Papers by Ale Vidal Elgueta
<p>First two PCA axes explain 83.59% of the total variance. Yellow dots represent archaeolo... more <p>First two PCA axes explain 83.59% of the total variance. Yellow dots represent archaeological cobs. Black dots represent modern cobs. The PC1 axis associated with the perimeter variable separates in two groups: modern and archaeological cobs. PERC = Perimeter of cobs; DF = Feret diameter.</p
<p>Three major groups are observed; modern populations Limaxiña 2 and Camiña Alto 5 are gro... more <p>Three major groups are observed; modern populations Limaxiña 2 and Camiña Alto 5 are grouped in one branch, populations Chusmiza 1, Huaviña 3, Camiña 4 and Camiña 6 are grouped in a second branch, and the archaeological population) is distant from the rest. Fst value between archaeological and modern populations are listed below each population.</p
<p>Several ears of Chulpi, Harinoso Tarapaqueño and Capio Chileno from Camiña valley.</p
<p>Archeological popcorn ear from Tarapacá.</p
<p>Sample material of traditional landraces.</p
<p>Summarize agronomic information.</p
<p>First two PCA axes accumulate 88.83% of the total variance. Blue dots represent archaeol... more <p>First two PCA axes accumulate 88.83% of the total variance. Blue dots represent archaeological kernels from Pintados 1307, yellow dots represent archaeological kernels from Tarapacá 13, orange dots represent archaeological kernels from Tarapacá Viejo, and black dots represent modern kernels. Kernels from Pintados 1307 (Formative Period) are grouped with Tarapacá 13 kernels (Late Intermediate Period-Late Period), while Tarapacá Viejo (Late Period) and modern kernel specimens are distant from the previous ones. AREK = Area of the kernel; TH = Thickness., Circles correspond to individuals assigned to genetic cluster 1 in Structure analysis, triangles correspond to individuals assigned to genetic cluster 2 and squares correspond to individuals with no genetic information.</p

Estudios Atacameños
Este trabajo entrega parte de los resultados de una investigación multidisciplinaria centrada en ... more Este trabajo entrega parte de los resultados de una investigación multidisciplinaria centrada en el estudio contextual de los ajuares funerarios de seis cementerios prehispánicos de los oasis de San Pedro de Atacama, Región de Antofagasta, Chile. El objetivo central fue profundizar en los aspectos sociales y rituales del sistema religioso prehispánico en Atacama (500-1500 d. C.), tomando como base las evidencias arqueológicas de la parafernalia alucinógena para dilucidar la identidad de los individuos que la poseían, y verificar la hipótesis acerca de su condición de integrantes de la elite atacameña. Bases de datos con la información transcrita desde las Notas de Le Paige para dichos cementerios sirvieron como instrumento básico para el análisis estadístico de las diversas categorías artefactuales; ello permitió establecer correlaciones entre los diferentes componentes de las ofrendas mortuorias, comparando aquellos que incluían elementos del equipo sicotrópico con los que carecían...
<p>Genetic diversity in archaeological and modern samples.</p
<p>Each population assigned in the lower part of the graphic. The graphic is portioned into... more <p>Each population assigned in the lower part of the graphic. The graphic is portioned into K = 2 colored segments (green and red segments). The population are separated by black bars and labeled above the figure.</p
<p>A) cobs from Pircas sites, B) cobs from Tarapacá 13, C) cobs from Tarapacá Viejo, D) mod... more <p>A) cobs from Pircas sites, B) cobs from Tarapacá 13, C) cobs from Tarapacá Viejo, D) modern cobs from Camiña and Tarapacá respectively. E) kernels from Pircas and Pintados 1307, F) kernels from Tarapacá 13, G) kernels from Tarapacá 49, H) modern kernels from Camiña and Tarapacá, respectively. Scale bar cobs = 8 cm, scale bar kernels = 1cm.</p

