Papers by Paulo Vila Maior
The Pandemic Crisis and the European Union, 2021
The Pandemic Crisis and the European Union, 2021
The Pandemic Crisis and the European Union, 2021
The Pandemic Crisis and the European Union, 2021
The Pandemic Crisis and the European Union, 2021

The speed and depth with which the European Communities/ European Union has evolved is breathtaki... more The speed and depth with which the European Communities/ European Union has evolved is breathtaking and has radically shaped the life of the continent. Ever since the beginning of this ambitious economic and political project, scholars around the world have tried to explain the underlying logic behind it and the mechanisms of its functioning. Thus, a plethora of studies developed alongside the evolution of the EU. SENT (Network of European Studies) is an innovative and ambitious project which brought together about 100 partners from the EU member states, candidate and associated countries, and other parts of the world. It was a far reaching project aimed to overcome disciplinary and geographical- linguistic boundaries in order to assess the state of EU studies today, as well as the idea of Europe as transmitted by schools, national politicians, the media, etc. SENT’s main goal was to map European studies, in order to get a comprehensive picture of the evolution of European studies o...
Journal of Common Market Studies, Feb 20, 2020
Hart Publishing eBooks, Sep 14, 2014
Apesar da polémica, a Constituição da União Europeia tem predicados. Neste artigo concentramo-nos... more Apesar da polémica, a Constituição da União Europeia tem predicados. Neste artigo concentramo-nos no reforço da participação dos parlamentos nacionais na tomada de decisão da União. Olhando ao passado recente-esboroamento da base parlamentar, fuga do poder executivo para as decisões tomadas no Conselho de Ministros da União-a Constituição permite a reconquista de poderes pelos parlamentos nacionais. Por aí, retoma o ponto de contacto com os cidadãos. Neste sentido, a Constituição é um passo em frente na democratização da integração europeia.

Análise Europeia - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Europeus, 2017
A propósito da passagem do sexagésimo aniversário do Tratado de Roma, o artigo explora a crise ex... more A propósito da passagem do sexagésimo aniversário do Tratado de Roma, o artigo explora a crise existencial da União Europeia, tendo como pano de fundo a crise da zona euro e as suas consequências para o processo de integração europeia. Identificado um certo desânimo perante a inércia dos poderes instituídos, e a predominância de interesses nacionais sobre os interesses da União como um todo, são analisadas as causas que estão na origem da crise. Em jeito de desafio (e de modesta proposta), o artigo propõe uma janela de oportunidade que passa pela necessidade de um devir federalista da construção europeia. || Europe's existential challenges at the sixty years of the Treaty of Rome. With regard to the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, this article explores the European Union's existential crisis having as its backdrop the eurozone's crisis as its consequences for the process of European integration. An identified dismay regarding the superpowers' inertia to what ...
População e Sociedade, 2021
The results of the 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections cast an unprecedented challenge for th... more The results of the 2019 European Parliament (EP) elections cast an unprecedented challenge for the European Union (EU). Growing popularity of right-wing and left-wing, populist and radical political parties and the rising number of members of the parliament materialise the challenge. The article explores the seismic effects of the reconfiguration of the political landscape for European integration. The rising number of populist and radical political parties’ members of the parliament might weaken the political centre of gravity in the EP. Since the EP plays an important role on the legislative process of the EU, populist and radical parties’ Euroscepticism (if not their standpoint against the EU) might pervade the EP and threaten the EU with the prospect of setback, or at least stagnation.

EMU is at the centre of the stage for the crisis that spreads criticisms on the lack of instrumen... more EMU is at the centre of the stage for the crisis that spreads criticisms on the lack of instruments to correct asymmetric shocks within the Euro-zone. This bears a social dimension for the long-lasting period of negative growth, massive unemployment and social inequality due to the uneven distribution of costs. EMU is now envisaged by many sectors as a rotten piece in the realm of European integration. This turmoil is the context for the book. Some debates on the future of EMU are by large contaminated by emotional analyses that fail to recognise that desirable solutions clash against the political context (absent political willingness both at the domestic and at the EU levels), as well as from rigidities coming from EU treaties. The main purpose of this book is to provide a context for understanding the limits of change to EMU. It is necessary to understand the theoretical underpinnings of EMU, both at the foundational stage and for the Euro-zone governance. The awareness of some o...
Annual Conference and 11th. Research Conference, ‘Exchanging Ideas on Europe 2006 - Visions of Eu... more Annual Conference and 11th. Research Conference, ‘Exchanging Ideas on Europe 2006 - Visions of Europe: Key Problems, New Trajectories’, 36, Limerick (Ireland), 2006.

Many economists argued that Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is flawed for the absence of ‘conve... more Many economists argued that Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is flawed for the absence of ‘conventional fiscal federalism''. They claim that the political-economic rationale of EMU ruled out national mechanisms of adjustment, exposing fragile member states to economic shocks. This, in turn, reinforces the case for ‘conventional fiscal federalism'' in the European Union (EU). The book engages on a comparative exercise between the EU and five federations where fiscal federalism is key to their political- economic organisation. To that purpose, three analytical dimensions of fiscal policy are tested on the centralisation- decentralisation spectrum: resource allocation, redistribution and macroeconomic stabilisation. The uniqueness of the EU is the independent variable in the comparative analysis. It is, at the same time, the major obstacle to the political feasibility of ‘conventional fiscal federalism'' in the EU context. To this extent, the book should be use...
Antropologicas, 2009
Fernando pessoa. o oBErCID é um observatório permanente de cidadania.

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2008
A political-economic model largely influenced by the monetarist school inspires European Economic... more A political-economic model largely influenced by the monetarist school inspires European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Accordingly, neither income redistribution nor resource allocation is the cornerstone of economic policy mix. That role is reserved to the stabilisation function. Among those scholars who discuss whether the EU is comparable to existing cases of "conventional fiscal federalism", the analysis is frequently concentrated on allocation and redistribution. Despite macroeconomic stabilisation is the key aspect of EMU, the paper undergoes a comparative analysis between the European Union (EU) and five mature federations (United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, and Switzerland) as far as resource allocation is concerned. It first surveys the operation of the allocation function in these countries, concluding that there are remarkable differences when the countries under examination are measured within a centralisation/decentralisation continuum. Resource allocation is subsequently reviewed in the context of EMU to capture convergences and divergences with the federations examined-and to what extent do convergent aspects contribute to put a label on the EU in terms of fiscal federalism. The awareness that the discussion is sometimes plagued with conceptual oversight-the confusion between the desirability and feasibility of fiscal federalism in the European integration context-paves the way to the empirical dimension. The paper concludes with an input from statistical data assessing to what extent interstate solidarity exists (or is absent) in the EU

International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 2013
In the context of the sovereign debt crisis, the prevailing perception is that decisions implemen... more In the context of the sovereign debt crisis, the prevailing perception is that decisions implemented bear the imprint of national interests. EU institutions representing supranational interests (especially the commission and the European Parliament) seem to be largely absent, or at least deprived of resources to counteract intergovernmental activism. Within this context, recent events are examined through the lens of European integration history. The question is whether events represent a setback on the supranational ideal of European integration, or do they just symbolise 'business as usual'. For that purpose, I bring to the analysis key events of European integration historiography to find out which actors (national authorities or EU institutions) prevailed and compare their theoretical imprint with the assessment of recent events in the Euro-zone crisis' context.
Papers by Paulo Vila Maior