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Contexto: Lugo del enfoque interno y el externo. Nace este enfoque que integra las fortalezas de ambos.
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      Business AdministrationSpanishStrategy (Business)
Resumen. Es frecuente la pérdida de tiempo de los conductores y los embotellamientos de tráfico en las ciudades, por una configuración no óptima de los semáforos. Diversos dominios han intentado comprender el fenómeno e identificar las... more
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    • Sociology
Para comprender bien esta rama del derecho es necesario recordar algunos conceptos fundamentales:
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-Se considera que los profesionales en Ciencias Económicas ejercen la profesión cuando realizan dictámenes, pericias, presupuestos, informes, etc. sobre las áreas que son de su competencia y requieran de alguna manera aplicar los... more
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Objetivos de la información por segmentos Entes alcanzados Segmentos de Negocios y geográficos Segmentos primarios y secundarios. Riesgo y rentabilidades Estudio comparado Resoluciones Técnicas, USGAAP, NIIF.
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Riesgo es “Toda aquella probabilidad de ocurrencia que algún evento negativo pudiese afectar de forma adversa el logro de los objetivos de una organización”. Los riesgos se analizan considerando su impacto y probabilidad de ocurrencia... more
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Rivista internazionale, on line e ad accesso aperto, promossa dal Centro di Studi e Ricerche 'Antonio Rosmini' dell'Università di Trento.
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    • Catholic higher education
During the last months, a singular debate has taken place in the United States on the views of the entrepreneur Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and investor in innovative industries of Silicon Valley, who supports the thesis that, after... more
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In the first place I want to thank the Acton Institute and especially its president, Father Robert Sirico, for the great honor of receiving this prestigious award named after one of the most distinguished minds of our times as is... more
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The author presents two approaches to interpret gift-relations in market environments proposed in the Encyclical. On the one hand, he explains the assumptions of “social objectivism” such as the equivalence principle, non-tuism,... more
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In the Buddenbrooks (1901), the first great novel of Thomas Mann, are contained in nuce –as it is argued by Claudio Magris- almost all the works and characters of the great German writer. In the Lübeck’s family home have been... more
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In this paper, the author proposes to reflect on some aspects of the book The Idea of Justice by Amartya Sen, in the light of the work of the Italian philosopher Antonio Rosmini, disseminator of the term “social justice” in the origins of... more
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Being one of the first Catholic thinkers to embrace the market economy, Antonio Rosmini believed that it could not function devoid of strong ethical and institutional foundations. The article presents his main economic ideas and shows the... more
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Many behavioral economists argue that borrowers, lenders, investment banks, financial agents, rating agencies, regulators and end-investors who participated in the 2008 financial crisis did not show the kind of rational behavior expected... more
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Esistono diversi parallelismi tra i tempi di Rosmini e i nostri. Come noi, lui ha vissuto in una epoca di transizione, piena di problemi non risolti ereditati dal passato e aperta a nuovi conflitti e perplessità. Nella stessa misura in... more
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This article attempts to lay out the central characteristics of Antonio Rosmini's (1797-1855) fiscal and tributary philosophy. Incorporating a multitude of elements from the doctrines of great economists such as Adam Smith,... more
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We are forgetting how to give presents. Violation of the exchange principle has something nonsensical and implausible about it [. . .] [Today] even the private giving of presents has degenerated to a social function exercised with... more
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