This research was conducted to determine the potential of banana waste (Musa acuminata Cavendish ... more This research was conducted to determine the potential of banana waste (Musa acuminata Cavendish Subgroup), nutritional content, and phytochemical compounds. This study used descriptive analysis using interviews and field observations, as well as proximate analysis of the nutrient content i.e. whole banana, banana peel, and banana stem waste, and also phytochemical screening of banana peels and banana stems. Based on dry matter, whole banana waste contains 10.23% Ash, 1.80% Fat, 3.82% Crude Protein (CP), 8.81 Crude Fiber (CF), and 75.34% Nitrogen-Free Extract (NFE). Banana peel waste contains 6.33% Ash, 4.12% Fat, 4.67% CP, 18.46 CF, and 66.42% (NFE). Banana stem waste contains 25.84% Ash, 1.74% Fat, 11.64% CP, 41.88 CF, and 18.90% (NFE). Banana banana stems and peels contains flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and terpenoids but they does not contain alkaloids. Whole banana waste, or banana peel and banana stem waste, from the Cavendish banana species (Musa acuminata Cavendish Subgroup...
Jurnal of Agriculture and Animal Science, Oct 31, 2022
Caisim is a vegetable plant with a subtropical climate that is in great demand by the public. One... more Caisim is a vegetable plant with a subtropical climate that is in great demand by the public. One of the efforts to increase the yield of caisim is hydroponic cultivation. One of the factors that can affect the quality and quantity of plants is spacing. Based on this, a study was conducted to determine the right spacing for the productivity of claim plants hydroponically. The research method used is the experimental method. Spacing treatment consisted of 4 levels, namely P1: 10 cm x 20 cm spacing, P2: 20 cm x 20 cm spacing, P3: 30 cm x 20 cm spacing and P4: 40 cm x 20 cm spacing. Each treatment consisted of 10 replications. Primary data was obtained by observing the growth of caisim for 5 weeks at intervals of once a week. The variables observed were plant height, number of leaves, and fresh weight of harvest. Spacing can affect the productivity of Caisim plants. Treatment with a spacing of 30 cm x 20 cm gave better results on stem height, number of leaves, and fresh weight of caisim harvest.
Jurnal of Agriculture and Animal Science, Oct 31, 2022
Sweet corn production at the level of Indonesian farmers is still very low. The low production is... more Sweet corn production at the level of Indonesian farmers is still very low. The low production is due to the many obstacles faced in the cultivation of sweet corn, including low soil fertility. The tendency of farmers to currently use inorganic fertilizers. The negative effect of using inorganic fertilizers is that the physical condition of the soil becomes worse, yields decrease from the previous yield, plants grow abnormally, poison the soil and pollute the environment, and are harmful to human health. An alternative to overcome these negative effects is the use of organic fertilizers. This fertilizer tends to increase the amount of water that can be held in the soil and available to plants, as well as a source of energy for microorganisms. This research consists of two factors. The first factor is a different type of manure and the second factor is a different dose level. The parameters of plant growth observed were plant height, number of leaves, and stem diameter, while the production parameters observed were the dry weight of stover, number of fruit, and fruit weight. The results of the application of chicken manure and a dose level of 30 tons/ha on sweet corn showed better growth, while the highest production was in the treatment of quail manure with a dose level of 30 tons/ha.
Abstrak: Ulat grayak (Spodoptera litura F.) merupakan salah satu organisme pengganggu pada tanama... more Abstrak: Ulat grayak (Spodoptera litura F.) merupakan salah satu organisme pengganggu pada tanaman perkebunan, pangan, maupun hortikultura yang biasanya menyebabkan kerusakan pada daun. Seekor ngengat betina ulat grayak dapat menghasilkan 2000–3000 butir telur. Upaya pengendalian hama ulat grayak, petani masih menggunakan insektisida kimia. Penggunaan insektisida kimia tidak hanya diaplikasikan pada tanaman juga tempat penyimpanan. Hal ini dapat membahayakan kesehatan konsumen terutama jika menggunakan insektisida kimia yang tingkat residunya tinggi dan tidak mudah larut dalam air. Alternatif untuk mengatasi pengaruh negatif tersebut yaitu dengan beralih menggunakan insektisida alami yakni insektisida nabati seperti tangkai buah lada yang memiliki potensi sangat baik untuk digunakan dalam pengendalian hama tanpa memusnahkannya. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan pembuatan insektisida nabati dari tangkai buah lada metode rebus dan fermentasi yang kemudian selanjutnya diaplikasikan pada la...
