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Fuzzy-split range control system is able to regulate a fermentation process. Reducing control effort is possible for similar performance index. Reducing utilities demands is possible for similar performance index. Fuzzy-split range... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFuzzy ControlFermentation
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Características de las canalizaciones subterráneas, de acuerdo a la norma de la compañía eléctrica nacional de Venezuela
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    • Civil Engineering
The Platanares geothermal area, Departamento de Cop~in, Honduras, is located within a graben that is complexly faulted. The graben is bounded on the north by a highland composed of Paleozoic (?) metamorphic rocks in contact with... more
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This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or... more
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      GeologyGeothermal EnergyFeasibility StudyGeophysical Survey
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      Computer VisionEdge Detection
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      System DynamicsEquilibrium point
Resumen es: En este articulo se presenta la estabilizacion simultanea con multiples dominios de estabilidad como una tecnica aplicada al control tolerante a fallas ...
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    • Engineering
Resumen es: Este trabajo presenta el diseno de algoritmos para la estabilizacion simultanea con multiples dominios acotados de estabilidad. El metodo utilizado es u...
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    • Software Design
Mathematically, determining whether a non linear system is controllable or not can be a very difficult task, even an impossible one. In this paper, an approximate method is used to check the controllability of a system, with a specific... more
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      ControllabilityANFISRevistaNeuro Fuzzy
From a theorical point of view, underactuated mechanical systems can be controlled by means of the so called IDA-PBC method. In this method, in order to achieve the control objective, the stabilization mechanism follows two basic stages:... more
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      EngineeringNon Linear Control
Resumen es: Debido a la creciente importancia de las celdas de combustible como fuentes de energia electrica, son muchas las investigaciones que se han realizado y c...
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      ArtModelingFuel CellBond Graph
The purpose of this investigation was to develop a simple methodology to implement GRAFCET diagrams on programmable logic controllers using ladder language (in any of its versions). In this way, even small scale PLC users can benefit from... more
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      PLCProgrammable Logic ControllerSFC
This paper introduces a dynamic model of a system of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) using neuro-fuzzy identification (ANFIS). The static and dynamic behavior of the neuro-fuzzy model is validated by means of a mathematical... more
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    • Revista
Resumen es: Esta investigacion presenta el diseno de un sistema para el tratamiento de las fallas en la planta compresora de gas PIGAP I ubicada en el complejo MUSC...
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      PhilosophyFuzzy LogicRevistaReliability centered maintenance