Papers by Rafael García Pérez
Información del libro Límites y horizontes en un diccionario histórico.
Philologica Canariensia, 2024
This study endeavors to examine the Spanish adverb "acaso" through a diachronic lens, offering ... more This study endeavors to examine the Spanish adverb "acaso" through a diachronic lens, offering novel hypotheses to elucidate its etymological derivation, the intricacies of its grammaticalization process, and its progressive selection of the subjunctive mood within independent sentences. Etymologically, compelling evidence is presented, establishing a linguistic lineage with late Latin. Concerning its grammaticalization, intricate connections are posited with the expression "por (a)ventura". Regarding the selection of the subjunctive mood, the study reveals a recent shift, notably gaining prominence since the 18th century and persisting to the contemporary era. Lastly, an analytical inquiry into the determinants behind the subjunctive mood’s modern trajectory is undertaken, comparing it with the traditional course of the indicative mood.
Neophilologica, 2023
The intensive support verbs selected by the predicative nouns of the class <anger> in Old French ... more The intensive support verbs selected by the predicative nouns of the class <anger> in Old French and Old Spanish are presented and analyzed in this paper. The lexically constrained combinations between these verbs and nouns are described, and the basic metaphors that govern the selection of intensive structures are identified. We observe that a synchronic perspective would prefer a lexical selection-based description of collocations, whereas a diachronic perspective would prefer the use of conceptual metaphors. We highlight certain similarities between the two languages studied, but also some differences.

González, M. et al.: Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities, Springer, 2022
This paper examines the history of some adverbs derived from adjectives belonging to the syntacti... more This paper examines the history of some adverbs derived from adjectives belonging to the syntactic-semantic class <causatives of feeling: fear> in French and Spanish. While most of the lexical units in this class have acquired an intensive meaning in both languages, they have done so progressively. As usually happens in language history, the current paradigm of intensifiers, that is, the one we can find in modern Spanish and French, is the result of a grammaticalization process which began with one or two adverbs in particular and extended to many other semantically linked ones. However, the number of units involved, the dates of their conversion into intensifiers and their degree of grammaticalization depend on the idiosyncrasy of each language, although we cannot rule out the possibility that one these languages influenced the other, especially, as in the case here, when we are dealing with two closely related languages like French and Spanish.

Langue & Parole, 2022
This work offers a first approach to medieval collocations with intensive value N+Adj. More speci... more This work offers a first approach to medieval collocations with intensive value N+Adj. More specifically, four groups of semantically related adjectives are studied, as their intensive meaning was the result of metaphorization processes: metaphorization of size, metaphorization of strength, metaphorization of qualities and metaphorization of space. Although intensive value adjectives tend to select several semantic-syntactic classes and, therefore, distinct predicates within each of these classes, it is possible to find out significant variations between them. Most of the adjectives which give rise to collocations express intensification in a positive degree, and their use is linked to their spreading through the language in time and space, to their relationship with the adverbs in -mente associated or, to a lesser extent,
to their particular spreading in certain thematic areas specially represented in the corpus; adjectives with an average degree and adjectives with an attenuating value hardly gave rise to specific combinations. In fact, only one of the adjectives belonging to the last group (flaco) can be considered as an integral part of the collocations in this period.
Linguistica Pragensia, 2022
Intensive Comparative Structures in the Middle Ages: Czech Adjective černý and Old Norse svartr c... more Intensive Comparative Structures in the Middle Ages: Czech Adjective černý and Old Norse svartr compared to Spanish Adjective negro In this article, we study the intensive comparative structures applied to the adjective negro ('black') in medieval Spanish, in comparison with the homologous structures in medieval Czech (adjective černý) and Old Norse (adjective svartr). We present and comment numerous examples that contain different second terms of the comparison, from the most frequent (pez 'pitch', carbón 'coal', cuervo 'crow'…) to the rarest (olla 'pot', diablo 'devil'…). Numerous convergences are observed, largely due to the existence of deep common cultural bases, such as Christianity and the literary tradition of classical antiquity, but also numerous divergences and even singularities of each of the languages considered.

