Journal Articles by José Pedro Paiva
Revista Brasileira de História, 43, 92, p. 199-216, 2023
One of the strategies adopted by the Franciscan Juan de Albuquerque, the first bishop of India to... more One of the strategies adopted by the Franciscan Juan de Albuquerque, the first bishop of India to live in Asia, when he landed in Goa in 1538, was to perform and intervene in public rituals, such as the sacredness of the cathedral, the baptisms of important local figures, the blessing of the Portuguese armies leaving for war, the enthronement of governors or viceroys and the practices of ecclesiastical justice. This article offers the mapping and reconstitution of these events based on a large array of primary and secondary sources. We argue that the models that conformed these ceremonies had a pattern that replicated in Asia the European rituals. In this study we will evaluate how those rituals conformed to the world that, for the Portuguese settled there, was new and different: Goa in the 40s-50s of the sixteenth century.

Tempo [online], 28, 2, pp. 43-58, 2022
Historiography has already shown that the relationship between the Society of Jesus and other ins... more Historiography has already shown that the relationship between the Society of Jesus and other institutions and agents in the religious field has given way to various controversies. This article analyses the atmosphere created between the first Jesuits who reached Asia and the Franciscan bishop Juan de Albuquerque, who ruled the diocese when they settled there in 1542, headed by Francis Xavier. What was the pattern of their relationship? How did they cooperate? Why did they keep a climate of concord and cooperation? This is the context and the problematic here discussed. Different scales of analysis will be adopted, and this combinatory perspective will reveal the structural reasons, but also the specific behavior of the agents who are entangled in this relationship, showing how this type of contingency is crucial to understand the climate created between the Jesuits and the bishop who, in India, structured the first Portuguese diocese in Asia.

Church History, 90, nº4, pp. 776-798, Dec 2021
This article offers an interpretation of the actions of the Franciscan Juan de Albuquerque as bis... more This article offers an interpretation of the actions of the Franciscan Juan de Albuquerque as bishop of the first Catholic diocese in Asia. The analysis considers the local impacts of the episcopal government and the connectivities of its action, particularly through comparison with similar processes adopted in Spanish America. Based on a wide range of historical sources and cross-referencing them, it investigates how Albuquerque governed in three stages: first, describing the enormous challenges he faced; second, outlining his profile; and third, proposing a reconstruction of his government and the implications it had on the dissemination of Catholicism. The hypothesis raised at the outset is that, in Asia, the Bishop of Goa built a structure that was inspired by the matrix and dynamics of the Portuguese dioceses, which were then adapted to the specificities of the local situation. Accordingly, it is necessary to review the thesis of Charles Boxer, for whom the dynamics of evangelization in the spaces overseen by the Iberian empires from the 16th century onwards were generated essentially by the missionaries from the regular clergy and by the monarchies. By shifting the focus to the actions of a single bishop, the article demonstrates that Albuquerque, the diocesan church he created from scratch, and the secular clergy should not be underestimated.

Varia Historia, 37,73, p. 17-52, 2021
Durante a primeira metade do século XX, diversos autores interessaram-se pela figura do bispo que... more Durante a primeira metade do século XX, diversos autores interessaram-se pela figura do bispo que, em 1551, o rei de Portugal indicou para governar a diocese do Salvador da Bahia. Este estudo apresenta uma releitura e reinterpretação de documentação já conhecida que, agregada a um reduzido conjunto de novos dados factuais, permite reequacionar e esboçar o perfil do pensamento e atuação de D. Pedro Fernandes, o primeiro bispo da América Portuguesa. Suportado em análises vinculadas aos propósitos e métodos da história conectada e do global turn, aqui se argumenta que a sua passagem por Paris, Lisboa, Goa, Cabo Verde e Bahia, entre outros locais, lhe deram a conhecer o mundo sem alterar substancialmente as suas perspetivas e propósitos consoante os espaços por onde transitou. Tendo sido um agente da projeção do catolicismo na Ásia, África e América, articulando e estabelecendo conexões entre diversos lugares do planeta, focou-se mais nos portugueses do que nos indianos e ameríndios, contribuindo para construir, sobretudo no Brasil, uma igreja diocesana baseada na orgânica e dinâmicas das dioceses de Portugal.
