Universidad de Burgos
Ireland has suffered many extraordinary changes during the last decades that have made the Emerald Isle a geographical point upon which all eyes are fixed. Despite this metamorphosis, the question is if its population and cultural... more
El paso del siglo XIX al XX vio un cierto cambio de objetivos y los conventos comenzaron a educar a las jóvenes en función de las posibilidades de empleo, si bien éstas solían quedar reducidas a funciones de secretariado y educación. Por... more
The teaching of the English language is infused with veiled values and policies but at the same time, it offers great opportunities for raising critical awareness and for the implementation of critical pedagogical... more
A través del lenguaje construimos y reconstruimos experiencias y conceptos. Lejos de ser meras herramientas para la comunicación, los idiomas dan forma a los modos en que se lee y se entiende la sociedad. Por lo tanto, podemos afirmar que... more
Lejos de plantear la enseñanza de idiomas con un objetivo esencialmente funcional, la metodología reflexiva es una herramienta muy adecuada para la promoción de docentes conscientes y críticos.
In an attempt to overcome the fragmentation of theoretical and practical post-structuralist strands applied to the teaching of EFL, this article explores how critical and feminist perspectives can inform the TESOL practice through the... more
In the central decades of the 20 th century, the feminine icons of "Mother Church" and "Mother Ireland" were set as conduct models to follow by Irish women. Simultaneously, legal, moral and economic forces collaborated in limiting the... more
The oral performance of Spanish future teachers of English is an essential linguistic aspect that requires thorough attention. This aspect is not only important but also vitally necessary, as achieving adequate oral performance on a daily... more
The oral performance of Spanish future teachers of English is an essential linguistic aspect that requires a thorough attention. Emotional stress in the form of anxiety or frustration and mistakes related to their mother tongue influence... more
Contemporary Irish literature has shown a noticeable interest in women´s diasporic experiences in the 20 th century. This article analyses the construction process of a new society in America in four selected novels, focusing on the... more
In this interview, Professor Inés Praga Terente reviews the evolution of AEDEI from its origins to the present. As a founding member and its Chairperson until 2007, Professor Inés Praga has been a key force in the creation of AEDEI at a... more
This toolkit seeks to provide faculty and researchers with practical tools to detect conscious and unconscious sex and gender bias and to take action in their field of expertise and work environment.
The aim of this study is to analyze how the elements of Irish culture and society transmitted by Edna O'Brien in her debut novel, The Country Girls (1960), have been translated to the readers in Spanish. First of all, a contextualization... more