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Quantitative estimates of time-averaging (age mixing) in gastropod shell accumulations from Quaternary (the late Pleistocene and Holocene) eolian deposits of Canary Islands were obtained by direct dating of individual gastropods obtained... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyMonte Carlo Simulation
Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon extracted from fossil land snail shells have been used increasingly to interpret past environments. To evaluate the utility of this approach for low-latitude oceanic islands, populations of the modern... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryChemicalChemical Geology
Napaeus lajaensis sp. nov. is the oldest Napaeus species found in the Canary Islands, with more than 130 ka. It is described from a Pleistocene aeolian deposit intercalated between two basaltic lava flows located at Mancha de La Laja... more
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The hypothesis of limiting similarity, which postulates that morphologically and/or ecologically similar species will differ enough in shape, size, or other variables to minimize competition, has been controversial among ecologists and... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyGeologyEcology
Species of the Napaeus subgenera show incongruences between genital anatomy and molecular phylogenetic data. In this study, four new Napaeus species from the Canary Islands are described. Shell drawings of the 56 known Napaeus species... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyNatural HistoryCanary Islands
Quaternary aeolian deposits of the Canary Islands contain well-preserved terrestrial gastropods, providing a suitable setting for assessing the taphonomy and compositional fidelity of their fossil record over ~13 kyr. Nine beds (12, 513... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyCanary Islands
Some snails disguise the shell with a covering of soil or other material. Among species in the Canarian enid genus Napaeus, some rock-dwelling species cover the shell with lichens; in one of these, N. barquini, the process is known to be... more
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The isotopic composition of land snail shells was analyzed to investigate environmental changes in the eastern Canary Islands (28–29°N) over the last ~ 50 ka. Shell δ13C values range from −8.9‰ to 3.8‰. At various times during the glacial... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologyStable IsotopesEnvironmental Change
Hemicycla eurythyra O. Boettger 1908, endemic to Tenerife, was rediscovered near its type locality. It is redescribed and compared with two conchologically similar taxa: H. pouchet (A. Férussac 1821) and H. pouchadan Ibáñez & Alonso 2007.... more
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Four new species of Napaeus are described from La gomera (Canary islands), which is one of the smaller islands of the archipelago but has the highest number of Napaeus species. the four new species can all disguise the shell with a cover... more
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Neolithic, Copper Age and modern land snail shells from the Los Castillejos archeological site (37°20′N), SE Iberian Peninsula, were analyzed for 13C/12C and 18O/16O ratios to estimate the paleoenvironmental conditions during shell... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologyStable Isotope AnalysisClimatic Changes
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcology
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoology
Four new species of Napaeus are described from La gomera (Canary islands), which is one of the smaller islands of the archipelago but has the highest number of Napaeus species. the four new species can all disguise the shell with a cover... more
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From July to November 2009, concentrations of CO2 in 78 samples of ambient air collected in 18 different interior spaces on a university campus in Dallas, Texas (USA) ranged from 386 to 1980 ppm. Corresponding δ13C values varied from... more
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      GeochemistryCarbonApplied GeochemistryMixing
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcology
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Aminochronological and aminostratigraphical methods have been used to study the Quaternary aeolian deposits from the islands located east of the Canary Archipelago (Fuerteventura and Lanzarote islands and La Graciosa, Montañ a Clara and... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologyQuaternary ScienceNorth Africa
Napaeus lichenicola sp. nov. from Jandía, Fuerteventura Island, is described, the main differences with the nearest species are discussed and data on distribution and conservation status are presented. The functional meaning of the... more
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Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon extracted from fossil land snail shells have been used increasingly to interpret past environments. To evaluate the utility of this approach for low-latitude oceanic islands, populations of the modern... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryChemicalChemical Geology