During the first half of the 20th century several authors became interested in the bishop that, in 1551, the king of Portugal appointed to the diocese of Salvador da Bahia. This study presents a re-reading and reinterpretation of already known documentation which, together with a reduced set of new factual data, makes it possible to rethink and outline the profile of the thought and agency of Pedro Fernandes, the first bishop of Portuguese America. Supported by analyses linked to the purposes and methods of the connected history and the global turn, it will be argued that his passage through Paris, Lisbon, Goa, Cape Verde and Bahia, among other places, made him known to the world, without altering his bias of understanding and action. Having been an agent of the projection of Catholicism in Asia, Africa and America, interwining and establishing connections between various places on the planet, he focused more on the Portuguese than on the Indians and Amerindians, contributing to building, especially in Brazil, a diocesan church based on the organic and dynamics of the dioceses of Portugal.

Journal of Early Modern History, 24, 3, 2020
Using a comparative approach, attentive to the assumptions of global history, this paper undertak... more Using a comparative approach, attentive to the assumptions of global history, this paper undertakes a comprehensive and holistic survey of the role of pastoral visits in the Christianization of Spanish America and in the Portuguese empire. It argues that the models and practices of visits in Spain and Portugal were replicated in their extra-European territories (adapted in accordance with the particularities of the local context), though the visits realized in the Hispanic world were not absolutely identi- cal to those carried out in the regions under Portuguese domination. It concludes that pastoral visits were an important tool of Christianization, and a way of disciplining the behavior of clerics and laity through the application of preventive and punitive forms of justice, as well as being a means of negotiation that sought to affirm the episcopal authority before other powers., 18, 2019
RESUMO Vi sono eventi che hanno la forza di cambiare il corso della Storia, già segnati come even... more RESUMO Vi sono eventi che hanno la forza di cambiare il corso della Storia, già segnati come eventi-avventi. In questo contributo analizziamo il ruolo svolto da un individuo concreto in un processo storico specifico: Rodrigo da Cunha e la sua partecipazione al movimento della Restauração del 1640, una delle ribellioni che fecero tremare la poderosa Monarchia spagnola. Secondo la testimonianza di coloro che lo elogiarono dopo la morte, questo arcivescovo di Lisbona, che negli anni Trenta si presentava come fedele servitore di Filippo IV, affermò che sarebbe morto tranquillo perché, finalmente, con Giovanni IV, il Portogallo avrebbe di nuovo avuto un re che lo governasse, un padre che lo consolasse e un signore che lo difendesse. In che modo intervenne Rodrigo da Cunha nei preparativi e nel colpo di Stato del 1 dicembre?Che ruolo giocò da allora fino al 1643? Perché scelse di tradire il re che aveva servito per più di vent'anni? In questo studio si risponderà a tali domande, mediante l'analisi di un insieme di fonti che forniscono informazioni sull'operato dell'arcivescovo, e cercheremo di comprendere, a partire da un caso di studio centrato sulla figura di un ecclesiastico, come funzionava l'esercizio della politica nella prima metà del XVII secolo. PALABRAS CLAVE: Rodrigo da Cunha; Restauração; Storia del Portogallo; arcivescovado di Lisbona; Monarchia Spagnola "ORA CHE IL PORTOGALLO HA UN RE CHE LO GOVERNI, UN PADRE CHE LO CONSOLI E UN SIGNORE CHE LO DIFENDA (...) SIGNORE, PORTATEMI CON VOI". ARCHBISHOP RODRIGO DA CUNHA AND THE RESTORATION OF 1640 ABSTRACT There are events that have the force to change the path of history, already designated as events-advents. In this paper we analyze the role of a concrete individual 133
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 2019
This article assesses how Lutheran and other Reformation doctri... more WORLD CHRISTIANITIES PRIZE ESSAY