This research was conducted to determine the potential of banana waste (Musa acuminata Cavendish ... more This research was conducted to determine the potential of banana waste (Musa acuminata Cavendish Subgroup), nutritional content, and phytochemical compounds. This study used descriptive analysis using interviews and field observations, as well as proximate analysis of the nutrient content i.e. whole banana, banana peel, and banana stem waste, and also phytochemical screening of banana peels and banana stems. Based on dry matter, whole banana waste contains 10.23% Ash, 1.80% Fat, 3.82% Crude Protein (CP), 8.81 Crude Fiber (CF), and 75.34% Nitrogen-Free Extract (NFE). Banana peel waste contains 6.33% Ash, 4.12% Fat, 4.67% CP, 18.46 CF, and 66.42% (NFE). Banana stem waste contains 25.84% Ash, 1.74% Fat, 11.64% CP, 41.88 CF, and 18.90% (NFE). Banana banana stems and peels contains flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and terpenoids but they does not contain alkaloids. Whole banana waste, or banana peel and banana stem waste, from the Cavendish banana species (Musa acuminata Cavendish Subgroup...
Jurnal of Agriculture and Animal Science, Oct 31, 2022
Caisim is a vegetable plant with a subtropical climate that is in great demand by the public. One... more Caisim is a vegetable plant with a subtropical climate that is in great demand by the public. One of the efforts to increase the yield of caisim is hydroponic cultivation. One of the factors that can affect the quality and quantity of plants is spacing. Based on this, a study was conducted to determine the right spacing for the productivity of claim plants hydroponically. The research method used is the experimental method. Spacing treatment consisted of 4 levels, namely P1: 10 cm x 20 cm spacing, P2: 20 cm x 20 cm spacing, P3: 30 cm x 20 cm spacing and P4: 40 cm x 20 cm spacing. Each treatment consisted of 10 replications. Primary data was obtained by observing the growth of caisim for 5 weeks at intervals of once a week. The variables observed were plant height, number of leaves, and fresh weight of harvest. Spacing can affect the productivity of Caisim plants. Treatment with a spacing of 30 cm x 20 cm gave better results on stem height, number of leaves, and fresh weight of caisim harvest.
Jurnal of Agriculture and Animal Science, Oct 31, 2022
Sweet corn production at the level of Indonesian farmers is still very low. The low production is... more Sweet corn production at the level of Indonesian farmers is still very low. The low production is due to the many obstacles faced in the cultivation of sweet corn, including low soil fertility. The tendency of farmers to currently use inorganic fertilizers. The negative effect of using inorganic fertilizers is that the physical condition of the soil becomes worse, yields decrease from the previous yield, plants grow abnormally, poison the soil and pollute the environment, and are harmful to human health. An alternative to overcome these negative effects is the use of organic fertilizers. This fertilizer tends to increase the amount of water that can be held in the soil and available to plants, as well as a source of energy for microorganisms. This research consists of two factors. The first factor is a different type of manure and the second factor is a different dose level. The parameters of plant growth observed were plant height, number of leaves, and stem diameter, while the production parameters observed were the dry weight of stover, number of fruit, and fruit weight. The results of the application of chicken manure and a dose level of 30 tons/ha on sweet corn showed better growth, while the highest production was in the treatment of quail manure with a dose level of 30 tons/ha.
Abstrak: Ulat grayak (Spodoptera litura F.) merupakan salah satu organisme pengganggu pada tanama... more Abstrak: Ulat grayak (Spodoptera litura F.) merupakan salah satu organisme pengganggu pada tanaman perkebunan, pangan, maupun hortikultura yang biasanya menyebabkan kerusakan pada daun. Seekor ngengat betina ulat grayak dapat menghasilkan 2000–3000 butir telur. Upaya pengendalian hama ulat grayak, petani masih menggunakan insektisida kimia. Penggunaan insektisida kimia tidak hanya diaplikasikan pada tanaman juga tempat penyimpanan. Hal ini dapat membahayakan kesehatan konsumen terutama jika menggunakan insektisida kimia yang tingkat residunya tinggi dan tidak mudah larut dalam air. Alternatif untuk mengatasi pengaruh negatif tersebut yaitu dengan beralih menggunakan insektisida alami yakni insektisida nabati seperti tangkai buah lada yang memiliki potensi sangat baik untuk digunakan dalam pengendalian hama tanpa memusnahkannya. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan pembuatan insektisida nabati dari tangkai buah lada metode rebus dan fermentasi yang kemudian selanjutnya diaplikasikan pada la...
Papers by Refki sanjaya