Estudios filológicos, 2018
El siguiente artículo completa el panorama general, trazado en dos trabajos precedentes, de la ev... more El siguiente artículo completa el panorama general, trazado en dos trabajos precedentes, de la evolución en español de un grupo de palabras un tanto marginal de la morfología histórica: los derivados denominales en-ble. En él se muestra cómo a partir del siglo XVIII se produce un importante cambio en los patrones de formación de este tipo de unidades respecto a la Edad Media y los Siglos de Oro. Si en estas épocas anteriores existía una gran dependencia de ciertos modelos heredados del latín clásico y, sobre todo, del latín tardío, poco a poco, a partir del siglo XVIII, nos encontramos con una sustitución de estos modelos por una tendencia más poderosa a la incorporación de préstamos, en muchos casos aleatorios, procedentes de lenguas modernas, especialmente el francés y el inglés. Palabras clave: morfología histórica, Edad Media, Siglos de Oro, español moderno, español contemporáneo, This paper completes the author's research on the evolution of a minor word group within Spanish historical morphology and word-formation: the denominal derivatives in-ble. We show that an important change took place from eighteenth century onwards. Whilst in the Middle Ages and the Golden Age, as it was demonstrated in two previous studies, the formation of these lexical units followed some patterns of word-formation inherited from Classical and Post-classical Latin, from the eighteenth century onwards these patterns have been replaced by a more powerful trend: the borrowing of loanwords from other modern languages, especially French and English.
Llaneza: estudios dedicados al profesor Juan Gutiérrez Cuadrado, 2014
INTRODUCCIÓN 0.1. En este trabajo me permito hacer una humilde incursión por un terreno un poco m... more INTRODUCCIÓN 0.1. En este trabajo me permito hacer una humilde incursión por un terreno un poco marginal de la morfología histórica: el de la formación de derivados en-ble a partir de bases sustantivas. Es un tema que, sin duda, ha de resultar del gusto de un filólogo sutil y minucioso como es el profesor Juan Gutiérrez Cuadrado, compañero de departamento y amigo con quien he tenido la satisfacción de compartir, en estos últimos años, buena parte de mi experiencia docente e investigadora. Con toda mi admiración y afecto, pues, quiero dedicarle estas páginas filológicas.
Revista de Filología Española, 2020
Aunque la gramática histórica ha revelado un significado direccional para la preposición española... more Aunque la gramática histórica ha revelado un significado direccional para la preposición española en durante el periodo medieval, la rección de esta preposición por parte de los verbos de movimiento no se explica solo por razones semánticas. La comparación de dos sinónimos del español (descender y bajar), que regían tanto la preposición a como la preposición en para indicar un movimiento direccional, muestra que factores como la etimología y los criterios de coocurrencial léxica, en muchos casos ligados a los textos, son importantes a la hora de determinar sus preferencias.
Dicenda. Cuadernos de Filología Hispánica, 2018
En este artículo se estudia la serie morfológica infracción penal en el lenguaje jurídico, tenien... more En este artículo se estudia la serie morfológica infracción penal en el lenguaje jurídico, teniendo en cuenta que este puede concebirse como un sublenguaje construido históricamente. En esta serie el sustantivo delito se comporta como líder del grupo, lo que supone una reestructuración de los restantes miembros de la familia genética. Si en algunos casos se trata de simples reinterpretaciones de las relaciones de jerarquía etimológicas, en otros, se producen cambios de significado que han llevado incluso a la creación de acepciones inesperadas capaces de romper con la vocación de univocidad propia de los lenguajes especializados.
Revista Internacional de Lenguas Extranjeras / International Journal of Foreign Languages, 2016
En este trabajo se estudia la macroestructura del diccionario españolislandés más reciente (Spæns... more En este trabajo se estudia la macroestructura del diccionario españolislandés más reciente (Spænsk-íslensk or›abók / Diccionario español-islandés) y se ponen de manifiesto algunas de las incoherencias e inconsistencias más relevantes que caracterizan al proceso de selección y organización de sus entradas. Se muestra, además, en qué medida estas incoherencias se deben, en su mayor parte, a la decisión de sus redactores de reutilizar la macroestructura de otras obras ya existentes en el mercado, en concreto el diccionario bilingüe español-inglés de la editorial HarperCollins.