This article assesses how Lutheran and other Reformation doctrines spread and were countered in the Portuguese seaborne empire. Portugal’s inquisitorial and episcopal repression of ‘Lutherans’ was extended to Brazil and Asia, where it was supported by the Society of Jesus. The Portuguese empire’s transcontinental connections favoured the emergence of interconnected histories, facilitating the circulation of books, engravings and beliefs and thus provided non- Portuguese people with links to the reformed world that spread amongst and disturbed the Portuguese living in India and Portuguese America. By opening up routes the Portuguese, paradoxically, functioned as vectors for other ways of interpreting Christianity

Lusitania Sacra, 2017
Há acontecimentos que possuem a força de fazer inflectir os rumos da História. Eventos-advento as... more Há acontecimentos que possuem a força de fazer inflectir os rumos da História. Eventos-advento assim já designados. Aqui avalia-se o papel de um indivíduo concreto num processo histórico específico: D. Rodrigo da Cunha e a sua participação no movimento da Restauração de 1640, uma das rebeliões que abalaram a poderosa monarquia hispânica. Segundo testemunho de quem o louvou após a morte, este arcebispo de Lisboa, que nos anos 30 se apresentava como fiel servidor de D. Felipe IV, teria confidenciado que morria tranquilo porque, finalmente, com D. João IV, Portugal voltara a ter um rei que o governava, um pai que o consolava e um senhor que o defendia. De que modo D. Rodrigo da Cunha interveio nos preparativos e no golpe de 1 de Dezembro? Que papel teve desde então até 1643 no rumo dos acontecimentos? Por que motivos traiu os reis que servira durante mais de duas décadas? Neste estudo responde-se a estas questões com base na análise de uma variada colecção de fontes que reportam a acção do arcebispo, e enseja pensar-se, a partir de um estudo de caso centrado na figura de um eclesiástico, como se processava o exercício da política na primeira metade do século XVII.
Some events have the power to shape the course of History. These are the so-called events-advents. This study examines the role played by a particular individual in a specific historical process: Rodrigo da Cunha and his participation in the 1640 Portuguese Restauração, one of several revolts that undermined the powerful Spanish monarchy. According to the testimonies of those who praised him after his death, this archbishop of Lisbon, who in the 1630s claimed to be a loyal servant of King Philip IV of Spain, had confided he would die in peace because, thanks to King John IV, Portugal was once again ruled by a king, comforted by a father, and defended by a master. In what way did Rodrigo da Cunha participate in the preparations and coup of December 1, 1640? What was his role in the course of events between that moment and 1643? Why did he betray the kings he had served for more than two decades? This study answers these questions by analysing a wide collection of sources that document the archbishop’s actions. It also aims to reflect on the practice of politics in the first half of the 17th century drawing on a case study focused on the figure of a clergyman.

Journal of Early Modern History, 2017
This article aims to explain the process which led to the founding of the Inquisition tribunal in... more This article aims to explain the process which led to the founding of the Inquisition tribunal in Goa, the first Holy Office tribunal to be created outside Europe. Following a review of previous historiographical studies which have analyzed this question, it examines the mechanisms for Christianization/confessionalization deployed by the Iberian monarchs in Asia and America from a global and comparative perspective, based on a rereading and reinterpretation of Inquisition documents and correspondence from various agents who were involved in the process. It presents an explanation that emphasizes the existence of a cluster of causalities which created a dense network of convergent forces that favored the founding of an Inquisition tribunal in Asia in 1560.

Journal of Religious History, 2017
The historiography of the Iberian Inquisitions has focused on analyzing relations between the Hol... more The historiography of the Iberian Inquisitions has focused on analyzing relations between the Holy Office and the secular authorities in the society in which it operated. The Inquisition was not an island, it influenced and was influenced by society.