Este trabajo propone una metodología de análisis para artefactos de madera, preformas y desechos ... more Este trabajo propone una metodología de análisis para artefactos de madera, preformas y desechos de talla hallados en Caserones, Tarapacá Viejo y Chomache (Región de Tarapacá, norte de Chile). Dentro de esta secuencia ubicamos la obtención de las materias primas necesarias, la preparación de los instrumentos, el uso de los mismos, y el almacenamiento, pérdida o abandono de éstos (Lemmonier 1992). El material estudiado documenta distintas fases del proceso productivo y, al mismo tiempo, evidencia un comportamiento disímil entre los sitios del interior y la costa, coherente con su distancia a las fuentes de aprovisionamiento. En términos más amplios, el trabajo avala el acceso a la madera por parte de las poblaciones costeras y, en este sentido, intenta posicionar el tema del bosque en la problemática relacionada con las relaciones de complementariedad en tierras bajas desde por lo menos el Formativo Tardío (ca. 200-900 d.C.). Palabras Clave: sociedades tarapaqueñas, bosques de Prosopis, artefactos de madera, virutas, cadenas operativas, norte de Chile. The present study proposes a series of methodological procedures for the analysis of wooden artifacts, wooden tools preforms, and wood chips debris found in Caserones, Tarapacá Viejo and Chomache archaeological sites (Tarapacá Region, Northern Chile). The main objective is the reconstruction of the chaîne opératoire for wooden artifacts (sensu Leroi-Gourhan 1971). The analysis of the wooden material has allowed us to recognize different stages of the production process, and to recognize differences between coastal sites (as Chomache) and valley sites (as Tarapacá and Caserones), which is consistent with the distance from the supply sources. We conclude that coastal societies did have access to wood and Prosopis forest. Therefore, the research presented here highlights the role of forests in the discussion of complementarity between the lowlands and the valley territories. This interaction took place at least since the Late Formative Period (circa AD 200-900).
Se asocia a miles de hectáreas de campos de cultivo y sistemas de irrigación, vinculados a un not... more Se asocia a miles de hectáreas de campos de cultivo y sistemas de irrigación, vinculados a un notable complejo de túmulos y arquitectura pública y residencial. En medio de las "chacras" existe un conjunto de 122 túmulos que presentan agrupamientos específicos. También se observan áreas de actividad y recintos con y sin arquitectura. Entre éstos, destacan estructuras de barro con diferentes formas y escalas incluyendo recintos circulares, rectangulares y cuadrangulares con funciones múltiples. Esta concentración de monumentos y paisajes materiales se extiende desde inicios del período Formativo hasta la llegada de los incas y momentos coloniales, generando un entramado histórico complejo. Proponemos, por lo tanto, pensar este palimpsesto productivo y ceremonial desde las formas andinas de memoria.

En este articulo se analiza la variabilidad fenotipica del maiz en el sitio Caserones-1, comparan... more En este articulo se analiza la variabilidad fenotipica del maiz en el sitio Caserones-1, comparando siete caracteres entre ejemplares pertenecientes a dos periodos: Formativo e Intermedio Tardio (cal. 20-1.020 d.C.). Considerando la antigua relacion entre esta especie y diversos grupos humanos en America (ca. 7.500 AP), asi como la tendencia generalizada a la disminucion de la variabilidad genetica como resultado de los procesos de seleccion y domesticacion, es que aqui ponemos a prueba la hipotesis de disminucion de la variabilidad fenotipica desde el Formativo al Periodo IntermedioTardio como consecuencia del manejo antropico. Los resultados aqui mostrados refutan la hipotesis anterior, describiendo un panorama inverso: de acuerdo al Analisis de Componentes Principales, la longitud es el atributo que presenta la transformacion mas intensa entre estos dos periodos, ampliando considerablemente su rango superior e incrementando la variabilidad alcanzada en el Formativo. Estos resulta...
Scientific Reports, 2021
We performed a histological and quantitative study of iron in archaeological maize seeds from pre... more We performed a histological and quantitative study of iron in archaeological maize seeds from prehispanic times recovered from Tarapacá, Atacama Desert. Also, we examined iron distribution changes at the cell level in embryos from ancient versus new varieties of maize. Our results show a progressive decrease in iron concentration from the oldest maize to modern specimens. We interpret the results as an effect of prehispanic agriculture over the micronutrient composition of maize.

PLOS ONE, 2019
The evolution of maize (Zea mays L.) is highly controversial given the discrepancies related to t... more The evolution of maize (Zea mays L.) is highly controversial given the discrepancies related to the phenotypic and genetic changes suffered by the species, the incidence of human groups and the times in which these changes occurred. Also, morphological and genetic traits of crops are difficult to evaluate in the absence of fossils macro-botanical remains. In contrast in the Tarapacá region (18-21˚S), Atacama Desert of Chile, prehispanic settlements (ca. 2500-400 yr BP) displayed extensive maize agriculture. The presence of archaeological macro-botanical remains of maize provided a unique opportunity to study the evolution of this crop, covering a temporal sequence of at least 2000 years. Thus, in this study, we ask how the morphological and genetic diversity of maize has varied since its introduction during prehispanic times in the Tarapacá region. To answer this, we measured and compared morphological traits of size and shape between archaeological cobs and kernels and 95 ears from landraces. To established genetic diversity eight microsatellite markers (SSR) were analyzed in archaeological and modern kernels. Genetic diversity was estimated by allelic frequency rates, the average number of alleles per locus, observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He). Differences between populations and genetic structure were estimated by fixation index F ST and STRUCTURE analysis. Our results indicate significant phenotypic differences and genetic distance between archaeological maize and landraces. This result is suggestive of an introduction of new varieties or drastic selective changes in modern times in Tarapacá. Additionally, archaeological maize shows a low genetic diversity and a progressive increase in the size of ears and kernels. These results suggest a human selection during prehispanic times and establish that prehispanic farmers played an important role in maize development. They also provide new clues for understanding the evolutionary history of maize in hyperarid conditions.

