Objetivo. Develar las experiencias y determinantes de la participación de adolescentes y jóvenes ... more Objetivo. Develar las experiencias y determinantes de la participación de adolescentes y jóvenes en mecanismos formales de participación durante la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 en Chile. Métodos. Estudio transversal, descriptivo de enfoque cualitativo, adscrito al paradigma constructivista de investigación. Se realizaron 3 grupos focales con informantes claves, adolescentes y jóvenes, quienes participan regularmente en consejos consultivos del Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL) en Chile. Se aplicó la técnica de análisis de contenido para categorías teóricas y emergentes del estudio. Los relatos fueron transcritos y estudiados con técnica de análisis de datos y hermenéutica. Este estudio fue realizado durante la pandemia de COVID-19, entre los meses de marzo y noviembre del 2021. Resultados. Durante la pandemia, las experiencias de participación en salud de adolescentes y jóvenes se vieron afectadas; no obstante, los mecanismos de participación formales, como los consejos consultivos, permitier...
Among the objectives of primary health care it is to deliver quality care to the population serve... more Among the objectives of primary health care it is to deliver quality care to the population served, for which it is essential to know the degree of satisfaction of internal user. Objective: To identify job satisfaction in municipal health centers of primary care in a district of the city of Santiago, Chile. Methods: descriptive of cross section in which the instrument Job Satisfaction S20/23 Melia and Peir or was applied with a survey of ca sociodemographic racterización 287 officials at least one year old, in j ornada minimum of 22 hours. Results: There is greater satisfaction with the relationship c on the upper, the monitoring process and satisfaction with their work and higher dissatisfaction with aspects related to the physical conditions at work such as lighting and ventilation and recognition related to promotion opportunities, training and wages. Conclusion: The results agree in some dimensions as stated in the literature. Most of the factors that generate greater dissatisfaction can be easily corrected by institutions. T here is finally the need to further investigate the level of job satisfaction in primary care.
To describe the application of the model Precede-relevant for a family intervention aimed at prom... more To describe the application of the model Precede-relevant for a family intervention aimed at promoting oral communication and the establishment of standards parenting in a preschool with language delay. Method: Case Study, in which a family analyzed through the model of family assessment Calgary, consisting of a preschool 2-year delay in the development of oral language, who lives be presented with his mother and grandmother, where There is normalization of the absence of language, lack of stimulation and absence of established norms. Six psycho educational interventions aimed at educating the family on stimulation strategies, the consequences of the lack of stable norms and the lack of stimulation in the language were carried out. The Precede-Procede model was used in order to facilitate the process of change in the family. Results: language preschool increased from one to 30 words in three weeks, this behavior improved and decreased the number of tantrums, strengthening the emotional bond between the child and his mother turn. Conclusion: The application of the model Precede-family proceeds applied facilitated the development of language preschool.
Los criterios de inclusión de los artículos, fueron aquellos publicados en revistas con comité ed... more Los criterios de inclusión de los artículos, fueron aquellos publicados en revistas con comité editorial, se consideró el artículo a texto completo, idioma español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: El maltrato infantil se encuentra anclado en un contexto histórico, social y cultural. Es un fenómeno multifactorial en donde la infl uencia de modelos de crianza validados y de legitimación de la violencia son factores desencadenantes relevantes. La violencia produce efectos severos y profundos en la vida de los niños, niñas, que afecta seriamente su desarrollo y crecimiento, por los que los profesionales de salud están en una posición primordial para su identifi cación, pero refi eren un défi cit en su formación en el tema. Conclusión: Es importante la realización de investigaciones que permitan analizar en mayor profundidad la infl uencia de la historicidad y la cultura en la ejecución de acciones violentas hacia los niños, puesto que las prácticas se suceden de generación en generación, junto con la comprensión de las creencias y percepciones tanto de las personas como de los profesionales de salud respecto a lo que consideran maltrato. Palabras clave: Maltrato a los niños,
Las competencias laborales de enfermería permiten disminuir inequidades, acceso limitado a los se... more Las competencias laborales de enfermería permiten disminuir inequidades, acceso limitado a los servicios y favorecen una atención segura y de calidad. La formación de enfermeras/os es fundamental en la composición y dinámica de la fuerza de trabajo en enfermería, la calidad y pertinencia de los cuidados y el desarrollo de la capacidad institucional en salud. Objetivo: responder dos interrogantes: ¿Cuá- les son los requerimientos actuales para el/la enfermero/a en el ámbito de la gestión y administración?, y ¿cuáles son las competencias de gestión de enfermería más importantes y su relación con la gestión de cuidado? Método: revisión de la literatura que parte con una exploración de campo desde los contextos y desafíos actuales de la profesión. La búsqueda bibliográfica se realizó en las bases de datos Cochrane Library, Lilacs, CINHAL, Dialnet, Universidad de la Rioja, ProQuest, Web of Science, Science Direct, PubMed, Business Source Premier, SciELO, Scopus. Se encontraron 4.697 artí...
