Papers by Robert Alvarez-Ochoa

The aim of this research is to realize a comparative study of the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrom... more The aim of this research is to realize a comparative study of the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome (MS) according to the ALAD, ATPIII-2005 and IDF/NHLBI/AHA-2009 criteria in the adult urban population of Cuenca-Ecuador. This is an analytical, cross-sectional study with randomized, multistaged sampling, realized in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, in 318 subjects of both genders, aged 18 years and older. MS prevalence was estimated with ALAD, ATPIII-2005 and IDF/NHLBI/AHA-2009 criteria. The level of agreement was assessed with Cohen’s Kappa. The prevalence of MS was 51.6% (n=164) according to IDF/NHLBI/AHA-2009 criteria, 43.4% (n=138) by ATPIII criteria, and 43.4% (n=138) by ALAD criteria. No differences were found among MS prevalence estimates in regards to gender and sociodemographic variables. Statistically significant agreement was ascertained between ATPIII and ALAD (k=0,885; p=4,41x10-56); and between ATPIII and IDF/NHLBI/AHA-2009 (k=0,837; p=1,01x10-51), and ALAD and IDF/NHLBI/AHA-...

La presente investigacion tiene por objetivo determinar la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo ... more La presente investigacion tiene por objetivo determinar la prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) y sus factores asociados en la poblacion adulta de Cuenca – Ecuador, 2014. Se realizo un estudio descriptivo y transversal, con muestreo aleatorio multietapico en 317 individuos adultos de ambos sexos. Las variables cuantitativas se expresaron en media±DE, las cualitativas en frecuencias absolutas y relativas, con prueba de Chi cuadrado para asociacion entre variables, se realizo un modelo de regresion logistica multiple para DM2 ajustado por sexo, grupos etarios, IMC, antecedente familiar de Diabetes Mellitus e Hipertension Arterial, Habito Alcoholico, Habito Tabaquico y condicion laboral. La prevalencia de DM2 fue de 5,7%; (Femenino: 5,5%; Masculino: 5,9%). El riesgo para DM2 aumento progresivamente segun la edad, para el grupo de 40-59 anos (OR: 9,63; IC95%:1,72-53,78; p=0,010) y 60 anos mas (OR: 10,66; IC95%:1,54-73,40; p=0,011). Presentar el antecedente familiar de Diabetes ...
Tesla Revista Científica
La glucosa es el principal sustrato utilizado por el cerebro y, como tal, existen múltiples mecan... more La glucosa es el principal sustrato utilizado por el cerebro y, como tal, existen múltiples mecanismos reguladores para mantener concentraciones de glucosa; cuando estos mecanismos fallan o son defectuosos, sobreviene hipoglucemia. La hipoglucemia, es poco común y generalmente ocurre en el contexto del tratamiento de la diabetes usando agentes reductores de glucosa como sulfonilureas o insulina.

Dominio de las Ciencias, 2020
La esclerosis multiple (EM) se define como una enfermedad progresiva que cursa con la aparicion d... more La esclerosis multiple (EM) se define como una enfermedad progresiva que cursa con la aparicion de lesiones inflamatorias focales (placas) en la sustancia blanca cerebral, en las que lo mas llamativo es la perdida de mielina (desmielinizacion), con preservacion relativa de los axones en la fase precoz, aunque puede estar muy afectada en las fases finales. El objetivo de este reporte, es dar a conocer un caso clinico, el cual inicialmente se presento de una manera muy similar a la esclerosis multiple, entidad que posteriormente fue descartada con el uso del metodo clinico y estudios complementarios. Posteriormente mediante clinica y estudios complementarios, se consiguio llegar al diagnostico de un tumor intramedular tipo ependimoma de bajo grado. Concluyendo; la presentacion clinica de un tumor intramedular es muy similar al de la esclerosis multiple. Mediante el analisis sistematizado de todos los sintomas - signos de la enfermedad y el empleo de medios diagnosticos como la resonan...

