Videos by Graziela Ares
Das 121 línguas maternas na Índia, 22 representam 97% da população e se beneficiam de um status p... more Das 121 línguas maternas na Índia, 22 representam 97% da população e se beneficiam de um status político diferenciando pela Constituição. O acesso à direitos e oportunidades àqueles que não dominam essas línguas vernaculares é prejudicado pelos esforços tornar o hindi língua de unificação nacional, pela distribuição geográfica das línguas no território, pelas dificuldades de acesso e articulação em uma língua que não a materna, pela infraestrutura precária e analfabetismo. A relação de poder que se estabelece entre as línguas nos indica que elas podem assumir diferentes papéis no espectro de violência da linguagem na Índia e até mesmo contribuir para a resistência ou re-subjetivação das minorias linguísticas. Neste artigo, mapeio essas violências e demonstro que a solução política encontrada para viabilizar a democracia e o Estado de direito prejudica as minorias linguísticas, seus subjetivismos e direitos pelo fato de intensificar o conflito, a regulação e a apropriação no país. 1 views
Thesis Chapters by Graziela Ares

Master thesis Science and Technology Policies, 2003
Companies have been internationalizing their activities since the second industrial revolution, h... more Companies have been internationalizing their activities since the second industrial revolution, however, that process verified at the beginning of the 20th century, can not be compared to the standards observed during the last decades. In addition to having intensified itself, its characteristics are very different, in response to a series of elements and resources made available to firms. Such change may be noted when looking at the internationalization process of firms in general, or when considering just one of these valued activities. This is because the many activities executed by the firm may be internationalized in different dimensions which will be determined according to a series of characteristics related to the firm itself, its industrial market, and the markets it serves.
Therefore this paper has the purpose to analyze the differences among the possible models of "internationalization" of one of these activities performed by the firm: research and development. To enable this, the process of "internationalization" will be considered as an answer to one strategy adopted and that determines the main characteristics of the tasks attributed to the internationally dispersed units. However, each firm will answer according to a series of determinant elements that may act as facilitators or obstacles to the process of "internationalization. In this scenario, a typology, for the ways in which firms internationalize their activity of research and development, will be presented. The main difference among them is the different levels of integration between the different branches and the head office reflect the historical changes observed in the process. This discussion is important for it will seek not only the differences among the possible models of internationalization concerning activities of research and development but also elements that indicate a trend among these models and the greater integration between the different units. In a final stage, jutting out the limits for applying these models and their widespread, mainly among developed and developing countries, such concepts will be applied in a study case of a Brazilian Research and Development unit of a German-owned firm that works in the auto-parts industry.

Master thesis in Business, 2020
The internationalization of the firm: an analysis of a Brazilian eucalyptus pulp exporte... more ABSTRACT
The internationalization of the firm: an analysis of a Brazilian eucalyptus pulp exporter in 2018 based on Uppsala and Bartlett & Ghoshal models
The present research had compared how Uppsala and Bartlett & Ghoshal (B&G) models explain the internationalization process of the Brazilian pulp producer Fibria.
The Uppsala model describes the developments of capabilities that enable the firm to move towards higher commitments abroad. Despite its sine-qua-non dependence on foreign markets, it is unlikely that Fibria will internationalize its production to another country, given the country-specific advantages that the company has in Brazil. Nevertheless, Fibria set its structure abroad even when the direct exports would suffice to reach the markets without any foreign direct investment.
B&G deals with the aspects of the organizational structure and described the Transnational type as the evolution of the international firm. In their typology, Fibria was a Global and Ethnocentric type, but interestingly, elements of Transnational and Geocentric models were also observed in the company.
Both theories overlap or complement each other in many aspects. However, they could not explain the peculiarities of the internationalization of Fibria. One reason is the lack of country-related elements in these models.
Eventually, comparisons between theories such as those presented enable decision-makers to align the corporate strategy using suitable models, bearing in mind the limitations that each method entails.
Papers by Graziela Ares