This line of inquiry will be reprised to study relations between the Crown and the Portuguese Inquisition in a complex and difficult period in the history of the Hispanic monarchy, namely the reign of Philip IV, during which the kingdom of Portugal regained full independence in 1640. It will offer a holistic view of the institution (not restricted to policies designed to repress heresy), and a detailed reconstruction of events in order to demonstrate the dynamic nature of these processes. The essential problem will be to determine the impact of the Crown’s offensive, launched in an attempt to dominate the Tribunal, and the strategies and results of the response of the Inquisition, commanded by its Inquisitor Generals and the General Council of the Holy Office.

Revue d´Histoire Ecclésiastique, 2016
À partir d´une recherche prosopographique sur tous les évêques du Portugal et de son empire penda... more À partir d´une recherche prosopographique sur tous les évêques du Portugal et de son empire pendat la primière moitié du XVIème siècle, combiné avec un analyse profonde de plusieurs lettres écrites par les rois Manuel Iér et Jean III à ces prélats et aussi de la correspondance diplomatique, on cherche de reconstituer qu´elle a eté la fonction des évêques portugaises à la cour royale et comment les monarques les ont utilisé pour construire l´Etat et ranforcer son pouvoir. Dans ce parcours on essaiera d´expliciter le concept d´évêques de cour.
Based upon a prographical analysis of all the bishops of Portugal and it´s overseas empire during the first half of the sixteenth century, combined with an accurate reading of all the letters writen by portuguese monarchs to the portuguese episcopacy and also diplomatic correspondance, this research seeks to reconstitute the role played by this high ranked clergy at the royal court, and also how the crown used them in order to reinforce its power and building a modern state. This approach will allow, also, a better explanation of the concept of court bishops.

Revista de História das Ideias, 2012
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitali... more A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais, disponíveis em Conforme exposto nos referidos Termos e Condições de Uso, o descarregamento de títulos de acesso restrito requer uma licença válida de autorização devendo o utilizador aceder ao(s) documento(s) a partir de um endereço de IP da instituição detentora da supramencionada licença. Ao utilizador é apenas permitido o descarregamento para uso pessoal, pelo que o emprego do(s) título(s) descarregado(s) para outro fim, designadamente comercial, carece de autorização do respetivo autor ou editor da obra. Na medida em que todas as obras da UC Digitalis se encontram protegidas pelo Código do Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos e demais legislação aplicável, toda a cópia, parcial ou total, deste documento, nos casos em que é legalmente admitida, deverá conter ou fazer-se acompanhar por este aviso. Um corpo entre outros corpos sociais: o Clero Autor(es): Paiva, José Pedro
Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia, 2011
... Instituto de Ciências Sociais), Saul António Gomes (Universidade de Coimbra) e mestrePedro Pe... more ... Instituto de Ciências Sociais), Saul António Gomes (Universidade de Coimbra) e mestrePedro Penteado (da Direcção Geral de Arquivos/Torre do Tombo). O projecto prevê a publicação de 10 volumes, tendo sido já dados à estampa os ...
Obradoiro de Historia Moderna, 2011
Resumen. El uso de la ritualidad como forma de comunicación no fue un lenguaje exclusivo de las m... more Resumen. El uso de la ritualidad como forma de comunicación no fue un lenguaje exclusivo de las monarquías y de las sociedades cortesanas. La Iglesia, de varios modos, también usó el ceremonial, no sólo en su dimensión litúrgica sino como instrumento de comunicación política, de afirmación del poder y de reconocimiento social. Este estudio asume como válidas las perspectivas arriba enunciadas, y analiza algunas de las ceremonias públicas promovidas por la Iglesia o en las que se integraban sus miembros (sínodos, visitas pastorales, entradas episcopales y procesiones), en el Portugal del siglo XVII, insistiendo en el desciframiento de la morfología de los rituales y subrayando la importancia de la aparición de conflictos como factores decisivos para su más completa interpretación.
Lusitania Sacra, 2011
Este estudo revisita o processo inquisitorial do padre António Vieira, propondo novas in... more Resumo:
Este estudo revisita o processo inquisitorial do padre António Vieira, propondo novas interpretações sobre o complexo de causas que o terão originado e avaliando numa perspectiva histórica o modo como o referido processo se desenrolou, procurando evidenciar as principais estratégias que durante o seu curso foram seguidas pelo jesuíta.