Rilce. Revista de Filología Hispánica, 2016
Boletín de Filología, 2009
Resumen Con el presente trabajo analizamos el papel que pueden desempeñar los sufi jos diminutivo... more Resumen Con el presente trabajo analizamos el papel que pueden desempeñar los sufi jos diminutivos, tan característicos del habla coloquial, en el mundo de la literatura y, especialmente en la novela decimonónica. Tomando como ejemplo una importante novela de tesis de la época (Doña Perfecta), mostraremos cómo la crítica a la intransigencia y al fanatismo religiosos propios de los grupos conservadores de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX queda reforzada gracias al uso que hace el narrador, identifi cado con el propio autor, de los sufi jos diminutivos, cuyo carácter axiológico los convierte en herramientas muy útiles para la matización intencional de los textos. Palabras clave: sufi jación apreciativa, diminutivo, novela de tesis, Galdós.

Revista de Filología Española, 2007
A corpus-based perspective, London-New York, Routledge, 2002, págs. 2-7. 8 Es curioso que en el D... more A corpus-based perspective, London-New York, Routledge, 2002, págs. 2-7. 8 Es curioso que en el DH, para este caso, se cite expresamente en la entrada alto (acepción 14.b.) que «se opone a bajo o dulce». Se trata, sencillamente, de un intento de delimitar mejor la paráfrasis definitoria, pues el DH, generalmente, no suele darnos pistas sobre las relaciones entre las palabras, ni mucho menos sobre su evolución semántica paralela o divergente. 10 José Antonio Pascual y Rafael García Pérez, 2007, op. cit. 11 REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA: Banco de datos (CORDE) [en línea]. Corpus diacrónico del español. <> [12-02-2007]. 12 Debería formar parte, por el momento, de ese apartado que en otro lugar hemos llamado «formas de interés filológico». Cfr. José Antonio Pascual y Rafael García Pérez, «La organización de los materiales en un diccionario histórico: las formas de interés filológico», Palabra sobre palabra. Estudios ofrecidos a

Estudios filológicos, 2012
En este trabajo se estudia un grupo concreto de verbos dentro de los llamados operadores causativ... more En este trabajo se estudia un grupo concreto de verbos dentro de los llamados operadores causativos: los operadores causativos conversos u operadores consecutivos, estrechamente vinculados a los operadores causativos. Se muestra, desde el punto de vista sintácticosemántico, que estos verbos comparten una misma estructura: seleccionan predicados en función de sujeto, interpretados como una consecuencia, y en función de complemento de régimen, predicados interpretados, a su vez, como la causa que da lugar a esa consecuencia. Desde el punto de vista histórico, se pone de manifiesto que estos operadores son el resultado de distintos procesos de metaforización, procesos que no siempre resultan perceptibles hoy en día en la misma medida, y se describe su proceso de introducción en nuestra lengua. Palabras clave: operadores causativos, operadores causativos conversos, operadores consecutivos This paper studies a group of verbs closely linked to the so-called causative operators: 'converse causative operators' or 'consecutive operators'. From the syntactic-semantic point of view, we show that these verbs share the same structure: they select a subject and a prepositional object; the subject function is performed by predicates interpreted as a consequence, and prepositional object function, by predicates interpreted as a cause. From the historical point of view, we highlight that these operators are the result of different metaphorical processes, which nowadays are not always noticeable to the same extent. The process of their introduction in Spanish is also described.

ELUA, 2022
This paper is focused on intensive comparative structures (which are by far the most numerous in ... more This paper is focused on intensive comparative structures (which are by far the most numerous in language and discourse) applied to the intensive adverbs in -mente of Medieval Spanish. It is found that collocations formed with the intensive adverbs include, above all, verbal nuclei. It is possible that collocations formed with non-participial adjectives and even other adverbs exist, but the corpora do not provide evidence (only some isolated examples of adverbial collocations with adjectives can be traced), probably because they were at the first steps of their development (from a primary structure of adverb + participle) or probably because the preserved texts are still scarce and not fully representative. Some successful collocations are identified (llorar / combatir / herir fuertemente; herir fieramente; desamar mortalmente; pagar enteramente) and other ones less widespread, but already established in usage (conocer enteramente, destruir totalmente…).
