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la publicación del Diccionario Enciclopédico Marítimo supone una grata novedad en un ámbito de la lexicografía especializada que no es demasiado prolífico. Un diccionario de este tipo abarca distintas disciplinas y campos semánticos... more
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This paper describes the adaptation of a foreign language app called Guess it! Language Trainer, successfully used for several years with students from a German language course at the University of Cádiz, to suit the needs of Maritime... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceLanguage Acquisition
In this paper we describe the CLEC corpus, an ongoing project set up at the University of Cádiz with the purpose of building up a large corpus of English as a 2L classified according to CEFR proficiency levels and formed to train... more
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      Corpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisEnglish As a Second Language (ESL)
Our study presents an ongoing project on corpus linguistics held at the University of Cádiz (UCA) which tries to identify discourse proficiency of B1, B2 and C1 CEFR levels in the CLEC (CEFR-Labeled English Corpus) with a corpus-based... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisEnglish As a Second Language (ESL)
Portrayals of non-heteronormative characters have been more and more present in the mass media since the last decades of the 20th century. Gay and lesbian characters are now part of mainstream media in films, sitcoms, drama series, talk... more
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      Cultural StudiesQueer StudiesSex and Gender
Cartografías sexuales y escritoras hispano-africanas: Agnès Agboton y Guillermina Mekuy. Encontrar textos de escritoras africanas en general, e hispano-africanas en particular, que hablen de sexo ha sido una tarea difícil posiblemente... more
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      Queer StudiesBlack/African DiasporaBlack feminismAfro-Hispanic Literature
La historia de la literatura africana está unida inextricablemente a los procesos de colonización y descolonización del propio continente. No es una ironía casual que parte de las bases de la actual literatura que se escribe en África... more
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    • African Literature
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      History of SexualityEighteenth Century Print CultureHistory of Gender and Sexuality
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      History Of Madness And PsychiatryMadness and Literature
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      Eighteenth-Century literatureWomen and Gender Studies
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      African Women's StudiesAfrican literature in English
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    • Gender Studies
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      Women's StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureMary WollstonecraftFrances Burney
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      African Diaspora StudiesAfrican LiteratureAfrican Women's StudiesAma Ata Aidoo
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      Black/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican LiteratureAfrican Women writers
Portrayals of non-heteronormative characters have been more and more present in the mass media since the last decades of the 20th century. Gay and lesbian characters are now part of mainstream media in films, sitcoms, drama series, talk... more
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    • African Literature
The steady rise and increasing availability of new technologies, especially in the area of MALL, has created new challenges in the Area of Foreign Language Learning. This means that, since students have more and more access to a wide... more
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Whilst in recent years there has been an increasing trend to design mobile APPs for foreign language learning, most of the available APPs support mainly one way teacher-to-learner interaction and use mobile devices to deliver content... more
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This paper presents our recent experiences with the design of game-like applications in 3-D virtual environments as well as its impact on student motivation and learning. Therefore our paper starts with a brief analysis of the... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyComputers in Education