The scope of this article is revisiting the inquisitorial trial of the portuguese jesuit António Vieira. New interpretations of the causes that trigered the inquisitorial process will be proposed together with an historical analysis of the positions assumed by Vieira during it.
The Catholic Historical Review, 2011
The author explains the theoretical model that was used in early-modern Portugal for appointing b... more The author explains the theoretical model that was used in early-modern Portugal for appointing bishops, based on original research of 505 episcopal appointments.The author argues that the model enabled monarchs to better control the prelates and consequently the Portuguese Church, which reinforced the power of the state over the spiritual sphere in the realm.
Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo (Brescia), 2010
Tiempos Modernos Revista Electronica De Historia Moderna, 2010
Via Spiritus, 2009
O estudo da actividade do episcopado português no âmbito da pregação, na Época Moderna, não é tar... more O estudo da actividade do episcopado português no âmbito da pregação, na Época Moderna, não é tarefa fácil. Desde logo, porque a produção historiográfica prévia nesta matéria é praticamente nula 2 . Em segundo lugar, pela escassez de fontes que o consintam. Núcleos documentais da maior relevância para o concretizar, como as cartas pastorais, os registos das licenças para pregar emitidas pelos bispos, os processos dos auditórios episcopais, os sermões proferidos pelos antístites, rareiam, encontram-se dispersos, em séries muito truncadas e, por norma, mal catalogados nos arquivos. Mesmo o inventário das centenas de púlpitos ainda existentes em igrejas, e que poderiam fornecer utilíssimas informações, se encontra por fazer 3 .
Journal Articles by José Pedro Paiva
During the first half of the 20th century several authors became interested in the bishop that, in 1551, the king of Portugal appointed to the diocese of Salvador da Bahia. This study presents a re-reading and reinterpretation of already known documentation which, together with a reduced set of new factual data, makes it possible to rethink and outline the profile of the thought and agency of Pedro Fernandes, the first bishop of Portuguese America. Supported by analyses linked to the purposes and methods of the connected history and the global turn, it will be argued that his passage through Paris, Lisbon, Goa, Cape Verde and Bahia, among other places, made him known to the world, without altering his bias of understanding and action. Having been an agent of the projection of Catholicism in Asia, Africa and America, interwining and establishing connections between various places on the planet, he focused more on the Portuguese than on the Indians and Amerindians, contributing to building, especially in Brazil, a diocesan church based on the organic and dynamics of the dioceses of Portugal.
This article assesses how Lutheran and other Reformation doctrines spread and were countered in the Portuguese seaborne empire. Portugal’s inquisitorial and episcopal repression of ‘Lutherans’ was extended to Brazil and Asia, where it was supported by the Society of Jesus. The Portuguese empire’s transcontinental connections favoured the emergence of interconnected histories, facilitating the circulation of books, engravings and beliefs and thus provided non- Portuguese people with links to the reformed world that spread amongst and disturbed the Portuguese living in India and Portuguese America. By opening up routes the Portuguese, paradoxically, functioned as vectors for other ways of interpreting Christianity
Some events have the power to shape the course of History. These are the so-called events-advents. This study examines the role played by a particular individual in a specific historical process: Rodrigo da Cunha and his participation in the 1640 Portuguese Restauração, one of several revolts that undermined the powerful Spanish monarchy. According to the testimonies of those who praised him after his death, this archbishop of Lisbon, who in the 1630s claimed to be a loyal servant of King Philip IV of Spain, had confided he would die in peace because, thanks to King John IV, Portugal was once again ruled by a king, comforted by a father, and defended by a master. In what way did Rodrigo da Cunha participate in the preparations and coup of December 1, 1640? What was his role in the course of events between that moment and 1643? Why did he betray the kings he had served for more than two decades? This study answers these questions by analysing a wide collection of sources that document the archbishop’s actions. It also aims to reflect on the practice of politics in the first half of the 17th century drawing on a case study focused on the figure of a clergyman.