The most widespread intensive adverbs that gave rise to the greatest number of collocations and from the earliest centuries are fuertemente and fieramente. They became part, already in the thirteenth century, if not before, of relevant lexical solidarities that increased as the Middle Ages progressed. Collocations with other intensive adverbs (except altamente) flourished only from the fourteenth century onwards and, especially, during the fifteenth century. This fact can be interpreted as a consequence of the progressive integration of this type of adverbs into the language. In some cases, this led to an imbalance between these adverbs and their possible collocational variants (the short forms of these same adverbs or some adverbial phrases), which are also taken into consideration in this work.
The data provided throughout this paper show how one of the most interesting collocational paradigms of Spanish language began to be built.
Langue & Parole: revista de filología francesa y románica, 2020
Le nouveau dictionnaire historique de l'espagnol, tel qu'il a été conçu initialement, se veut un ... more Le nouveau dictionnaire historique de l'espagnol, tel qu'il a été conçu initialement, se veut un ouvrage « relationnel » qui s'appuie sur les progrès apportés ces dernières années par la Linguistique et la technique informatique. Ce travail se compose de deux parties : la première, en partant des études sur les rapports lexicaux et en particulier sur les rapports sémantico-syntaxiques dans la description du lexique, prend comme exemple les nominalisations de verbes supports appropriés à la classe <infraction pénale> et montre la complexité du paradigme des éléments agissant comme « support » dans l'évolution de certaines classes lexicales de l'espagnol ; la deuxième partie présente une proposition provisoire d'un modèle d'article lexicographique spécialement conçu pour ces unités dites « désémantisées ».

Romanica Olomuciensia, 2021
This paper is focused on intensive comparative structures (which are by far the most numerous in ... more This paper is focused on intensive comparative structures (which are by far the most numerous in language and discourse) applied to the adjective negro in mediaeval Spanish. Many examples are studied and connected to similar structures in Mediaeval French (Old French and Middle French). The concept of collocation used in this paper is based on the same concept developed within Explanatory and Combinatorial Lexicology. The examples which contain the above-mentioned comparative structures are taken from the CORDE (Corpus diacrónico del español, RAE) and CDH (Corpus del Nuevo diccionario histórico del español) corpora. All the second terms of this type of comparison are specified and discussed, from the most frequent (pez, carbón, cuervo...) to the least frequent (olla, diablo, guijarro, escarabajo...). It is found that even if Spanish and French are very similar regarding the use of collocative items (which is partly due to phraseological borrowings, as a result of the bustle of translating activity at that time), there are also clear divergences between the two languages. Thus, noir comme l'encre, which was very common in Mediaeval French, only appeared in Spanish (negro como la tinta) in the 16th century. The examples provided throughout the paper allow some insights into the way a given linguistic structure, which has a grammatical meaning (intensity) and can be used in both literary and technical texts, is also a vehicle for a shared cultural content, a content that often comes from the Latin origin of both languages.
Revista Linguae, 2017
This paper deals with the analysis of grammatical structures introducing characters in the Illuga... more This paper deals with the analysis of grammatical structures introducing characters in the Illuga saga gríðarfóstra and their translation into three different languages: English, French and Spanish. As a contrastive work, it tries to shed light on the different ways that translators understand and solve the tension between the accuracy of the translation from the original text and its adaptation to the grammatical structures and to the cultural and textual tradition of the target languages.
Revista de Filología Española, 2020
Although Historical Grammar has explained that the Spanish preposition "en" had a directional mea... more Although Historical Grammar has explained that the Spanish preposition "en" had a directional meaning in the Middle Ages, semantic reasons were not the only factors that explain the choice of this preposition. The comparison of two Spanish synonyms like "descender" and "bajar", which governed the preposition "a" and the preposition "en" to express movement in a particular direction, shows that etymology and cooccurrence preferences, often related to types of text, were also important.