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 19, 2022
Introduction: Hypertension (HTN) is a pathology caused by the increase in blood pressure, which r... more Introduction: Hypertension (HTN) is a pathology caused by the increase in blood pressure, which represents one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide because despite being considered a chronic disease it can constitute a risk factor for other cardiovascular diseases. Worldwide, this pathology is more common in women than in men, the predominant risk factors are the age group between 60 and 80 years, obesity, overweight, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcoholism, genetic predisposition, as well as other dietary factors. To prevent hypertension, one must have healthy habits and carry out physical activity, in addition, those who have a family history of hypertension should undergo a constant medical checkup. Objective: To identify the risk factors that are involved in the development of arterial hypertension in adults. Methods: A meticulous search was carried out using digital databases such as SCOPUS, PUBMED, Redalyc, Proquest, SCIELO and LILACS, as well as the use of medical websites that have reliable and verifiable information. Conclusions: It is concluded that arterial hypertension, or increased blood pressure, is associated with multiple degenerative complications and alterations in cardiac physiology, and is directly responsible for a high percentage of deaths. There are multiple risk factors for hypertension that generally coexist, among them are environmental factors, individual habits, and genetic factors.
Tesla Revista Científica
La cetoacidosis diabética (CAD), constituye una de las complicaciones más severas de la diabetes ... more La cetoacidosis diabética (CAD), constituye una de las complicaciones más severas de la diabetes determinada por la tríada: hiperglucemia, acidosis metabólica y cetosis, siendo la hiperglucemia un principio clave para la valoración de CAD; no obstante, en inusuales ocasiones los niveles de glucemia pueden localizarse en rangos normales, entidad conocida como CAD euglucémica, caracterizada clínicamente por alteración del sensorio de grado variable, pérdida de electrolitos, hiperosmolaridad extracelular y deshidratación. Desde el punto de vista bioquímico la CAD se caracteriza por glucemia mayor de 250mg/dl, cuerpos cetónicos positivos en orina o suero, la acidosis metabólica a pH menor o igual a 7.30 con anión gap elevado (más de 10), además el bicarbonato plasmático disminuye a valores iguales o menores de 18 mEq/l.
METODOLOGÍA DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN: de la teoría a la práctica, Jan 2023
Este libro se sometió a arbitraje bajo el sistema de doble ciego (peer review)
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Medicina de Urgencias Tomo 2

Revista Ecuatoriana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en Salud Pública
With the objective of identifying the perception of undergraduate professors of Medicine at the C... more With the objective of identifying the perception of undergraduate professors of Medicine at the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador, about the impact of investigative skills on scientific productivity, an exploratory qualitative study was carried out, through a semi-structured interview with flexibility. of response in 41 assistant professors and associate professors of the Medicine career. The data was processed using qualitative software and a descriptive content analysis was performed. The main reports of the teachers’ perception regarding research skills and their indicators were identified: scientific problematization, scientific theorizing, scientific contrast and scientific communication. The most appreciable indicators for teachers were those associated with professional and academic experience. The faculty perceived problems in their investigative skills, which directly affects scientific productivity, all this coupled with the lack of time for research.Keywords: Medical...
Medicina de Urgencias Tomo 1
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Ecuador, Oct 1, 2017

593 Digital Publisher CEIT
La formación de competencias investigativas constituye un reto en la Universidad Contemporánea qu... more La formación de competencias investigativas constituye un reto en la Universidad Contemporánea que prepara al educando para desempeñar con éxito los desafíos de la sociedad actual. Con el objetivo de analizar cuáles son las percepciones de los estudiantes de Medicina en Azogues, Ecuador sobre las competencias investigativas que favorecen el aprendizaje en la educación superior se realizó una investigación cuantitativa no experimental, de corte transversal durante el periodo abril-septiembre 2022, que incluyó una muestra de 296 estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca [UCACUE]-Sede Azogues. Para evaluar las competencias investigativas se aplicó un cuestionario, este instrumento fue estructurado por competencias y sus respectivos niveles de dominio, enfocado en 5 temáticas: (a) competencia cognitiva, (b) actitudinal, (c) procedimental, (d) comunicativa e) profesional. Para garantizar la consistencia interna del cuestionario se sometió a juicio de expe...