Introduction: In Chile, 71% of children are victims of some type of violence by their parents. He... more Introduction: In Chile, 71% of children are victims of some type of violence by their parents. Health professionals are in a privileged position to be able to recognize early the dynamics of the production of domestic violence, however, they usually are not really efficient recognizing violence abuse in children during routine health control. Additionally, research about this problem is scarce. Objectives: Understanding the limits and potential of health professional training in confrontation of violence against children and adolescents. Methods: Exploratory, descriptive, longitudinal research of qualitative and quantitative approach, carried out in a Chilean Catholic University. The theoretical-methodological referential chosen was the hermeneutic-dialectic method. The capturing and interpretation of objective reality was carried out in the structural, particular and singular dimensions through the collection of national and international documents. Five interdisciplinary focus groups were carried out whose participants were: teachers, students and key agents linked in their work process to childhood, family or society. A textual analysis using IRAMUTEQ software was performed followed by an analysis of the content using as complement the WebQDA software and finally a hermeneutic-dialectical analysis. Results: The limits and potentialities of professional trainingin the confrontation of child abuse in the structural, particular and singular dimensions are recognized. The ideological and idealist elements of the current economic and political system, which overlap the best interests of children in Chile, stand out as a limitation. At a particular level, we observe a tendency of universities to a productivist logic that generates potential for attrition in teachers and students. In this regard the Catholic ideology could help overcoming this bias, focusing in its mission on the protection of the people. At a singular level, training for the confrontation of child violence is precarious, highlighting the normalization and invisibilization of violence by professionals. Highlights potential such as: the development of Social Work, ethical training, the promotion of good treatment and prevention of abuse. Teachers propose strategies for overcoming the identified limitations by proposing changes in training. Conclusion: The synergy of the three dimensions is recognized from the needs of the market, in conjunction with the sanitary goals of the country, which will determine the productive processes, the organization of professional training, so that professionals will respond to these requirements. The competences and contents explicit in the curriculum will depend on the historical and cultural situation of the country, so it is a transitory and unfinished construction. Potential elements of overcoming the critical emancipatory pedagogy, which guide the training by competences; development of interdisciplinary competences for the coping, incorporating the sociological categories: gender, generation, social classes and race / ethnicity.
Objetivo. Develar las experiencias y determinantes de la participación de adolescentes y jóvenes ... more Objetivo. Develar las experiencias y determinantes de la participación de adolescentes y jóvenes en mecanismos formales de participación durante la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 en Chile. Métodos. Estudio transversal, descriptivo de enfoque cualitativo, adscrito al paradigma constructivista de investigación. Se realizaron 3 grupos focales con informantes claves, adolescentes y jóvenes, quienes participan regularmente en consejos consultivos del Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL) en Chile. Se aplicó la técnica de análisis de contenido para categorías teóricas y emergentes del estudio. Los relatos fueron transcritos y estudiados con técnica de análisis de datos y hermenéutica. Este estudio fue realizado durante la pandemia de COVID-19, entre los meses de marzo y noviembre del 2021. Resultados. Durante la pandemia, las experiencias de participación en salud de adolescentes y jóvenes se vieron afectadas; no obstante, los mecanismos de participación formales, como los consejos consultivos, permitier...
Among the objectives of primary health care it is to deliver quality care to the population serve... more Among the objectives of primary health care it is to deliver quality care to the population served, for which it is essential to know the degree of satisfaction of internal user. Objective: To identify job satisfaction in municipal health centers of primary care in a district of the city of Santiago, Chile. Methods: descriptive of cross section in which the instrument Job Satisfaction S20/23 Melia and Peir or was applied with a survey of ca sociodemographic racterización 287 officials at least one year old, in j ornada minimum of 22 hours. Results: There is greater satisfaction with the relationship c on the upper, the monitoring process and satisfaction with their work and higher dissatisfaction with aspects related to the physical conditions at work such as lighting and ventilation and recognition related to promotion opportunities, training and wages. Conclusion: The results agree in some dimensions as stated in the literature. Most of the factors that generate greater dissatisfaction can be easily corrected by institutions. T here is finally the need to further investigate the level of job satisfaction in primary care.
To describe the application of the model Precede-relevant for a family intervention aimed at prom... more To describe the application of the model Precede-relevant for a family intervention aimed at promoting oral communication and the establishment of standards parenting in a preschool with language delay. Method: Case Study, in which a family analyzed through the model of family assessment Calgary, consisting of a preschool 2-year delay in the development of oral language, who lives be presented with his mother and grandmother, where There is normalization of the absence of language, lack of stimulation and absence of established norms. Six psycho educational interventions aimed at educating the family on stimulation strategies, the consequences of the lack of stable norms and the lack of stimulation in the language were carried out. The Precede-Procede model was used in order to facilitate the process of change in the family. Results: language preschool increased from one to 30 words in three weeks, this behavior improved and decreased the number of tantrums, strengthening the emotional bond between the child and his mother turn. Conclusion: The application of the model Precede-family proceeds applied facilitated the development of language preschool.