Papers by Rafael García Pérez
to their particular spreading in certain thematic areas specially represented in the corpus; adjectives with an average degree and adjectives with an attenuating value hardly gave rise to specific combinations. In fact, only one of the adjectives belonging to the last group (flaco) can be considered as an integral part of the collocations in this period.
The most widespread intensive adverbs that gave rise to the greatest number of collocations and from the earliest centuries are fuertemente and fieramente. They became part, already in the thirteenth century, if not before, of relevant lexical solidarities that increased as the Middle Ages progressed. Collocations with other intensive adverbs (except altamente) flourished only from the fourteenth century onwards and, especially, during the fifteenth century. This fact can be interpreted as a consequence of the progressive integration of this type of adverbs into the language. In some cases, this led to an imbalance between these adverbs and their possible collocational variants (the short forms of these same adverbs or some adverbial phrases), which are also taken into consideration in this work.
The data provided throughout this paper show how one of the most interesting collocational paradigms of Spanish language began to be built.
to their particular spreading in certain thematic areas specially represented in the corpus; adjectives with an average degree and adjectives with an attenuating value hardly gave rise to specific combinations. In fact, only one of the adjectives belonging to the last group (flaco) can be considered as an integral part of the collocations in this period.
The most widespread intensive adverbs that gave rise to the greatest number of collocations and from the earliest centuries are fuertemente and fieramente. They became part, already in the thirteenth century, if not before, of relevant lexical solidarities that increased as the Middle Ages progressed. Collocations with other intensive adverbs (except altamente) flourished only from the fourteenth century onwards and, especially, during the fifteenth century. This fact can be interpreted as a consequence of the progressive integration of this type of adverbs into the language. In some cases, this led to an imbalance between these adverbs and their possible collocational variants (the short forms of these same adverbs or some adverbial phrases), which are also taken into consideration in this work.
The data provided throughout this paper show how one of the most interesting collocational paradigms of Spanish language began to be built.
The participating researchers have directed their efforts towards two main objectives. Firstly, they conduct an in-depth analysis of certain adverbial units that have not previously received attention. Secondly, they engage in a thoughtful reflection on specific and pressing issues for which the conceptual foundations and specific methodologies of their area of specialization allow to shed new light.
This bilinguial edition also includes a translation from Old Norse of the magnificent medieval poem which inspired the author.
Introduction, translation and notes by Rafael García Pérez.
La primera de ellas refleja el conflicto entre cristianismo y paganismo a través de la historia de Mírmann, hijo del jarl de Sajonia, quien tras dar muerte a su padre ?y víctima de la venganza de su propia madre? se verá obligado a partir al sur de Europa, donde conocerá a la fascinante princesa Cecilia, mujer atípica por su resuelta actitud de romper con las convenciones sociales.
La siguiente obra bebe de las fuentes de la tradición artúrica y de las sagas de los tiempos antiguos (fornaldarsögur). Si en su primera parte narra las peripecias sufridas por Sansón el Hermoso al tratar de encontrar a su amada, la princesa Valentina, en la segunda se adentra en un mundo fantástico de monstruos y gigantes, donde la historia de otro personaje, Sigurðr, hijo ilegítimo del rey Goðmundr, se mezcla con las vicisitudes del manto mágico confeccionado por cuatro elfas para el rey Skrímnir.
La tercera saga relata las increíbles aventuras de Sigurðr el Mudo desde que abandona la casa paterna hasta que obtiene la mano de la reina Sedentiana. Con un estilo altamente elaborado, se presentan episodios de marcado carácter épico, entre los que destacan espectaculares combates navales y terrestres, enfrentamientos singulares con seres fabulosos (dragones, troles y gigantes), grandes hechizos y actos de magia obrados gracias a la ayuda de objetos nada convencionales.
La edición, realizada por el profesor Rafael García Pérez, de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, experto conocedor de la lengua y literatura islandesas, se acompaña de abundantes notas explicativas y de una separata preliminar que resume las características principales del subgénero de las sagas caballerescas y su evolución en el marco de la literatura nórdica medieval.