Books by Ana Isabel Rodríguez-Piñero Alcalá
Rodríguez-Piñero Alcalá, A. I. (coord.) (2014): Guía para la elaboración de trabajos académicos de investigación. Cádiz: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Cádiz. Licencia Creative Commons. , Jan 2014
Guía del estudiante
La relación léxica de la parasinonimia , 2007
Linguistic characterization of parasynonymy: Its analogies and differences with other lexical relationships/Caracterización lingüística de la parasinonimia: sus analogías y diferencias con otras relaciones léxicas, 2003
Papers by Ana Isabel Rodríguez-Piñero Alcalá

Linguística. Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade do Porto, 2022
The globalized Information Society that has been taking shape in the 21st century with advances i... more The globalized Information Society that has been taking shape in the 21st century with advances in new technologies requires its members to have a series of key skills, among which digital competence stands out as part of the capacity for permanent and autonomous learning. The Covid pandemic that we have been going through for almost three years has highlighted the need to train people in digital competence in order to continue carrying out their personal, educational and professional activities in all kinds of contexts and circumstances. The consultation of catalogues, bibliometric databases and digital repositories, such as Scopus, Dialnet or Recolecta, has allowed us to verify the interests that the subject arouses in the scientific community, particularly within the area of education. Thus, there is interest in identifying those digital skills that the teacher must master, in outlining the ICT skills that students need to acquire at each educational level, or in developing activities based on the specific use of applications or digital resources (use of blogs, wikis, social networks, gamification, etc.) for second and foreign language teaching.
Using a fundamentally qualitative methodology, with a descriptive-interpretative epistemological orientation based on documentary analysis, the objective of this paper is to analyse the concept of digital competence and verify the place it occupies in the process of second and foreign language acquisition, especially following the publication of the complementary volume of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) in 2020. To this end, a conceptual delimitation has been introduced between competence digital and a series of concepts related to it, such as digital literacy, information literacy or media competence, very present in contemporary academic, scientific, political and economic discourse; the concept of digital competence, understood as a macrocompetence, has been organized in the various (sub)competences it is made up of, and we examine the place that digital competence occupies in each person’s set of competences and in relation to the communication skills, mainly within the field of second and foreign language acquisition. After this systematic review, we conclude that, although the contributions of the complementary volume of the CEFR are undoubtedly important, they are specifically limited to audiovisual comprehension and online interaction, hence we end by proposing language activities that take into consideration all language skills and all channels of communication.
Rodríguez-Piñero, A. I. (Coord.), Guía para la elaboración de trabajos académicos de investigación, (pp. 9-20). Cádiz: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Cádiz. Licencia Creative Commons, Jan 2014
Guía para el estudiante
Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 53: 54-94. , 2013
The Knowledge Society, globalization, migration phenomena, Information and Communication Technolo... more The Knowledge Society, globalization, migration phenomena, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are all relevant factors both in relation to the description of specialised languages and to their acquisition and teaching. Furthermore, new approaches in teaching-learning processes are demanded by the framework of the European Higher Education, due to the profound changes taking place in university education. The main objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the main current teaching methods and techniques when designing a language course for professional and academic purposes.
Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 7: 225-238. , 2012
Researchers have traditionally established a link between synonymy and variation. This connection... more Researchers have traditionally established a link between synonymy and variation. This connection has been used to analyse phraseological units and their relationships within the language. Numerous extensive studies have been carried out on variation in phraseological units and their differentiation from synonymy. Recently, however, synonymy has begun to be understood as formal variation of the same semantic content within a functional language, either as free alternation (restricted view) or free alternation with complementary distribution (broad view). Thus, the aim of this work is to review the existing positions regarding the relationship between variation and synonymy in idioms as seen in various studies on this type of phraseological unit, before finally offering our own particular perspective on the question.