This line of inquiry will be reprised to study relations between the Crown and the Portuguese Inquisition in a complex and difficult period in the history of the Hispanic monarchy, namely the reign of Philip IV, during which the kingdom of Portugal regained full independence in 1640. It will offer a holistic view of the institution (not restricted to policies designed to repress heresy), and a detailed reconstruction of events in order to demonstrate the dynamic nature of these processes. The essential problem will be to determine the impact of the Crown’s offensive, launched in an attempt to dominate the Tribunal, and the strategies and results of the response of the Inquisition, commanded by its Inquisitor Generals and the General Council of the Holy Office.
Based upon a prographical analysis of all the bishops of Portugal and it´s overseas empire during the first half of the sixteenth century, combined with an accurate reading of all the letters writen by portuguese monarchs to the portuguese episcopacy and also diplomatic correspondance, this research seeks to reconstitute the role played by this high ranked clergy at the royal court, and also how the crown used them in order to reinforce its power and building a modern state. This approach will allow, also, a better explanation of the concept of court bishops.
Este estudo revisita o processo inquisitorial do padre António Vieira, propondo novas interpretações sobre o complexo de causas que o terão originado e avaliando numa perspectiva histórica o modo como o referido processo se desenrolou, procurando evidenciar as principais estratégias que durante o seu curso foram seguidas pelo jesuíta.
The scope of this article is revisiting the inquisitorial trial of the portuguese jesuit António Vieira. New interpretations of the causes that trigered the inquisitorial process will be proposed together with an historical analysis of the positions assumed by Vieira during it.
During the first half of the 20th century several authors became interested in the bishop that, in 1551, the king of Portugal appointed to the diocese of Salvador da Bahia. This study presents a re-reading and reinterpretation of already known documentation which, together with a reduced set of new factual data, makes it possible to rethink and outline the profile of the thought and agency of Pedro Fernandes, the first bishop of Portuguese America. Supported by analyses linked to the purposes and methods of the connected history and the global turn, it will be argued that his passage through Paris, Lisbon, Goa, Cape Verde and Bahia, among other places, made him known to the world, without altering his bias of understanding and action. Having been an agent of the projection of Catholicism in Asia, Africa and America, interwining and establishing connections between various places on the planet, he focused more on the Portuguese than on the Indians and Amerindians, contributing to building, especially in Brazil, a diocesan church based on the organic and dynamics of the dioceses of Portugal.
This article assesses how Lutheran and other Reformation doctrines spread and were countered in the Portuguese seaborne empire. Portugal’s inquisitorial and episcopal repression of ‘Lutherans’ was extended to Brazil and Asia, where it was supported by the Society of Jesus. The Portuguese empire’s transcontinental connections favoured the emergence of interconnected histories, facilitating the circulation of books, engravings and beliefs and thus provided non- Portuguese people with links to the reformed world that spread amongst and disturbed the Portuguese living in India and Portuguese America. By opening up routes the Portuguese, paradoxically, functioned as vectors for other ways of interpreting Christianity
Some events have the power to shape the course of History. These are the so-called events-advents. This study examines the role played by a particular individual in a specific historical process: Rodrigo da Cunha and his participation in the 1640 Portuguese Restauração, one of several revolts that undermined the powerful Spanish monarchy. According to the testimonies of those who praised him after his death, this archbishop of Lisbon, who in the 1630s claimed to be a loyal servant of King Philip IV of Spain, had confided he would die in peace because, thanks to King John IV, Portugal was once again ruled by a king, comforted by a father, and defended by a master. In what way did Rodrigo da Cunha participate in the preparations and coup of December 1, 1640? What was his role in the course of events between that moment and 1643? Why did he betray the kings he had served for more than two decades? This study answers these questions by analysing a wide collection of sources that document the archbishop’s actions. It also aims to reflect on the practice of politics in the first half of the 17th century drawing on a case study focused on the figure of a clergyman.