Agradecimentos Agradeço a Deus pelo cumprimento não só de um trabalho de pesquisa mas de uma etap... more Agradecimentos Agradeço a Deus pelo cumprimento não só de um trabalho de pesquisa mas de uma etapa de minha vida na qual muitas pessoas estiveram presentes, entre as quais muitas permanecerão para sempre. Em primeiro lugar, agradeço aos meus padrinhos da Política Científica e Tecnológica que não apenas me trouxeram para o departamento durante a graduação, mas também, felizmente, souberam aqui me prender por cinco anos: Sergio Salles Filho, Rui Albuquerque e Sergio Queiroz. Aos demais professores, que contribuíram não apenas para a consolidação de conceitos, mas para a consciência da importância da política científica e tecnológica. Em especial, ao professor Renato Dagnino pelas calorosas discussões, que se nem sempre obtiveram a minha concordância, ganharam a minha admiração e respeito. Pela atenção dedicada, críticas e comentários a respeito deste trabalho, agradeço, ainda, aos professores Ruy Quadros e João Furtado. Com carinho especial, agradeço a parceria de três amigas que foram tão importantes para a realização deste trabalho quanto o são, hoje, para a minha vida pessoal: Daniela Gorayeb, Solange Corder e Leanne Barros. Agradeço a presença do Murilo e dos Monsanto e peço desculpas aos outros amigos que, embora não tenham seus nomes aqui citados, souberam compreender minha ausência. Da mesma forma, minhas irmãs... Para encerrar, preciso não apenas agradecer, mas registrar toda a minha admiração e respeito pelo meu Orientador, que não poupou esforços e serões para guiar a mim e ao meu trabalho.

O planeamento e desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa sobre o uso político de monumentos na Hungria des... more O planeamento e desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa sobre o uso político de monumentos na Hungria desde 2010 me levou a um impasse metodológico e não consegui progressos pelo que entendia ser a fórmula dos manuais para definir e resolver um problema. Embora tivesse um tema, um objeto e um pressentimento de que havia algo a ser investigado, não conseguia descrever em uma frase o problema e nem a questão de pesquisa. Acreditava que encontraria o problema ao analisar os atos do governo e a opinião pública e iniciei a revisão bibliográfica, catalogação de monumentos e escolha de uma amostra representativa. Ao tratar os monumentos como dados, ignorei que eles eram as testemunhas e vítimas a serem ouvidas. Pretendo descrever criticamente essa jornada através do objeto de pesquisa, decisões erradas e caminhos alternativos que me mostraram outras possibilidades. Meu objetivo é responder porque o ponto de partida da minha pesquisa estava errado e o que possibilitou a correção da rota durante o percurso. Partindo da experiência de campo, ilustrarei como a história individual e coletiva dos monumentos me possibilitou delimitar um problema que não cabia em planilhas ou modelagens. O uso de autores da arquitetura, história, linguística, memória, entre outros me possibilitou um olhar multidisciplinar o qual pretendo apresentar brevemente. A flexibilização das fronteiras entre áreas do conhecimento, ciência e artes se complementaram e não foram excludentes entre si nesta pesquisa, permitindo certa liberdade interpretativa no contexto, espaço e tempo. Adicionalmente, as teorias autor-rede e fontes secundárias, obtidos a partir de mecanismos de busca online serão utilizados na análise do processo de investigação. Espero demonstrar que a minha decisão errada de planeamento de pesquisa literal e inspirada em conceitos quantitativos me levou a um lugar até então inexplorado por mim: o objeto como objeto de pesquisa. Palavras-chave:Objeto como objeto de pesquisa; Monumentos; Metodologia de pesquisa,Sociologia da Ciência; História Oral.
Observatório da Imprensa, 2021

Cabo dos Trabalhos, 2022
This article analyzes three aspects of India's language conflicts that affect linguistic minoriti... more This article analyzes three aspects of India's language conflicts that affect linguistic minorities: i) the rights of vernacular languages to the detriment of other mother tongues, ii) illiteracy, and iii) the choice of Hindi as the language of unification. The objective is, firstly, to categorize the types of language violence observed in modern India, followed by an analysis of the minor literature in English as a form of resistance, re-subjectification of the language, and inter-identity based on the selected work of the poet Adil Jussawalla (1976) and the novelist Salman Rushdie (1991). The analysis of how language conflicts contribute to regulation, appropriation, and violence, distancing linguistic groups, despite resistance from such groups, is framed by Deleuze & Guattari (2003), Bhabha (2004), Agamben (2008), Santos (2007, 2009), and Lecercle (1990).
Keywords: linguistic minorities, rights, immigrant, minor literature, inter-identity.