Eizaga, B. (ed.), Studies in Linguistics and Cognition. Colección Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication, Vol. 158, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 249-274. , 2012
LinRed. Lingüística en la Red, IX. , 2011
The treatment of phraseological units in lexicographic repertoires, whether general or specific t... more The treatment of phraseological units in lexicographic repertoires, whether general or specific to this type of unit, is an issue being debated currently since dictionaries are important points of reference for research into phraseology and for the teaching of phraseological units within one’s own in mother tongue or in a second or foreign language. The aim pursued in this paper is to provide an analysis of the relationship between synonyms and antonyms in idioms with the view of the future publication of a possible dictionary of Spanish idioms.
Vera, A. & Martínez, I. (eds.), El español en contextos específicos: enseñanza e investigación, Volumen II, Comillas: Fundación Comillas y ASELE, pp. 907-932, 2009
García Martín, J. Mª (dir.) y Gaviño Rodríguez, V. (ed.), Las ideas y realidades lingüísticas en los siglos XVIII y XIX, Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz, pp. 563-581. , 2009
P. Cano, I. Fernández, M. González, G. Prego & M. Souto (eds.), Actas del VI Congreso de Lingüística General (Santiago de Compostela, 3-7 de mayo de 2004), Vol. II, Tomo II.b. Las lenguas y su estructura, Madrid: Arco/Libros, pp. 1399-1409., 2006
Wotjak, G. & Cuartero, J. (eds.), Entre semántica léxica, teoría del léxico y sintaxis. Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation, Band 22, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 77-89, 2005
En Castillo Carballo, M. A.; Cruz Moya, O.; García Platero, J. M. y Mora Gutiérrez, J. P. (coords.), Las gramáticas y los diccionarios en la enseñanza del español como segunda lengua: deseo y realidad, Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, pp. 754-761. , 2005
Pragmalingüística 12: 105-121. , 2004
Parasynonymy consists on a lexical relationship between meanings which are very close semanticall... more Parasynonymy consists on a lexical relationship between meanings which are very close semantically, which carry out a non-neutralizable equipollent opposition between its terms. Such relation started to be explicitly distinguished from synonymy by K. Baldinger, B. Pottier and J. Lyons. This fact has made it possible to identify parasynonymy as a lexical relationship independent from synonymy.
Villayandre Llamazares, M. (ed.), Actas del V Congreso de Lingüística General (León, 5-8/3/2002), Vol. III, Madrid: Arco/Libros, pp. 2381-2392., 2004
Books by Ana Isabel Rodríguez-Piñero Alcalá
Papers by Ana Isabel Rodríguez-Piñero Alcalá
Using a fundamentally qualitative methodology, with a descriptive-interpretative epistemological orientation based on documentary analysis, the objective of this paper is to analyse the concept of digital competence and verify the place it occupies in the process of second and foreign language acquisition, especially following the publication of the complementary volume of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) in 2020. To this end, a conceptual delimitation has been introduced between competence digital and a series of concepts related to it, such as digital literacy, information literacy or media competence, very present in contemporary academic, scientific, political and economic discourse; the concept of digital competence, understood as a macrocompetence, has been organized in the various (sub)competences it is made up of, and we examine the place that digital competence occupies in each person’s set of competences and in relation to the communication skills, mainly within the field of second and foreign language acquisition. After this systematic review, we conclude that, although the contributions of the complementary volume of the CEFR are undoubtedly important, they are specifically limited to audiovisual comprehension and online interaction, hence we end by proposing language activities that take into consideration all language skills and all channels of communication.
Using a fundamentally qualitative methodology, with a descriptive-interpretative epistemological orientation based on documentary analysis, the objective of this paper is to analyse the concept of digital competence and verify the place it occupies in the process of second and foreign language acquisition, especially following the publication of the complementary volume of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) in 2020. To this end, a conceptual delimitation has been introduced between competence digital and a series of concepts related to it, such as digital literacy, information literacy or media competence, very present in contemporary academic, scientific, political and economic discourse; the concept of digital competence, understood as a macrocompetence, has been organized in the various (sub)competences it is made up of, and we examine the place that digital competence occupies in each person’s set of competences and in relation to the communication skills, mainly within the field of second and foreign language acquisition. After this systematic review, we conclude that, although the contributions of the complementary volume of the CEFR are undoubtedly important, they are specifically limited to audiovisual comprehension and online interaction, hence we end by proposing language activities that take into consideration all language skills and all channels of communication.