Pako Rubio
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Papers by Pako Rubio
teachers at the University of Cádiz’s School of Education Sciences in the CLIL (Content and Language
Integrated Learning) methodological approach, adapting their teaching profile to the new methodology, in
order to gradually develop the multilingual and multicultural competence of students within the framework
of the School’s Plan de Lenguas de Centro. The methodological strategies have been applied in three areas:
1) Cooperative work, namely tandems and monitoring sessions; 2) Planning a didactic unit together with
teaching materials’ elaboration and adaptation: planning sheets, scaffolding strategies, etc.; 3) Classroom implementation: communication strategies relating to the teacher’s discourse and oral interaction in the
classroom, etc.
CLIL presents itself as a methodological challenge that Higher Education must accept and plan in response to the need to promote the acquisition of multilingual and multicultural competences amongst university students. The paper presents the most relevant aspects of the experience carried out at the Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación of the Universidad de Cádiz, Spain. It intends to make teachers aware of this need and lay the foundations of the progressive introduction of multilingualism in basic teacher training.
El Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lengua Extranjera (AICLE) se presenta como un desafío metodológico que la educación superior debe asumir y planificar ante la necesidad de potenciar la adquisición de las competencias plurilingüe y pluricultural en el alumnado universitario. Este artículo presenta los aspectos más relevantes de la experiencia desarrollada en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de Cádiz (España), que pretende concienciar al profesorado y servir de base para la implantación progresiva del plurilingüismo en la formación inicial de maestros.
In this paper, some of these strategies and their benefits will be depicted : using the foreign language as the language of communication in the class, improving clarity of speech, enhancing oral interaction with/among students, visual aids, rephrasing, reformulating, redundancy or content reduction are amongst the most essential strategies to improve communicative exchanges in bilingual settings.
teachers at the University of Cádiz’s School of Education Sciences in the CLIL (Content and Language
Integrated Learning) methodological approach, adapting their teaching profile to the new methodology, in
order to gradually develop the multilingual and multicultural competence of students within the framework
of the School’s Plan de Lenguas de Centro. The methodological strategies have been applied in three areas:
1) Cooperative work, namely tandems and monitoring sessions; 2) Planning a didactic unit together with
teaching materials’ elaboration and adaptation: planning sheets, scaffolding strategies, etc.; 3) Classroom implementation: communication strategies relating to the teacher’s discourse and oral interaction in the
classroom, etc.
CLIL presents itself as a methodological challenge that Higher Education must accept and plan in response to the need to promote the acquisition of multilingual and multicultural competences amongst university students. The paper presents the most relevant aspects of the experience carried out at the Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación of the Universidad de Cádiz, Spain. It intends to make teachers aware of this need and lay the foundations of the progressive introduction of multilingualism in basic teacher training.
El Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lengua Extranjera (AICLE) se presenta como un desafío metodológico que la educación superior debe asumir y planificar ante la necesidad de potenciar la adquisición de las competencias plurilingüe y pluricultural en el alumnado universitario. Este artículo presenta los aspectos más relevantes de la experiencia desarrollada en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de Cádiz (España), que pretende concienciar al profesorado y servir de base para la implantación progresiva del plurilingüismo en la formación inicial de maestros.
In this paper, some of these strategies and their benefits will be depicted : using the foreign language as the language of communication in the class, improving clarity of speech, enhancing oral interaction with/among students, visual aids, rephrasing, reformulating, redundancy or content reduction are amongst the most essential strategies to improve communicative exchanges in bilingual settings.