New trends in qualitative research, Jul 20, 2022
O planeamento e desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa sobre o uso político de monumentos na ... more O planeamento e desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa sobre o uso político de monumentos na Hungria desde 2010 me levou a um impasse metodológico e não consegui progressos pelo que entendia ser a fórmula dos manuais para definir e resolver um problema. Embora tivesse um tema, um objeto e um pressentimento de que havia algo a ser investigado, não conseguia descrever em uma frase o problema e nem a questão de pesquisa. Acreditava que encontraria o problema ao analisar os atos do governo e a opinião pública e iniciei a revisão bibliográfica, catalogação de monumentos e escolha de uma amostra representativa. Ao tratar os monumentos como dados, ignorei que eles eram as testemunhas e vítimas a serem ouvidas. Pretendo descrever criticamente essa jornada através do objeto de pesquisa, decisões erradas e caminhos alternativos que me mostraram outras possibilidades. Meu objetivo é responder porque o ponto de partida da minha pesquisa estava errado e o que possibilitou a correção da rota durante o percurso. Partindo da experiência de campo, ilustrarei como a história individual e coletiva dos monumentos me possibilitou delimitar um problema que não cabia em planilhas ou modelagens. O uso de autores da arquitetura, história, linguística, memória, entre outros me possibilitou um olhar multidisciplinar o qual pretendo apresentar brevemente. A flexibilização das fronteiras entre áreas do conhecimento, ciência e artes se complementaram e não foram excludentes entre si nesta pesquisa, permitindo certa liberdade interpretativa no contexto, espaço e tempo. Adicionalmente, as teorias autor-rede e fontes secundárias, obtidos a partir de mecanismos de busca online serão utilizados na análise do processo de investigação. Espero demonstrar que a minha decisão errada de planeamento de pesquisa literal e inspirada em conceitos quantitativos me levou a um lugar até então inexplorado por mim: o objeto como objeto de pesquisa.
Palavras-chave:Objeto como objeto de pesquisa; Monumentos; Metodologia de pesquisa,Sociologia da Ciência; História Oral.
Os dados oficiais anteriores a 2016 e as experiências, individuais e coletivas, registaram a prom... more Os dados oficiais anteriores a 2016 e as experiências, individuais e coletivas, registaram a promoção do acesso e da diversidade no ensino superior pelo governo federal no Brasil. A partir de 2016, e com desejo de um Estado mínimo no país, o Presidente Bolsonaro demandou intervenções na história recente que legitimassem o desmonte do Estado de bem-estar social, antes que a experiência positiva se consolidasse como memória oficial. Especificamente sobre a universidade pública, identificamos que o bolsonarismo mobiliza os medos e angústias do povo para justificar o desmantelamento e o assédio institucional à universidade pública. O objetivo do artigo é analisar como a desinformação nas redes sociais tem sido utilizada para fins políticos pelo governo federal e sua rede de apoio.
Palavras-chave: desinformação, memória, Jair Bolsonaro, extrema-direita.
Boletim CTS em foco - o boletim da ESOCITE.BR, 2022
Books by Graziela Ares
Media Narratives: Productions and Representations of Contemporary Mythologies, 2023
Conference Presentations by Graziela Ares
7th Global Meeting on Law & Society: Rage, Reckoning, Remedy, 2021
Proponente e presidente da mesa redonda "THE CHALLENGE OF COLLECTIVE MEMORY IN TWENTY-FIRST CENTU... more Proponente e presidente da mesa redonda "THE CHALLENGE OF COLLECTIVE MEMORY IN TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA: THE LEGAL AND SOCIAL BATTLE FOR THE PAST" que contou com a participação da Prof. Dr. Ágnes Eross (Opole University, Poland), Prof. Dr. Silvio Oksman (University of São Paulo, BR), Prof. Dr. Virginia Vecchioli (Federal University of Santa Maria, BR) e do Prof. Dr. Rúben Leitão Serém (University of Nottingham, UK). Website do evento:

