polish financial sector in terms of its accessibility, in order to measure the degree of financial inclusion. For this purpose, we use three combined methodologies. Initially, a data extraction from the Central Bank of Poland was carried out. Subsequently, three methodologies are applied to calculate financial inclusion. First, we apply the criteria of the Financial Access Survey (FAS) of the International Monetary Fund. Secondly, the Access to Cash Index (ACI) methodology by calculating a score that describes the access to banking services according to ...
Miradas sobre el emprendimiento ante la crisis del coronavirus.
Miradas sobre el emprendimiento ante la crisis del coronavirus.
Miradas sobre el emprendimiento ante la crisis del coronavirus.
Avances en Educación, TIC e innovación: Aportaciones para la mejora empresarial y social: (Advances in Education, ICT and Innovation: Issues for Business and Social Enhancing), 2021, ISBN 978-84-1377-504-3, págs. 17-21, 2021
Edunovatic 2019 conference proceedings: 4th Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT: 18-19 December, 2019, 2019, ISBN 978-84-09-19568-8, págs. 105-106, 2019
Edunovatic 2019 conference proceedings: 4th Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT: 18-19 December, 2019, 2019, ISBN 978-84-09-19568-8, págs. 519-523, 2019

Land, 2022
Access to banking and financial services is defined by various international organizations as ess... more Access to banking and financial services is defined by various international organizations as essential to ensure the development of countries and regions. However, this access is not always guaranteed, even in developed countries. Our study focuses on analyzing the current situation of several rural and depopulated areas of Castilla y León (Spain) in terms of access to banking services and cash. For this purpose, an initial spatial analysis has been carried out to compute the access to these services measured in kilometers needed to travel to access them. Subsequently, we included, as a possible solution, the access to these financial services through their implementation (as a cash back point) in the extensive Spanish network of pharmacies. The results obtained in the spatial analysis show that the introduction of the network of pharmacies as a point of access to cash means a significant reduction in the distance to travel in municipalities in rural and unpopulated areas in order ...
Avances en Educación, TIC e innovación: Aportaciones para la mejora empresarial y social. Advances in Education, ICT and Innovation: Issues for Business and Social Enhancing, 2021
Claves para la innovación pedagógica ante los nuevos retos: respuestas en la vanguardia de la práctica educativa, 2020, ISBN 978-84-18348-22-8, págs. 2174-2184, 2020
Papers by Javier Jorge-Vázquez