Sara García
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Papers by Sara García
formas de relaciones sociales, participativas y críticas. Este estudio tiene como objetivo comparar el nivel de competencia mediática,
respecto a seis dimensiones establecidas, para dos grupos poblacionales, adultos (18-55 años) y mayores (+55 años). La
muestra total asciende a 714 individuos de las ocho provincias de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía (España). Se basa en
la selección y comparación de resultados de determinados ítems de dos cuestionarios independientes, dirigidos a ambas poblaciones.
Los datos han sido sometidos a tratamiento estadístico, según la distribución de proporciones muestrales, para identificar
y contrastar el uso, producción e interacción de las herramientas tecnológicas en ambos colectivos. Los resultados destacan las
necesidades y demandas de ambos grupos en tecnología, lectura crítica y producción audiovisual. Se advierte además que los
adultos con rango de edad entre 18-30 años presentan mejor nivel de competencia mediática en habilidades técnicas relacionadas
con el uso instrumental, interacción y lenguaje, mientras que a partir de los 30 aumentan las destrezas en dimensiones críticas y
participativas, como reflexión, análisis y creación. En los mayores de 55, existe una relación directa entre el nivel de ingresos y
de competencia mediática; esta última disminuye significativamente con la edad. / The undisputed presence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in our lives has led to the development of
new forms of social, interactive and critical relationships. This study aims to compare the level of media competencies, in relation
to six established categories, of two population groups: adults (aged 18-55) and elders (aged over 55). The sample was composed
of 714 people from the eight provinces making up the Spanish region of Andalusia. The study conducted was based on the selection
and comparison of results of specific items drawn from two separate questionnaires, directed to both population groups. The
data were statistically processed in accordance with the distribution of the sample proportions. The objective was to identify and
contrast the degree of digital literacy of these two groups, in terms of their use, productivity and interaction with technological
tools. The results highlight the needs and demands of both groups in terms of technology, critical reading and audio-visual production.
It is notable that adults aged 18 to 30 have a higher level of expertise in the interaction and language dimensions, while
those aged 30 and above perform better in critical and participative dimensions offered by such media, such as reflection, analysis
and creation. In the over-55 group, there is a direct correlation between income bracket and level of media skills, the latter significantly
diminishing with age.
students’ knowledge, attitudes, feelings, beliefs and abilities in a critical and creative way is stressed.
The questions which the paper addresses include: what new skills are required to the 21st century
citizen? How are these e-skills evaluated and accredited? How does the growing importance of
informal education affect to that training? How is digital literacy of the different members of society acquired?
Articles by Sara García
formas de relaciones sociales, participativas y críticas. Este estudio tiene como objetivo comparar el nivel de competencia mediática,
respecto a seis dimensiones establecidas, para dos grupos poblacionales, adultos (18-55 años) y mayores (+55 años). La
muestra total asciende a 714 individuos de las ocho provincias de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía (España). Se basa en
la selección y comparación de resultados de determinados ítems de dos cuestionarios independientes, dirigidos a ambas poblaciones.
Los datos han sido sometidos a tratamiento estadístico, según la distribución de proporciones muestrales, para identificar
y contrastar el uso, producción e interacción de las herramientas tecnológicas en ambos colectivos. Los resultados destacan las
necesidades y demandas de ambos grupos en tecnología, lectura crítica y producción audiovisual. Se advierte además que los
adultos con rango de edad entre 18-30 años presentan mejor nivel de competencia mediática en habilidades técnicas relacionadas
con el uso instrumental, interacción y lenguaje, mientras que a partir de los 30 aumentan las destrezas en dimensiones críticas y
participativas, como reflexión, análisis y creación. En los mayores de 55, existe una relación directa entre el nivel de ingresos y
de competencia mediática; esta última disminuye significativamente con la edad. / The undisputed presence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in our lives has led to the development of
new forms of social, interactive and critical relationships. This study aims to compare the level of media competencies, in relation
to six established categories, of two population groups: adults (aged 18-55) and elders (aged over 55). The sample was composed
of 714 people from the eight provinces making up the Spanish region of Andalusia. The study conducted was based on the selection
and comparison of results of specific items drawn from two separate questionnaires, directed to both population groups. The
data were statistically processed in accordance with the distribution of the sample proportions. The objective was to identify and
contrast the degree of digital literacy of these two groups, in terms of their use, productivity and interaction with technological
tools. The results highlight the needs and demands of both groups in terms of technology, critical reading and audio-visual production.
It is notable that adults aged 18 to 30 have a higher level of expertise in the interaction and language dimensions, while
those aged 30 and above perform better in critical and participative dimensions offered by such media, such as reflection, analysis
and creation. In the over-55 group, there is a direct correlation between income bracket and level of media skills, the latter significantly
diminishing with age.
students’ knowledge, attitudes, feelings, beliefs and abilities in a critical and creative way is stressed.
The questions which the paper addresses include: what new skills are required to the 21st century
citizen? How are these e-skills evaluated and accredited? How does the growing importance of
informal education affect to that training? How is digital literacy of the different members of society acquired?