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Universidad de Cádiz
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El tema central del libro I (Virgilio mismo aporta los temas de los cuatro libros en los versos 1-5 del primero) es el del cultivo del campo, en especial, el cultivo cerealístico 1 .
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    • Habis
Edición, traducción y comentario de uno de los poemas del humanista hispano-latino Juan de Verzosa
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      Renaissance StudiesIntellectual History of the RenaissanceRenaissance LATIN LITERATURE
In this paper we provide the critical edition, first translation and commentary of the poem entitled Ad statuam puellae, written by the Portuguese humanist Miguel da Silva. The commentary allows us to establish a connection between the... more
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      Historia del ArteHumanismo hispano-latinoPoesia Umanistica Latina
The Spanish humanist Juan Páez de Castro (ca. 1510-1570) lived in Italy since 1545 to 1554. In that time he copied Latin poems by Italian writers, which are nowadays kept by "El Escorial" Monastery Library (Spain). These poems (most of... more
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      Italian Renaissance literatureNeo-Latin PoetryHumanistic Latin Literature
The Vatican Library holds an unedited manuscript (ms. Vat. lat. 5225, iv, f. 879r-880r) attributed to the Italian bishop Giacinto Frangipane. This paper includes the first critical edition, translation and study of the aforementioned... more
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      Latin LiteratureItalian Humanism
It is a good review of my Verzosa's Epistles edition.
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In this paper it is studied the reception of the Ariadna's myth by some Spanish contemporary poets. The comparision with an unknown Neolatin text from the Renaissance allows us to show that the technique of "subversion" was practised... more
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      Classical Tradition and ReceptionRenaissance; neo latin litteratureContemporary Spanish Poetry
The intersection of Latin letters and poems written by Bonaventura Vulcanius reveals some new and interesting aspects of his biblical project. According to the "décret du 3 mai 2018 adopté par le Parlement de la Communauté française de... more
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      Reformation HistoryHumanistic Latin Literature
Reseña de Pedro de Valencia.Obras completas VIII. Epistolario,  Jesus María NIETO IBÁÑEZ,InmaculadaDELGADO JARA y  María  Isabel  VIFORCOS MARINAS (coordinadores), Colección “Humanistas españoles” 39, León,  Universidad  de  León,  2019.
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    • Renaissance Humanism
Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate 23 Introdução (pp. xxvii-xxxii). Além disso, pela indagação da arete, este tratado abre outros domínios temáticos dentro das qualidades éticas e morais, em especial das mulheres, mas também, por... more
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      Renaissance HumanismBiblical StudiesRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)
In this article, a draft of "Protrepticon ad Belgas", a Latin poem written by the humanist Bonaventura Vulcanius, is scholarly edited, translated and commented. In it, the author describes and criticises the Spanish Inquisition. The... more
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      Biblical StudiesRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)Renassance Literature
The Italian doctor and antiquarian Girolamo Mercuriale meant to be the first humanist to make use of his knowledge in antiquarianism to better understand passages of meals in the Gospels, according to the Latin text of the Vulgata. He... more
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    • Selfcensorship
The 'novellanti' were a precedent of nowadays journalists. The poetic "Epistles" by Verzosa constitutes one of the first proofs of their existence and peculiarities at XVIth Century Rome.
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      Renaissance HumanismNeolatin Studies
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