Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Linear mixed modeling is a useful approach for double mixed factorial designs with covariates. It is explained how these designs are appropriate for the study of human behavior as a function of characteristics of persons and situations... more
Local equating is based on Lord's (1980) criterion of equity. It defines a family of true transformations that aiming at the ideal of equitable equating. van der Linden (this issue) offers a detailed discussion of common issues in... more
criterion of equity of equating, van der Linden (this issue) revisits the so-called local equating method and offers alternative as well as new thoughts on several topics appearing in the field such as the types of transformations,... more
A power analysis of seven normality tests against the Ex-Gaussian distribution (EGd) is presented. The EGd is selected on the basis that it is a particularly well-suited distribution to accommodate positively skewed distributions such as... more
Using the concept of reduction by sufficiency of a Bayesian model, the issue of Bayesian identifiability is discussed. Various statements given in the literature on Bayesian identifiability are revised. Particular attention is put on the... more
Bayesian methods have become increasingly popular in social sciences due to its flexibility in accommodating numerous models from different fields. The domain of item response theory is a good example of fruitful research, incorporating... more
In social network studies, most often only a single relation (or link) between the actors is investigated. When more than one link has been recorded, the twoway sociomatrix becomes a three-way array with the set of links being the third... more
This article has been published. The reference is: González, J., De Boeck, P., and Tuerlinckx, F. (2008). A Double-Structure Structural Equation Model for Three-Mode Data. Psychological Methods, 13, 337-353.
in press). On the relationships between sum score based estimation and joint maximum likelihood estimation. Psychometrika.
The paper offers a general review of the basic concepts of both statistical model and parameter identification, and revisit the conceptual relationships between parameter identification and both parameter interpretability and properties... more
Equating is a family of statistical models and methods that are used to adjust scores on two or more versions of a test, so that the scores from di erent tests may be used interchangeably. In this paper we present the R package SNSequate... more
Equating methods utilize functions to transform scores on two or more versions of a test, so that they can be compared and used interchangeably. In common practice, traditional methods of equating use parametric models where, apart... more
Este estudio espera contribuir a la discusión sobre calidad docente en Chile a través de dos enfoques: el primero se basa en estimaciones de valor agregado del profesor o "efecto Profesor" en el aprendizaje. En él se explora el rol de las... more