Latin American Antiquity, 2021
En este artículo se dan a conocer los resultados de la investigación arqueobotánica realizada en ... more En este artículo se dan a conocer los resultados de la investigación arqueobotánica realizada en el distrito minero San José del Abra, en el norte de Chile. Esta mina, tras ser explotada inicialmente durante el período Intermedio tardío, fue incorporada posteriormente al Tawantinsuyu, produciéndose una reorganización e intensificación de la producción minera. Las excavaciones realizadas en el campamento Inkawasi-Abra permitieron recuperar una amplia diversidad de restos vegetales provenientes de distintos ecosistemas y pisos ecológicos de la región, los cuales cumplieron roles primordiales al interior del espacio habitacional. Por una parte, sustentaron la subsistencia de los mitayos atacameños, incluyendo alimentación, combustible y materias primas, y por otra, formaron parte de contextos ceremoniales y de preparación de alimentos de carácter comunal relacionados al comensalismo político, las relaciones de reciprocidad y la ritualidad minera. Gran parte de las plantas analizadas pr...

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2019
This study presents the results of our investigation of different archaeological contexts of the ... more This study presents the results of our investigation of different archaeological contexts of the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile, for the purpose of identifying a specific type of bird bone tube that has been proposed as a possible enema syringe—an instrument used to introduce some kind of alkaloid into the human body through the rectal cavity as part of a psychoactive practice that was widespread in the South-Central Andes during pre-Hispanic times. To address methodological requirements—such as the need to identify new specimens from known contexts within museum collections in Chile and abroad and the need for chemical-organic analyses to identify the function of these tubes—we gathered a sample of tubes from funerary contexts in different parts of the Circumpuna area. The 25 identified specimens were characterized morphologically and technically, and the residues found were subjected to organic-chemical analysis. We present the evidence derived from one of these tubes, on the basis of which we conclude that this artifact is indeed an implement used to introduce alkaloids into the human body anally. Traces of coprostanol and archaeological human fecal matter were detected for the first time along with the presence of bufotenine, an alkaloid from the genus Anadenanthera, thereby confirming the connection of enemas to hallucinogenic practices.

Nature Plants
The archaeological record shows that large pre-Inca agricultural systems supported settlements fo... more The archaeological record shows that large pre-Inca agricultural systems supported settlements for centuries around the ravines and oases of northern Chile’s hyperarid Atacama Desert. This raises questions about how such productivity was achieved and sustained, and its social implications. Using isotopic data of well-preserved ancient plant remains from Atacama sites, we show a dramatic increase in crop nitrogen isotope values (15N) from ~AD 1000. Maize was most affected, with 15N values as high as +30‰, with human bone collagen following a similar trend; moreover, their carbon isotope values (13C) indicate a considerable increase in the consumption of maize at the same time. We attribute the shift to extremely high 15N values – the highest in the world for archaeological plants – to the use of seabird guano to fertilise crops. Guano – “white gold” as it came to be called – thus sustained agricultural intensification, supporting a substantial population in an otherwise extreme environment.
Papers by Ale Vidal Elgueta
the purpose of identifying a specific type of bird bone tube that has been proposed as a possible enema syringe—an instrument
used to introduce some kind of alkaloid into the human body through the rectal cavity as part of a psychoactive practice that was
widespread in the South-Central Andes during pre-Hispanic times. To address methodological requirements—such as the need to
identify new specimens from known contexts within museum collections in Chile and abroad and the need for chemical-organic
analyses to identify the function of these tubes—we gathered a sample of tubes from funerary contexts in different parts of the
Circumpuna area. The 25 identified specimens were characterized morphologically and technically, and the residues found were
subjected to organic-chemical analysis. We present the evidence derived from one of these tubes, on the basis of which we
conclude that this artifact is indeed an implement used to introduce alkaloids into the human body anally. Traces of coprostanol
and archaeological human fecal matter were detected for the first time along with the presence of bufotenine, an alkaloid from the
genus Anadenanthera, thereby confirming the connection of enemas to hallucinogenic practices.