7th Global Meeting on Law & Society: RageReckoningRemedy, 2022
The growing tax-motivated internationalization did not pass unnoticed by civil society and govern... more The growing tax-motivated internationalization did not pass unnoticed by civil society and governments in the last decades. The use of the letter instead of the spirit of the law is a prominent critique of multinational companies that pursue aggressive tax planning. Opponents blame profitable companies, which pay low in taxes by using complex corporate and contracting structures, as well as willing governments, who offer a legal shield to attract business despite their lack of economic or operational reasons of location. On the other hand, defenders plead that the taxes paid are correct and compliant with the law. In between, a few initiatives of the European Commission and OECD illustrate how international organizations are trying to equalize their interests with standard procedures, cooperation, and investigations to avoid abuses. This research investigates how the letter and the spirit of law argument, by trusting individual agents' discernment to make fair and ethical decisions in taxation, can resolve stakeholders' discontentedness. The empirical analysis of four high-profile cases-Starbucks, Ikea, McDonald's, and Apple-has indicated that legal tax structures may lead to controversial results and has revealed how laws may worsen the situation by not including tax events of new business models, such as e-commerce and digital platforms. After identifying the sources of aggressive tax strategies, it is possible to look at how international organizations are defending the spirit of the tax law. The challenges imposed by tax avoidance are numerous and this inquiry demonstrates that the debate around the spirit of the law does not improve the collective result of taxation. Multilateralism has been proved not to be enough to resolve the conflicts either, but it may be, with some improvements in the letter of laws, the best chance for governments to resolve the matter.
Videos by Graziela Ares
Thesis Chapters by Graziela Ares
Therefore this paper has the purpose to analyze the differences among the possible models of "internationalization" of one of these activities performed by the firm: research and development. To enable this, the process of "internationalization" will be considered as an answer to one strategy adopted and that determines the main characteristics of the tasks attributed to the internationally dispersed units. However, each firm will answer according to a series of determinant elements that may act as facilitators or obstacles to the process of "internationalization. In this scenario, a typology, for the ways in which firms internationalize their activity of research and development, will be presented. The main difference among them is the different levels of integration between the different branches and the head office reflect the historical changes observed in the process. This discussion is important for it will seek not only the differences among the possible models of internationalization concerning activities of research and development but also elements that indicate a trend among these models and the greater integration between the different units. In a final stage, jutting out the limits for applying these models and their widespread, mainly among developed and developing countries, such concepts will be applied in a study case of a Brazilian Research and Development unit of a German-owned firm that works in the auto-parts industry.
The internationalization of the firm: an analysis of a Brazilian eucalyptus pulp exporter in 2018 based on Uppsala and Bartlett & Ghoshal models
The present research had compared how Uppsala and Bartlett & Ghoshal (B&G) models explain the internationalization process of the Brazilian pulp producer Fibria.
The Uppsala model describes the developments of capabilities that enable the firm to move towards higher commitments abroad. Despite its sine-qua-non dependence on foreign markets, it is unlikely that Fibria will internationalize its production to another country, given the country-specific advantages that the company has in Brazil. Nevertheless, Fibria set its structure abroad even when the direct exports would suffice to reach the markets without any foreign direct investment.
B&G deals with the aspects of the organizational structure and described the Transnational type as the evolution of the international firm. In their typology, Fibria was a Global and Ethnocentric type, but interestingly, elements of Transnational and Geocentric models were also observed in the company.
Both theories overlap or complement each other in many aspects. However, they could not explain the peculiarities of the internationalization of Fibria. One reason is the lack of country-related elements in these models.
Eventually, comparisons between theories such as those presented enable decision-makers to align the corporate strategy using suitable models, bearing in mind the limitations that each method entails.
Papers by Graziela Ares
Keywords: linguistic minorities, rights, immigrant, minor literature, inter-identity.
Palavras-chave:Objeto como objeto de pesquisa; Monumentos; Metodologia de pesquisa,Sociologia da Ciência; História Oral.
Palavras-chave: desinformação, memória, Jair Bolsonaro, extrema-direita.
Books by Graziela Ares
Conference Presentations by Graziela Ares
Therefore this paper has the purpose to analyze the differences among the possible models of "internationalization" of one of these activities performed by the firm: research and development. To enable this, the process of "internationalization" will be considered as an answer to one strategy adopted and that determines the main characteristics of the tasks attributed to the internationally dispersed units. However, each firm will answer according to a series of determinant elements that may act as facilitators or obstacles to the process of "internationalization. In this scenario, a typology, for the ways in which firms internationalize their activity of research and development, will be presented. The main difference among them is the different levels of integration between the different branches and the head office reflect the historical changes observed in the process. This discussion is important for it will seek not only the differences among the possible models of internationalization concerning activities of research and development but also elements that indicate a trend among these models and the greater integration between the different units. In a final stage, jutting out the limits for applying these models and their widespread, mainly among developed and developing countries, such concepts will be applied in a study case of a Brazilian Research and Development unit of a German-owned firm that works in the auto-parts industry.
The internationalization of the firm: an analysis of a Brazilian eucalyptus pulp exporter in 2018 based on Uppsala and Bartlett & Ghoshal models
The present research had compared how Uppsala and Bartlett & Ghoshal (B&G) models explain the internationalization process of the Brazilian pulp producer Fibria.
The Uppsala model describes the developments of capabilities that enable the firm to move towards higher commitments abroad. Despite its sine-qua-non dependence on foreign markets, it is unlikely that Fibria will internationalize its production to another country, given the country-specific advantages that the company has in Brazil. Nevertheless, Fibria set its structure abroad even when the direct exports would suffice to reach the markets without any foreign direct investment.
B&G deals with the aspects of the organizational structure and described the Transnational type as the evolution of the international firm. In their typology, Fibria was a Global and Ethnocentric type, but interestingly, elements of Transnational and Geocentric models were also observed in the company.
Both theories overlap or complement each other in many aspects. However, they could not explain the peculiarities of the internationalization of Fibria. One reason is the lack of country-related elements in these models.
Eventually, comparisons between theories such as those presented enable decision-makers to align the corporate strategy using suitable models, bearing in mind the limitations that each method entails.
Keywords: linguistic minorities, rights, immigrant, minor literature, inter-identity.
Palavras-chave:Objeto como objeto de pesquisa; Monumentos; Metodologia de pesquisa,Sociologia da Ciência; História Oral.
Palavras-chave: desinformação, memória, Jair Bolsonaro, extrema-direita.