This line of inquiry will be reprised to study relations between the Crown and the Portuguese Inquisition in a complex and difficult period in the history of the Hispanic monarchy, namely the reign of Philip IV, during which the kingdom of Portugal regained full independence in 1640. It will offer a holistic view of the institution (not restricted to policies designed to repress heresy), and a detailed reconstruction of events in order to demonstrate the dynamic nature of these processes. The essential problem will be to determine the impact of the Crown’s offensive, launched in an attempt to dominate the Tribunal, and the strategies and results of the response of the Inquisition, commanded by its Inquisitor Generals and the General Council of the Holy Office.
Based upon a prographical analysis of all the bishops of Portugal and it´s overseas empire during the first half of the sixteenth century, combined with an accurate reading of all the letters writen by portuguese monarchs to the portuguese episcopacy and also diplomatic correspondance, this research seeks to reconstitute the role played by this high ranked clergy at the royal court, and also how the crown used them in order to reinforce its power and building a modern state. This approach will allow, also, a better explanation of the concept of court bishops.
Este estudo revisita o processo inquisitorial do padre António Vieira, propondo novas interpretações sobre o complexo de causas que o terão originado e avaliando numa perspectiva histórica o modo como o referido processo se desenrolou, procurando evidenciar as principais estratégias que durante o seu curso foram seguidas pelo jesuíta.
The scope of this article is revisiting the inquisitorial trial of the portuguese jesuit António Vieira. New interpretations of the causes that trigered the inquisitorial process will be proposed together with an historical analysis of the positions assumed by Vieira during it.
Do que aqui se tratou foi de investigar como se processava o mecanismo da escolha dos bispos - tanto na perspectiva das diligências a efectuar em Roma, como das movimentações de alta política que para o efeito se desencadeavam pela coroa portuguesa - quais eram os modelos que deviam inspirar e conformar o múnus episcopal e como se caracterizava, do ponto de vista do seu perfil social, formação e carreiras pré-episcopais este amplo universo de pessoas que ocupou o topo da hierarquia eclesiástica portuguesa, em espaços tão distintos como Braga, Elvas, Cabo Verde, Rio de Janeiro, Goa ou até Pequim. No fundo, as grandes dúvidas que aqui se procuram solucionar são saber por que caminhos repletos de jogos políticos e de interesses clientelares e familiares se chegava a estes lugares, quem foram os bispos e qual a doutrina que era suposto guiá-los no seu desempenho.
Abstract: Jerónimo Osório became bishop of the Algarve at a time when the Inquisition, led by Cardinal Henry, was expanding its jurisdiction, a process that gave rise to disagreements with a small group of bishops. The aim of this paper is to clarify the behavior of Jerónimo Osório regarding the Inquisition, and how this powerful institution acted toward one of the most preeminent representatives of Portuguese humanism in the second half of the 16 th century. The inquiry seeks to understand whether this prelate adopted the position dominant among Portuguese bishops vis-à-vis the Holy Office, or whether, on the contrary, he assumed an alternative stance. Como tenho sustentado em estudos pretéritos, a história da relação entre o epis-copado e a Inquisição portuguesa não foi linear. Durante os cerca de três séculos de existência do Santo Ofício português, é possível constatar transformações na comunicação entre estas duas instâncias cruciais do campo religioso, decorrentes da emergência de problemas e desafios emergentes, do papel específico desempenhado
Eight years before, while Bartolomeu dos Mártires was performing a pastoral visitation, some of the visitation witnesses denounced a group of new christians of offending a holy cross. Accordingly to episcopal rules, the archbishop ordered one of his local vicars to arrest the new christians. Yet, instead of starting a trial against them in his own court he ordered the case to be presented to the Coimbra Inquisition.
This two episodes will be the starting point to analyse and debate two key questions. The first one, the problems triggered by the reception of Council of Trent decrees in Portugal during the late sixtenth century. The second one seeks to evaluate how bishops and inquisitors handled and sentenced people charged of heresy or unorthodox behaviours.