Revista Ciencias Pedagógicas e Innovación
La pandemia por COVID 19 llegó a constituirse un problema de salud mundial. En este marco, el pe... more La pandemia por COVID 19 llegó a constituirse un problema de salud mundial. En este marco, el personal sanitario enfrenta grandes desafíos, surgiendo varios factores estresantes y riesgos para su salud física como mental. Con el objetivo de conocer el impacto social y psicológico en el personal sanitario de primera línea que enfrenta la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19, se realizó un estudio de tipo cualitativo, mediante entrevista activa con guion flexible a través de medios digitales a funcionarios que laboran en la primera línea de atención frente a la COVID-19, de las provincias de Cañar y Pichincha, Ecuador. Los datos fueron analizadas a través del método hermenéutico. Se identificaron las principales narrativas relacionadas con las vivencias del personal de salud en su lucha frente a la COVID-19. El personal sanitario ante los turnos extensos, escasez de insumos y un sistema de salud al borde del colapso, manifiesta miedo de contraer el SARS-CoV-2 y contagiar a sus seres que...

Introduction: Coronavirus has hit humanity in the second decade of the 21st century, and spread t... more Introduction: Coronavirus has hit humanity in the second decade of the 21st century, and spread terror, economic crisis and death. Its expansion throughout the planet has judged the policies and practices in science and health of all states. In Ecuador, the panorama is still uncertain, and it shows that the scientific and health system is insufficient to face the challenge posed by nature.
Objective: To present the role of science, from the principle of responsibility, in the right to health in the context of the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 in Ecuador.
Main body: Duty, as part of the principle of responsibility, encourages science to achieve the state of human well-being. Acting so that there is a true future in the field of medicine should be oriented towards greater health coverage, minimizing potential risks against the comprehensive well-being of man, preventing the appearance of new diseases, increasing technology for the diagnosis and treatment of current and future diseases, increasing the therapeutic resources available and making health services accessible and equitable.
Conclusions: Guaranteeing the right to health requires that governments promote health research, adopt public policies, and allocate resources in their entirety so that access and equity in this field constitute the means to implement the right to authentic human life in the present and the future.

Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río, 2017
Introduction: there is sufficient scientific evidence that nutrition positively and negatively in... more Introduction: there is sufficient scientific evidence that nutrition positively and negatively influences health throughout life. An inadequate diet from gestation is associated with retardation of growth, psychomotor and intellectual development, and an excessive diet leads to overweight, obesity and chronic non-communicable diseases. Objective: to determine the association of dietary habits and nutritional status based on anthropometric and dietary indicators of schoolchildren from the city of Azogues, Ecuador, 2016. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with simple random sampling in children of both genders. They were given a form for the collection of data along with anthropometric assessment and the Krece Plus rapid nutritional test to determine their eating habits. The variables were expressed in absolute and relative frequencies, using Chi square test for the association between variables. Results: the prevalence of overweight was 20.3%; the predomina...
Water-Energy Nexus, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral, Mar 24, 2021
Introduction: Benign prostatic hyperplasia constitutes a first-level healthcare concern, due to i... more Introduction: Benign prostatic hyperplasia constitutes a first-level healthcare concern, due to its high prevalence among men.
Objective: To identify the presence of lower urinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia and its impact on the quality of life of men aged 50 years or older, without a previous diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia, who attended the health center of Javier Loyola Parish.
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study carried out between November 2018 and January 2019, which included all the patients (106) who attended the health center of Javier Loyola Parish and agreed to complete the International Prostate Symptom Scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the chi-square test.
Results: 35.3% of the participants belonged to the age group from 40 to 50 years. The presence was observed of mild (38.8%), moderate (39.7%) and severe (21.5%) lower urinary tract symptoms. There was a prevalence of unemployed (22.4%), bricklayers (23.3%), hypertensive (26.7%), diabetic (17.2%) and obese (14.7%) participants. The severity of the lower urinary tract symptoms was not significantly associated with the type of occupation. 61.2% of patients had mild or severe lower urinary tract symptoms and 56.8% perceived that their quality of life was affected, in some way, by lower urinary tract symptoms.
Conclusions: There is concern about the high percentage of participants with mild or severe lower urinary tract symptoms, without a previous diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and with some perception that their quality of life is affected is. The severity of lower urinary tract symptoms increased with age but not with other factors, except occupation.
Papers by Robert Alvarez-Ochoa
Objective: To present the role of science, from the principle of responsibility, in the right to health in the context of the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 in Ecuador.
Main body: Duty, as part of the principle of responsibility, encourages science to achieve the state of human well-being. Acting so that there is a true future in the field of medicine should be oriented towards greater health coverage, minimizing potential risks against the comprehensive well-being of man, preventing the appearance of new diseases, increasing technology for the diagnosis and treatment of current and future diseases, increasing the therapeutic resources available and making health services accessible and equitable.
Conclusions: Guaranteeing the right to health requires that governments promote health research, adopt public policies, and allocate resources in their entirety so that access and equity in this field constitute the means to implement the right to authentic human life in the present and the future.
Objective: To identify the presence of lower urinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia and its impact on the quality of life of men aged 50 years or older, without a previous diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia, who attended the health center of Javier Loyola Parish.
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study carried out between November 2018 and January 2019, which included all the patients (106) who attended the health center of Javier Loyola Parish and agreed to complete the International Prostate Symptom Scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the chi-square test.
Results: 35.3% of the participants belonged to the age group from 40 to 50 years. The presence was observed of mild (38.8%), moderate (39.7%) and severe (21.5%) lower urinary tract symptoms. There was a prevalence of unemployed (22.4%), bricklayers (23.3%), hypertensive (26.7%), diabetic (17.2%) and obese (14.7%) participants. The severity of the lower urinary tract symptoms was not significantly associated with the type of occupation. 61.2% of patients had mild or severe lower urinary tract symptoms and 56.8% perceived that their quality of life was affected, in some way, by lower urinary tract symptoms.
Conclusions: There is concern about the high percentage of participants with mild or severe lower urinary tract symptoms, without a previous diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and with some perception that their quality of life is affected is. The severity of lower urinary tract symptoms increased with age but not with other factors, except occupation.
Objective: To present the role of science, from the principle of responsibility, in the right to health in the context of the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 in Ecuador.
Main body: Duty, as part of the principle of responsibility, encourages science to achieve the state of human well-being. Acting so that there is a true future in the field of medicine should be oriented towards greater health coverage, minimizing potential risks against the comprehensive well-being of man, preventing the appearance of new diseases, increasing technology for the diagnosis and treatment of current and future diseases, increasing the therapeutic resources available and making health services accessible and equitable.
Conclusions: Guaranteeing the right to health requires that governments promote health research, adopt public policies, and allocate resources in their entirety so that access and equity in this field constitute the means to implement the right to authentic human life in the present and the future.
Objective: To identify the presence of lower urinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia and its impact on the quality of life of men aged 50 years or older, without a previous diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia, who attended the health center of Javier Loyola Parish.
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study carried out between November 2018 and January 2019, which included all the patients (106) who attended the health center of Javier Loyola Parish and agreed to complete the International Prostate Symptom Scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the chi-square test.
Results: 35.3% of the participants belonged to the age group from 40 to 50 years. The presence was observed of mild (38.8%), moderate (39.7%) and severe (21.5%) lower urinary tract symptoms. There was a prevalence of unemployed (22.4%), bricklayers (23.3%), hypertensive (26.7%), diabetic (17.2%) and obese (14.7%) participants. The severity of the lower urinary tract symptoms was not significantly associated with the type of occupation. 61.2% of patients had mild or severe lower urinary tract symptoms and 56.8% perceived that their quality of life was affected, in some way, by lower urinary tract symptoms.
Conclusions: There is concern about the high percentage of participants with mild or severe lower urinary tract symptoms, without a previous diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and with some perception that their quality of life is affected is. The severity of lower urinary tract symptoms increased with age but not with other factors, except occupation.
Por otra parte, en el apartado práctico muestra una secuencia pragmática y prolija de la forma como realizar un protocolo de investigación donde se hace prioritario plasmar una idea de investigación partiendo desde el título, la introducción, el planteamiento del problema a resolver, su conceptualización teórica o el estado del arte, la metodología con sus técnicas de muestreo, análisis estadístico e interpretación hasta finalizar en la referenciación de las fuentes primarías y secundarias de consulta que aportan sustento científico a un protocolo.