Los criterios de inclusión de los artículos, fueron aquellos publicados en revistas con comité ed... more Los criterios de inclusión de los artículos, fueron aquellos publicados en revistas con comité editorial, se consideró el artículo a texto completo, idioma español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: El maltrato infantil se encuentra anclado en un contexto histórico, social y cultural. Es un fenómeno multifactorial en donde la infl uencia de modelos de crianza validados y de legitimación de la violencia son factores desencadenantes relevantes. La violencia produce efectos severos y profundos en la vida de los niños, niñas, que afecta seriamente su desarrollo y crecimiento, por los que los profesionales de salud están en una posición primordial para su identifi cación, pero refi eren un défi cit en su formación en el tema. Conclusión: Es importante la realización de investigaciones que permitan analizar en mayor profundidad la infl uencia de la historicidad y la cultura en la ejecución de acciones violentas hacia los niños, puesto que las prácticas se suceden de generación en generación, junto con la comprensión de las creencias y percepciones tanto de las personas como de los profesionales de salud respecto a lo que consideran maltrato. Palabras clave: Maltrato a los niños,
Las competencias laborales de enfermería permiten disminuir inequidades, acceso limitado a los se... more Las competencias laborales de enfermería permiten disminuir inequidades, acceso limitado a los servicios y favorecen una atención segura y de calidad. La formación de enfermeras/os es fundamental en la composición y dinámica de la fuerza de trabajo en enfermería, la calidad y pertinencia de los cuidados y el desarrollo de la capacidad institucional en salud. Objetivo: responder dos interrogantes: ¿Cuá- les son los requerimientos actuales para el/la enfermero/a en el ámbito de la gestión y administración?, y ¿cuáles son las competencias de gestión de enfermería más importantes y su relación con la gestión de cuidado? Método: revisión de la literatura que parte con una exploración de campo desde los contextos y desafíos actuales de la profesión. La búsqueda bibliográfica se realizó en las bases de datos Cochrane Library, Lilacs, CINHAL, Dialnet, Universidad de la Rioja, ProQuest, Web of Science, Science Direct, PubMed, Business Source Premier, SciELO, Scopus. Se encontraron 4.697 artí...
Introduction: In Chile, 71% of children are victims of some type of violence by their parents. He... more Introduction: In Chile, 71% of children are victims of some type of violence by their parents. Health professionals are in a privileged position to be able to recognize early the dynamics of the production of domestic violence, however, they usually are not really efficient recognizing violence abuse in children during routine health control. Additionally, research about this problem is scarce. Objectives: Understanding the limits and potential of health professional training in confrontation of violence against children and adolescents. Methods: Exploratory, descriptive, longitudinal research of qualitative and quantitative approach, carried out in a Chilean Catholic University. The theoretical-methodological referential chosen was the hermeneutic-dialectic method. The capturing and interpretation of objective reality was carried out in the structural, particular and singular dimensions through the collection of national and international documents. Five interdisciplinary focus groups were carried out whose participants were: teachers, students and key agents linked in their work process to childhood, family or society. A textual analysis using IRAMUTEQ software was performed followed by an analysis of the content using as complement the WebQDA software and finally a hermeneutic-dialectical analysis. Results: The limits and potentialities of professional trainingin the confrontation of child abuse in the structural, particular and singular dimensions are recognized. The ideological and idealist elements of the current economic and political system, which overlap the best interests of children in Chile, stand out as a limitation. At a particular level, we observe a tendency of universities to a productivist logic that generates potential for attrition in teachers and students. In this regard the Catholic ideology could help overcoming this bias, focusing in its mission on the protection of the people. At a singular level, training for the confrontation of child violence is precarious, highlighting the normalization and invisibilization of violence by professionals. Highlights potential such as: the development of Social Work, ethical training, the promotion of good treatment and prevention of abuse. Teachers propose strategies for overcoming the identified limitations by proposing changes in training. Conclusion: The synergy of the three dimensions is recognized from the needs of the market, in conjunction with the sanitary goals of the country, which will determine the productive processes, the organization of professional training, so that professionals will respond to these requirements. The competences and contents explicit in the curriculum will depend on the historical and cultural situation of the country, so it is a transitory and unfinished construction. Potential elements of overcoming the critical emancipatory pedagogy, which guide the training by competences; development of interdisciplinary competences for the coping, incorporating the sociological categories: gender, generation, social classes and race / ethnicity.
Books by Dayann Santana
Papers by Dayann Santana