Papers by amrita saraswaty
Экономическая социология, Dec 31, 2022
Шевчук А. В. Теоретизируя цифровые платформы: концептуальная схема для гигэкономики Сассен С. Гор... more Шевчук А. В. Теоретизируя цифровые платформы: концептуальная схема для гигэкономики Сассен С. Города в глобальной экономике Тонких Н. В. Влияние дистанционной занятости на разные сферы жизни: субъективные оценки россиянок Лыткина Т. С., Ярошенко С. С. Вытеснение Российского Севера: исключение без права на ресурсы Читайте в номере: Экономическая социология Т. 24. № 5 Ноябрь 2023 Электронный журнал

Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy, Dec 31, 2022
The covid-19 pandemic profoundly influenced the Balinese economy and tourism industry, particular... more The covid-19 pandemic profoundly influenced the Balinese economy and tourism industry, particularly in Canggu's growing economy. The general purpose of this research is to discover how Canggu women's career options have changed since the rapid development of tourism in recent years, as the effect of tourism downfall during and after the COVID-19 epidemic. The research objective is to analyze the internal and external elements that impact women's decision to enter the workforce. This study adopted a qualitative descriptive analysis based on the research purpose. Female Canggu Village Youth Organization members were explicitly chosen as informants for this study. The interview process findings and researchers' involvement in the field revealed that women's decision-making in Canggu Village was influenced by internal factors, such as education level and personality traits, and external factors, such as cultural customs and the influence of those closest to them. Despite the economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, women in Canggu Village are mainly confident that tourism will become the leading industry driving the Canggu Village economy. The findings of this study are likely to assist local governments, academics working on women's empowerment, gender equality, and sustainable tourist development, as well as other communities working to achieve sustainable development.
Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy, Feb 2, 2021

Jurnal Ekonomi Kuantitatif Terapan, 2021
For the Balinese, water is essential for their ritual-based culture. Water is an entity to comple... more For the Balinese, water is essential for their ritual-based culture. Water is an entity to complete Balinese everyday life, especially the spiritual aspects that need holy water for rituals. This study aims to analyze the influence of Balinese indigenous knowledge about groundwater management, membership of the indigenous organizations, perception of the catchment areas, and water resources alternatives to groundwater resource conservation amongst Balinese. To address this, a survey of a representative sample of 139 Balinese adults in SARBAGITA (Denpasar Regency, Badung Regency, Gianyar Regency, and Tabanan Regency) has been conducted. With logistic regression model, this study found that knowledge and method used in respondents' households when water is limited are the most significant factor that affects respondents' willingness to participate in sacred springs conservation program.

Proceedings of the Brawijaya International Conference on Economics, Business and Finance 2021 (BICEBF 2021), 2022
Water is an essential component of Balinese daily life, particularly in the spiritual realm, wher... more Water is an essential component of Balinese daily life, particularly in the spiritual realm, where holy water is required for rituals. This research employ descriptive analysis to describe water literacy among Hindu Balinese community, based on indigenous concepts related to sacred natural sites and sustainable groundwater management. To address this issue, a survey of 139 Balinese adults was undertaken in SARBAGITA (Denpasar Regency, Badung Regency, Gianyar Regency, and Tabanan Regency). According to the findings, the indigenous community network raised community awareness toward water management of sacred natural sites. They must be created and implemented because attitudes are shaped by knowledge of water management issues. In order to create and implement community water literacy and guide policy decisions on indigenous water resource management, more awareness and focused extension support are required. For further research, focusing on future education-based interventions should be based on specific policy decisions to include indigenous water knowledge in school curriculum and groundwater management methods, rather than simply sharing knowledge and raising awareness to achieve groundwater management sustainability.

Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy, 2022
One of the points of the 2030 sustainable development goals is to ensure sustainable production a... more One of the points of the 2030 sustainable development goals is to ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns. One strategy that can be used is to consume food and non-food based on pro-environment (green product). This study aims to determine how the consumption pattern of green products from urban communities in Denpasar City. What are the internal and external factors that encourage urban communities in the city of Denpasar to consume green products? The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis which is useful for looking at the average, cross tabulation of demographic factors, internal and external factors with the choice of consuming green products from the urban community of Denpasar. The results of the study stated that the factors that became the basis for people to consume green products were 1) the desire to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, 2) health factors, 3) better quality of goods, and 4) following trends. Types of Green Produc...

Jurnal Ekonomi Kuantitatif Terapan, 2014
The paper analyzes subjects behavior in evolutionary process of entry game. The experiment is d... more The paper analyzes subjects behavior in evolutionary process of entry game. The experiment is designed to analyze the behavior of the subject. The experiment is set in sequential entry games. Process of the game was conducted under asymmetric information, uncertainty, payoff perturbation and random matching. The subjects of the experiment were students of the Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia. Subjects who play as new-entrance firms tend to choose stay-out strategy when the uncertainty and the amount of loss increase. Meanwhile, the subjects who play as an incumbent firm, which set to have more information about the game (market) rather than the new-entrances, most of the time abuse their position by choose threat strategy, which not a credible strategy for some of them. Experimental studies shows that New-entrance tend to weight more on lost when the risk increase (from risk averse setting to risk seeking setting), and tend to choose sure value over a lotteries althoug...

E-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana, 2018
This study aims to determine the economic impact on the modern retail businesses after the applic... more This study aims to determine the economic impact on the modern retail businesses after the application of public policy about plastic bag fee by the government. The methodology used is descriptive with interviewing 53 samples of modern retailer in Badung and Denpasar area. This study get the result that, in terms of modern retail, there is a tendency not to impose tariffs on consumer plastic bags because they do not want to lose customers. It can be concluded that the modern retail stores do not feel any significant change of the economic policy of plastic bags fee. Consumers are still willing to pay the price set by the government, and most of the modern retail stores choose not to implement a policy of that paid plastic. Going forward, the policy paid plastic can be equipped with alternative materials usage policies for shopping bags also with a higher tariff for plastic bags. So the number of plastic bags that are used can be reduced and replaced with environmentally friendly mat...
E Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Udayana, 2013
This study aims to analyze the customers willingness to pay for clean water service that provided... more This study aims to analyze the customers willingness to pay for clean water service that provided by PDAM in Badung Regency and identify the factors that influence the customers wilingness to pay for water service as a responce to the water service from PDAM in Badung Regency. Using Logistic Regression Model, the study found that customers willingness to pay for clean water connections varies between one region and others. Meanwhile, the significant factors that affect customers willingness to pay for clean water service are number of family members, quantity and quality of water, total family income, and ownership of water source beside the connection taps. While not significant factor that affect customers willingness to pay is the level of education.
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Papers by amrita saraswaty